View Full Version : Help save a life: Bone marrow donation

03-01-2011, 12:09 AM
Hey guys, just trying to do my part in spreading the word. Someone I know Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and went through months of chemotherapy but failed to achieve remission... She will require a bone marrow transplant to survive.

She is Oriental and the match will need to be of the same descent, however even if you don't match her, getting swabbed could mean that you'd become the last hope for someone out there. If you were a match, the process is usually quite painless (much akin to giving blood).
All it takes is a simple and painless swab of the inside of your cheek.

Please register at an event being held on:

Thursday, March 3rd between 2:40 to 8:30pm
Donald Cousens Public School
315 Mingay Ave, Markham, ON


You can also learn more and register yourself on www.onematch.ca, a bone marrow and stem cell donor matching network. The entire process is covered by OHIP, and they can mail a swab kit out to you if you can't make it out to the event.

The 15 minutes it takes may not mean much to you, but it means everything in the world to a potential recipient. Please feel free to spread this post to all of the Canadian-based forums you guys browse as well!!


03-01-2011, 12:20 AM
out of curiousity, why does the match need to be of same decent?

03-01-2011, 12:27 AM
I really don't want to discourage anyone from such a worthy and commendable cause, but the following should be corrected:

If you were a match, the process is usually quite painless (much akin to giving blood).
All it takes is a simple and painless swab of the inside of your cheek.

The collection of material to verify donor-recipient compatibility is a simple procedure. The actual donation is not, if donating marrow is required.

Stem cell donation can be done similarly to donating blood. Bone marrow donation on the other hand, is performed under general or regional anaesthetic, and is thus a surgical procedure. Donation amounts can range from 0.5-1.5 litres, which the donor replenishes within about 6 weeks.

That said, everyone reading this needs to ask themselves: "If I were in the situation, would I want someone to do the same for me, if it was within their power?"

If the answer is yes, give serious consideration to donating... Even if you only do it once in your life, and even if you only do so to buy karma in the event you need a procedure later in life... But do think about it.

03-01-2011, 11:56 AM
I really don't want to discourage anyone from such a worthy and commendable cause, but the following should be corrected:

The collection of material to verify donor-recipient compatibility is a simple procedure. The actual donation is not, if donating marrow is required.

Stem cell donation can be done similarly to donating blood. Bone marrow donation on the other hand, is performed under general or regional anaesthetic, and is thus a surgical procedure. Donation amounts can range from 0.5-1.5 litres, which the donor replenishes within about 6 weeks.

That said, everyone reading this needs to ask themselves: "If I were in the situation, would I want someone to do the same for me, if it was within their power?"

If the answer is yes, give serious consideration to donating... Even if you only do it once in your life, and even if you only do so to buy karma in the event you need a procedure later in life... But do think about it.


Going to try and stop by on my way back from pickering.