View Full Version : Dings and dents advice...

03-20-2011, 07:50 PM
So with today being the first official day of spring, I have started to think about what spring cleaning (and touch ups and painting..) my car will need. I just purchased it at the end of January, it was previously leased, and whoever had it seemed to drive it like it was a bumper car:bang.....below are pics of the various things that need fixing.

this is near my trunk...it's rusty...and to the metal:http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/196014_744500040670_187908089_43345972_6570813_n.j pg
This is just below the rear reflector on the drivers side:
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/200552_744500100550_187908089_43345974_995725_n.jp g
This one is by the back corner-drivers side..:
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/188680_744500130490_187908089_43345977_7847797_n.j pg
This is all along the driver side...looks awful:(:
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/198842_744500170410_187908089_43345978_2721535_n.j pg
This is just above the drivers side foglight...previous owner tried to touch it up...is that actually how awful the touchup pen looks? I don't know if the picture really do it justice, but in real life it looks like white-out:
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/189300_744500245260_187908089_43345981_7273414_n.j pg
Finally....this is the passenger side door trim I guess? Its clearly been scratched up and then they attempted touch up paint? Kind of looks like it is melting now haha.
Considering removing this all together for a cleaner look, my only worry is based on all the ding and dents I will discover something horrible underneath if I pull it off...:
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/196902_744500315120_187908089_43345984_2824180_n.j pg

I would love any of your suggestions and feedback on how to approach these, as everyone on the forum seems very knowledgeable!

Thank you!

03-20-2011, 07:55 PM
A lot of that your option is to touch up or re-paint...the side moldings, remove em all together.

Just a question but you knew about this damage when purchasing the car?

03-20-2011, 07:56 PM
Tough on the gear eh??, lol...looks like you need a repaint!

03-20-2011, 08:05 PM
Yeah, I am leaning towards taking the side moldings completely off once it warms up. And yes, I knew the vehicle needed some TLC when I purchased it, I didn't expect perfection from a used vehicle that's been on the road for 4 years already.

A lot of that your option is to touch up or re-paint...the side moldings, remove em all together.

Just a question but you knew about this damage when purchasing the car?

Anyone have any suggestions of how to start deal with the scrape on the skirt area? That is plastic right? I'm wondering if I can do much to smooth it out?

03-20-2011, 10:09 PM
Don't worry, I'm sure you're not the only member in this situation. Even myself, I've come across a coue of nicks and minor dents over the season. I'm hoping the dent removal guy (Kevin) willbe able to work some wonders. :)

for those who don't know who Kevin is, just trying doing a search for the dent removal guy :). This dude can work some wonders......

03-21-2011, 11:55 AM
Thanks for the tips so far guys!
The nicks I have are really all quite small so I am hoping I can do some DIY repair...
as for the crappy paint touch up work done by the previous owner, does anyone have experience tackling that type of thing and smoothing it out?

Thank you!

Kaptain Sloth
03-21-2011, 02:34 PM
That's my least favorite part of the spring... discovering all the "wonderful" new chips, scratches and marks that were made at some point over the winter months.

03-21-2011, 03:20 PM
That's my least favorite part of the spring... discovering all the "wonderful" new chips, scratches and marks that were made at some point over the winter months.


Brought my car for a touchless car wash the other day and noticed so many new chips/scratches that surfaced..

03-21-2011, 11:49 PM
The previous owner was probably charged up the wazoo for these damages but the dealer decided to pocket the cash and send the car to auction. :chuckle

Seriously though, I'd have never touched a car like this unless it was exceptionally priced/something was really good about it.

03-22-2011, 01:19 AM
Seriously though, I'd have never touched a car like this unless it was exceptionally priced/something was really good about it.

Well I'd say that's a bit extreme over a few superficial scratches on a 4+ year old car (it is a 2007 afterall).

And I did get a great deal-its totally loaded, low kms, and I work at a dealership so I paid wholesale for it ;)
Come some warmer weather I'm hoping with a bit of elbow grease (and carefully applied touch up paint) she'll be good as new.
Does anyone have actual advice on dealing with the prior owners attempt at touch up paint? I'm thinking I will have to veryyyy carefully sand off the 'white out' and reapply some touch-up paint very carefully.

03-23-2011, 03:28 PM
Well I'd say that's a bit extreme over a few superficial scratches on a 4+ year old car (it is a 2007 afterall).

And I did get a great deal-its totally loaded, low kms, and I work at a dealership so I paid wholesale for it ;)
Come some warmer weather I'm hoping with a bit of elbow grease (and carefully applied touch up paint) she'll be good as new.
Does anyone have actual advice on dealing with the prior owners attempt at touch up paint? I'm thinking I will have to veryyyy carefully sand off the 'white out' and reapply some touch-up paint very carefully.

The damage on the car is NOT what I'd expect on a 4 year old car. The stuff in the 3rd/5th pic is nasty. The worst part is the owner was probably charged to fix this stuff after the lease return but nothing was done by the dealer. There was a story about a guy who found the buyer of his lease-return based on the damage the vehicle had visible.

03-25-2011, 06:13 PM
Well I'd say that's a bit extreme over a few superficial scratches on a 4+ year old car (it is a 2007 afterall).

And I did get a great deal-its totally loaded, low kms, and I work at a dealership so I paid wholesale for it ;)
Come some warmer weather I'm hoping with a bit of elbow grease (and carefully applied touch up paint) she'll be good as new.
Does anyone have actual advice on dealing with the prior owners attempt at touch up paint? I'm thinking I will have to veryyyy carefully sand off the 'white out' and reapply some touch-up paint very carefully.

Just put some laquer thinners on a rag and most of that crappy touch up paint will rub off.
