View Full Version : Cleaning White Rims

04-01-2011, 11:12 AM
I've been trying to get my Works clean recently, but I'm having a hard time. I've got one of the Meguiar's rim cleaners at home and it worked okay, but it didn't get everything. I'm just wondering what other people with white rims have used (or currently use). I really don't know the first thing about (properly) cleaning rims, so I really want to learn so I can keep my babies white and bright!

I guess what I'm looking for is:

Winter Prep.

- What do you do before you take them off for the winter?
- What do you do after you take them off for the winter?
- What products do you use?
- How do you store them for the winter?

Winter Maintenance (do you do anything to / with them over the course of the winter?)

- Do you do anything to them / with them over the course of the winter?
- If so, what do you do?
- What products do you use?
- How often?

Spring / Summer Prep.

- What do you do to get them ready for summer?
- What products do you use?
- How far in advance of putting your summers back on do you do this?

Regular Summer Maintenance

- What do you do over the summer to keep them white and bright?
- What products do you use?
- How often?

04-01-2011, 11:25 AM
what kind of finish does the white rims have, powder coat only, clear coat

you have to stay on top of them and use cleaner like Custom Wheel Cleaner once a week or so to avoid build up.

After that I would use a good sealant such as blackfire all metal sealant or a nano sealant to seal them up and keep the brake dust down.

04-01-2011, 11:32 AM
I haven't a clue to be honest, I bought them used. So I would guess however they come from the factory.

04-01-2011, 11:44 AM
if they are cleared you can clean them with wheel acid and them go to a gentler rim cleaner after that