View Full Version : Clay bars is it worth the extra effort
05-13-2011, 07:17 PM
The nice weather is finally here. Time to deep clean the car. I was thinking of purchasing a clay bar kit and going to town on the extrior of my car.
Just wondering how many members have done this, it seems like an awful lot of work, and were the results worth the effort. Also any recomendatons on which brand to buy?
If any one has any tips I would appreciate hearing about them.
I'm pretty sure this looks like an all day event.
05-13-2011, 07:26 PM
It is definitely worth it, if you feel the paint before clay bar and then after it's like glass soooo smooth. I use Meguires clay bar kit and it works pretty good.
It is definitely worth it, if you feel the paint before clay bar and then after it's like glass soooo smooth. I use Meguires clay bar kit and it works pretty good.
Just make sure you wax the car afterwards.
05-13-2011, 07:31 PM
The simple answer. Yes. No question about it.
What a clay bar does is remove all of the contamination form the clear coat before you seal or wax.
05-13-2011, 07:31 PM
I would definitely recommend a claying of your vehicle. Visually you won't see any difference (and claying is not the intent of that). It's more of a preparation prior to polishing and/or applying a wax/sealant.
Like I said visually you won't see a difference but once you run the back of your hand on a paint surface that has been clayed you will be amazed. It will feel like glass.
But the reason to claying a vehicle is to lift contamination that have embedded into your paint and it's something that can't be taken out by simply washing your vehicle. It prevents swirling paint when applying a wax/sealant.
This is popular amongst any professional detailer who is going to paint correct and/or apply a wax/sealant.
If you like you can pick up either a meguiars or mothers claybar kit at Canadian tire or walmart. I personally prefer the mothers clay. You get more grams for the money. But I prefer the detailer that meguiars kit comes with.
But either or is fine. If you like to meet up sometime I can show you a few tips and pointers.
05-13-2011, 07:36 PM
1) wash
2) clay bar
3) wax and polish
wicked smooth
I am a first time user of the clay this summer. Purchased a MeGuires? clay kit. TOTALLY worth the extra effort. I was so thrilled with the result that I will try and do it mid summer. The car was so soft and had a shimmer to it that was nothing like ive ever seen. I received complements from everyone. That alone was worth the 25$ for the kit. DO IT!!!
05-13-2011, 08:14 PM
Depends how concerned you are about your paint. It's not required, but it is good for it (if done properly). And it's pretty cool feeling the difference when you're done.
I just did my hood the other day, felt like sandpaper at first but once I was done it definitely felt like silk ;) if you're feeling lazy just do a couple panels whenever you have a chance! That's probably what I'll be doing this spring.
You really don't have to clay bar the whole car...You can get away with only claying where the paint is rough
1) wash
2) clay bar
3) wax and polish
wicked smooth
polish before wax
05-13-2011, 08:25 PM
1) wash
2) clay bar
3) wax and polish
wicked smooth
correction? polish than wax
05-13-2011, 08:52 PM
The nice weather is finally here. Time to deep clean the car. I was thinking of purchasing a clay bar kit and going to town on the extrior of my car.
Just wondering how many members have done this, it seems like an awful lot of work, and were the results worth the effort. Also any recomendatons on which brand to buy?
If any one has any tips I would appreciate hearing about them.
I'm pretty sure this looks like an all day event.
Yes, this is one of the most important steps in cleaning the exterior of the car before you apply any wax on. It takes un-see-able dirt off so that you can have a smooth layer of wax afterward. Definitely worth the extra 20 mins to clay bar.
05-13-2011, 09:09 PM
1. Rinse
2. Wash with soap
3. Claybar
4. Wax
05-13-2011, 09:16 PM
05-13-2011, 09:19 PM
Yes. Clay bar it after washing and drying it. Then apply a sealant or wax in a shaded area like a garage and you're good to go for the summer. Repeat in the fall.
05-13-2011, 09:57 PM
Thanks Phillie, I checked out a couple of other videos as well, the one for Mothers and Meguiar's.
Apreciate your help and input.
05-13-2011, 10:00 PM
Thanks to all the members for your help and input.:)
05-13-2011, 10:11 PM
No problem. Any questions dont be afraid to ask. Were all here to help one another. This is what makes TM3 such a great community.
05-13-2011, 10:14 PM
I used the Meguiars clay bar a couple of weekends ago. First time I've ever used a clay bar and although the results are definitely worth it... IT IS A LOT OF WORK! Be sure to set aside a few hours to do the entire car.
05-13-2011, 10:37 PM
No problem. Any questions dont be afraid to ask. Were all here to help one another. This is what makes TM3 such a great community.
Agreed. If you need help, I'm in Brampton too. Let me know. I too used Meguiars clay bar kit.
05-13-2011, 10:44 PM
I used the Meguiars clay bar a couple of weekends ago. First time I've ever used a clay bar and although the results are definitely worth it... IT IS A LOT OF WORK! Be sure to set aside a few hours to do the entire car.
Last time I did my car it took like 30 mins, why did it take you so long??
05-13-2011, 11:12 PM
Claying should not take too long. 10-30 minutes. You dont ever rub or press hard with the clay. Just lubricate the clay and the area and slide it back and forth till you feel no friction or hear no grit being picked up.
05-14-2011, 12:17 AM
Last time I did my car it took like 30 mins, why did it take you so long??
For my white hatch, took me over an hour and maybe close to 2 hours to clay bar my car. Thing is with my white color you can see orange specs on the paint that are everywhere! Takes me a while to find them all and get them off with the clay bar. I've had my car since last August and I've clay barred my car prolly 4 or 5 times now. Definitly worth the hassle and my time. Makes a huge difference I find.
05-14-2011, 01:47 AM
Thanks to all the members for your help and input.:)
FYI; There is a link on the site here, under the Current Deals section to a coupon for the Mother's Clay kit @ $15.99 at PartSource...Mother's clay is pretty good.
05-14-2011, 09:01 AM
Claying takes me way longer than 30 minutes... maybe I am doing it wrong
05-14-2011, 09:10 AM
1. Rinse
2. Wash with soap
3. Claybar
4. Wax
I notice most people aren't adding a rewash after claybar ?
I have always gone
1. Rinse
2. Wash with Dawn Detergent
3. ClayBar
4. Rewash with Soft Wash
5. Wax.
I find using the claybar I use fresh soapy water as a lubricant or the a detailer, but it still leaves my car to dirty to wax right away. Am I doing it wrong?
I notice most people aren't adding a rewash after claybar ?
I have always gone
1. Rinse
2. Wash with Dawn Detergent
3. ClayBar
4. Rewash with Soft Wash
5. Wax.
I find using the claybar I use fresh soapy water as a lubricant or the a detailer, but it still leaves my car to dirty to wax right away. Am I doing it wrong?
This is why you need to rewash the car...if you use the detailer then you don't need to re wash
Claying takes me way longer than 30 minutes... maybe I am doing it wrong
You and me both lmao, i spent an hour just claying....mabye were just thorough lol
05-14-2011, 10:38 AM
+1, claying removes all the dirt particles anyway and the detailer used with the clay is basically washing the car for you again... The second wash isn't really necessrary, I'd be afraid of leaving soap scum behind just before waxing, yuck!
And 10 minutes to clay the ENTIRE car????? Wow. Takes me 2 hours, maybe I'm doing it wrong too lol... Or my car is just reeeeeally dutty :p
05-14-2011, 10:52 AM
FYI; There is a link on the site here, under the Current Deals section to a coupon for the Mother's Clay kit @ $15.99 at PartSource...Mother's clay is pretty good.
_3Thanks for the heads up, just printed off a couple of coupons, great price!!!! Also forgot about the current deals section, thanks for the reminder!!!!
05-14-2011, 11:18 AM
I'm thinking once I claybar the car, that this would be a good time to use my Meguiar's Deep Crystal 3 step wax stystem.
Step 1 is the paint cleaner.
Step 2 is the polish.
Step 3 is the carnauba wax.
Ahh I think my 2010 speed 3 is going to be a HAPPY HAPPY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZOOM ZOOM!!!!!!!!!!
05-14-2011, 11:38 AM
This is why you need to rewash the car...if you use the detailer then you don't need to re wash
I use car soap sometimes after I've run out of detailer and it works good.Although you may have to wash the car again, it's just a quicky wash and rinse, a full wash is not needed.Sometimes just rinsing works.
For the people that are having a hard time with the claying maybe you should try this method before claying; I use ICE liquid clay to wash the car beforehand, then again relatively quickly with a mixture of car/dawn soap.The ICE liquid clay you use just like it's a car wash soap and cleans your paint real nice of most contaminates, therefore the claying is only for removing imbedded particles.Remember (see video) your just lightly gliding the clay over the surface, you can do it as quick as you like and if your hand hurts afterwards your pressing too hard...Seriously except for some extreme cases, claying should not take more then an hour tops.
05-14-2011, 11:40 AM
Clay bar FTW!, claying for me take about 30 mins to 1hr because CWP is more noticable for rail dust after winter. Really need to put some elbow grease :)
05-14-2011, 12:54 PM
it takes me about 2 hours for the entire car..
05-14-2011, 01:32 PM
Lol, it takes me like 2 hours to clay my gf's cwp hatch. Afterwards, i do a half ass job like 10 mins on my own car because im tired and also because my car is black haha
05-14-2011, 01:38 PM
I spend about an hour or a little bit more to clay my cwp hatch D= Long work, but very satisfying!
05-14-2011, 01:50 PM
how many times in a month do u guys usually clay bar your car?
lets say you clay bared your car today...then how long would u do it again?
The Wolf
05-14-2011, 02:07 PM
It's definitely worth it on my white car... I didn't do a great job thought, missed some spots and now i'm kicking myself haha.
Take your time.
The Wolf
05-14-2011, 02:08 PM
how many times in a month do u guys usually clay bar your car?
lets say you clay bared your car today...then how long would u do it again?
I think most people just do it once per year
05-14-2011, 02:24 PM
Max twice a year. Once in the spring and MAYBE once more in the fall.
05-14-2011, 02:33 PM
Lol, it takes me like 2 hours to clay my gf's cwp hatch. Afterwards, i do a half ass job like 10 mins on my own car because im tired and also because my car is black haha
LMAO, ...why not just do your car another day when your well rested? ;)
how many times in a month do u guys usually clay bar your car?
lets say you clay bared your car today...then how long would u do it again?
Once a year (spring)
05-14-2011, 04:41 PM
i clay twice a year. once in may, and usually once in november (once the fall dust has settled).
takes me a couple hours to do properly.
05-24-2011, 02:18 PM
I just did my 3 on Saturday and the car looks amazing. Overall it took about 3 hours and 4 beers for all of the outside cleaning. I've used Meguires clay bar kit.
1. Rinse and wash
2. Dry with microfiber cloth
3. Clay bar with detailer spray
4. Hand wax with cloth (no polishing)
5. Clean windows on outside
6. Tire dressing :P
I got some pics at home if someone wants to see it ;)
05-24-2011, 02:28 PM
Just a reminder that if your car has never been clay barred and you decide to do it after a few years, expect to put in a few good hours to have it done properly. If you clay on a regular basis, it will take less time for sure.
Other things to take into consideration is how often you wash your car (especially after the winter we just had) and where you live (is there alot of flying dust, construction nearby, or a nearby tree).
Clay barring the car is definitely worth the effort if you care about the look of your car.
05-24-2011, 02:32 PM
i clay bar my car at least 3 times a year, in the spring to get all the winter dirt off, mid summer, and before the winter with a nice coat of wax each time. it sure is a few hours of work and thats even with help.
05-24-2011, 02:37 PM
Yeah... I just did mine this weekend, took approx 5 hours (wash + clay + wax). Looks gooooooood tho :P
05-24-2011, 02:49 PM
I'd love to see some before and after pictures!
05-24-2011, 03:53 PM
Yeah Definitely worth it.....This was the first time I completed the entire car, the paint is amazingly smooth and even after a weekend of rain the car looks as shiny as when I first washed it.
Wash + Clay + Rinse + Polish + Wax.......Car looks amazing again.
05-24-2011, 04:29 PM
I'd love to see some before and after pictures!
I will do some before and after pics.
05-24-2011, 07:31 PM
LMAO, ...why not just do your car another day when your well rested? ;)
yea, but i just use her clay bar so i dont have to buy a new one lol.
Well I just did mine today. Took me 6 hours and I even cleaned inside the car. My paint is smooth again :D
05-25-2011, 09:41 AM
My first clay after winter takes a good 2 hours, like some of the above mentioned on CWP you can see the rail dust all over. It takes a long time to get every spec off lol.
Did some of my car on the weekend. About 6 hours for the hood, roof and hatch...have to love cwp but that also includes washing and waxing those areas too. Next weekend I'll do the doors and 1/4 panels.
05-25-2011, 03:18 PM
d'oh, my bad, mis-editted my post
05-25-2011, 03:19 PM
I'm gonna do it too, hopefully soon
05-25-2011, 03:24 PM
I'd love to see some before and after pictures!
unless the car is really dirty there is not much you can see in a before and after picture really. its more of how the paint feels after clayed
05-26-2011, 03:11 PM
My car was really dirty after our trip to Montreal (642km on way) but I didn't take any pics before doing clay bar. Anyways here it is:
05-26-2011, 04:18 PM
AHHHHH nice and clean, thanks mommy!!!!!
05-26-2011, 04:53 PM
Real clean! Need to do mine now ;)
05-27-2011, 08:26 AM
Would something like Turtle Wax Ice be good to use after a clay bar session or do you need something more?
05-27-2011, 08:52 AM
Would something like Turtle Wax Ice be good to use after a clay bar session or do you need something more?
You can use a polish or swirl removal prior to waxing if you have dull looking paint or have a lot of swirls. But if you don't need to, then the wax itself is fine.
05-29-2011, 05:35 PM
Would something like Turtle Wax Ice be good to use after a clay bar session or do you need something more?
Are you talking about the Liquid wax or the Detailer?
The Liquid Wax you apply with the blue application pad is fine too use, but for best results apply 2 coats and give it a few minutes before wiping it off.
05-29-2011, 10:37 PM
Beating a dead horse here, but since the topic is at the top of the page, I'll pitch in my two cents:
Used a clay bar for the first time today; my car is gunmetal blue mica, so it doesn't show nearly as much as say, CWP.
That said, I found it was absolutely 100% worth every penny and minute spent.
From now on, at an absolute minimum, I will be clay barring my car twice a year, at the end of fall and the start of spring/summer, or as necessary.
The car looks like it's ready for the show room. :)
05-30-2011, 09:36 PM
Thanks for the heads up on the Parts Source coupon. Looking forward to trying to out.
Coupon-- Good until May 31 (
05-30-2011, 09:50 PM
Man, did a full job today. TOTALLY worth it.
05-31-2011, 06:51 AM
yes definitely worth the extra effort if you have a white car....rail dust is your nemesis
06-01-2011, 10:21 PM
Great info, thanks everyone. This is my first spring with my CWP, and definitely needs a clay-bar session.
Just missed the coupon May31...any other coupons anyone? :(
What products do you suggest? TurtleWax, Mother's? I've always been a fan of Meguiar's. Do they make a clay-bar kit?
From what I understand, I need a claybar kit that should come with a detailer? And just a Liquid wax is less than 1 year old, ran it through the touchless wash all winter, I don't think a polish is needed..
06-01-2011, 10:44 PM
Like you, I like Meguiar's products, but I ended up buying the Mothers kit as it's just as good of quality and includes slightly more clay for your money. The Mothers kit includes two bars, detailer (Showtime) and a nice microfibre cloth. The detailer also smells like cinnamon hearts. :P
Like yours, my car isn't terribly old so you probably won't use too much of the clay in your first session. My order of work which seemed to work pretty well was:
- Regular car wash, rinse & dry
- Wash with Dawn, rinse & dry (strips auto wax)
- Clay bar
- Fix any paint chips if necessary
- Liquid sealant (synthetic wax)
Apparently using a traditional (Carnauba) wax overtop of the sealant will help make it even shinier to boot.
06-01-2011, 10:59 PM
That's great to know, I might go with the Mother's kit if it's more clay (and, cinnamon hearts will remind me of a nice Starbuxx coffee with two dashses of Cinnamon for the ride!).
I'll probably stay away from the Carnuba wax for now - due to the labour involved. And, since the car is still pretty new, liquid should be o.k.
I did some reading through the Forums. People seem to suggest NXT 2.0 as the Liquid Wax to go with, and say it's even better than Meguiar's Ultimate Liquid Wax.
*** Any thoughts? ***
06-01-2011, 11:02 PM
The NXT 2.0 is the exact sealant I use. (smells like cherry, lol) Love it.
Results speak for themselves:
Note that this is from last year, before I clay barred it... Looks even better now.
06-02-2011, 11:28 AM
I use NXT 2.0 (Meguiar's tech wax), easy to put on, takes a bit of work to get it off with a microfibre cloth, which is fine with me because if it comes out too easily then it probably hasn't adhered well enough.
06-16-2011, 09:35 PM
Always worth it. Clay our cars at least 3 times a year.
Yup definately worth it!!...I usually do it twice a year....after and before winter XD
06-18-2011, 09:34 PM
That's great to know, I might go with the Mother's kit if it's more clay (and, cinnamon hearts will remind me of a nice Starbuxx coffee with two dashses of Cinnamon for the ride!).
I'll probably stay away from the Carnuba wax for now - due to the labour involved. And, since the car is still pretty new, liquid should be o.k.I did some reading through the Forums. People seem to suggest NXT 2.0 as the Liquid Wax to go with, and say it's even better than Meguiar's Ultimate Liquid Wax.
*** Any thoughts? ***
Personally I've been using Turtle wax Ice liquid wax, I've tried the NXT 2.0 and comparibly, found no difference in shine or longevity but the NXT was harder to remove plus Turtle wax has brought out a new instant spray; Turtle Wax Ice Synthetic Spray Wax, which you can use over the liquid (in between waxes)~THis stuff is awesome made from a combo of synthetic polymers and Carnuba wax, it basically hides most swirls and brings on a shine like you wouldn't believe! With both Ice products you can wax basically all parts of the car, incuding rubber, plastic, glass and it won't stain.IMHO it's the best on the market for everyday use.
06-20-2011, 10:50 AM
I just claybard my car two days ago...
The difference in the paint of before and after is just AMAZING.
Here is a pic of the after.
It was getting dark.
I applied Mothers Carnuba wax after.
07-09-2011, 11:02 PM
Holy! Wasn't doing anything today so went down and bought some clay and wax. The whole job took about 3 1/2 hours (car wash then waxing).. but I'm extremely happy with the job. The car shines and its so smooth!
I'll definitely do this again :]
Only downside is that after the wax, the rock chips and dents are quite visible now on the front. I should have got that clearbra :/
07-10-2011, 12:01 AM
is it me or the angle of the pic? that wheel gap seems like a lot
I just claybard my car two days ago...
The difference in the paint of before and after is just AMAZING.
Here is a pic of the after.
It was getting dark.
I applied Mothers Carnuba wax after.
07-10-2011, 12:12 AM
looks good. nyone try autoglym (in the can)??? thats the wax i use and it costs like 40 buks at canadian tire (hard to find) but it lasts forever and they give u sick applicators and take-off rag in case. Just getting the word out for others to try it if they want. this clay bar stuff looks great too, but almost 4 hours of washing and waxing seems alot to me.
07-12-2011, 09:19 AM
is it me or the angle of the pic? that wheel gap seems like a lot
haha, its the angle of the pic.
The car is riding at stock height.
07-12-2011, 11:25 PM
Not sire if anyone mention this, but buy iron x soap gel. Lmost no need for clay.a
07-16-2011, 12:48 AM
looks good. nyone try autoglym (in the can)??? thats the wax i use and it costs like 40 buks at canadian tire (hard to find) but it lasts forever and they give u sick applicators and take-off rag in case. Just getting the word out for others to try it if they want. this clay bar stuff looks great too, but almost 4 hours of washing and waxing seems alot to me.
I heard good stuff about their wax, so I bought one while it was on sale for 25% off a few weeks ago from ct. But I believe parts source still have it on sale for the month? I am going to use it this weekend and see for myself.
07-16-2011, 11:41 AM
I heard good stuff about their wax, so I bought one while it was on sale for 25% off a few weeks ago from ct. But I believe parts source still have it on sale for the month? I am going to use it this weekend and see for myself.
truly i think it is the easiest/best stuff for time/effort. also fills in small scratches which is a +.
07-26-2011, 06:05 AM
looks good. nyone try autoglym (in the can)??? thats the wax i use and it costs like 40 buks at canadian tire (hard to find) but it lasts forever and they give u sick applicators and take-off rag in case. Just getting the word out for others to try it if they want. this clay bar stuff looks great too, but almost 4 hours of washing and waxing seems alot to me. Don't worry Justin I'm ready to spend 3 days on your car :)
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