View Full Version : Synthetic oil ratings

06-14-2011, 08:47 PM
Anyone have a link to a complete list of API group 4 and 5 synthetic oils, which are suppose to be the best oils. I am sure amsoil and royal purple are up there but the base stock of other oil companies are changing all the time. I am sure everyone would like to buy the best oil possible at the best prices, how does mobil 1 , Quaker state and pennzoil compare?

06-15-2011, 12:06 AM
You should visit the Bob is the Oil Guy forums and read... all the answers to your questions are there. That's all those guys talk about... oil.

As far as I know... Mobil One has a rep for sucking in turbocharged engines (Subies anyway), shearing down way too quickly - Mobil One is no longer PAO based, it's like hydrocracked or something for the base stocks. Don't know about Quaker State, but I am using Pennzoil Platinum 5W-30 in my MS3 because a number of UOAs (on the Bob is the Oil Guy forums) have shown that it resists fuel dilution significantly.

06-15-2011, 01:16 AM
I run Motul 8100. Did I research at all? Yup. I made sure it said Motul 8100 on the bottle first. lol JDM as F*CK. lol

06-15-2011, 01:57 AM
I run Motul 8100. Did I research at all? Yup. I made sure it said Motul 8100 on the bottle first. lol JDM as F*CK. lol

Motul is french, non?

06-15-2011, 12:26 PM
Motul is french, non?

Motul is indeed French.

@OP: I'm running Castrol Syntec 0w30 (aka. "German Castrol"), which is the only Group IV product in the Syntec line; the remainder are Group III products. Interestingly, while the rest of the Syntec line is produced in the USA, the 0w30 weight alone is produced in Germany (hence the "GC" moniker). GC was found by BISTOG to be a pretty good synthetic, as I recall.

It's also easily sourced locally (Canadian Tire) and at a decent price (currently on sale for $7.47/L).

06-15-2011, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the info, it was interesting to see that on bobistheoilguy.com the most popular oil brands were
1. Pennzoil 2. Mobil1 3. Valvoline, I would never have guessed .

06-17-2011, 12:25 AM
Erm... :blush

06-17-2011, 12:57 AM
It's also easily sourced locally (Canadian Tire) and at a decent price (currently on sale for $7.47/L).

How long does it last unopened? Is it worth stocking up?

06-17-2011, 01:22 AM
How long does it last unopened? Is it worth stocking up?

Nothing will happen to the oil... It's not food

I alway stock up when it goes on sale

06-17-2011, 10:24 AM
Nothing will happen to the oil... It's not food

I alway stock up when it goes on sale


Ostensibly, it's good enough to last at least 8,000km / 4 months (actually much longer, but this is my change interval) while being churned around inside the engine. Sitting on the shelf for a year or two in a cool dark place should be perfectly fine.

I've got my next two oil changes plus a top up bottle waiting to be used... That way I know I'm OK for the next change, plus I have some flexibility to keep my eye out for sales since I have the following change as well.