View Full Version : Ok, whats your take on Hybrid Only Parking Spaces @ Home Depot.

06-19-2011, 06:46 PM
Im not kidding you, Saw them today, there's no charging stations or anything, and I saw them being abused by fat red necked individuals driving Pieces O. S vehicles.
Doesn't bother me one way or the other because I always park far away from everyone else anyway. Doesnt matter if its the middle of a blizzard
My question, do you think its right that they can designate spots like that? and secondly, people should respect their wishes? I know they can't ticket you for being in them mind you,

Default User
06-19-2011, 07:40 PM
Saw it today also, at Home Depot.

I can see what their intentions are but, really? It isnt necessary by any means. Just another PR gimmick so head offices can sleep at night knowing theyre contributing to global good, by designating 4 parking spots to Prius drivers.

06-19-2011, 07:53 PM
I too park far away in the back, despite having a kid and car seat. There's no way I want to be close to any of these ding bats drivers - bangs their doors etc against your car!

As for the hybrid spots, total BS if you ask me. Supercenter has had these for a while now, in addition to their parents and handicapped spots. Maybe it's time to get some 'hybrid' stickers for the hatch and start leeching these spots! :chuckle

06-19-2011, 07:59 PM
They have these all over Orlando. I saw them last tim ei was there and don't see many people park in them. They made more of these spots then handicap. Kinda like 10 spots just bestbuy alone.

06-19-2011, 08:01 PM
I too park far away in the back, despite having a kid and car seat. There's no way I want to be close to any of these ding bats drivers - bangs their doors etc against your car!

bahahah +10000. Suckers.

06-19-2011, 08:53 PM
Hybrids are retarded in general.
If i can find it ill post it up but some university prof did a study and came up with hybrids being worse for the envrio due to waste and battery disposal.

06-19-2011, 08:57 PM
they had those at my university years ago, doesn't bother me either way.

06-19-2011, 09:06 PM
Other than a handicap spot, i don't think any other spots can be legally enforced. Seems to be just a gimmick to make people feel special.

06-19-2011, 10:01 PM
lol hybrid... :blah

06-19-2011, 10:09 PM
i downshift when i see hybrids

06-19-2011, 10:44 PM
How are they going to know it's a hybrid? I think I'll get one of those hybrid synergy drive badges Toyota puts on everything...

06-19-2011, 10:47 PM
I use them all the time when I drive the parents' Camry Hybrid. Also nice to be able to use the HOV lanes on the 403 & 404 with one person, "Green Friendly".


06-19-2011, 10:49 PM
To me, the spots do seem like a gimmick. Like said prior, I can totally see thier point but I don't think it's needed personally. What I can't stand, however, is when people can't follow the rules. If they are for hybrid cars, I think they should be used for hybrid cars. End of story. People who take advantage of it is just another example of how people don't listen to rules lol. But then again people could throw it in my face and say that going 10 over the speed limit (which is what I generally do) is going against the rules.

06-20-2011, 01:00 AM

06-20-2011, 01:01 AM
the 2601 was from Sparta a couple weeks ago, The Camaro behind it is my bosses 12 sec LS1.

06-20-2011, 01:03 AM
Sorry i had a different thread open in another window and i don't know how to delete those posts from this one.

Charlie S
06-20-2011, 09:13 AM
I like the idea. Good, keep them away from the Real cars...lol

Default User
06-20-2011, 11:49 AM
Sorry i had a different thread open in another window and i don't know how to delete those posts from this one.


At first I was like WTF?!

06-20-2011, 11:58 AM
Hybrids are retarded in general.
If i can find it ill post it up but some university prof did a study and came up with hybrids being worse for the envrio due to waste and battery disposal.

lol that is the dumbest thing ive ever heard. you cahnge your battery every 5 years or so and they are supposed to be recycled.

06-20-2011, 01:12 PM
lol that is the dumbest thing ive ever heard. you cahnge your battery every 5 years or so and they are supposed to be recycled.

Are you comparing regular car batteries vs lithium ion?


They should provide Mazda-only Parking too ;) Yesterday, some dope in Aurora let his shopping cart go at my passenger door. Oh ....but he was driving a Mazda3...

Can there be a screening process for Mazda owners? I don't want to be affiliated with someone that drives the same model car as myself, but doesn't care about their cars or vehicles surrounding them.

/end rant

06-20-2011, 01:35 PM
yes lithium ion batteries are harder to recycle, but they can be recycled. and should be.

06-20-2011, 01:49 PM
I would say that I'm indifferent.... :) I mean, they can put those parking spots if they want, but just not make it law such that "if you're not driving a hybrid you cannot park here" thing... As mentioned by others, I think it's just another thing they want to implement to show that they do care about the environment.

But yeah, sure, why not.. :) Like some people here said, I usually park away from people anyway so it doesn't really affect me (at this time).. :)

06-21-2011, 11:02 AM
I might get this for my truck :)


06-21-2011, 11:24 AM
I might get this for my truck :)


Group buy anyone? LOL

06-21-2011, 11:32 AM
Doesn't bother me wither way.

06-21-2011, 11:55 AM
I think its been proven that hybrids are bs...that being said shouldnt they have parking spots Farther away so they have to drive less?

06-21-2011, 12:27 PM
Yeah @ Home Depot and Ikea.

Those cars nearer the entrance tends to get banged up by careless people shoving their shopping carts away. Me, I tend to park farrrrrrr away...

06-21-2011, 09:40 PM
I think its been proven that hybrids are bs...that being said shouldnt they have parking spots Farther away so they have to drive less?

+1 for BMW M3.


06-21-2011, 10:40 PM
LMAO thats where i got the idea from