View Full Version : TM3's 2012 Biggest Loser Competition!
01-06-2012, 01:34 AM
Welcome to the first edition of
TM3's Biggest Loser Competition!
This is open to everyone on the TM3 forums that would like to participate!
The goal is simple: Lose as much "bad" body mass and gut size as possible by the end of the year!
Where things get interesting: Everyone puts in $20 to the pot! At the end of the year, the biggest loser (based on a % of their original weigh-in sizes) of both "bad" body mass and gut size, not only loses, but wins the pot too!
Deadline to declare your participation is at the first official weigh-in*:
Date - Jan 8, 2012
Time - 10 AM
Location - Goodlife Fitness (8100 Hwy 27; Exit 427 to zenway, east on zenway, north on Hwy 27)
Progress will be posted in this thread as the event goes on, so keep checking back to cheer on your fellow TM3 members as they venture on their fat slaying quest!
*Regarding the 1st weigh-in: If you don't have a membership to Goodlife, you can register for a free 3 visit pass on their website OR a TM3 member with an existing membership, can bring you as a guest. Or, hopefully, since we're not using the actual facility, we'll be able to go in, weigh-in and then get out. LOL
01-06-2012, 01:38 AM
More stuff to note!
Group weigh-in's are done monthly!
If you would like to track your progress to a more granular level, feel free to PM me your stats as you deem necessary and I will keep track of them for you. :) (These won't be official, but I will keep them with the official stats for comparison purposes)
If someone is unable to make it to a progress weigh-in, they must find another member who is local to them to vouch for their progress (Preferably with pics of stats as proof)
As I think of more stuff or more stuff comes up, I shall add to the list!
01-06-2012, 01:40 AM
Current participants:
1) SilentJay
2) SFW
3) PearlM3
4) Soulsofmischief
This brings the current losing winning pot to a whopping $80!
01-06-2012, 02:22 AM
Oh that's not fair.
I just went from 220-180.....
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using Tapatalk
01-06-2012, 09:15 AM
Oh that's not fair. I just went from 220-180.....
Eat a few kg of crisco before Sunday morning, then participate in the event :)
I wonder if we can get this thread "stickied" everywhere until Sunday morning? Not every post-whores in general like me :P
01-06-2012, 09:29 AM
Being in Ottawa I won't be able to make the weigh in but I'll pass on my stats and participate vicariously.
Unless, that is, if we can figure out a system that everyone can live with so that I can officially participate.
Thread susbscribed
01-06-2012, 09:56 AM
Being in Ottawa I won't be able to make the weigh in but I'll pass on my stats and participate vicariously.
Unless, that is, if we can figure out a system that everyone can live with so that I can officially participate.
Thread susbscribed
there definitely has to be a way we can do this? take a pic of yourself holding a news paper with the date on it or something to prove its current and go from there maybe?? the more the merrier ( not true.. im thinking bigger pot! lol ) in my opinion.
01-06-2012, 10:15 AM
I'm not too familiar with Ottawa, but i'm fairly certain there are a few active members out there too. One of the rules were that if you wanted to participate remotely, you had to have another credible member be present for your weigh-ins to vouch for you.
I totally don't mind if you or anyone else wants to be a participant without another member to vouch for them - but we can't split the pot with you. The more participation the better :)
01-06-2012, 10:45 AM
Soooo are there any fellow Ottawa 3 owners that would consider helping me out?
Keep in mind that this would involve being present to watch a fat man weigh himself...not exactly the most entertaining thing to do.
But if anyone is willing to sacrifice their time once a month I'd happily supply a beer or two as compensiation for burning your retinas :D
01-06-2012, 10:55 AM
Soooo are there any fellow Ottawa 3 owners that would consider helping me out?
Keep in mind that this would involve being present to watch a fat man weigh himself...not exactly the most entertaining thing to do.
But if anyone is willing to sacrifice their time once a month I'd happily supply a beer or two as compensiation for burning your retinas :D
I'll add a spot for you on the tracking sheet!
Whether you get another member to vouch for you (if you want to be a part of the pot split) or if you do it 'un-officially' on your own, we can still do group comparisons, no problem. :)
01-06-2012, 02:34 PM
you should be penalized for gaining weight... or dropping out.
01-06-2012, 02:47 PM
I can't make it Sunday morning.
01-06-2012, 03:10 PM
Are you free to be weighed/measured tonight/tomorrow? I can't really make it out tonight/tomorrow but someone else might?
01-06-2012, 03:19 PM
This is my weekend to work so most of it is shot.
01-06-2012, 03:25 PM
hmm, what about a weekday evening ? Say Monday or Tuesday ?
01-06-2012, 09:32 PM
The rest of us are getting measured up on Sunday still though, right?
01-06-2012, 09:48 PM
The rest of us are getting measured up on Sunday still though, right?
We can...but that is only 3 of us, I think it makes more sense to do all at once.
01-06-2012, 11:04 PM
Oh that's not fair.
I just went from 220-180.....
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using Tapatalk
+1 :chuckle lost 55 since summer. This is a great idea, unfortunately dont live in the area and hope to start maintaining before the end of the year anyway.
01-07-2012, 12:12 AM
This is my weekend to work so most of it is shot.
Is there any part of it that's not shot? Whereabouts do you work? Maybe we can find somewhere closer to you?
01-07-2012, 01:29 AM
I work in Pickering, live in Pickering. Ahhh the weekend is really a no go for me. I can do the weigh in with pics and whatnot at home if you guys want. Or tues, wed, thurs nights work. or anytime next weekend
01-07-2012, 08:53 AM
Oh man...I'd be all over this...but it wouldn't be fair to you guys. :chuckle
01-07-2012, 12:38 PM
Oh man...I'd be all over this...but it wouldn't be fair to you guys. :chuckle
Is that a challenge?! Bring it on! :P
01-07-2012, 12:44 PM
I work in Pickering, live in Pickering. Ahhh the weekend is really a no go for me. I can do the weigh in with pics and whatnot at home if you guys want. Or tues, wed, thurs nights work. or anytime next weekend
How does Wednesday evening work for everyone ?
01-07-2012, 01:31 PM
Is that a challenge?! Bring it on! :P
I could lose the equivalent of a small human and still have more to go...
Hell I've done it once before...Don't see why i couldn't do it again.
01-07-2012, 02:31 PM
I could lose the equivalent of a small human and still have more to go...
Hell I've done it once before...Don't see why i couldn't do it again.
Don't sing it...bring it !
01-07-2012, 02:51 PM
You guys posting Before and After pictures?
01-07-2012, 06:55 PM
How does Wednesday evening work for everyone ?
Yea, I can do Wednesday.
Don't sing it...bring it !
You guys posting Before and After pictures?
I would like to.. But then again they aren't photos of me, so I can't decide for others. :)
01-07-2012, 07:12 PM
Wednesday is good for me
01-07-2012, 07:15 PM
I would like to.. But then again they aren't photos of me, so I can't decide for others. :)
Your not gonna be single for long now are you? Lol.
I'm out guys. I just don't think I can quit beer at the moment. Maybe I can be a mid comp entrance. same price half the time.
that makes me sound like an alcoholic. I'm not. Just a lot going on right now.
01-07-2012, 08:34 PM
Im fine with a mid-time joiner... and wednesday evening is fine with me.
01-07-2012, 08:36 PM
Oh and Lummix, youd be a pretty good motivator if you really do loose that much weight so why not?
01-07-2012, 10:11 PM
Oh and Lummix, youd be a pretty good motivator if you really do loose that much weight so why not?
I'm's a little bit of motivation for you guys to see what can be accomplished...
First- Me in 2006...2005? Probably around 350 or so (
Then after a year of hard work...205...
I stayed there for a year or so, got got back to the gym, working out to the point where i was back in the same shape i was in university when i was playing football. Felt comfortable...started slipping up here and there. Rediscovered how much i enjoy beer...and it's been all down hill from there. I'm not back to where i was there. I am in much better shape still as I am still working out, however i'm still eating stupid and drinking far too many beers. Hell, I just had two pints and pound of wings an hour ago.
Now is when it needs to change. I've just bought a condo, putting myself on a very strict budget and therefore forcing myself to look at what i'm doing. If i continue to stay active and begin to look after myself better, i don't see why i can't do it.
01-07-2012, 11:50 PM
^^^ Crazy! That's just the kind of transformation i'm looking for, that IS some good inspiration. I've shed some fat in the past and I do still work out, just that I eat like absolute crap. Good to have you aboard :)
01-08-2012, 12:35 AM
^^^ Crazy! That's just the kind of transformation i'm looking for, that IS some good inspiration. I've shed some fat in the past and I do still work out, just that I eat like absolute crap. Good to have you aboard :)
+1 !
Im fine with a mid-time joiner... and wednesday evening is fine with me.
+1 Mid-time joiners are cool with me too. :)
The spreadsheet can be adjusted for timeline as dates are included.
01-08-2012, 02:23 AM
My only question would be.
When I start working out I'm likely to gain weight but loose belly. Is this going off body fat %, inches, or weight.
Example. I weigh 185. Have since i was 16. But was "skinny" looking until 22. I was just muscular. Now I'm less muscular, more chubby. Chances of me loosing weight is slim. ( I'm the heaviest in my family and have been since I was 13, I was a built kid.... Lol. )
01-08-2012, 07:54 AM
When I start working out I'm likely to gain weight but loose belly. Is this going off body fat %, inches, or weight.
This is why i said it wouldn't be'm not going to be part of the competition as I doubt anyone is in the same situation as i am. If I dropped 60-70...I'm pretty sure that I would eclipse everyone in all three possible measurements...
That being said, I'm still gonna do it and will post along results along side you guys.
Well I just started back at the Gym. Going to be about 2 - 3 weeks until i get back into my routine but i'm looking to make massive gains (losses) by the end of the year. For me it's the size and muscle i'm after. Right now i'm 230-240 lbs. My Goal is to drop to at least 180 but if i can put the muscle on properly i might keep it at 200.
I won't be able to do the weigh-ins, too far for me plus i go to the gym 4-5 times a week, for up to 3 hours at a time plus other activities in the days between (doing the ride to conquer cancer again) which will take up about 3-5 hours a day.
Since my Plan is not just weight loss but overall improvement I would like to see the winner decided by a vote, who made the biggest change not specifically the biggest loss
01-08-2012, 11:05 AM
My only question would be.
When I start working out I'm likely to gain weight but loose belly. Is this going off body fat %, inches, or weight.
Good question!
It was an overall loss competition at the moment. i.e. Most lost based on the original weigh in size (%).
If you wanted to participate in order to track a different type of change, such as most improved BMI or body fat vs muscle, I think it would still be encouraging to do so as a group. :)
01-08-2012, 11:06 AM
That being said, I'm still gonna do it and will post along results along side you guys.
Yay! :)
01-08-2012, 11:08 AM
Since my Plan is not just weight loss but overall improvement I would like to see the winner decided by a vote, who made the biggest change not specifically the biggest loss
This can work too, depending on the amount of people who are interested in participating, whether it be by recording stats alongside those in the competition or just by showing support. The vote can be private, so that's pretty easy to incorporate. :)
01-08-2012, 11:14 AM
Annnnnnd this message Is brought to you by people who should check the forum more often, it's Sunday.... 10:00... And I'm here. Awesome.
01-08-2012, 11:37 AM
lol - sorry about that. Is there a better way of mass-communication that everyone has?
On another note, so are we doing Wednesday evening?
Would it be possible to have a separate board and each person maintains their own Topic, with updates and stats?
01-08-2012, 11:56 AM
^^ That'd actually be an interesting idea. A sort of journal - even if post counts are disabled in that area. I know it's not hard to make sub-forums on phpbb, but it's all up to the mods.
01-08-2012, 12:11 PM
That is a good idea even tho I'm just reading along like everyone else :D
01-08-2012, 12:18 PM
Annnnnnd this message Is brought to you by people who should check the forum more often, it's Sunday.... 10:00... And I'm here. Awesome.
Really sorry about that! :blush
If everyone could PM me their preferred email address (for those interested in any "major" updates) that way I can send out emails too!
Hopefully this way, we can prevent this from happening!
I could also send multi person PM's but email is easier. :)
01-08-2012, 02:57 PM
lol - sorry about that. Is there a better way of mass-communication that everyone has?
On another note, so are we doing Wednesday evening?
Yes Wednesday. 7pm ?
^^ That'd actually be an interesting idea. A sort of journal - even if post counts are disabled in that area. I know it's not hard to make sub-forums on phpbb, but it's all up to the mods.
I think a sub forum for each person is too much..I think one thread for the competition is going to be best. Could do a separate thread, but event hat is overkill in my opinion.
Yes Wednesday. 7pm ?
I think a sub forum for each person is too much..I think one thread for the competition is going to be best. Could do a separate thread, but event hat is overkill in my opinion.
Well it would be one sub forum and everyone has their own topic, Similar to the members rides section. Everyone tracks thier progress in their own Post
01-08-2012, 03:43 PM
Well it would be one sub forum and everyone has their own topic, Similar to the members rides section. Everyone tracks thier progress in their own Post
if we had more participants..closer to 10, then maybe..
Actually does anyone know of any free websites that Track the Weight loss and other fitness stats we can use?
01-09-2012, 09:56 AM
I've heard some positive first-hand experiences with this one:
Clicky Linky (
I've heard some positive first-hand experiences with this one:
Clicky Linky (
Thanks will check it when i get home, my goal isn't just weight loss but complete body building, so finding one that i can outline routine, with sets, reps and weight would be awesome so i can track each exercise progress
01-09-2012, 12:53 PM
meal before the weigh in... hmmm..Chicken Roti.. lol the reason some of us are in this.
01-09-2012, 01:12 PM
Don't worry, I had a dinner at the Keg over the weekend. I can't really bring the gf out for salads for an anniversary :chuckle
That said, I told her about this initiative, and she's 100% behind me. It's game time!!
01-09-2012, 01:26 PM
meal before the weigh in... hmmm..Chicken Roti.. lol the reason some of us are in this.
This looks SO. FREAKIN. GOOD. :drool
This looks SO. FREAKIN. GOOD. :drool
I know, now i want curry and roti :(
Just took a protein shake for lunch tho
01-09-2012, 01:46 PM
I know, now i want curry and roti :(
Just took a protein shake for lunch tho
I just had some cherries... LOL But I'll be making some popcorn and I'll probably go to Longo's across the street for some more fruit too. I'm kind of going on a mostly fruit/veggies diet, since I like meat too much and I *never* eat fruits/veggies. :(
01-09-2012, 02:02 PM
I know, now i want curry and roti :(
Just took a protein shake for lunch tho
we wont want it soon enough, we will be all so pumped at looking like greek gods come next year! I already look like a greek god but its the god of wine and over indulgence.
01-09-2012, 02:11 PM
01-09-2012, 04:09 PM
So it looks like I am a go, Mazdabetty is going to vouch for my weight in's so it's on like Donky Kong folks :D
The question I still have that I don't think it's been 100% decided, is if this going to be a weight loss, % loss, body fat % loss or inches lost competition?
The two formats I can see so far are overall % loss and before & after images with a vote.
Is there a definitive answer?
01-09-2012, 04:18 PM
I would say % body fat loss would be the fairest indicator.
01-09-2012, 08:52 PM
That is sort of what I am thinking
I'd be interested in seeing the progress you guys make...good motivation to take some good before and after pictures of yourselves to track your progress. i'd join too but I'm trying to gain musicle/weight as opposed to losing it lol
If anyone is interested, I have a friend who runs a fitness kickboxing class in Markham - I go to it sometimes to get some carido done, but other people are getting good results - one girl joined a month or two ago and lost 30 lbs already apparently. pm me if you're interested
01-09-2012, 09:29 PM
Hmm... Body fat % measurement... I don't suppose that digital scale has that built-in?
01-09-2012, 09:37 PM
Mine at home does, so I'm all set :).
Most of the Goodlife gyms have them as well, but hey are in the trainers offices. I think you would be able to ask to use it once and a while.
01-10-2012, 12:58 PM
Weigh-In Update
Updated Date and Time: Wednesday, Jan 11, 2012 @ 7 PM
Location has NOT changed!
Goodlife Fitness (8100 Hwy 27; Exit 427 to zenway, east on zenway, north on Hwy 27)
For those still interested in participating, you have about 24 hours to speak up. :)
I'll also be sending an email to the very few people who sent me their email addy's to re-inform of the above info by the time I leave work tonight (Probably around 5 or so).
01-10-2012, 01:05 PM
I also called Goodlife, and while there are scales to use in the change rooms, they don't have any fancy ones that do the body fat measuring..
The person I spoke with (Mark) was very nice though and said as long as we're using the facilities and the trainers aren't busy we could get them to do the measuring.
I imagine since it's only 4 people atm, we could get in and see how busy they are and stuff and hopefully get "pro" measurements. :P
Funk Stylez
01-10-2012, 01:13 PM
drop outs get sticker bombed.
And since people are going after different goals. ie. weight loss - muscle gain - overall, the pot could be split up for different achievement. unless thats too much work. everyones a winner with this really.
01-10-2012, 01:15 PM
drop outs get sticker bombed.
And since people are going after different goals. ie. weight loss - muscle gain - overall, the pot could be split up for different achievement. unless thats too much work. everyones a winner with this really.
This is a possibility for sure IF there were more people. :)
At a current win of $80, it's not much to split.
01-10-2012, 01:15 PM
I also called Goodlife, and while there are scales to use in the change rooms, they don't have any fancy ones that do the body fat measuring.. The person I spoke with (Mark) was very nice though and said as long as we're using the facilities and the trainers aren't busy we could get them to do the measuring. I imagine since it's only 4 people atm, we could get in and see how busy they are and stuff and hopefully get "pro" measurements. :P
Thank you very much for your hard work :) I know for a fact the goodlife at bloor/islington has the body fat scale, though i'm not sure if they'd let us use it. I'll try to give them a call later on today if there's still interest in measuring body fat %.
01-10-2012, 01:49 PM
For a contest calipers and scales are probably the worst method to measure gains as they both vary from human error and water retention.
Although I'm not participating in this, I believe the % of actual weight lost would be the better measurement. Or judge from before and after pics.
Anyways I wish you all the best luck and hope you all stayed motivated during this contest and stick with it once it's over!
Fat loss = calories in < calories out, get your macronutrients in and lift until failure.
And some sites to help you get started..
Read the stickys for guidlines
Exercise & Muscle Directory
LBM Calc (to be used as a guideline)
This is a possibility for sure IF there were more people. :)
At a current win of $80, it's not much to split.
Well whos in?
01-10-2012, 01:52 PM
Well whos in?
List was on 1st page. ;)
1) SilentJay
2) SFW
3) PearlM3
4) Soulsofmischief
5) Zoso
Also, I'm not participating. I'm just the unbiased contest holder, based on Jay's suggestion in the TM3 new years' resolution thread! Lol
01-10-2012, 01:57 PM
for accuracy hydrostatic testing is the best way to achieve true body fat loss vs calipers.
this test shouldn't be about weight honestly (that's a very short-term goal and the reason why people can't stay on track). If you guys are really serious about your health it should be a fitness test (cardio and strength) measured monthly. You guys should be more focus on a lifestyle change then just burning off pounds.
List was on 1st page. ;)
1) SilentJay
2) SFW
3) PearlM3
4) Soulsofmischief
5) Zoso
Also, I'm not participating. I'm just the unbiased contest holder, based on Jay's suggestion in the TM3 new years' resolution thread! Lol
Dam didn't see that
Comon there must be more fatties on here
01-10-2012, 02:06 PM
for accuracy hydrostatic testing is the best way to achieve true body fat loss vs calipers.
this test shouldn't be about weight honestly (that's a very short-term goal and the reason why people can't stay on track). If you guys are really serious about your health it should be a fitness test (cardio and strength) measured monthly. You guys should be more focus on a lifestyle change then just burning off pounds.
This is up to the participants. :) I won't be there to judge how well y'all do different fitness activities, but if you'd like, I can still track it!
And if you want me to track it, then you'll need to let me know what you're doing (Ex: TIMED - holding plank or press up, etc; REPS/SETS - squats, push ups, pull ups, etc)
-- I'd even join in on the fitness goals one since I don't mind testing myself; Keep in mind though, I'm only 108 lbs standing 5'1". :P
01-10-2012, 02:24 PM
for accuracy hydrostatic testing is the best way to achieve true body fat loss vs calipers.
this test shouldn't be about weight honestly (that's a very short-term goal and the reason why people can't stay on track). If you guys are really serious about your health it should be a fitness test (cardio and strength) measured monthly. You guys should be more focus on a lifestyle change then just burning off pounds.
quite honestly, im going into this probably the biggest individual at this at 6'0 and 330lbs, and i stay pretty active in the sense that i go to a gym and run around playing sports 3 times a week. Im not in this to run a triatholon and and im not in this to become mr Fit canada. If i can feel better about myself and rest my head a little easier about not having a heart attack at 40 and get to see my little girl grow up then im all about losing the extra 130 lbs on my body. Im going into it knowing that this has to be a lifestyle change and a long term struggle but im also realistic and i need all the little goals i can achieve to make me more motivated. so for now.. its 300lbs or bust.
ps. sorry for getting all Dr Phil. lol
01-10-2012, 02:25 PM
quite honestly, im going into this probably the biggest individual at this at 6'0 and 330lbs, and i stay pretty active in the sense that i go to a gym and run around playing sports 3 times a week. Im not in this to run a triatholon and and im not in this to become mr Fit canada. If i can feel better about myself and rest my head a little easier about not having a heart attack at 40 and get to see my little girl grow up then im all about losing the extra 130 lbs on my body. Im going into it knowing that this has to be a lifestyle change and a long term struggle but im also realistic and i need all the little goals i can achieve to make me more motivated. so for now.. its 300lbs or bust.
You get bonus win points for having a great attitude! :P
01-10-2012, 03:17 PM
+1 The pot is just a bonus. Everyone has something that motivates them - for me, it's competition and public humiliation. If i know someone is going to see my gut, i'd be much less likely to reach for the Doritos. I go to the gym regularly, I play sports... I honestly don't eat that poorly (no fast food, no deep fried stuff, no pop), but I guess I eat often. So cheers to those who are with me on my journey to fitness :)
+1 The pot is just a bonus. Everyone has something that motivates them - for me, it's competition and public humiliation. If i know someone is going to see my gut, i'd be much less likely to reach for the Doritos. I go to the gym regularly, I play sports... I honestly don't eat that poorly (no fast food, no deep fried stuff, no pop), but I guess I eat often. So cheers to those who are with me on my journey to fitness :)
If i win i'd probably just end up donating it
But I'm doing the RTCC again and want to beat my time from last year of 17 hours (200 mile bike ride), to get back into my pre-desk size, fit into all my good clothes, look good in a suit (working downtown) and for my brothers wedding in September
My goal is to get to a size 36 waist and a flatter gut. As for overall strength, no goal just get as strong as i can. I know how to push my body properly and can add weights to nearly every exercise every 2-3 weeks, I have yet to hit a point where it takes longer then that
01-10-2012, 09:05 PM
In any case, it's on tomorrow!! Bring it ooonn!!! Lock and loooaddd!! Lock and looaaad!!! Bring on the paaaain!!!
01-10-2012, 09:06 PM
In any case, it's on tomorrow!! Bring it ooonn!!! Lock and loooaddd!! Lock and looaaad!!! Bring on the paaaain!!!
LMAO! This is going to be epic! Good luck guys!
01-10-2012, 09:19 PM
So do i still need to bring the scale? or use one at the gym??
01-10-2012, 09:40 PM
Bring it along just in case, if you don't mind please :)
01-10-2012, 11:30 PM
I sent the email just now. It's late, so what? :P
Anyway, if I don't have your email address you need to send it to me via PM, so I can forward you the email and send you whatever other emails that may be sort of necessary in the near future.
1) SilentJay (Have email)
2) SFW (Have email)
3) PearlM3
4) Soulsofmischief (Have email)
5) Sonic31 (Have email)
6) Zoso
If all 6 of you end up participating, this brings the winning loser's pot to..
:star :star :star :star :star
:star :star :star :star :star
01-11-2012, 12:00 AM
quite honestly, im going into this probably the biggest individual at this at 6'0 and 330lbs
A challenger
01-11-2012, 12:08 AM
A challenger
Did you want me to keep track of your stuff along with our stuff, or will you just check back on the boards periodically to post an update? :)
01-11-2012, 09:29 AM
Did you want me to keep track of your stuff along with our stuff, or will you just check back on the boards periodically to post an update? :)
I'll just post up my own as the thread goes along
01-11-2012, 05:54 PM
I hate to do this, but Emergency at work and I won't be able to leave anytime in the foreseeable future. I'm going to have to skip out tonight, maybe I can jump in next month. SORRY ALL!!!
01-11-2012, 06:53 PM
=/ we still good to go right?
01-11-2012, 09:16 PM
So, apparently, we found out this evening that Goodlife fitness does not enjoy it when you take your own measurements within their facilities. Us know, cause they're douchy douchebags. So we got sort of kicked out. LOL!
Thankfully, we got most of the measurements we were after, got our before pics and got our goals down.
I'll be compiling them all shortly in a pretty format for public viewing. :D
Those who did not show up and wants to participate, please let me know and we can arrange an initial weigh in separately. I don't know when we'll cut off new participants, but the more is definitely the merrier :)
01-11-2012, 10:47 PM
I stayed behind to work out, but that douchey guy who spoke to us followed me around the gym the entire time giving me the stink eye. Every time I looked up he was staring at me, so I gave him the biggest/fakest smile.
I dunno if it's the area or not, but there were quite a few douchebags working out too! Some 40-something meathead was trying to impress this 16 year old girl and he kept hitting my bench. So I looked up at him after my set and he just said "i'm not bothering you".
Other than that, great to see you guys :chuckle
01-12-2012, 09:49 AM
So I'm a little late getting my measurements done, but I should have them in the next day or two. However, what I would like to know is how would you like me to present them?
Do you just want me to submit them and have Mazdabetty verify them with a post? Or do you want to take them at face value, and if at some point you think I'm being hinky you can ask for confirmation from Mazdabetty?
Going to get them done in the next couple of days and just want to check to make sure I am posting them up in a way that everyone is comfortable with.
01-12-2012, 10:54 AM
So I'm a little late getting my measurements done, but I should have them in the next day or two. However, what I would like to know is how would you like me to present them?
Do you just want me to submit them and have Mazdabetty verify them with a post? Or do you want to take them at face value, and if at some point you think I'm being hinky you can ask for confirmation from Mazdabetty?
Going to get them done in the next couple of days and just want to check to make sure I am posting them up in a way that everyone is comfortable with.
Hey, things are pretty relaxed right now, but what we recorded last night was waist, chest, weight, height, bicep and if you want, you can also include height.
I'll get them all into that spreadsheet I started today and post the link to the google doc. :D
01-12-2012, 11:40 AM
Coolio, I'm getting the measurements tomorrow and I'll send them your way.
I'll measure waist, chest, bicept, height and bodyfat % (using my digital scale).
01-12-2012, 11:43 AM
Coolio, I'm getting the measurements tomorrow and I'll send them your way.
I'll measure waist, chest, bicept, height and bodyfat % (using my digital scale).
And actual weight? in lbs preferably? pretty pls? :)
01-12-2012, 11:52 AM
So, apparently, we found out this evening that Goodlife fitness does not enjoy it when you take your own measurements within their facilities. Us know, cause they're douchy douchebags. So we got sort of kicked out. LOL!
Thankfully, we got most of the measurements we were after, got our before pics and got our goals down.
I'll be compiling them all shortly in a pretty format for public viewing. :D
Those who did not show up and wants to participate, please let me know and we can arrange an initial weigh in separately. I don't know when we'll cut off new participants, but the more is definitely the merrier :)
the more i thought about this last night.. the more I realize that we should have asked them to see a copy of the contracts people sign to make sure that is in there? where would it say I have to let them know what my measurements are? its so stupid that it actually pissed me off later on, like A LOT! they had no right whatsoever to tell us we could'nt do that in there especially since 3 out of the 4 of us are members and 1 was a guest and had done all the proper procedures to be there. So why do they have scales in the change rooms? are we supposed to have them supervise us while we weigh ourselves? im actually upset that i let that slide last night.. i want to go back for our first progress weigh in back there now. there will be a confrontation and no letting it slide. worst they can do is ask us to leave.
01-12-2012, 12:09 PM
the more i thought about this last night.. the more I realize that we should have asked them to see a copy of the contracts people sign to make sure that is in there? where would it say I have to let them know what my measurements are? its so stupid that it actually pissed me off later on, like A LOT! they had no right whatsoever to tell us we could'nt do that in there especially since 3 out of the 4 of us are members and 1 was a guest and had done all the proper procedures to be there. So why do they have scales in the change rooms? are we supposed to have them supervise us while we weigh ourselves? im actually upset that i let that slide last night.. i want to go back for our first progress weigh in back there now. there will be a confrontation and no letting it slide. worst they can do is ask us to leave.
LOL - There there. :)
And by the time we go back there again, there will be less new years resolutions based folks there, so we may as well ask them to do the measurements for us by then anyway. From what I got when I called, they can print them out for us as well. :D
01-12-2012, 12:35 PM
I have already been in touch with Goodlife to discuss how we were treated. Stay tuned...
01-12-2012, 02:41 PM
And actual weight? in lbs preferably? pretty pls? :)
Oops my B, and my weight :D
Wow sounds like those goodlife people were decidedly unfriendly, not just annoyingly rude
01-12-2012, 03:56 PM
Okay, so I've sort of put together the tracking spreadsheet workbook.
It can be accessed here: CLICK ME! ( Wc)
I can format it however you guys want, just let me know and if it's within my powers (and everyone agrees), then it shall be done. :)
My plan was to create a new sheet for each month with a similar layout, so we can see progress.
I'll also be creating a separate fitness sheet for rep/set tracking with the following exercises on it (this is more for me, but if you're doing them too, then hey! let me know and I can keep track of them for you too. :))
- Plank (mins.seconds)
- Squats (#)
- Press-Ups (#)
- Push ups (#)
- Crunches (#)
If there are any exercises you want tracked as well, then as mentioned before, just Let Me Know. :D
I live in Scarb and just picked up a side job, so i won't be able to make it all the way out to you guys, but i'll be keeping track on my end
01-13-2012, 10:46 PM
I live in Scarb and just picked up a side job, so i won't be able to make it all the way out to you guys, but i'll be keeping track on my end
What were you planning on tracking? Weight lost? Muscle mass gained? overall bmi? everything? LOL
For those who are sort of thinking about joining us, please join us!
There's nothing more encouraging than money and beating other people at winning said money to lose weight or to just better your health in general. :)
01-14-2012, 05:09 PM
I highly reccommend using to track all the food you eat and the activity you do. You'll have an eye opener to how "healthy" you really think you're eating once you add everything up. It's tedious (say adding the contents of a sanwich for lunch as you have to enter all the condiments/veggies seperately usually) but since most people work in front of a computer you can log it as you go...
It's easy enough you search for your food, enter in how much you had and log it to your day. I've been using it for the past 2.5 years and I've managed to lose 35lbs in the first year of using it.
Good luck folks.
01-14-2012, 07:42 PM
I highly reccommend using to track all the food you eat and the activity you do. You'll have an eye opener to how "healthy" you really think you're eating once you add everything up. It's tedious (say adding the contents of a sanwich for lunch as you have to enter all the condiments/veggies seperately usually) but since most people work in front of a computer you can log it as you go...
It's easy enough you search for your food, enter in how much you had and log it to your day. I've been using it for the past 2.5 years and I've managed to lose 35lbs in the first year of using it.
Good luck folks.
Thanks for the info!!! =D
01-15-2012, 09:58 AM
If you have an iPhone, the Lose it! App is great. It counts calories, tracks the food you eat (can also add foods), and tracks your weight and exercises. It's free. Not sure if it's available on android or bb.
01-15-2012, 10:50 AM
If you have an iPhone, the Lose it! App is great. It counts calories, tracks the food you eat (can also add foods), and tracks your weight and exercises. It's free. Not sure if it's available on android or bb.
Awesome, found it for android! i was looking for something portable!
01-16-2012, 10:40 AM
Awesome, found it for android! i was looking for something portable!
Im using MyNetDiary basically the same thing, free and counts just about everything.
01-16-2012, 10:50 AM
One thing that i've noticed is that they don't really have adequate support for ethnic foods - I kind of have to break down the ingredients and add them individually, which is a bit of a pain, otherwise the app works well.
01-16-2012, 11:03 AM
If you have an iPhone, the Lose it! App is great. It counts calories, tracks the food you eat (can also add foods), and tracks your weight and exercises. It's free. Not sure if it's available on android or bb.
calorie count also has a nifty iphone app as well - and it's voice activated so you can even just tell it what you ate and it logs it for you. Ohhhh the joy of calorie counting. haha
REMEMBER: A pound of body fat equates to approximately 3500 calories. So if you have a calorie deficit of 500 calories (meaning that you burn 500 calories more than you eat each day) you would lose approximately one pound per week:
500 x 7 = 3,500
Awesome, found it for android! i was looking for something portable!
i use jefit, it also has an addon with animations on how to do the exersize
01-16-2012, 01:34 PM
i use jefit, it also has an addon with animations on how to do the exersize
My net diary has a section where you tell it what you want to eat and it counts it all for you it then suggests different options and tells you what goes good with it, and the excercise options tell you what to do , show you videos on how to do it, AND then does them with you motivating you , there is also a lazy option that the phone will actually do them FOR you.. i choose this one ..
so in short my App is the best. I win. i could be gracious .. but im not.. FTW!!!
02-03-2012, 07:55 PM
Soooo... When's our second weigh in??
02-14-2012, 01:41 PM
Hey folks, With all the crap I got caught up in, I literally had no free evenings for the beginning of this month!
But.... I'm free tomorrow evening and Friday early evening to do the next weigh in. :)
And also Monday night, but I imagine people wouldn't want to spend their day off getting weighed.
If you all wanted to wait until March to do the next weigh in, and turn it into bi monthly weigh-ins, I don't think we'd have any problems with that either. Lol.
Anywho, let me know what y'all wanna do! :D
02-14-2012, 02:01 PM
I'm pretty sick right now, and have my big traffic court date on Tuesday :(
02-14-2012, 02:07 PM
March is good for me..
02-14-2012, 02:21 PM
ok.. March it is.. so MARCH WHEN@!???!!
02-14-2012, 02:32 PM
ok.. March it is.. so MARCH WHEN@!???!!
On a Wednesday or Friday evening during the first two weeks of the month.
You guys let me know which works best for you! :)
02-14-2012, 02:33 PM
I'm pretty sick right now, and have my big traffic court date on Tuesday :(
Get better soon!
02-14-2012, 02:43 PM
Wednesday March 14 ?
02-14-2012, 05:05 PM
Wednesday March 14 ?
03-14-2012, 11:52 AM
It's that time again!
Same spot work for you guys? :D
03-14-2012, 12:34 PM
Oh f***... completely forgot about the date. Will try to shuffle some things around.
Do we need to choose another location? I'd rather not have to deal with captain numb-nuts again.
03-14-2012, 12:42 PM
Oh f***... completely forgot about the date. Will try to shuffle some things around.
Do we need to choose another location? I'd rather not have to deal with captain numb-nuts again.
It'll be quicker than the first time since all the stuff is pretty much already laid out. :)
I think the point WAS to go there again, since we ARE allowed to do our own thing as long as it's for our own personal reasons.
I'm cool with wherever though. :)
03-14-2012, 01:20 PM
Is everyone involved confirmed?
Jeeze, I better go for that run after work :chuckle
03-14-2012, 01:21 PM
I completely forgot about this today. I can't make today, I have hockey 6:30-8:30
03-14-2012, 01:48 PM
I've got a dentist appointment tomorrow at 6 =/
03-14-2012, 01:49 PM
I'll keep bumping the thread everytime I'm on going forward so y'all don't forget the day you choose. Lol. :P
So, not today and not tomorrow. I'm not free Friday, so Saturday?
03-14-2012, 02:09 PM
weeknights work the best for me but if it needs to be a weekend, could it be early morning or late evening please?
03-14-2012, 02:12 PM
weeknights work the best for me but if it needs to be a weekend, could it be early morning or late evening please?
I can do both. Depends on SFW and SoM. :)
03-14-2012, 02:44 PM
I can do both. Depends on SFW and SoM. :)
Weekdays only for me
03-14-2012, 02:45 PM
Weekdays only for me
Next Tuesday or Wednesday evening?
03-14-2012, 02:51 PM
Next Tuesday or Wednesday evening?
I can block Wednesday and make sure I am available.
03-20-2012, 10:34 PM
Are we doing this tomorrow ? Has anyone heard from SoM ? He hasn't logged on in 2 weeks.
03-21-2012, 01:09 AM
Are we doing this tomorrow ? Has anyone heard from SoM ? He hasn't logged on in 2 weeks.
Haven't heard from him. Would really like to have us all in at once.
I'll email him, but based on the non-response, I think this may end up being a no-go again... :/
03-21-2012, 11:15 AM
Heard back from SoM.
Unfortunately, that means no weigh-in tonight.
Fortunately, that also means he's alright, and we should hear from him in the near future. :)
Make sure to head out to your respective outdoor things happening in the good weather. :D
03-21-2012, 01:12 PM
lol - is he doing ok?
03-21-2012, 01:19 PM
lol - is he doing ok?
He's cool. Sends everyone his regards. :)
03-21-2012, 01:19 PM
lol - is he doing ok?
Yea... Double post.
03-24-2012, 02:12 PM
Why don't you guys just buy a scale and weigh yourself at home, send the numbers to someone who can handle them and do the calcs and send them back out. Isn't it a hassle to make X amount of people's schedules jive? If you're always trying to find a day that works no one is ever going to get it done.
Rearranging all the time doesn't seem so productive for your ultimate goal. My girlfirends did this suggestion and you just have to trust you are being honest. Meet on the last day for a final weigh in... you'll be able to tell right away who was lying anyways.
Hope you're all reaching your goals though. Weight loss is a bitch.
Just a suggestion... unless you all go and workout together afterwards? I dunno...
03-24-2012, 04:02 PM
Why don't you guys just buy a scale and weigh yourself at home, send the numbers to someone who can handle them and do the calcs and send them back out. Isn't it a hassle to make X amount of people's schedules jive? If you're always trying to find a day that works no one is ever going to get it done.
Rearranging all the time doesn't seem so productive for your ultimate goal. My girlfirends did this suggestion and you just have to trust you are being honest. Meet on the last day for a final weigh in... you'll be able to tell right away who was lying anyways.
Hope you're all reaching your goals though. Weight loss is a bitch.
Just a suggestion... unless you all go and workout together afterwards? I dunno...
This is true. LOL
We could go this route as well, but it's still nice to get together and chat and yes, workouts afterwards also can and have occurred. :)
And also, it would be dependant on when people weighed what, and then I'd have to keep track of who sent me what info and when and associate them accordingly with the timeline for each individual.
I much prefer everything in one shot, even if it has to be delayed.
Weight loss/body mass increase should still occur even if we're not doing weigh-in's regularly anyway, right guys? ;)
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