View Full Version : Inspiring snowboard video

02-14-2012, 09:04 AM
Please try to watch the whole thing
makes youn wonder you never know wear a helmet guys


02-14-2012, 09:17 AM
Wow. Amazing that he was able to recover as well as he did. Unfortunately there are more less fortunate.

I didn't start wearing a helmet until last year and I will never stop wearing one.


02-14-2012, 09:48 AM
yea i was cocky when i first started ive been boarding for 15 years 14 of those always had one , its funny how this video got most of my friends to go out and buy one NOW lol i mean really. I've had so many spills where i have broken my helmet imagine if i dident wouldent be driving my speed now:D

02-14-2012, 10:06 AM
i had a serious concussion from a snowboarding fall 6 years ago wearing a helmet, couldn't imagine what could have been had i not been wearing one. +1 on wear a helmet

02-14-2012, 10:14 AM
glad your ok budd and still snowboarding:thumbsup

i had a serious concussion from a snowboarding fall 6 years ago wearing a helmet, couldn't imagine what could have been had i not been wearing one. +1 on wear a helmet

The Wolf
02-14-2012, 11:35 AM
My little brother used to be a ridiculously good sponsored snowboarder. Still is, actually, but had a bunch of concussions and now is pretty much physically unable to skateboard or snowboard, or do anything anymore. Has seizures all the time and can get a concussion from coming down the stairs too fast. +1 on wear your helmet.

02-14-2012, 12:17 PM
i had 2 concussions in my 15 years of boarding still get the headaces time to time,:bang but thats it ,
i am truely sorry about your bro. wish himm all the best from one boarder to another:thumbsup

My little brother used to be a ridiculously good sponsored snowboarder. Still is, actually, but had a bunch of concussions and now is pretty much physically unable to skateboard or snowboard, or do anything anymore. Has seizures all the time and can get a concussion from coming down the stairs too fast. +1 on wear your helmet.