View Full Version : MAKE KONY FAMOUS

03-06-2012, 05:07 PM
This is a powerful video and hope we can spread this through here as it is spreading like fire on facebook already.


03-06-2012, 06:40 PM
Guess I'll be busy April 20th. :)

Thanks for posting this. I shared it on FB. Will also be sharing on G+ & Twitter.

Also, the kony 2012 site is currently overloaded with visits, so you may need to keep refreshing pages if you want to actually read anything. I'll be waiting until later tonight to actually head on to the site.

03-06-2012, 06:48 PM
Thanks for sharing this. As with many, I was unaware. Redistributing now through all my channels.

03-06-2012, 07:23 PM

03-06-2012, 08:42 PM
Honestly I didn't watch the whole thing (only about 7 minutes) but I think I got the general idea.
Seems like a pretty cool thing and all, but how does anyone know this isn't an elaborate scam (being propagated by people/volunteers who actually believe in it and are unaware) to get someone rich? It happens all the time.... That's the joy of the internet.
I sound like a paranoid lol but I just take everything where people ask for money online with a grain of salt. Considering it sounds like this is going to be huge and their website is down from all the hits I bet some people will make a small fortune off this.

If I missed something obvious and right now I sound like a huge tard someone plz let me know!

The Wolf
03-06-2012, 09:27 PM
Honestly I didn't watch the whole thing (only about 7 minutes) but I think I got the general idea.
Seems like a pretty cool thing and all, but how does anyone know this isn't an elaborate scam (being propagated by people/volunteers who actually believe in it and are unaware) to get someone rich? It happens all the time.... That's the joy of the internet.
I sound like a paranoid lol but I just take everything where people ask for money online with a grain of salt. Considering it sounds like this is going to be huge and their website is down from all the hits I bet some people will make a small fortune off this.

If I missed something obvious and right now I sound like a huge tard someone plz let me know!

Because they're not asking for money, really. They're asking for people to help raise awareness and plead with their government to help.

03-06-2012, 09:52 PM
Because they're not asking for money, really. They're asking for people to help raise awareness and plead with their government to help.

... and they do ask at one or two spots in the video for ppl to donate, and i'm 100% sure a lot of people will

03-06-2012, 10:25 PM
Thanks for sharing!:thumbsup

03-06-2012, 10:37 PM
aw piss. i just made a thread about this.
probably should have searched first.

either way, bump for a good cause.
im trying to donate, but the site is absolutely swamped right now

03-06-2012, 11:44 PM
Honestly I didn't watch the whole thing (only about 7 minutes) but I think I got the general idea.
Seems like a pretty cool thing and all, but how does anyone know this isn't an elaborate scam (being propagated by people/volunteers who actually believe in it and are unaware) to get someone rich? It happens all the time.... That's the joy of the internet.
I sound like a paranoid lol but I just take everything where people ask for money online with a grain of salt. Considering it sounds like this is going to be huge and their website is down from all the hits I bet some people will make a small fortune off this.

If I missed something obvious and right now I sound like a huge tard someone plz let me know!

I totally understand what you mean. There's definitely going to be fakes/replicas such as fan pages, the kits, posters and bracelets which one can make some money off of....

But with that aside, has anyone thought of using our cars to promote this? It's probably a lame idea but this really got to me and on April 20th I'm driving around with posters on my car :) and I'll definitely have pictures.

03-06-2012, 11:49 PM
Very powerful video on a horrible situation. Crazy that this stuff goes on.
Deffinetly doing Cover the Night Toronto on April 20th!

03-06-2012, 11:57 PM
these guys need to start giving out stickers. i mean next mod gives them out like crazy aand theyre so well known in the area. if i had a bunch of these stickers, i would put a bunch on my car and give them to my friends to put on theyre laptops, tool boxes, and headphones.

03-06-2012, 11:58 PM
these guys need to start giving out stickers. i mean next mod gives them out like crazy aand theyre so well known in the area. if i had a bunch of these stickers, i would put a bunch on my car and give them to my friends to put on theyre laptops, tool boxes, and headphones.


03-07-2012, 12:02 AM
whoops, just paused it before they said they printed stickers lmao. whrere do i get these!!?!?!!!

03-07-2012, 12:04 AM
shared on fb

03-07-2012, 12:13 AM
ok...just finished watching.... where do i get the action kit?

03-07-2012, 12:21 AM

the site just got updated, so it isnt crashing 24/7.

seems like a pretty good deal for the posters. 25 for $5? cant go wrong

03-07-2012, 12:24 AM
wish there could be a group buy for something like this

03-07-2012, 12:26 AM
yea..but wheres the sticker pack? i cant put poster on my car!!


the site just got updated, so it isnt crashing 24/7.

seems like a pretty good deal for the posters. 25 for $5? cant go wrong

03-07-2012, 12:28 AM
....in the $30 action kit, unfortunately.

maybe SecheMedia can help us out here? or one of the sponsors?

im just printing out some KONY pics, and taping them to my laptop

03-07-2012, 12:41 AM
jjust asked, hopefully they can come out with some sort of alternative

03-07-2012, 12:42 AM
GB on bracelets!

03-07-2012, 12:55 AM
Just watched the video earlier tonight.. Was completely speechless, definitely inspiring.

03-07-2012, 01:05 AM
As mentioned in the other thread I posted the link and a quick overview of the campaign on the discussion boards for my 3rd year African Politics class...hopefully that will help spread the message a bit.

03-07-2012, 05:36 AM
GB on bracelets!

I'd be down for that!

03-07-2012, 07:45 AM
Someone should start selling decals, I'd rock one on my car, the more people that are aware the Better

03-07-2012, 07:46 AM
Read my post below

03-07-2012, 07:53 AM
well if anyone can make them il be more then happy to grab alot and have them here at the store

03-07-2012, 08:47 AM
Honestly I didn't watch the whole thing (only about 7 minutes) but I think I got the general idea.
Seems like a pretty cool thing and all, but how does anyone know this isn't an elaborate scam (being propagated by people/volunteers who actually believe in it and are unaware) to get someone rich? It happens all the time.... That's the joy of the internet.
I sound like a paranoid lol but I just take everything where people ask for money online with a grain of salt. Considering it sounds like this is going to be huge and their website is down from all the hits I bet some people will make a small fortune off this.

If I missed something obvious and right now I sound like a huge tard someone plz let me know!

Sorry to say this, but you are being waaaaaaaay to paranoid. It looks like these folks are a) very legit and b) have dedicated their lives for the past 6-8 years for this cause. You see the narrator of the video and other organizers meeting with some of the biggest political figures in the US, interviewing the leading experts on the prosecution of Kony, multiple huge rallies in various parts of the world, multiple trips to Africa and interviews with those affected, and you think its a scam?

I was wary of committing 30 minutes to watching the whole video when I first saw the length, but it was well worth it. I suggest you do the same. In fact if you only watched the first 7 minutes instead of skimming through it you barely got into the meat of the movement.

03-07-2012, 08:53 AM
I'm of mixed emotions about re-producing their work. An option would be to print them and donate all proceeds back to the organization.

However I think it is better to see if we could get a bulk order of stickers. At least we could get the posters easily as they are already in the store. I will send an email about sticker packs availability, whether through their store or as a one-off bulk order for us.

03-07-2012, 09:00 AM
i cant seem to find a email for them to do a group of stickers

03-07-2012, 09:02 AM
I'll investigate further today. Added a poll to the thread!

03-07-2012, 09:15 AM
Some further reading



03-07-2012, 09:23 AM
To OP, thanks for posting.. Shared on FB as well.. Is there a chance that everyone would be interested in an April 20 meet or something? We can probably tape a big poster into our cars while driving down or whatever.

03-07-2012, 09:41 AM
Some further reading



Disappointing. Theres a slightly hidden agenda for everything unfortunately...

03-07-2012, 09:43 AM
To OP, thanks for posting.. Shared on FB as well.. Is there a chance that everyone would be interested in an April 20 meet or something? We can probably tape a big poster into our cars while driving down or whatever.

Found this here for a meet


03-07-2012, 09:47 AM
Sorry to say this, but you are being waaaaaaaay to paranoid. It looks like these folks are a) very legit and b) have dedicated their lives for the past 6-8 years for this cause. You see the narrator of the video and other organizers meeting with some of the biggest political figures in the US, interviewing the leading experts on the prosecution of Kony, multiple huge rallies in various parts of the world, multiple trips to Africa and interviews with those affected, and you think its a scam?

I was wary of committing 30 minutes to watching the whole video when I first saw the length, but it was well worth it. I suggest you do the same. In fact if you only watched the first 7 minutes instead of skimming through it you barely got into the meat of the movement.

+1, watch the whole video. Now i dont know about Kony but i do know for a fact that the LRA does exist. when i went Angola we didnt have to watch out too much as we were on a mine site that was secure. but i do know that other co-workers and pilots (when i worked in airborne geophysics) did go to DR of congo that were told to be very careful about this and not to wonder off the camp sites they were on (they were on the border close to Uganda). and this was a few years back before this video was released.

its nothing new really. it just like they said in the video. we dont hear about it so we dont know about it. we are lucky here not to have that type of stuff. stuff like this goes on everywhere in the world. might not be to this extent but even just in Mexico ive had something happen i never thought would but we were told about it and to be careful.

03-07-2012, 09:49 AM
Is it just me that finds it to be a weird coincidence that this will all be happening on the night of the date 4/20 lol

03-07-2012, 09:52 AM
Found this here for a meet


Nice, thanks Rick! :thumbsup

03-07-2012, 09:57 AM
I've been to Uganada twice and am wholy confident this will have little effect on the lives of anyone, other than the teenagers in north america who think they're doing something righteous with their social media account(s).
Most of Uganda is actually quite safe and peaceful, and things in the North have been blown far out of proportion. Of course there are troubled areas, but thats due to corruption and tribal warfare. The UN has been in this part of East Africa for decades trying to broker peace deals, with little success....do you really believe a bunch of kids on twitter are going to have more of a profound impact?

I'm glad to see more light being shone on some of the attrocities happening in Africa, but lets not get ahead of ourselves and think we're going to fix the World with some stickers and "action packs"


03-07-2012, 10:01 AM
I've been to Uganada twice and am wholy confident this will have little effect on the lives of anyone, other than the teenagers in north america who think they're doing something righteous with their social media account(s).
Most of Uganda is actually quite safe and peaceful, and things in the North have been blown far out of proportion. Of course there are troubled areas, but thats due to corruption and tribal warfare. The UN has been in this part of East Africa for decades trying to broker peace deals, with little success....do you really believe a bunch of kids on twitter are going to have more of a profound impact?

I'm glad to see more light being shone on some of the attrocities happening in Africa, but lets not get ahead of ourselves and think we're going to fix the World with some stickers and "action packs"


While I get what you're saying, us kids are simply just raising awareness.

03-07-2012, 10:08 AM
Some further reading



that video didn't sit right with me either. glad you posted that reddit link (i didn't go on today), because it allowed me to do some critical thinking and necessary reading of the 'other side'.

'kony' campaign is a bit naive, and could be considered borderline dangerous (http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/qlqcq/the_kony_2012_campaign_is_a_fraud/); putting it lightly to say the least.

03-07-2012, 10:29 AM
I think people should read Hyperion's links - a few highlights -
"Last year, the organization spent $8,676,614. Only 32% went to direct services"
"The group is in favour of direct military intervention, and their money supports the Ugandan government’s army and various other military forces"
"As Christ Blattman, a political scientist at Yale, writes on the topic of IC’s programming, “There’s also something inherently misleading, naive, maybe even dangerous, about the idea of rescuing children or saving of Africa. […] It hints uncomfortably of the White Man’s Burden. Worse, sometimes it does more than hint. The savior attitude is pervasive in advocacy, and it inevitably shapes programming. Usually misconceived programming.”"
"... but people supporting KONY 2012 probably don’t realize they’re supporting the Ugandan military who are themselves raping and looting away"

With that said, I have no interest in supporting the Kony 2012 project.

03-07-2012, 10:54 AM

I just have no interest in blindly supporting ANYHTING, just becuase everyone else is doing it. This KONY thing is just another fad that self pitying americans feel the need to follow becuase they don't do anything selfless in their lives.

There are PLENTY of people in our OWN (and in their own) country who need help... maybe people should start there instead of turning a blind eye.


03-07-2012, 11:28 AM
I might come off as a dick here but I think it is a social media experiment.

03-07-2012, 11:49 AM
I might come off as a dick here but I think it is a social media experiment.

Something tells me you're right...

03-07-2012, 01:13 PM
... and they do ask at one or two spots in the video for ppl to donate, and i'm 100% sure a lot of people will

What they ask if for young people, if they can, can donate as little as they can afford. They are in no way pressuring you to make large donations, nor do you have to make a donation for the action kit (you do have to buy it, but you get material goods) like sawatsky said, they dont necessarily want your money, they want you do promote this.

Obama said: they only way they will continue with this project is if "the people" want it. we are the people, we as the people know that children killing children for the pleasure of one man is wrong, demoralizing and disgusting.

Literally, all you have to do is raise awareness and Obama will keep the US Military Advisors in Africa to track, find and prosecute Joseph Kony.

Honestly I didn't watch the whole thing (only about 7 minutes) but I think I got the general idea.
Seems like a pretty cool thing and all, but how does anyone know this isn't an elaborate scam (being propagated by people/volunteers who actually believe in it and are unaware) to get someone rich? It happens all the time.... That's the joy of the internet.
I sound like a paranoid lol but I just take everything where people ask for money online with a grain of salt. Considering it sounds like this is going to be huge and their website is down from all the hits I bet some people will make a small fortune off this.

If I missed something obvious and right now I sound like a huge tard someone plz let me know!

You sound like a tard :P, on a serious note, MY THOUGHTS are that I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt that Barak Obama and 11 other top political leaders and 20 of North America's top media (music, movies, tv etc) are going to risk their name for a scam to make a few bucks. If nothing else, this of it this way, Barak Obama JayZ, Rihanna, George Clooney, Stephen Harper, Taylor Swift, Oprah ARE NOT going to risk their reputation is something that "might be" a scam.

On the other note...the only way this is a scam is if they have him already (with noone knowing, but Obama would because its his "mission") and are doing all this awareness and "fundraising" just to make a few bucks.

please dont take offense to this Cab0oze, but if you havent watched the whole video, you really have no right in saying this is a scam or could be a scam...maybe if you watched the whole video you would have gotten the information you needed to convince you and you wouldnt be doubting this. things dont get really serious until 10-15 min mark, you start to learn a lot more, and even more in the last 7min.

take the time a watch it.

03-07-2012, 01:25 PM

03-07-2012, 01:35 PM
I've been to Uganada twice and am wholy confident this will have little effect on the lives of anyone, other than the teenagers in north america who think they're doing something righteous with their social media account(s).
Most of Uganda is actually quite safe and peaceful, and things in the North have been blown far out of proportion. Of course there are troubled areas, but thats due to corruption and tribal warfare. The UN has been in this part of East Africa for decades trying to broker peace deals, with little success....do you really believe a bunch of kids on twitter are going to have more of a profound impact?

I'm glad to see more light being shone on some of the attrocities happening in Africa, but lets not get ahead of ourselves and think we're going to fix the World with some stickers and "action packs"


I get where your going with this...but what makes you think we cant stop the LRA? These are kids froced to kill or be killed...I get there is probably a brainwashing process but if we can shut down JK then chances are we can relieve the kids of their duties and hopefully turn that aspect of the country around. There are always going to be problems in every country, as FoXy said, but I feel this is a lot more serious than a few homeless people.

JK has "employed" over 30,000 kids...thats at minimum 30,000 innocent dead children. why are kids going to bed every night in fear that someone will take them. In NA we did that as kids too, but about 99% would never get abducted...there is a very high risk...thats not fair.

@S.F.W: for $30 to try to raise awareness and hopefully save the lives of many its worth it. Im in no place to be spending money, but in a situation like this, for 3 hours work, I can try. The Americans are there to just "advise" the Ugandan military, not to directly take part in it. and although they do their own wrongs for me its hard not to do what you can and hope for the best. To each their own.

@FoXy: I agree with you when you say we have our own problems and we need to take care of those, and I do my part to help in T.O (usually around xmas time) I couldnt imagine being forced to execute my own parents or my siblings. I just cant sit idly by knowing this is happening, for $30, I will take my chances and support the cause as I feel even if they fail, at least we gave him a scare (didnt mean for that to rhyme lol)

03-07-2012, 01:55 PM
raise your hand if you knew about this before last night at 11pm.....

03-07-2012, 01:57 PM
*hand raised.

03-07-2012, 01:58 PM
*hand raised.

+ 1

03-07-2012, 02:03 PM
too bad someone with creativity isn't able to make a video about all bad things going on in the world right now

the twitter and facebook servers wouldn't be able to handle all of the posting

but I do get a kick out of seeing all the passion that this has created, as if people all of a sudden have found a purpose that they didn't have yesterday morning

03-07-2012, 02:33 PM
*hand raised.


The Wolf
03-07-2012, 03:07 PM
too bad someone with creativity isn't able to make a video about all bad things going on in the world right now

the twitter and facebook servers wouldn't be able to handle all of the posting

but I do get a kick out of seeing all the passion that this has created, as if people all of a sudden have found a purpose that they didn't have yesterday morning

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not... But it actually is too bad. This guy had a goal, and he enlisted hordes of mindless teenagers to help. It's sad that you gotta have a slick 20 minute video to get people excited about stopping a murdering rapist, but hopefully the end goal is realized.

03-07-2012, 03:21 PM
the masses need to be careful what they wish for, always question what you read, people of this world

03-07-2012, 06:50 PM
Sorry to say this, but you are being waaaaaaaay to paranoid. It looks like these folks are a) very legit and b) have dedicated their lives for the past 6-8 years for this cause. You see the narrator of the video and other organizers meeting with some of the biggest political figures in the US, interviewing the leading experts on the prosecution of Kony, multiple huge rallies in various parts of the world, multiple trips to Africa and interviews with those affected, and you think its a scam?

I was wary of committing 30 minutes to watching the whole video when I first saw the length, but it was well worth it. I suggest you do the same. In fact if you only watched the first 7 minutes instead of skimming through it you barely got into the meat of the movement.

You took me the wrong way, I'm not saying I think it is a scam, I'm saying I'd be a bit more cautious and really do my research before jumping on the social media bandwagon. Like a few others said, this is almost like a social media experiment.

please dont take offense to this Cab0oze, but if you havent watched the whole video, you really have no right in saying this is a scam or could be a scam...maybe if you watched the whole video you would have gotten the information you needed to convince you and you wouldnt be doubting this. things dont get really serious until 10-15 min mark, you start to learn a lot more, and even more in the last 7min.

take the time a watch it. No offense taken, and I plan to when I have some free time. But... it seems I'm not the only one who is skeptical (read the rest of the thread)

I think people should read Hyperion's links - a few highlights -
"Last year, the organization spent $8,676,614. Only 32% went to direct services"
"The group is in favour of direct military intervention, and their money supports the Ugandan government’s army and various other military forces"
"As Christ Blattman, a political scientist at Yale, writes on the topic of IC’s programming, “There’s also something inherently misleading, naive, maybe even dangerous, about the idea of rescuing children or saving of Africa. […] It hints uncomfortably of the White Man’s Burden. Worse, sometimes it does more than hint. The savior attitude is pervasive in advocacy, and it inevitably shapes programming. Usually misconceived programming.”"
"... but people supporting KONY 2012 probably don’t realize they’re supporting the Ugandan military who are themselves raping and looting away"

With that said, I have no interest in supporting the Kony 2012 project.

^^^^^ There you have it, this is why it is good to be skeptical sometimes and do your research before blindly following the crowd.

The Wolf
03-07-2012, 07:03 PM
It's really too bad that nobody can do anything good without being questioned and written off almost immediately. I'm not pointing any fingers or expressing any ill will to any members here, as I know TONS of "charity organizations" are essentially a scam to make the founder rich. Take a look at the houses that the founders of these organizations live in and the vehicles they drive.
I grew up in church every sunday. Doing churchy things and spending most of my time with churchy people. I played in a band that was sponsored by Compassion International and am good friends with people whose bands are sponsored by World Vision. I'm very familiar with charity organizations and their tactics. On one hand, yes they do good things... but on the other hand, the amount of money that actually makes it to where it's needed is disappointing. Not to mention the massive guilt trip tactics that are used to emotionally force people into signing a cheque.

Well, guilt only does so much... and it looks like the prospect of "arming the masses" with their Twitter and Facebook accounts and making them feel like they're actually doing something is so much more effective.

03-07-2012, 07:41 PM
If I don't know what it is and I believe it could be a scam I just don't read it or watch

03-07-2012, 07:42 PM
I understand why its important to be skeptical, but I do it "in hopes of"...in hopes that we can end bullshit like this, in hopes that we can show others on the wanted list that we dont accept this, and in hopes that one day the world can be a better place.

The thing I see is that they arent pushing for donations, but more for support, if they were all like "gimme your money and stfu" then I would be more skeptical, but they are saying, let the world know who this man is, and why we need to stop him, and with that the US will do what they can to end this tragedy. It all matters on what the people say!!

if you think about it carefully...all you really HAVE TO DO is go on the website and sign the pledge on the opening page of the website, your name goes down and you've done your part...thats all theyre asking...buying the material goods are simply YOUR CHOICE, that has no effect on the outcome of the movement. thats why I support this, and thats why I dont think is some kind of social media study/conspiracy.


the following is kind of irrelevant (LOL):
Today the FASTEST form of communication is social media. in less than 24 hours that video has 9 million views...thats why social media works. hating on the new form of communication is no good, because ultimately it is inevitable.

we are all using it here right now, for what? to learn about mazda3/mazdaspeed3. We use youtube, google, twitter, facebook, myspace (i dont thin anyone uses this lol) for the world wide information. I know that sooner or later some analyst is going to come up with numbers about how many tweets were made and how many facebook status...but thats their job.


Im not trying to say I'm right and your all wrong, just a good ol'fashon debate.

03-07-2012, 07:48 PM
For those wondering why people are so skeptical of KONY...


03-07-2012, 08:00 PM
"Obama’s orders for his 100 troops – presumably supported by those behind ‘Kony 2012′ – is to “kill or capture” Joseph Kony. I don’t think it is a stretch to suggest that many of the same individuals who will form the legion of participants in ‘Kony 2012′ were on the streets celebrating the killing of Osama bin Laden. It thus likely holds that they bought into the belief, proffered by Obama himself, that bin Laden’s killing amounted to justice and if you didn’t agree, you should get your head checked."

Can someone clairify what the writer is saying here...I dont quite understand it.

03-07-2012, 08:03 PM
"Obama’s orders for his 100 troops – presumably supported by those behind ‘Kony 2012′ – is to “kill or capture” Joseph Kony. I don’t think it is a stretch to suggest that many of the same individuals who will form the legion of participants in ‘Kony 2012′ were on the streets celebrating the killing of Osama bin Laden. It thus likely holds that they bought into the belief, proffered by Obama himself, that bin Laden’s killing amounted to justice and if you didn’t agree, you should get your head checked."

Can someone clairify what the writer is saying here...I dont quite understand it.

He means that people who think simply killing or capturing one individual (in this case, Kony) will solve such broad and complex global problems are likely the ones to support this cause, and they're stubborn so they don't understand the true roots of the issues involved here.

He's basically saying that people are confused with how "justice" is served...

03-07-2012, 08:19 PM
"Obama’s orders for his 100 troops – presumably supported by those behind ‘Kony 2012′ – is to “kill or capture” Joseph Kony. I don’t think it is a stretch to suggest that many of the same individuals who will form the legion of participants in ‘Kony 2012′ were on the streets celebrating the killing of Osama bin Laden. It thus likely holds that they bought into the belief, proffered by Obama himself, that bin Laden’s killing amounted to justice and if you didn’t agree, you should get your head checked."

Can someone clairify what the writer is saying here...I dont quite understand it.

+1. Only thing in that article I'm not clear on

EDIT: Thanks for the clarification! Reads much better in my mind now

03-07-2012, 11:00 PM

03-07-2012, 11:19 PM

LMAO!!! only you could find this!!! good find...since we're on the topic of humour. I think its funny anyway...or at least comical...give me something.


03-07-2012, 11:52 PM
New requirement before posting anything else to do with KONY

03-07-2012, 11:59 PM
New requirement before posting anything else to do with KONY


Too bad I qualify now due to my recent enrolment in my African Politics course :)

03-08-2012, 12:04 AM
I'm going to get flamed, but :

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/419680_10150612938574584_503934583_9091675_1303957 558_n.jpg

03-08-2012, 12:06 AM
I'm going to get flamed, but :

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/419680_10150612938574584_503934583_9091675_1303957 558_n.jpg

LMFAO!!!! thats hilarious!!!!! (gutless and mean) but **** thats funny!!! OMG good find!

03-08-2012, 12:59 AM
I'm going to get flamed, but :

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/419680_10150612938574584_503934583_9091675_1303957 558_n.jpg


03-08-2012, 01:02 AM
One more (this might applies in some instances in this thread) :


Had I not been currently doing research into various problems in Africa I would've qualified for the above myself :chuckle

03-08-2012, 06:26 AM
One more (this might applies in some instances in this thread) :


Had I not been currently doing research into various problems in Africa I would've qualified for the above myself :chuckleYes, so true :P

New requirement before posting anything else to do with KONY
http://i.imgur.com/f5kWl.jpghahahaha I was saying the same thing to my gf last night... I was like I bet none of these 'activists' (as pictured above) could even do it.

03-08-2012, 06:07 PM
If posting a video, pushing the like button and buying 5 dollar stickers is passion to you.. Then you live in a very sad world sir.

03-08-2012, 08:45 PM
People supporting blind topics is nothing new. Neither is someone making a bad thing seem good. This to me is peta all over again. Just worse.
Hitler did the same thing. It's just funny all this is happening on his birthday.

03-08-2012, 08:46 PM
anybody want to go look for joseph kony?


didn't think so..back to normal life.

03-08-2012, 08:57 PM
i will! i'll bring my SKS!

03-08-2012, 08:57 PM
anybody want to go look for joseph kony?


didn't think so..back to normal life.

Anybody want to donate $3 per month to make Kony famous?


But I think so many kids are donating to make Kony famous which is supposed to lead to his death.

So the argument is:
Donate money to us
To make Kony famous
Which leads to his death

Any philosophy majors feel this is a logical argument?

03-08-2012, 09:29 PM
Those looking for stickers, go here (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?61406-KONY-2012-Stickers-**limited-time-offer**).

03-08-2012, 11:09 PM
Anybody want to donate $3 per month to make Kony famous?


But I think so many kids are donating to make Kony famous which is supposed to lead to his death.

So the argument is:
Donate money to us
To make Kony famous
Which leads to his death

Any philosophy majors feel this is a logical argument?

It is the neo-imperialism of Africa my friend.

03-09-2012, 01:22 AM
let's see: exploited rubber, oil, ivory, copper, diamonds and even people, a lot of people. now it seems africa's newest export is dictators/warlords. kids on facebook just can't get enough of kony! LOL


03-09-2012, 01:47 PM

03-09-2012, 03:35 PM
I watched this video and felt as though I just lost 29mins of my life that I wont get back.

As I watched it, I also looked up invisible children and saw their "charity" rating. The video didnt resonate with me. While children are our future, I think that in addition to whats happening here, there are many other things happening in the world that are not being tended to.

Whats next for invisible children IF Kony is ever captured. Will they move on to the sweat shops? Combat Racism? Take out countries that have weapons of Mass Destruction? I applaud their effort. They are doing more than I am (which is nothing). But Im just not buying into this whole movement.

If Peter Pan could build a child army, why cant Kony? :P

03-09-2012, 03:55 PM
....If Peter Pan could build a child army, why cant Kony? :P

On a very ironic and relevant note, the current President of Uganda (Yoweri Museveni) used child soldiers during the civil war in which he overtook Uganda back in the 80's. His oppression of the North is also the reason Kony and the LRA came about...yet this is the guy/government that the IC org is backing to take on Kony, in a fight that isn't even in Uganda anymore.

This video serves a very important purpose - it went viral and raised awareness of a pretty serious issue overseas. I just wish (as other people mentioned in the thread) that more people would take the time to do some research on THIS particular campaign before deciding to support. Regardless of whether or not you are donating, please realize that just by sharing the video and saying you support the cause, you are effectively supporting a war between a corrupt government and a rebel outfit.

If you believe that violence and killing/capturing Kony is the answer, then by all means support this cause. Do be aware that a number of his child soldiers will undoubtedly killed in the process.

If you wish to actually be of more help to the victims of this violence in Uganda, and help with the rehabilitation efforts, there are quite a few other NFP orgs you can donate to, who are actually putting money into Uganda, and not into a war.


03-09-2012, 04:06 PM
Obama said: they only way they will continue with this project is if "the people" want it. we are the people, we as the people know that children killing children for the pleasure of one man is wrong, demoralizing and disgusting.

Literally, all you have to do is raise awareness and Obama will keep the US Military Advisors in Africa to track, find and prosecute Joseph Kony.

I'm sorry, and not to be offensive...but this is VERY naive. If you honestly believe that that governments invest in this sort of thing because "awareness was raised", then you need to do some more research. The US government does not get involved in situations such as this without their own agenda. Have you stopped to consider why the US would send advisors, and not let the UN handle it?

I honestly do not even believe that 100 US "advisors" will have much of an impact at all, there have already been reports that attacks thus far have failed because the Uganda army does not have the technology or discipline to carry out this mission on their own. This just sounds like brownie points for the Obama administration, but that's just my opinion.

03-09-2012, 05:51 PM
Well I'm definately not buying aftermarket Koni shocks now...

03-09-2012, 06:27 PM
From http://m.news.com.au/MostPopularNews/pg/0/fi979252.htm

Invisible Children reports that in an official account of the $13.7 million raised in the 2010/11 financial year, $8.8 million was allocated for expenses - including filming costs, transportation and production.

"Thank you for your donation, we just bought 3d camcorders yo!"

03-09-2012, 06:41 PM
has this article been posted?
sorry i didn't read through entire thread

03-10-2012, 07:16 AM
Well I'm definately not buying aftermarket Koni shocks now...

They may have been built by kids! o.0

(actually whenever I saw the title the first thing I thought was Koni lol :P )

03-10-2012, 08:55 AM
"Educate yourself"


03-14-2012, 01:13 PM

03-14-2012, 07:17 PM
I'm sorry, and not to be offensive...but this is VERY naive. If you honestly believe that that governments invest in this sort of thing because "awareness was raised", then you need to do some more research. The US government does not get involved in situations such as this without their own agenda. Have you stopped to consider why the US would send advisors, and not let the UN handle it?

I honestly do not even believe that 100 US "advisors" will have much of an impact at all, there have already been reports that attacks thus far have failed because the Uganda army does not have the technology or discipline to carry out this mission on their own. This just sounds like brownie points for the Obama administration, but that's just my opinion.

Yup. About a billion barrels of oil was discovered in Uganda recently.
The kids really do need saving, though.

03-14-2012, 07:46 PM
Yup. About a billion barrels of oil was discovered in Uganda recently.
The kids really do need saving, though.

the government is so currupt, there's definetely an underlining reason to go into Uganda. if it's not oil, it's something else.

03-14-2012, 08:49 PM
I'll just leave this here

03-16-2012, 03:33 PM

03-16-2012, 05:55 PM
...And if we timetravel back to the first/second page, everyone was bashing me for being skeptical... :P

Sorry to say this, but you are being waaaaaaaay to paranoid. It looks like these folks are a) very legit and b) have dedicated their lives for the past 6-8 years for this cause.

03-17-2012, 12:13 AM
you can make him famous by masturbating and being drunk in public!


03-17-2012, 12:00 PM
How legit is this? Could this be a viral act of bullyism to a person who is innocent?

I'm still not reading this but from what I heard by one of the founders acts of masturbation, I think it's a sham

03-22-2012, 09:26 AM
How legit is this? Could this be a viral act of bullyism to a person who is innocent?

I'm still not reading this but from what I heard by one of the founders acts of masturbation, I think it's a sham

I read today in the metro about it.... Not masturbating but running around in his undies. They said hes suffering from flashes of psychosis due to stress....
Way for him to ruin the good natured cause lol

04-07-2012, 08:30 AM
Part Deux of Kony 2012. Buy your kits and make your teams. April 20 is fast approaching. ;)
