View Full Version : 2012 speed suspension + sportline springs fit on 06 mazda 3

07-05-2012, 02:34 PM
Hello there,

wow its been such a long time from my absence from this forum.. i miss it so much lol

damn college that take away your life for years.. finally a Professional Technologist in Architecture now wow

anyways lets get down to business.

i have one of my buddy that is selling his 2012 mazdaspeed suspension with sportline spring for a really low price since he just want to get ride of it.

and my front strut are done. Car has 126k and the guy that had this car before beat the #!@#%$ out of it.. i have so much problems.. never buying a used car ever again lol anyways

the really question is will his MS3 supension fit on mine and has anyone done this?..

Elite made me a parts list to change since there are badly done. so instead of paying 400$ plus labour to 656$ for front struts.. i could get mazdaspeed all around suspension and sport line springs for less then that price and i wouldn't need to compress the springs( hence not kill my self) .. so im saving money and having a lower car at the same time ( always wanted to drop my car and now i have a reason plus saving money, 2 in 1 deal )

and these or my other part that would need to be change

1. Rear lateral Link
2. Trailing Arm bushing
3. Front links

and some i don't even know where to find them on my car.

and would i be able to repair these parts with the car jacked on two jacks?

any help and suggestion would be gladly appreciated.!

pictures, guides, help to install it would be nice and i could pay beer



07-05-2012, 02:42 PM
The springs will fit, but it sounds like you are getting the entire strut assembly which I am not sure is the same.

Could be but I am not sure.

07-05-2012, 02:46 PM
yes i know the srping will porbably fit.. and your exactlly right. i am getting the strut with the spring already assemble. that is what im not sure with the strut.