View Full Version : 19 AFR at Idle with JBR intake (even after MAF Calibration)

10-20-2012, 11:06 PM
Hey guys,
I installed my 3.5'' intake today and did the MAF calibration to get it to actually run. Have the LTFT at 0% while moving but when I idle the LTFT say 0% but my AFR is 19 or more sometimes and my ecu kicks in to adjust it but nothing changes. Just keeps running lean in little cycles. I checked the pipes and electrical connections and everything is connected correctly so it is a tuning issue.

any advice or input would be much appreciated.

I will post a video tomorrow if you guys think it will help :)

10-21-2012, 12:12 AM
Post some logs.

10-21-2012, 01:14 PM

Hope that works, first time posting logs. All of the logs are with me at idle, once I start driving my AFR are at targets.

10-21-2012, 02:43 PM
Maybe you should read up on how to log properly bro.

10-21-2012, 03:48 PM
Maybe you should read up on how to log properly bro.

Did that already, learned how to read a long time ago so I keep using that skill :P

The issue was at idle not when driving, it was very weird. I managed to fix it by doing another Calibration and reinstalling the intake again just to make sure everything was connected properly.

The car is fine at idle now, not sure what the issue was so that kind of annoys me. Something must have been not sitting flush with the coupler or clamps.

Car feels good with the JBR intake but the stock battery box makes the install a bitch... stock BPV also gets in the way so I have to use washers to space mounting bracket out more.

10-21-2012, 06:57 PM
Do another log. One at idle and another at WOT. Let's see if the STFT are still reading ~+25%. I assume you're not getting any CELs?