View Full Version : Steering Wheel Isn't Straight Anymore :(

11-15-2012, 07:56 PM
Hey so my steering wheel is no longer straight when driving straight

Backstory: I had been driving during the rain at night and I guess I took a left turn too fast and slipped on some newly paved roads, and my car's front right tire had hit the curb pretty hard (cracked my alloy rim unfortunately) but now my steering wheel isn't straight

I hope it's nothing major, but in the best case scenario, would this be just a steering alignment issue? If so does anyone recommend an area in Mississauga for getting an alignment done?


11-15-2012, 08:08 PM
yeah sounds like you need an alignment, I have heard good things about Altech, they get great reviews here

11-15-2012, 08:35 PM

11-15-2012, 09:05 PM
yup time to make them wheels and steering str8

11-15-2012, 10:25 PM
If the impact cracked the rim I would also have checked all suspension parts i.e. control arms, tie rods, etc...

11-15-2012, 10:29 PM
If the impact cracked the rim I would also have checked all suspension parts i.e. control arms, tie rods, etc...


rims don't just crack unless they're rotas

11-15-2012, 11:34 PM
I would also get the suspension inspected first to make sure the control arm, linkage, and endlinks are all still good. Then get an alignment. No point in getting an alignment if you have broken/bent parts.

11-16-2012, 01:14 AM
I would also get the suspension inspected first to make sure the control arm, linkage, and endlinks are all still good. Then get an alignment. No point in getting an alignment if you have broken/bent parts.

Couldn't have said it any better....

11-16-2012, 09:10 AM
keep in mind change that rim prior to an alignment as if it is cracked more then likely it is also bent. I am more concerned about the crack then the bend though.
And as stated get all suspension checked over

11-16-2012, 03:30 PM
awesome guys, thanks for all the responses will definitely be getting this checked

also a side question then, since I have this cracked rim is there anywhere I can get a replacement rim (16" OEM 2005 Mazda 3 alloy rim) I've looked around and even the junkyards don't have, and any private owners who are selling are selling only in sets, or are selling the individual rims for about $100 minimum

11-16-2012, 03:32 PM
Check ebay or just try searching more online to see if anyone is selling one. If all that fails you might just need to bite the bullet and buy one from the dealership. Or it might give you the excuss to look at some new aftermarket rims... Just saying

11-16-2012, 05:24 PM
Well atleast for now put your spare on. It would be safer then driving on a cracked rim. Have the car checked out asap as you could potentially cause more damage

Pokaroo Kris
11-22-2012, 02:11 PM
If you're looking to go brand new OEM, check a site call Cross Canada and check out where you can order online to get an idea.

11-26-2012, 03:56 PM
I had something similar to this happen yesterday :(. The shop is telling me I need a new passenger-side lower control arm and quoted me $356+tax. Anybody know of a shop in the Oakville-Burlington-Mississauga area that may have a better price? I'm looking online for the parts and they are selling for around $60 bucks, I don't want to get grossly over-charged...

11-27-2012, 11:22 PM
When I drive on a straight road, I noticed that my steering wheel isnt straight either. It's slightly angled to the left and therefore as soon as I let go off the wheel, the entire car just veers off to the left.

I have done my alignment twice at the dealership (latest one in August) and it still isnt correct.

11-27-2012, 11:53 PM
I had something similar to this happen yesterday :(. The shop is telling me I need a new passenger-side lower control arm and quoted me $356+tax. Anybody know of a shop in the Oakville-Burlington-Mississauga area that may have a better price? I'm looking online for the parts and they are selling for around $60 bucks, I don't want to get grossly over-charged...

dont always think that a 60$ part is going to last you that long. Just because the parts look the same does not mean they are made of the same quality as oem. Be carefule with dirt cheap parts

When I drive on a straight road, I noticed that my steering wheel isnt straight either. It's slightly angled to the left and therefore as soon as I let go off the wheel, the entire car just veers off to the left. I have done my alignment twice at the dealership (latest one in August) and it still isnt correct.

what kind of roads are you letting go of the wheel on? keep in mind of roadcrown as this has a factor to play in your pulling and your compensating. My wheel is also off to the left slightly however if i am on a completely flat road the wheel is straight

11-28-2012, 10:48 AM
McGuyver_3, I do a lot of driving from Scarborough to Belleville. Past Port Hope, you usually have stretches where it is just a straight road. When I test it there, it still veers to the left. And its not like after a couple of seconds it starts shifting, its instantaneous.

11-28-2012, 12:21 PM
Sorry I didn't state clearly what I meant try driving on the flattest road you can and stick in the middle. As in half in oncoming traffic and half in your lane. Of course use common sense and do it where it is safe. At work we use side roads where we have the room to do so and lots of overview of the road. Mine vears instant as well but I do not do white knuckle driving to keep it straight. If you are convinced its an alignment issue take it to another shop and have an alignment done there. Take the documentation back to the dealer if it is off and show them how off it was and take actions from there. Depends on how many alignments get done and how many times the alignment machine gets calibrated. We have had customers challenge our machine. If it is not off ask the shop or dealer to put a compensation in the toe for you