View Full Version : Hall of Fame....or Shame

01-20-2013, 12:28 PM
I've decided there should be a mazdaspeed hall of fame...or shame, where all the win...or fail can be easily viewed by all for a good chuckle.

This thread will be locked at all times and is for viewing (or fapping) pleasure only.

If you think there is a post that is worthy of being inducted into the hall, send loki, S.F.W or Mr Wilson a PM with the link, and your resoning as to why it is worthy of being inducted, and just maybe it'll hold a place in speed infamy forever.

~ loki

:FYI smiley

01-20-2013, 12:31 PM
This is how I propose we tackle your boosted furnace.......

This is how I propose we tackle your boosted furnace.

Explanation provided below.

Once we force feed your furnace with boost, it'll get pissed off (see image of furnace gritting teeth) and produce all sorts of heat we can harness to warm your house AND your water. Green folks, take note. You can make power AND save the planet.

So much heat will radiate from this furnace that if we were to turn it up to full power, we could flash cook 4 cows on each floor in under 30 seconds. Nelly would be proud.


Outside, heat will emanate from Loki's house as if it were Goku powering up to Super Saiyan and warm 3 city blocks in the coldest of winters. Green folks, take note once more. Surrounding residents won't need to run their furnaces once we get this guy online.

HTP 4" intake. Good for over 600hp mated to a black cone style AEM filter. We don't want to look too ricey here with red or blue filter elements; understated looks go a long way.

The screen in front of the mass airflow sensor acts as an airflow straightener and a barrier to prevent babies from getting sucked in. We don't advise you bring your babies to view this monster setup as you won't walk out of the room with your bundle of joy in your arms. Boyracer, this one is for you; Girlracer should stay at home.

Men, I know what you're thinking. Pornstar member if you get close enough. No, no, no and no! Unless you want your junk to resemble an over stretched piece of bubble gum, I don't recommend it.

After wiping off the year old cobwebs, the GT3071 should be good to go. Its efficient up to ~450hp but we're not here to make wimpy power; we'll crank this bish to the low 500s. At this point, this turbo has spent more time near the furnace than it has in a car so I expect it would exhibit symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome if we were to put it in Loki's Speed.

I know what you're thinking, Fast_Dude: Faaaaaaaccckkk!

Think this setup couldn't get any greener? Think again. The turbo CHRA is cooled with house water. Cold water comes in, hot water comes out. No need for an additional fossil fuel burning, ozone depleting, baby bird killing hot water tank. Green y0!


Catalytic Converter
Affectionately dubbed "Meow" because we call it a "cat". We don't need to run two cats in this setup since this runs so green, flowers and sunshine already comes out the loud as f**k Cherry Bomb Exhaust.

The mother of all loud @$$ axleback exhausts. Statements are made when your exhaust sounds like the starting line of a NASCAR event. Nuff said.

30+ PSI needs an intercooler. I suggest running the Treadstone TR1245 which is good for 860hp. This 12.5" X 22" X 4.5" core will cool the intake charge to below ambient temperatures with the imbued pixie dust and unicorn fluids.

CelestSpeed3 will be jealous at the size of this mother and will likely fit this unit on his pu by tomorrow.

Blow Off Valve
We don't recirculate our boost, we vent that hoe to the atmosphere. We don't suggest standing in the same room with this thing goes off. The pressure change will be so great that when ambient pressure returns to normal, you'll die from the bends.

Pacifiers keep babies from crying and furnaces from killing.

Meth Injection
Soon to be added to the pile of car parts near Loki's furnace. Might as well put it to use and cool the intake charge below freezing. The highly sophisticated drinking bird will hit the toggle button at precise intervals to cool the intake charge and prevent the furnace from blowing up from detonation.

Furnace Management System
The COBB Furnace Management System is still in Beta. Should it prove to be successful, COBB will release it to the public and all beta testers will get a cut of the profits. We can assure you, we'll get it to target the proper AFR.

Not pictured here is the COBB THERMOStat made of unobtainium and recycled pink fog LEDs.

01-20-2013, 12:35 PM
So I just got a chance to take a few pics of the new setup............

So I just got a chance to take a few pics of the new setup. First a few pics of the current setup to compare:

Current setup. Huge nasty gap, yuck:

Test fit of new setup. SUPER STANCE HELLAFLUSH YO!!!!:

Tried taking a few steps with the new setup. It's brutal to walk in. I don't think I can do this next year.

Winter mode:

I'll have to stick with winter mode for now... don't want to get slush all over my pants!

01-20-2013, 12:37 PM
It's been a while since I last posted in here.......

It's been a while since I last posted in here. Since then I've had some other parts installed on it (TMIC, DP, TP), but this last weekend a major install took place. List of parts installed were: EGR delete, TMM, PMM, RMM, ported intake manifold, IM TIG and TB TIG, injector seals, valve cleaning.

All in all, took about 30 hrs this weekend, that's how things are done at NATOR molasses. Without further ado, here are the pics.

Before the install:

So I started at 9am in the morning, casually removing the intercooler, intake, TIP, battery & ECU, battery tray. At around 9:30-9:45 ish, loki and Mr. Wilson arrived to chat it up and give me a hand. That's when things really started to get rolling as we were talking about trips and such. Phil stopped by too before work and so did breakfasteatre. After more chatting and while I was installing my EGR delete, Mr. Wilson ninja'd the TMM and PMM onto the car, here are some pics after the TMM and PMM install.

After PMM and TMM install:

Mr. Wilson, you sneaky sneak. Good job.
Somewhere between that time, Phil had to go to work. Then Mr. Wilson went to see Jimmy to get his coils and brakes done. Good thing breakfasteatre had a car with a battery in it, because he was able to pump out some big tunes while loki and I were wrenching.

At this point it was around 1pm, so we took a break for lunch, ordered some pizza and the damn guy took FOREVER. While eating I was having doubts as to whether or not I should remove the manifold because it looked super intimidating. So we made a trip to CT to get some solvents to clean the valves and the whole time I was still trying to procrastinate. Once we bought all the stuff, we went over to Jimmy's to see the progress of Mr. Wilson's car. Jimmy was just getting started, so we picked up Mr. Wilson for additional man power.

The removal of the manifold started at around 4:30 and it took some time to get it done. Here's how the car looks without the manifold:

Then we stopped to get some wonton noodles and McD's sundaes. At about 9pm, Mr. Wilson's car was ready so I dropped him off at Jimmy's to pick up his car. When I got back, we started with the valve cleaning process... OMG are they ever dirty. We had to wait for the solvents to do their job so I got a chance to snap some pics of the car.

Mr. Wilson came back with his car. His brakes now sound like wailing banshees. Nice. Shortly after, he left to take care of some family business and loki and I proceeded to remove the fuel rail to install the injector seals. More procrastination ensued as there were no clear instructions as to how the fuel rails are to be removed. After much hesitation and rage, I Hulk'd my fuel rail off and while loki took care of some "business", I took his off too.

Here's how the car looks without the fuel rail:

With the injectors in:

At this point, it was super late (5am) so we decided to call it a night and continue the next day. This gave me a chance to have a slumber party with loki.

The next morning we had to visit CT again to pick up more solvents and cleaning tools. On the way back, we picked up some breakfast from Tim's and work continued.

The next part was to crank the engine so that the remaining valve would close. This was another PITA because my undertray is on and getting to the bolt was annoying. But you gotta do what you gotta do. While the solvents were working on the last cylinder, I got under the car to install the RMM.

Here's the car with the RMM installed:

With the last valve cleaned, I proceeded to button everything up. Loki had to wait for CelestSpeed3 for the TIG so he did some more cleaning.

Car with IM and TB TIG installed:

I had to stop because I had dinner arrangements and loki continued with work. Came back from dinner and loki was about done. Cleaned up the garage to get ready to start the car and move out. Loki cranks the car to pressurize the system and then all of a sudden, the car shuts off. No lights, no nothing. Some of his gauges still work so we were in a bit of a panic. Mind you, at this point we've been awake for 15 hrs with like 2 hrs of sleep. Then loki clues in that he forgot to tighten the battery connectors. Yeah, that would make the car not start.

Once that was tightened up, BAM! The car fires up and a huge puff of black smoke gets sprayed onto my pants (I was behind his car putting stuff away). Car starts fine and I proceed to start my car.

My car went a lot smoother because I actually tightened all my nuts and bolts. And with that, the 2-day install was completed.

Loki packed up his stuff, check out my toy collection and went on his merry way.

Here are some pics of the final product:

So glad loki talked me into it. Of course, we had lots of help along the way, Mr. Wilson, Phil, breakfasteatre, BlueStreak, Jimmy, CelestSpeed3, Fobio (sorry if I missed anybody, totally unintentional). Next time I do this, it shouldn't take 30 hrs. More like 3.

Good job loki, we have progressed to the next level.

01-20-2013, 02:23 PM
Deal of a lifetime........

Deal of a lifetime. Only used for about 3,500 km to 4,000 km. In great condition.

Asking for $1,000,000. Low ballers will be IGNORED!

Nov 24, 2012

01-20-2013, 02:37 PM
One of the most epic new user's threads ever....EVER


Well this is how it looks if that might help find out if he was on here....



looks awfully familiar....lol



and the rest is history....

01-20-2013, 02:47 PM
courtesy of papier mache intake.....

Look...I was sitting on the throne...looking at my car magazines...looking at the TP....and the empty TP roll, and I thought about tuning. Then I was like, the best idea came to my mind. I mean, you know it must be a wicked idea...PAPAER MARCHE!

Why don't we start making custom intakes from paper marche...I mean, you know, if we make it as a short ram, add a water shield, it'll never get wet right?

I can also get all the vinyl masters around to help me wrap it nice and TIGHT YO!

MBNTO keeps telling me I have to lacquer it...I keep telling him how I want to effing sticker bomb it to keep it JDM...also I'm gonna come up with some JDM name for it, to make it legit...

what do you guys think? I don't think I have to lacquer the inside of the intake tube...I mean with all the boost I'm running I must be keeping it dry...right? esp if I run a rain shield...

Paper marche intakes FTMFW!!!!!!1!!!! We will revolutionize the tuning world...who's with me?!

I wonder if that HVAC piping thread is mocking me...no matter...just to show you guys, this is what I have prototyped so far.


check out that sweet velocity stack...the possibilities are endless...


01-20-2013, 02:54 PM
The answer to will this cause vibez.....

ok....you've just picked up your new mazdaspeed3, joined TM3 and are looking to mod your car...

You've just finished creating your "Hey guys new speed3 owner here" thread, and right away, you've received these comments:

- :welcome smiley
- nice ride!
- welcome!
- holy wheel gap!
- great ride, now lower it!
- tints!
- delete your side moldings!
- get an RMM

what the f**** is an RMM? Ahh it's a rear motor mount but I hear it causes vibes...

You start browsing the classifieds section and you see a thread like "FS: Cp-e RMM 75duro"

right away you start posting stuff like....

- which one would be better for me? 60 duro or 75 duro?
- I hear there's vibes...will it bother me?
- how are the vibes?
- will I notice the vibes?

Put it this way...Mazda did not build these cars overnight. They were designed with a lot of factors in mind. One of those factors was comfort, so the engine mounts were designed to hold the engine in place with as little transfer of vibrations to the cabin as possible. Change that to something aftermarket and of course there will be a difference.

Here's an experiment for you guys:

Go find your girlfriend/wife's vibrator (she has one...you just need to look for it...), and see what batteries are in there...probably 2 AA's cranking out an awesome 3 volts.

Use your Mcguyver skills (all men have these) and connect that shit to a 12V car battery...do your best to conceal the cables...

Will she notice? You bet she'll notice. It'll work that ***** on a whole new level...will she like it? who knows...

Here's an experiment for you girls:

Go find your boyfriend/husband's PS3/Xbox controller and connect that shit to a 12V car battery...do your best to conceal the cables...

The first time after playing MW3 he'll think he was in f****ing Bosnia...will he like it? who knows....

If you're looking to get a RMM or any of the Motor Mounts for your speed3/6 ask yourself the following questions:

1. Am I a whiny bitch?
2. Am I a whiny bitch?
3. Do I NOT want to get all the available power from the wheels to the ground?
4. Will my girlfriend/wife leave me if the car is vibrating?
5. Will my boyfriend/husband leave me if the car is vibrating?
6. Did I buy this car to drive it like a bitch?
7. Did I buy this car purely for comfort because I know I'm a whiny bitch?
8. Am I a whiny bitch?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, DO NOT BUY ANY MOTOR MOUNTS!!

It is very simple.....

01-20-2013, 03:01 PM
First 400 whp speed3 in the GTA and on TM3.....full of win!

2008 Mazdaspeed 3
ATP GTX3076 stock mount
Turbosmart BPV
Cobb Downpipe
Densos ITV-22
PG Exhaust Manifold
CP-e Cat-back Exhaust
CP-e Full Motor Mounts
Bosch 3-bar MAP sensor
50/50 Meth



Boost was affected by the Guardian Angel set @ 26 psi, causing oscillations. We have now upped the GA to 28psi and it's all good.


01-20-2013, 03:03 PM
space reserved for first 500 whp speed3 in the GTA and on TM3....


01-20-2013, 03:18 PM
alright well im probably going to get flammed for this question but, I want some expert answers. Why do people blow like $3000 on bolt on mods instead of just upgrading the turbo to a better one, and get a hpfp, rmm and stuff like that?

dont hate one me, im not planning on doing it,but just want to know :)

which lead to this....

Just make sure you paint them once installed.


and this....

No, then you put fake disc brake covers on them so no one steals your ish.


Group Buy - Drum Brakes

1. loki
3. boostin
4. Mr Wilson
5. Aitch
6. rzapata

order befor December 31 and receive 3 free spray cans of yellow paint!! deposit required

Yellow cross drilled, slotted drum brakes aren't complete without a set of fuzzy dice.


I'll start a GI thread soon.

*reads this thread will making VROOM VROOM car noises*

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4imQNV6iPAGBcJy4GpYDJDoFECTWfv 4spuKFGvTy8g9v8A8uv

01-21-2013, 03:07 PM
New toy came in today from Garage16, a new Forge BPV v2 for my 2010 Speed 3....

New toy came in today from Garage16, a new Forge BPV v2 for my 2010 Speed 3. Service with Garage16 was great as always, Rick was always very responsive to all messages sent and made sure I knew where things were at as we waited for the product to come from Forge. Once it came in he had it out the door to ship to me the next day and I had it in my hands the business day after that. Can't beat that :) Also, proper paperwork with everything, no cash deals so my warranty is intact which is important to me. Finally, he offered me the best price out of everywhere I checked for done and out the door pricing so really all the bases covered.

As for the BPV itself. Sound is, interesting lol ninja death star like...definitely very noticable compared to stock. Performance though is great, the valve is very quick and responsive and keeps clamped under 19-20psi of boost unlike the stock one. Build quality and finish seems quite good on initial impression. I do like the sleeper look of it, along with most things in my engine bay as I'm not a big fan of flashy gear. I will reserve long term judgement for once I've lived with it for a while but so far so good!

And now, a couple pictures:



"Ninja death star" is Version 1

Well ffs, you're right. FMDVMAZ3 is the model number. Rick!?

I definitely ordered the FMDVMAZ3S...

01-21-2013, 03:14 PM
Courtesy of PCLoadLetter at 2011 BuBBaQ pre-meet...


Courtesy of Skip at the actual BuBBaQ...gotta love Thrizzl3's clown pants....



01-21-2013, 04:47 PM
From the insurance thread...

my insurance ia now $716 / month , full coverage , Johnson inc , 2007 blk mazdaspeed 3

01-22-2013, 12:00 AM
Make Kony Famous....

I understand why its important to be skeptical......

I understand why its important to be skeptical, but I do it "in hopes of"...in hopes that we can end bullshit like this, in hopes that we can show others on the wanted list that we dont accept this, and in hopes that one day the world can be a better place.

The thing I see is that they arent pushing for donations, but more for support, if they were all like "gimme your money and stfu" then I would be more skeptical, but they are saying, let the world know who this man is, and why we need to stop him, and with that the US will do what they can to end this tragedy. It all matters on what the people say!!

if you think about it carefully...all you really HAVE TO DO is go on the website and sign the pledge on the opening page of the website, your name goes down and you've done your part...thats all theyre asking...buying the material goods are simply YOUR CHOICE, that has no effect on the outcome of the movement. thats why I support this, and thats why I dont think is some kind of social media study/conspiracy.


the following is kind of irrelevant (LOL):
Today the FASTEST form of communication is social media. in less than 24 hours that video has 9 million views...thats why social media works. hating on the new form of communication is no good, because ultimately it is inevitable.

we are all using it here right now, for what? to learn about mazda3/mazdaspeed3. We use youtube, google, twitter, facebook, myspace (i dont thin anyone uses this lol) for the world wide information. I know that sooner or later some analyst is going to come up with numbers about how many tweets were made and how many facebook status...but thats their job.


Im not trying to say I'm right and your all wrong, just a good ol'fashon debate.

New requirement before posting anything else to do with KONY


Courtesy of...


I'll just leave this here...


01-22-2013, 12:11 AM
First post on TM3...very n00bish...

Installed new COBB SRI last night in the middle of a hail storm...fun...

anyway, after it was installed and drove the car, I have a notice a strange whirring noise briefly the moment the turbo kicks in and then it stops as you build RPM and then when you come off the gas it kicks in again as the RPM drops.

so its generally at the 2500 - 3000 rpm range.

I have no idea what it could be....any thoughts?

lead to this...

Put stock intake back on and forget about it. Sell Cobb.

issue resolved...with many deleted posts....

Nice. But we already knew that. I understand that none of us heard it, and that you needed some to hear it, and that's cool. Well worth my ban to see that it was no big deal.

then few more deleted posts...and perma-banned......Tokay444...may his TM3 username R.I.P.

loki hearts tokay...

01-22-2013, 12:36 AM
Pink Fog Mafia

sorry but i just had to ask whats up with a few members having this avatar?

sorry but i just had to ask whats up with a few members having this avatar? whetehr its upright, upside down or mirrored, just wondering if it means something or an inside joke


havent u heard, supposedly pink fogs gets the girlz. :D



01-22-2013, 12:43 AM
Hey guys......

Hey guys, anywhere around the GTA have a gen 2 style hood (w/ the scoop) for the 07-09?
Really dont wanna pay 3-400$ for shipping from the US


Courtesy of......




what is common amongst these three images?

if you guessed... THEY ARE FULL OF FAIL... then ding ding ding! you win!

... or fail, depending

there are no gen1 speed3s with hoodscoops in the GTA....currently....

01-22-2013, 12:47 AM


that is all.....

01-26-2013, 11:34 AM
Hey fellow MS3ers!

Hey fellow MS3ers! Finally got some free time to be more active on the board! I noticed that there has been quite a few issues popping up lately, so I've decided to write a quick "how-to" to deal with these issues.

2010 Speed3 Navigation Issue:
Solution: Sell the car

Mazda Dealers putting wrong oil filter on 2010 Mazda Speed!!!!!! CHECK!!
Solution: Sell the car

CEL-P0192 Car Flat bedded to dealer
Solution: Sell the car

Emission Testing changing 2013 to OBDII only
Solution: Sell the car

Squeaky sway bar bushings front rear.
Solution: Sell the car

Drivers side seat heater malfunction?
Solution: Sell the car

Vote for sticky if you find this helpful!

01-26-2013, 11:50 AM
The day that the 2010+ speed3's became cool....

Do you have a shiny new 2010 MS3?

Do you have a shiny new 2010 MS3?
Do you think it's fast?
Do you want it to be faster?
Do you want the power to come on smoother?
Do you think you need a metric shit-ton of bolt-ons to keep up with an STI? (hehe ok well maybe)
Do you want to be cool like the rest of us?

2010 MAZDASPEED3 AccessPORT power output comparison (http://tinyurl.com/34waynu) of stock vs. a Stage1 test map.


Oh yeah, and for everyone else... v1.08 maps are out! [clicky here] (http://blogs.cobbtuning.com/2010/12/15/new-mazdaspeed36-accessport-updates/)


01-26-2013, 12:11 PM
Re: Informal MS3 Chat

Re: Informal MS3 Chat
Hey guys. As all know, I'm new to this car, but not cars in general and not even tuning in general. I've read a lot about the car and have a laundry list of mods I'd like to perform. First one being OCCs for both crank case and valve cover. The I'll probably do the suspension. I've already got my mind set on koni sports for now, since I can always throw a set of quality springs and rear camber arms later. My question is, how safe is the generic AP stock map for the ms3? I don't have any intake or exhaust mods. I'd like to see a bit better gas mileage and don't NEED any more power just right now. I'm more concerned with making the car as reliable as possible. More so than it was from the factory even as I know they blow shocks and in some cases, rods through the block. So would the generic stock tune map on the AP be for me, or would I be better just to get a dashhawk for now and just monitor my vitals since I'm leaving the motor stock for a long time anyway? Sorry if this is the total wrong section. I'm not new to forums either, but this seems to be an active thread...
Thanks in advance

01-26-2013, 12:22 PM
Fobio's perfect explanation of TM3 vs MSF...

TM3 member who shall remain un-named (loki edit)...think of these forums like a giant party at the Guvernment/Koolhaus...there's the Jungle room and the House room...TM3 is not MSF.org and I'm happy for that...just dance to a different tune depending on the room...you're still at a party bro!

01-26-2013, 12:28 PM
The day -cj- went full retard...and you know you never go full retard...

who's interested in some numebrs from a local MS3 with a GT3071?

for those interested in what ever happened to that GT3071, please direct yourself to the very first post in this thread..

01-26-2013, 12:33 PM
ok, here's some non-ricer math to back things up :)

ok, here's some non-ricer math to back things up :)

according to Garrett's site (http://www.turbobygarrett.com/turbobygarrett/tech_center/turbo_tech103.html), "What is my mass flow rate? As a very general rule, turbocharged gasoline engines will generate 9.5-10.5 horsepower (as measured at the flywheel) for each lb/min of airflow"

converting 266 g/s into lbs/min is 35.186 lbs/min ....325 / 35.186 = 9.2367 conversion from lbs/min to whp

292 g/s is 38.625 lbs/min .... 38.625 lbs/min * 9.2367 = 356.77 whp ... ~357 whp ;)

01-26-2013, 12:38 PM
The day Fobio decided he too wanted to be retarded....


Fobio is in the process of going full retard....please direct yourself to reserved post #10....

01-26-2013, 12:46 PM
Horto creates "secret loblaws meets"


01-26-2013, 12:51 PM
Does anyone else here skip 2nd gear on a regular basis?

Does anyone else here skip 2nd gear on a regular basis? I started to recently because I got kind of annoyed with shifting into 2nd to be honest. Here's how I see and please someone correct me if I'm wrong:
How I used to drive:
1st: shift at 2800 going ~20
2nd: shift 2800 going ~40
3rd engages at 1900 rpm.

How I drive now:
1st: 3500-3700 rpm going ~30-35
3rd engages at 1700-1900

Anything wrong with this? I've just found that 2nd is kind of pointless and is just an extra shift. The car doesn't bog when I shift into even the lower part of the rpm range into 3rd (lowest I go to ever is 1600 or so) and it just removes the extra clutch and shift going a speed and gear that I won't be maintaining.

PS: this only applies to driving on the street!! obviously if I'm driving through a gas station I won't go 1st-3rd but if I know I need to reach 60KM/hr going from light to light I just go 1st-3rd.

01-26-2013, 01:05 PM
Paul commenting on how much he spent on his mazda6, and whether or not he will mod his speed3...

The past is the past . . . . . But sometimes history repeats itself.

01-26-2013, 01:07 PM
Mr Wilson planning his future the day his contract with the City of North York expired...

Nope, Monday tv shopping, Tuesday new cell shopping, Wednesday/rest of life......Maury Povich, People's Court, living life off wife.

01-26-2013, 01:24 PM
Fobio's social commentary on Ferraris, transformers and BOVs....

Huge difference...Transformers are fictional...wanting your car to be one is, kinda cute.

Huge difference...Transformers are fictional...wanting your car to be one is, kinda cute.

A Ferrari is a storied car brand...putting a Prancing Horse on your car is akin to Civic's with TRD stickers and Carolla with Mugen stickers.

There's also a difference between questions ppl ask...

"Hey guys, I'm considering a BOV. I've read on TM3 and the internat that our cars run BPV...can someone explain to me why? I understand that it may have to do with our intake system measuring recirculated air? Please educate me..."


"Hey guys...my ricer buddy and I were high one day and we saw this wicked Silvia going pssh pssh. It's such a wicked sound, but I have no idea what it is, but I want a VTA BOV!!!...and I'm not going to search or read up about it...so I'm just going to dump a question on here so I can be spoon fed."

What the difference?

#1 is a thought out question asked in a respectful manner that otehrs from the internet may also share the curiosity.

#2 reeks of laziness and generally reflect badly on AN ESTABLISHED COMMUNITY like TM3, where the majority of our members have been around for awhile. This type of questions, like silly-cone exhausts, dumb down the average quality of threads and reflect poorly on an established, respected and knowledgeable forum.

Most importantly...we have this random thread for ppl to post their random questions.

01-26-2013, 01:29 PM
The "knee" discussion...

Just wanted to know who's a ninja master at driving with your knee.

you know...gotta drink coffee, talk on cell phone, give yourself a hj...whatever...

anyone willing to test out their skillz on the track?

My kneegrows...

kneegrow please. Never lost a knee race in my ****ing life bra. Get MARWB in here to call the ****in cops and bust this knee race

no kneed for violence

I usually inadvertently do the warm up lap on track days with my knees because im setting up my dash hawk and ap at the same time

loki is so fu knee

eh-knee one else got any good stories?

Breakfasteatre, why you monitoring shit on track day. Just drive it till it blows up. You monitor knock?

01-26-2013, 03:44 PM
fack_dude wants to sell his car....again....

Faccckkk this. Im done with mazda. Im picking up my new ride at the end.of the week. 2010 pos chevy equinox.

cool your heels fast_dude...I'll send you a map later.

on the other hand, you should consider a Toyota iQ..."iQ myself cuz it took me 15 mins to make it up my own driveway..." lol

They even come with the option(s) you like.


01-26-2013, 03:48 PM
Not MS3 related but this one deserves to be remembered....

and yes there was a poll....

I have applied to a few university programs, and will most likely get accepted to all of them.
My question is, which would you choose between the four, and why?

I have applied to a few university programs, and will most likely get accepted to all of them.
My question is, which would you choose between the four, and why?

1- University of Toronto in Mississauga - BSc in Forensic Science (No Co-Op)
2- McMaster University - BA in Economics (No Co-Op)
3- Guelph-Humber University - BAS in Justice Studies & Diploma in Police Foundations (Community Service Placements)
4- University of Waterloo - Geography and Environmental Management (Co-Op)

In my case, I will be commuting to whichever one I choose to attend.

01-26-2013, 03:56 PM
The birth of DVP/Wynford Timmies meets...

Anyone up for a coffee?



lol where? i'm pretty bored right now and i want to hear my intake again


01-26-2013, 04:04 PM
Mr Wilson's attempt to make us speed3 owners feel better about our fuel economy..


01-26-2013, 04:13 PM
How can all forget....the carbon fibre roof debate....

Hey Guys I have a 2009 Mazdaspeed 3

Hey Guys I have a 2009 Mazdaspeed 3 and I'm in the middle of getting a mold made for the 04-09 Mazda 3 hatchback roof. Its going to have them make it in carbon fiber for me then i will be ripping the roof out and at the same time i will be doing the head liner do to i cant stand the color any more so it will be going suede black and all the plastic is the car will be going from egg shell white to black.

Head hurts. Need interpreter

I'm not really asking question I'm more stating on what I'm doing to the car at this point in the build. The roof mold is coming from Georgia as well as the first carbon fiber roof. The cost for the Mold is $3,500 but i own the mold now and the cost for the first carbon roof is $2,000 and it's $2,500 for the install on the roof but i will be getting 65lbs out of the roof so that's the up side to all of this.

Hey so how every said vinyl that just a wast of money there because once you get a stone chip in the vinyl you need to rip up that hole section because if not it will rust and hey a rusty car is a shitty car. And the other thing is i already have other people looking at the roof to buy from me so this will be turning into a money making thing on the side and look man be one day you guys are going to be like Clarke can i get a carbon roof man do to i'm the only one in the would that has this roof there for your car think about that.

Yes Street unit sales covers for the roofs of a Mazdaspeed 3 and its really fiberglass under the first layer of carbon fiber and with this it goes over the roof that's on your car right now and another thing is its just double sided tape that holds it down nothing special i have talk to them and the builder of there roofs and he says there is not enough money in it for him to do anything bigger at this point.

A full body mold or full tub is $115,000 to do so the only metal in the car is in suspension, exhaust and engine then it takes about 3 months to put everything from one car to the other so once your done everything your sitting at about $160,000 but your car weight in at 2250lbs and that's a nice weight.


01-26-2013, 07:15 PM
Phil loves the chrome...

Forget the pics and just remove those chrome things

Hey Phil,

Since you has that chrome shit on your speed. I think we should ban you from the speed brotha clan until you get that shit off......:bang

Wow...really lol? that's pretty sad.

Better yet, Im gonna hook you up and get you the same stickers that darkrice has on his car..lol ;)


There's a speed with chrome other than emblems?!?!?

Pics or it doesnt exist LOL



01-27-2013, 12:12 PM
Jan. 21, 2013...

Just got a Cobb AccessPORT but debating whether or not to install it.


are you a *****?

answer = no. Then install that bish and stop second guessing. you scared?

answer = yes. Sell it on the classifieds, but you're going to have to add your username/date to that pic. You'll probably want to ask around $575 OBO

Seriously, why get one and not install it? DO IT NOW!

Lol you guys cracked me up, I've decided not to install it, going to go another route but I don't want to go off topic. If anyone wants it 575 obo like loki said, it was final sale :-(

Going with Ecutek

Jan. 26, 2013.....

Bought this a few weeks ago but decided not to install it. I will go with Ecutek instead.

Brand new in box, never opened.

$550.00 cash, I may be able to meet up in the Mississauga area.


01-27-2013, 12:13 PM
****space reserved for future imminent Ecutek fail****

02-21-2013, 08:46 AM
courtesy of Fobio...

the proposition....turbo delete mod. Thought of in 2009

I have the solution...and this will only cost you $2500CDN...






As you can see with the before and after dyno sheets, there's very little power loss...and in fact you can argue you GAIN in fuel economy...WIN-WIN-FTMFW...



This mod/fix/upgrade/holy grail will be licensed thru Nator Performance...look out for big things coming.:bana2

the bait was taken....but there was a moral. Story time with Fobio

1. don't believe everything you read on the net.
2. even if it looks good and others are raving about it, judge for yourself to see if it fits your own plans.
3. have a sense of humour. :)

Links of tm3 thread and original thread here



03-07-2013, 05:22 PM
coming soon....

Hyperion; Just because it bothers you, I will continue to do so, and because it bothers you I would suggest maybe a phychiatrist.

Loki; I could give a rats ass how much horsepower your car has, but your refusal to do any research on your own, just confirms my thoughts of your uneducated ignorance and the reason for it.

Bambay; And who are you? Do I know you? Would you know what smarts are? ...I doubt it.

I would hope that the moderators would recognize the unwarranted ad hominem attacks here towards my character, which I believe are against site policy and that they would erase those comments and leave only the pertinent and educational comments.


07-30-2013, 11:26 AM

Hi all,

So I'm a brand new mazdaspeed3 owner (don't know why they call it a speed3 if it's just a slight trim difference from the regular 3). Anyway, I got the hatch version of it because that's all I was able to find when searching. Though I feel that the 12.5k that I paid for it seems expensive for a mazda hatch.
That's neither here nor there though, as I am looking for something specific but have no idea what kind to get?

I was looking to pick up some Hellaflush. I was driving by my local Walmart at like 11pm the other night, and out infront of the parking lot was a bunch of cars (mostly VW and Honda). So I pulled up into the group with them and asked what's going on. They seemed either irritated or were busy with something else as they wanted me to leave. As I was turning around to leave, I heard one shout and it sounded like he said I needed to get something called hellaflush.

So I've been doing my research (I'm pretty good with computers and after researching, I practically become an expert!) and I feel pretty knowledgable about hellaflush. I think it's just as important as an oil change since (from my research) a hellaflush seems to flush a hella lot of stuff out of your car! (Including mufflers and front lips sometimes.... not really sure how that works, but that's what my research told me???)
But what I DON'T understand is what kind to get.
So for those of you who don't know, let me educate you. Just as oil has different weights: 10w-30, 5w-40...etc (The higher, the better), hellaflush has different styles. These cool Walmart VW and Honda bros seem to recommend the "slammed" style. But there is also "dope-camber", "squatting dog", and "speedbump dodge" styles. Though I think that last style was only for the Dodge Neon's that I saw there.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Where can I get some of this Hellaflush? Apparently after you have Hellaflush, you have to run higher tire pressures (Obviously because Hellaflush is more dense, and therefore heavier).

Also, if anyone isn't knowledgeable or wants to know more about Hellaflush, just let me know! I'd be more than happy to share my expertise.
Hella, if a mod wants to sticky a thread, I'll write up a whole knowledge post and even a How-To!

P.S. I was thinking about just copying and pasting this into "Honda" forums and "V-Dub" forums, but I'm worried that might also annoy them, but I might just try anyway. What do you think?

12-16-2013, 08:29 PM
mikey, meth and you....

...what is the most conservative way to make methanol at home? I have seen people use washer fluid but I've heard that shit could mess up the car..

courtesy of Aitch.....

I'm really happy the car is working well for you. Regarding home-brew methanol........ do you understand any of this stuff?

To make methanol, you need first to create synthesis gas, which has carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas as its main components.

Conventional steam reforming is the simplest and most widely practiced route to synthesis gas production:

2 CH4 + 3 H2O -> CO + CO2 + 7 H2 (Synthesis Gas)

CO + CO2 + 7 H2 -> 2 CH3OH + 2 H2 + H2O

This process results in a considerable hydrogen surplus, as can be seen.

If an external source of CO2 is available, the excess hydrogen can be consumed and converted to additional methanol. The most favorable gasification processes are those in which the surplus hydrogen is “burnt” to water, during which steam reforming is accomplished through the following partial oxidation reaction:

CH4 + ½O2 -> CO + 2 H2 -> CH3OH

CH4 + O2 -> CO2 + 2 H2
The carbon dioxide and hydrogen produced in the last equation would then react with an additional hydrogen from the top set of reactions to produce additional methanol. This gives the highest efficiency, but may be at additional capital cost.

If the answer is no,don't attempt to make methanol at home. The result will be more harmful to your wallet and health than blowing up your engine. I'm a chemical engineer and I wouldn't do it.

flame on....

So you wanna make meth? Enlist the pros.http://rack.3.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA4LzEzLzVhL0JyZWFraW5nQmFkLmIwYzNhLmpwZw pwCXRodW1iCTk1MHg1MzQjCmUJanBn/977000d7/353/Breaking-Bad-Season-51.jpg

12-16-2013, 08:31 PM
all I want for Christmas is to stay home....

Thats right. I need to lie to my supervisor and I need your help.

I don't want to work the 25th. They won't give me the day off and no one will switch.

Ive spent every Christmas with my family. Not willing to work it.

I can't call in sick. How do I get it off?

12-16-2013, 08:39 PM
ladies and gentlemen...introducing krissypoo29

I can't even find the best lines from this thread...the entire thing is solid gold


2 for 1 threads....did I pay too much for a car that I didn't buy? Yes you paid $100 too much..


08-15-2014, 11:40 PM


12-12-2014, 03:01 PM
Courtesy of Default User

I read a lot of posts on here that can easily be taken out of content, if you have the right mind ;)

I realized after "Copyin and Pasting" - I was able to make an Inappropriately Out of Context story line

So here it is....

Curious to hear your impressions once it's in.

I couldn't be any happier.

Hope to interact with all of you!

nice, good stuff.

Nice, now you'll feel my pain with the rears. Lol.

I just had mine done over the past weekend.

Thought you would like that. ;)

as long as you know your shit, you can still avoid being stuck.

I'm kind of confused on how you wanna do it lol. ?

No penis

eat more yams

. I'm down to learn some techniques..

Only way I learn is watching someone

I used a jack-hammer to get them off.

Subbing to this as I bought one but haven't decided if I want to use/keep it

Pretty good bang for your buck.

Pretty sure it lasts like 15 mins .....
Not worth it IMO.

I work about 5 minutes .

Ill get there.... one day :loki

:bang :facepalm

This conversation is so painful to read.

Both of my wrists and one of my ankles hurt like hell from yesterday

Well clearly you don't have enough to do because you have time to do 2 people's work.

My advice to you, and it's tough to do, but try focusing on what you're doing and how well you're doing it and forget everyone else.

12-19-2014, 09:58 PM


02-25-2016, 10:47 AM
2014....twas a good year

I'm changing in preparation to FMIC for a forged engine and BT (BNR3 or GTX2867) build this winter, if all goes to plan and I get my company car in September some time.

I wanted to replace the rods and pistons before my small block gets a random whole in it and is a complete rebuild.

And I would go bigger but there is no point of going to a massive BT because I don't want to install 5th port fueling. I am leaning towards the GTX 2867 or 3067 just not sure yet. The BNR would also save me from getting a new intake and Brian has revamped the BNR to have a bigger WG for better boost control.

The engine ain't broke yet but I like having a game plan. We'll see how far the game plan actually goes though... considering I could sell my car and just get a AWD/RWD platform to have more fun (traction) with.

I may go BT before forged judged by what you guys are saying.

lmao holy jesus, if I ever get that deep in the whole on an engine build I would have just planned to buy a new car. I was hoping to draw from people's experiences so I don't have to burn a hole in my wallet making mistakes lol.

Word, maybe I will just go BT on a stock block till compression eats it then lol... It's only gonna be driven in the summer after this year so I'm sure I can go forged when I finally get bored of it way down the road.

Thanks for the help guys.

Here's what to expect on forged/built motors and the approx. cost from a spreadsheet i put together a couple years ago:


Part Part Number Qty Price/ea Total
Cpe Pistons /w .02" Overbore CMZRP095120 1 $598.00 $598.00
K1 Rods 22.5mm wrist pin ZH5927AJAFB4-A 1 $379.00 $379.00
Exhaust Valve Guides L3Y1-10-281 8 $10.00 $80.00
Crankshaft Friction Washers L3H5-11-407 3 $15.00 $45.00
Camshaft Friction Washers L3K9-12-429 2 $9.00 $18.00
Timing Chain L3K9-12-201A 1 $32.00 $32.00
Oil Pump Chain L3K9-14-151 1 $23.00 $23.00
Crank Pulley Bolt LF01-11-406 1 $12.00 $12.00
Rear Oil Seal LF01-11-310A 1 $63.00 $63.00
Front Oil Seal L3G6-10-602 1 $9.00 $9.00
Gasket Kit 8LL6-10-271 1 $281.00 $281.00
Cometic Head Gasket C4481-030_MZR 1 $85.00 $85.00
ARP Head Studs ARP 218-4702 1 $166.00 $166.00
ARP Main Studs ARP 218-5402 1 $117.00 $117.00
OEM Main Bearings L3Y2-11-SG0 1 $97.00 $97.00
OEM Rod Bearings L3Y2-11-SE0 1 $61.00 $61.00
OEM Thrust Bearing L3Y2-11-SJ0 1 $48.00 $48.00
DCR VVT DCR527 1 $150.00 $150.00
BSD with Oil Pan Baffle MS3-6-BFL-BSD 1 $100.00 $100.00
Sub-Total Engine $2,364.00

Spec Stage 3+ Kit Self Ratchet SZ033F 1 $775.00 $775.00
OEM Flywheel (resurface) 1 $200.00
Flywheel bolts 6x L304-16-311 6 $5.00 $30.00
Sub-Total Transmission $1,005.00

Oil Filter Spin-on Housing L311-14-311A 1 $73.00 $73.00
Oil Filter Spin-on Gasket LF02-14-342 1 $5.00 $5.00
Oil Filter Spin-on Filter LF8J-14-302 1 $8.00 $8.00
Oil Temp Gauge 5640 1 $215.00 $215.00
Oil Pressure Gauge 5652 1 $250.00 $250.00
Timing Chain Tensioner L3K9-12-500A 1 $107.00 $107.00
Oil Pump Chain Tensioner L3K9-14-500 1 $15.00 $15.00
Oil Pump Pickup L3G6-14-240B 1 $32.00 $32.00
Oil Pump Pickup O-Ring L309-14-248 1 $6.00 $6.00
Sub-Total Misc $711.00

Total $4,080.00

Machine Shop Labour

Bore, hone, ceramic coating, assemble short block, assemble motor, etc
WITH Head work $4700
NO Head work $3400

WITH head work $8800
NO Head work $7500

removing the clutch saves you $1000.

Then there's labour cost if you plan to have shop pull and install the motor so budget $10,000

Edge has put together these parts that you would need in an engine rebuild (almost all of the stuff i listed above):
http://www.edgeautosport.com/stage-3-mzr-motor-build-kit-ms3-ms6-2006-2013/ $1215.92 up to $1700

Cheapest thing to do is to replace the rods and pistons and open the piston ring gap... approx. $1000 + the motor build kit $1700 + labour

so anywhere from $3000 (DIY) or ~$4000 (shop assemble motor) + removal and installation of motor (either DIY or shop)

again, budget $10,000 for rainy day fund because shit will go wrong

bottom line, shit ain't cheap

I would just be paying for a machine shop to disassemble and reassemble. All the other stuff I can handle on my own, I would just want the machine shop to get everything within spec.

We'll see about doing this come September because I get my truck and car payments are done. If $10000 is gonna be my worst case scenario I can swing that for a project car, but I might change my mind on the platform if that's the case lol. Maybe go with something lighter and rwd (Miata).

I hope you have a reserve of 20k cash in the bank. You should ask some of the members on the forum how many times they had to build their engine before they got it right.

Anyone have a spare engine stand not being used? I was going to buy a new one to start tearing down an engine but I thought I would give this a try first.

I know it's a long shot but you never know... I found a block to tear down, bore out/hone and rebuild :) I am thinking I will gather parts over the summer/winter (I will purchase most of the rebuild parts on black friday @ edgeautosports) of this year to have it ready for next summer.

I am curious to see what PSI you start to run out of IDC and what numbers it leaves you with on 94. You gonna be running lots of meth? I was gonna run enough to get me to 450 so you will have lots of useful data for my build.


And can I borrow that electric motor break in idea if it works well :P tanspeed3

2016....twas a bad year
