View Full Version : vmaxx coilover help!

02-07-2013, 10:27 PM
Hi guys/gals,

For those experienced in coilovers/ or have vmaxx coilovers installed--

I just recently installed them on my car, but I'm having problems.

I adjusted the dial to the lowest setting but it only lowers to 2 finger gap max.

I got it installed at jimmy's. It didn't seem right (the height at max drop) and confirmed this with peterm15 (thanks for your help). I brought it to APH this afternoon to see if something went wrong with the installation. Brian put it on his lift and said it was installed correctly. He advised to remove the top helper spring to reduce the height but i opted out for now to get more opinions. lowered my car off the hoist and off i went.

So do any of you guys know why it's not lowering?

I took some pics in my garage and attached pics below.

Set to the lowest setting:

Top Helper Spring that APH Suggested removing:

Lowest Setting...2 finger gap...

Top Strut Tower


02-07-2013, 10:51 PM
I also have Vmaxx coils and that really isn't right. are these coils brand new? maybe they need to set in?

I never thought about removing the helper spring to lower it even more, is it even safe without it? hmmm...

02-07-2013, 10:59 PM
So you said jimmy installed it. You didn't think it was right, you get another member to "confirm" this thought, but APH tells you that it was correct.

02-07-2013, 11:03 PM
I only confirmed that its not sitting right. Not wether they were installed correctly or not.

When he messaged me he just wanted to make sure it wasn't they way they usually sit. I confirmed that mine are much lower so he took it to APH to have the install checked.

On a side note, jimmy suggested to the Op to get an aftermarket one of these (strut bearing?)

I however never did and never had a problem.

02-07-2013, 11:26 PM
Any chance they are for the wrong car?

02-07-2013, 11:28 PM
Any chance they are for the wrong car?

i got them off of bell1984. Jimmy said fronts were slammed when he took em off. it's weird that they aren't lowering on mines. *stumped*

So you said jimmy installed it. You didn't think it was right, you get another member to "confirm" this thought, but APH tells you that it was correct.

yeah i confirmed with peterm15 that the coils weren't sitting right (too high), not the install. stock height at max drop... odd.

02-07-2013, 11:56 PM
You can remove the helper and be fine. It's just there so that the spring doesn't rattle around when you jack up the car really.

02-07-2013, 11:59 PM
was this for the rears or front?

Try raising it all the way and then lowering it.
Also drive to see if the struts are working.
Make sure you also put a lube to keep it moving.

Or if you still have good communication with him (I did when he sold me the Hypertech), ask him to send you pictures of his ride with the coils installed.

02-08-2013, 10:22 AM
was this for the rears or front?

Try raising it all the way and then lowering it.
Also drive to see if the struts are working.
Make sure you also put a lube to keep it moving.

Or if you still have good communication with him (I did when he sold me the Hypertech), ask him to send you pictures of his ride with the coils installed.

They are for the front. Struts work, great handling.
Yup tried raising to the top (went up) then lowering to the lowest setting (aprox 2 finger gap).

I pm'd him.

It's now aprox 1 and 3/4 finger gap. Maybe it just needs time to settle. If it doesn't reach 1 finger I'll just swap back to sportlines and sell em. Maybe it's just unlucky on my car, who knows lol.

02-08-2013, 10:29 AM
My BC's when I first got them were higher than my sportlines. I ended up changing springs twice lol

02-12-2013, 08:57 PM
Took out the helper springs. They were stiff as f*ck, didn't compress at all (maybe a tiny bit) on full load. They were the reason why I couldn't lower it.

Handling is 10x better now! no noise or anything at the front and most of all... I can lower it ;)

Thanks again guys!
