View Full Version : 2013 CIAS - discount coupons?

02-14-2013, 09:07 AM
International autoshow begins this weekend, anyone going to see the new Mazdas and all the other fine cars :cool

Who is offering discount coupons/tickets? In the past the Star/ CAA and some Mazda dealerships used to offer them :P

02-14-2013, 09:15 AM
Nextmod is selling tickets for $14.

02-14-2013, 09:56 AM
Nextmod is selling tickets for $14.

Dam...I just picked up 2 this week. If you order online you save 10%. My total was just under $40.

$14 a piece from Nextmod is a great price.

02-14-2013, 10:35 AM
Just grabbed mine last night. 10 dollars each through a corporate discount my wife has.

Heading down the last Sunday to hang out with the Westowne Mazda Franchise owners. Should be a good show this year!

02-14-2013, 11:18 AM
Going tonight to the pre-launch VIP event.

02-14-2013, 12:13 PM
Nextmod is selling tickets for $14.

Nice, that's a good price ;)

02-14-2013, 12:16 PM
Just grabbed mine last night. 10 dollars each through a corporate discount my wife has.

That's even better, good for you... :D

Going tonight to the pre-launch VIP event.

If this is a free invite, then this is the best, lol... :P

02-14-2013, 05:35 PM
I get free tickets from my boss this year if I decide to go. It's been a few years since i've been.

02-14-2013, 09:38 PM
If you're going to buy 'em and are available to pickup.... Just sayin'... (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?69177-Autoshow-tickets-In-exchange-for-charitable-donation-))

02-16-2013, 12:14 PM
Is Nissan doing free parking again this year?

02-16-2013, 12:56 PM
To whomever is the first of us attending the 2013 CIAS, can you start a thread in the multimedia section of the forum and post pics? Other members will contribute when they go, will be a rolling online car show for those who can't make it in person. :)

02-16-2013, 03:40 PM
I will start a thread and post my pics.

EDIT: http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?69207-2013-Canadian-International-Auto-Show-Pictures-and-Videos-Thread

02-16-2013, 06:51 PM
I will start a thread and post my pics.

EDIT: http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?69207-2013-Canadian-International-Auto-Show-Pictures-and-Videos-Thread

Nice! Lookin like a better option now with this ridiculous snow.