View Full Version : Elevator Union on Strike

05-01-2013, 09:13 PM
Just spreading the word.
I am a member of the IUEC Local 50. As of May 1st all NEEA (National Elevator Escalator Association) companies are on strike and will be no longer be maintaining or responding to any calls. Don't get stuck in the elevators, haha or bring a book.
I want to make it clear to everyone that the union has asked for no changes from previous years contract (several terms running) and was happy to continue, this is not related to any pay/money issue. The companies are trying to take away parts of the contract that have been helping them, and us for many years.

NEEA companies are Schindler, KONE, ThyssenKrupp, Otis.

Info can be found on Twitter and we are slowly receiving media coverage.

Stay safe and try not to use the elevator if you can avoid it, if you get stuck it could be a long time.

Fellow 2008 CWP speeder here.

05-01-2013, 09:18 PM
Good to know. Striking sucks, my union was going to strike last year. Last minute deal saved it thx god tho.

05-01-2013, 09:22 PM

To many people striking/ threatening to strike this year.

Plus. Your first post on the forum is this.

It's not that I don't care but frankly I'm sick of all the strike crap. It only results in lost revenue and jobs. ( cat is a good example.)

05-01-2013, 09:26 PM
Or you could have your building maintained by a non union elevator company

Crisis averted

Solid first post.

05-01-2013, 09:28 PM
Or you could have your building maintained by a non union elevator company

Crisis averted

Solid first post.

:chuckle. +1.

05-01-2013, 09:50 PM
lmao yah, my old company was non union. First post cuz i read and my build is done.
Many of the non-union companies employees are not fully licensed. This is because the non union schooling available is severely lacking and the quality from those who have done both, is far below what is offered through the union. The non union school forces people to go on UI/EI where the union's school, is done after working hours. There are very few licensed mechanics in the non union sector, let alone at a small independent. More companies are unionizing because of this. There are smaller unionized companies that do not go on strike, that will try and help those trapped in the elevators and performing their maintenance in their buildings. The union also supplies/trains about 90% of all mechanics and helpers.
Hope I could help clear that up.
As the law states, if the elevators are not maintained monthly they will be shut down. I am also one of the ones out of work, I have a mortgage, bills etc. I am simply trying to spread the word, it is a very niche trade and not widely known, but we put our life in it daily and it is a very dangerous job to ensure public safety.

05-01-2013, 09:52 PM

To many people striking/ threatening to strike this year.

Plus. Your first post on the forum is this.

It's not that I don't care but frankly I'm sick of all the strike crap. It only results in lost revenue and jobs. ( cat is a good example.)

Its not fare to us workers tho when work load is high and companies want to give less pay, less benefits, retire later so on n so forth. If you dont read on it or if youv never experienced it then you should maybe say nothing? It is ussually people fighting for their way of life to stay as is. Big buisness only take anymore.

05-01-2013, 10:06 PM
Thanks brother!

05-01-2013, 10:14 PM
Its not fare to us workers tho when work load is high and companies want to give less pay, less benefits, retire later so on n so forth. If you dont read on it or if youv never experienced it then you should maybe say nothing? It is ussually people fighting for their way of life to stay as is. Big buisness only take anymore.

Plain and simple fact. Unions have it pretty good compared to private sector workers.

What was the layoff rate in unionized workers in the last 5 years compared to private? What were the wage increases in unionized workers as compared to private? What pension packages do private workers get.

At the end of the day. Unionized workers have it pretty darn good. The unfortunate part is the economy is suffering and cuts need to be made to keep these companies alive. At some point in time it's like sucking blood from a stone. It just becomes to expensive to do business ( again look at CAT). Unions strive on job security but if the company is starting to loose money due to the cost of employment, sometimes it better to keep the job and take slightly less pay, benefits, and so on. Eventually when the economy gets better the contracts will be adjusted accordingly.

I know more about this kind of thing then you think.

As a business owner, people want more then they are worth and customers want it for less. Personally In the last 2 years. I have taken a 35% pay cut. But it's better then being unemployed.

Big businesses aren't the only ones who take. Workers do as well.

For the third time I will refer to CAT.( packed up and left, leaving many out of work) Or the soap company that was at lakeshore and DVP( had to shut its doors because they couldn't afford to keep its workers at the pay they wanted) or alumacore, ( who almost went under because of a lengthy strike)

It's not to say what the unions are asking for is not warranted, i assume ( specifically in this case) that it is. It's just if the entire private sector had to sacrifice why shouldn't the public and unions.

Neither of my posts are anti union. Just making good points. Again not knowing the specifics of this battle I can not comment. Personally I'm just sick of all the strikes, work to rules, threats ect that have been happening this year.

05-01-2013, 10:42 PM
Oh this is great. The elevators at my apartment are running at derp capacity and I was actually stuck in one of them for 5 minutes today before it fixed itself.

05-02-2013, 12:25 AM
Plain and simple fact. Unions have it pretty good compared to private sector workers.

What was the layoff rate in unionized workers in the last 5 years compared to private? What were the wage increases in unionized workers as compared to private? What pension packages do private workers get.

At the end of the day. Unionized workers have it pretty darn good. The unfortunate part is the economy is suffering and cuts need to be made to keep these companies alive. At some point in time it's like sucking blood from a stone. It just becomes to expensive to do business ( again look at CAT). Unions strive on job security but if the company is starting to loose money due to the cost of employment, sometimes it better to keep the job and take slightly less pay, benefits, and so on. Eventually when the economy gets better the contracts will be adjusted accordingly.

I know more about this kind of thing then you think.

As a business owner, people want more then they are worth and customers want it for less. Personally In the last 2 years. I have taken a 35% pay cut. But it's better then being unemployed.

Big businesses aren't the only ones who take. Workers do as well.

For the third time I will refer to CAT.( packed up and left, leaving many out of work) Or the soap company that was at lakeshore and DVP( had to shut its doors because they couldn't afford to keep its workers at the pay they wanted) or alumacore, ( who almost went under because of a lengthy strike)

It's not to say what the unions are asking for is not warranted, i assume ( specifically in this case) that it is. It's just if the entire private sector had to sacrifice why shouldn't the public and unions.

Neither of my posts are anti union. Just making good points. Again not knowing the specifics of this battle I can not comment. Personally I'm just sick of all the strikes, work to rules, threats ect that have been happening this year.

Yes some unions can be greedy like the LCBO workers atm. But! some of our unions are loosing everything. I work as a welder at National steel car, we get constant reviews telling us what to expect for work. for the past 3 years bases have been loaded. There is a saying... Company is doing bad, ask to keep your job. Company is doing good, ask to keep wages and benefits. Company is doing great, ask for more money or benefits. My company hasn't seen a raise in about 20yrs. Atm we have orders so huge we have just hired another 300 workers. I am not big on unions. I find more of them then not have a lot of lazy workers that are only their because they are protected. But its still crap having your life taken away.

05-02-2013, 12:30 AM
Never realized elevators had a union.. hah

05-02-2013, 12:44 AM
I agree that certain trades (such as niche trades like NEEA) need or at least warrent unions...but what I will never know or understand is why it is necessary for Teachers (university educated professionals) to have a union....I think it is largely the Teachers unions that have everyone in the private sector completely fed up and sick and tired of unions. All I ever hear is that this group is threatening to strike. Or they are refusing to do hall monitoring, or extra curricular activities...or when they complain about having to take work or report cards home to finish...I feel absolutely no pity.

And don't get me wrong. I don't hate teachers. I have several friends and relatives that are teachers...but enough is enough.

In regards to your situation I hope everything gets sorted out and that your employers aren't trying to screw you...best of luck

05-02-2013, 01:01 AM
Never realized elevators had a union.. hah

+1. learn something new err-day

05-02-2013, 01:05 AM
@ geobur, unions are important. there are problems associated with many currently, but it stops people from being taken advantage of in the workplace, mainly being hours of work, safety, and pay.

every time i talk to someone who says we should disband unions, i always ask them where they work. 90% of the time, its at either a low paying job or retail.
unions help empower the worker with rights, and keep the employer in check. truth is truth.

back on track, gl with the strike. hopefully a resolution is found soontime.

05-02-2013, 01:18 AM
Is it hard to join local 50? I heard its basically nepotism.

05-02-2013, 01:51 AM
Yes some unions can be greedy like the LCBO workers atm. But! some of our unions are loosing everything. I work as a welder at National steel car, we get constant reviews telling us what to expect for work. for the past 3 years bases have been loaded. There is a saying... Company is doing bad, ask to keep your job. Company is doing good, ask to keep wages and benefits. Company is doing great, ask for more money or benefits. My company hasn't seen a raise in about 20yrs. Atm we have orders so huge we have just hired another 300 workers. I am not big on unions. I find more of them then not have a lot of lazy workers that are only their because they are protected. But its still crap having your life taken away.

The only thing I disagree with is the fact of the union loosing. The union ( as the company) is loosing nothing. It's the GOOD workers that loose.

as for the lcbo. Some of the main points of argument with the contract is.

Getting rid of the unionized assistant manager position.
Wage freeze
Promotion process ( the union wants promotions to remain on a sonority basis, the government want it based off merit. )

I have many friends who work for the lcbo. Some great workers, some bad. I find the good workers want these changes implemented, while the bad ones don't.

This to me is the union fighting for its own gain rather then that of the workers. There is 630 lcbo's. By getting rid of the assistant manager position it amounts to ~$400,000/ year in lost union dues.

Back on point.
To the union guys in this thread. I hope everything works out for you guys.

05-02-2013, 05:53 AM
so whats it like to work down an elevator shaft? ive always wanted to be in one...mission impossible style LOL

05-02-2013, 10:26 AM
You ****ing union guys have it sooo easy! Try working non union for a while and see how good you have it. Over time and you don't get shit for it, just your regular pay, you don't get to say no Im busy you work till the job is done.
Union workers get paid twice as much to do half as much work. stop complaining.

05-02-2013, 11:17 AM
and cue :pop

05-02-2013, 11:58 AM
IMO, unions should be for skilled trades only.

Not teachers, not LCBO workers, and CERTAINLY not unskilled auto workers.

It's just an excuse for unskilled tards to gain more money. I'm sorry but those ppl working at the LCBO shouldnt be paid anymore than someone who works retail. It's UNSKILLED for the love of God. Same with the ppl over at GM and what not. There is no skill to their job, most dont need an apprenticeship. Any monkey with a highschool education could be taught that. And it certainly doesnt deserve more than $20 an hour. It's an insult to all the ppl who spend endless hours and dollars on doing an apprenticeship or getting a post secondary education.

05-02-2013, 12:10 PM
I work in a shared building with ThyssenKrupp and the second that my business gets disrupted by this strike, I'm cracking skulls!!!

also 1 of the unsettled points of this strike is GPS tracking in work vehicles...what are the workers trying to hide???

05-02-2013, 12:15 PM
Over time and you don't get shit for it, just your regular pay

The first like 4hours, then it is OT pay lol :P

05-02-2013, 12:18 PM
Dont get me wrong Im not against unions. Just against workers that think they don't have to work because they have a union backing them. LOL try striking a non union job. The owner would fire every single one of you and hire guys that will work for less, and laugh your ass off the job site.

I will be applying the the electrical union soon. But I wont be one of the guys standing around with 5 other guys joking around while one guy works, I will be the one working.

05-02-2013, 12:19 PM
also 1 of the unsettled points of this strike is GPS tracking in work vehicles...what are the workers trying to hide???

going to strip club on lunch break.

05-02-2013, 12:22 PM
The first like 4hours, then it is OT pay lol :P

no not with most companies. these guys don't have to follow the "rules" its work or go home and don't come back. Most companies will not pay over time dues.

05-02-2013, 12:56 PM
no not with most companies. these guys don't have to follow the "rules" its work or go home and don't come back. Most companies will not pay over time dues.

After 44hours you must be paid OT, unless your in an exempt field. This is labour law.

Most Union workers get OT pay anything over their 37.5 or 40h work weeks.

05-02-2013, 01:06 PM
After 44hours you must be paid OT, unless your in an exempt field. This is labour law.

Most Union workers get OT pay anything over their 37.5 or 40h work weeks.

Yes I know the laws. Unless you are with a union company they don't care about the law. They will just tell you if you don't like it you can leave. Ive worked with many companies, not all electrical, only 1 of those companies paid over time if you worked it.

you can call the labour board but they won't do anything about it, maybe call the company and remind them of the laws but thats about it.

05-02-2013, 01:09 PM
I worked with a company that did 8am - 6pm mon-fri plus 8 hours on saturday and they didn't pay any over time. although this company was insanely bad to their workers, this is why i left after 3 months. thats just one of the terrible companies ive worked for.

05-02-2013, 01:20 PM
I worked with a company that did 8am - 6pm mon-fri plus 8 hours on saturday and they didn't pay any over time. although this company was insanely bad to their workers, this is why i left after 3 months. thats just one of the terrible companies ive worked for.

If you're working for companies who break the law, that sucks. Fact is they can't. You can complain to the Labour Board and the WILL correct it if you can prove it. I have friends who have done this, and gotten the cash. Laws are in place for a reason, and it's the Labour Board's job to enforce them.

Now if they tell you to work for straight pay or go home, and you stay, whose fault is that? lol ;)


05-02-2013, 01:26 PM
Got an email about this strike thru my work email - apparently ThyssenKrupp is serving our office elevator...

05-02-2013, 01:41 PM
I believe most of the elevators at my work are serviced by KONE but not 100% sure.

a BIGGER issue in my books is the temporary worker permits which finally got some media attention thanks to RBC.

05-02-2013, 02:00 PM
If you're working for companies who break the law, that sucks. Fact is they can't. You can complain to the Labour Board and the WILL correct it if you can prove it. I have friends who have done this, and gotten the cash. Laws are in place for a reason, and it's the Labour Board's job to enforce them.

Now if they tell you to work for straight pay or go home, and you stay, whose fault is that? lol ;)


They will just edit hours on the punch clock. Where I used to work did that for years. And MANY of us complained.
All they were told was they were no longer allowed to edit hours. So they cut everyone's hours back below 40 ( which also canceled our medical coverage.)

Fact of the matter is the labour board is really only there to make sure there is equality in the workplace. They will do nothing about a few hours of overtime.

05-02-2013, 02:03 PM
Fact of the matter is the labour board is really only there to make sure there is equality in the workplace. They will do nothing about a few hours of overtime.

I wouldn't call it fact, but agree to disagree. I have had friends get cash settlements for OT claims. Also had one get a nice severance pay as "industry standard" and not just law. Probably largely based on how your case is presented, and how hard you fight.

If you can prove they were doctoring hours, and not paying what is legally required, I would make sure that I did everything to get paid what I was owed. Including court.


05-02-2013, 02:04 PM
If you're working for companies who break the law, that sucks. Fact is they can't. You can complain to the Labour Board and the WILL correct it if you can prove it. I have friends who have done this, and gotten the cash. Laws are in place for a reason, and it's the Labour Board's job to enforce them.

Now if they tell you to work for straight pay or go home, and you stay, whose fault is that? lol ;)


When every company is the same and everyone in the company is working those hours you think your gonna come in and demand changes? I can tell you what they will say. Basically accept it or get a new profession, or join the union.

05-02-2013, 02:07 PM
When every company is the same and everyone in the company is working those hours you think your gonna come in and demand changes? I can tell you what they will say. Basically accept it or get a new profession, or join the union.

So everyone is doing it, and its acceptable, so just join in? Sounds like union already LOL

You pick where you work. If they are screwing you, either do something about it, leave, or let them screw you.

05-02-2013, 02:08 PM
I wouldn't call it fact, but agree to disagree. I have had friends get cash settlements for OT claims. Also had one get a nice severance pay as "industry standard" and not just law. Probably largely based on how your case is presented, and how hard you fight.

If you can prove they were doctoring hours, and not paying what is legally required, I would make sure that I did everything to get paid what I was owed. Including court.


Fact of the matter was just an expression. Lol.

About 30 of us fought long and hard. ( over a year) with no results. It may also have to do with the industry your in? It shouldn't matter. But companies do get away with it all the time.

Eventually I did screw them, and left.

I did also work somewhere else that didn't pay overtime. But only did that because it would have popped us into a different tax bracket. Making our pay less at the end of the week. That boss gave more of a "bonus", which worked out better.

05-02-2013, 02:16 PM
LOL at GPS, absolutely nothing to hide, at least for me and the guys I work with. I come from the non union sector. Guess what? My company unionized because of the conditions being unsafe, harassment, and severely underpaid. Skilled trades require training, and I know in my case, very high risk. Keep in mind at the start of this the union asked for not one thing to be changed, to just continue on. The GTA is one of THE busiest cities in the world for elevators and also has the highest standards. The education we receive for our international license is recognized world wide. I don't doubt there are people who abuse the system, and no union can protect them from the things they can do wrong. We are personally held accountable for our work, we pay the fines, we go to jail.

There is a lot going on with the negotiation, what they are saying right now and what the media coverage is of is not how it started, but a result of unrealistic demands from companies who bringing in more than you can fathom. Being as busy as we are, and will be for the next few years, we still said we are happy the way we were and still said nothing. That is the point we are making, we asked for nothing even though there is more demand for mechanics than ever before. They were the ones who wanted to take, if it was slower for the business we would be reasonable and understand the industry is slow. During a massive boom the industry, we still said we were happy to keep on going the way we were.

I have respect for all trades, and those who work in them, union or not. But, for those who complain about everything the union gets lol. Join one, many are not that hard to get into. As for my local, i couldn't be happier. It is hard to get into any elevator local, or company unless you can vouched for. It comes off as nepotism, and in many cases can be. There are many workers in the field who have no connection to anyone prior to being in. However, some people are better off flipping burgers and not working in a trade where you can kill yourself, others, other trades (contruction etc.) and the public. There is a ton of responsibility with our jobs. We also need to be able to do everything involved with the lifts, not just going in and fixing them. There is a lot more to it.

05-02-2013, 03:14 PM
Yes I know the laws. Unless you are with a union company they don't care about the law. They will just tell you if you don't like it you can leave. Ive worked with many companies, not all electrical, only 1 of those companies paid over time if you worked it.

you can call the labour board but they won't do anything about it, maybe call the company and remind them of the laws but thats about it.

I am in the United Steelworkers union and they don't pay me overtime but compensate for it with lieu time (more vacation) which is another option.

Mind you, my company doesnt believe in punch clocks and so keeping track of everyones overtime is highly impossible. Only the person who does overtime is responsible for reporting it and I have a feeling that people do take advantage of it.!!

05-02-2013, 03:21 PM
Ive been trying to get all the Tanker drivers who deliver gas to get union cards signed for better working conditions and standardized pay. Makes no sense a guy who works for Harmac working on the Esso contract makes more than a guy doing the same job on the Shell contract making $7 hr less. Imagine if for three days the guys like myself whom deliver gays walked. No gas deliveries to gas stations, no jet fuel to the airports, no fuel for fire, police, ambulance, rail. Theyd be begging us to come back to work.

05-02-2013, 03:23 PM
Ive been trying to get all the Tanker drivers who deliver gas to get union cards signed for better working conditions and standardized pay. Makes no sense a guy who works for Harmac working on the Esso contract makes more than a guy doing the same job on the Shell contract making $7 hr less. Imagine if for three days the guys like myself whom deliver gays walked. No gas deliveries to gas stations, no jet fuel to the airports, no fuel for fire, police, ambulance, rail. Theyd be begging us to come back to work.

Sh*t..typo delivers GAS...not gays :/

05-02-2013, 03:57 PM
Ive been trying to get all the Tanker drivers who deliver gas to get union cards signed for better working conditions and standardized pay. Makes no sense a guy who works for Harmac working on the Esso contract makes more than a guy doing the same job on the Shell contract making $7 hr less. Imagine if for three days the guys like myself whom deliver gays walked. No gas deliveries to gas stations, no jet fuel to the airports, no fuel for fire, police, ambulance, rail. Theyd be begging us to come back to work.

lol no with the kinda money involved in gas the companies would get some other young hungry for work trucker or some transportation company like Gibson Transport from Alliston or something to haul fuel...think they care who hauls it as long as they are getting paid? They wouldn't wait either they would say if you don't take this load I will find someone else who will...And they will.

05-02-2013, 04:00 PM
Skull cracking almost began....punk-ass strikers. The cops here are for their protection now. I have a summer bumper & hood that isn't on yet, can't wait to leave work....

05-02-2013, 04:01 PM
So everyone is doing it, and its acceptable, so just join in? Sounds like union already LOL

You pick where you work. If they are screwing you, either do something about it, leave, or let them screw you.

no I do what it takes to hold my job, and you aren't going to do anything about it, even if you try. The labour board does nothing about it, you know how many dumbass workers that get fired that call that place. They take it very lightly unless you are in union.

So you leave or you just do what you need to do, there are no other options. thats how it is non union. And then what? move the the next company and guess what? they run everything the exact same way then what you quit again?

05-02-2013, 04:10 PM
no I do what it takes to hold my job, and you aren't going to do anything about it, even if you try. The labour board does nothing about it, you know how many dumbass workers that get fired that call that place. They take it very lightly unless you are in union.

So you leave or you just do what you need to do, there are no other options. thats how it is non union. And then what? move the the next company and guess what? they run everything the exact same way then what you quit again?

Believe it or not, not all companies break the law.... so yes. Don't tell me how non-union is lol. I know how it is :)

05-02-2013, 04:20 PM
Believe it or not, not all companies break the law.... so yes. Don't tell me how non-union is lol. I know how it is :)

Im just telling you from my experience. Ive worked for only 1 company that was actually by the book so I know. But its very hard to find a "good" company like that.

really you havn't said anything about your experience with non-union. Your just telling me Im wrong, yet Im telling you about companies I have worked for. So no I am not wrong.

05-02-2013, 04:34 PM
Ive been trying to get all the Tanker drivers who deliver gas to get union cards signed for better working conditions and standardized pay. Makes no sense a guy who works for Harmac working on the Esso contract makes more than a guy doing the same job on the Shell contract making $7 hr less. Imagine if for three days the guys like myself whom deliver gays walked. No gas deliveries to gas stations, no jet fuel to the airports, no fuel for fire, police, ambulance, rail. Theyd be begging us to come back to work.

lol no with the kinda money involved in gas the companies would get some other young hungry for work trucker or some transportation company like Gibson Transport from Alliston or something to haul fuel...think they care who hauls it as long as they are getting paid? They wouldn't wait either they would say if you don't take this load I will find someone else who will...And they will.
Wrong. By the time they had guys trained, and these companies dont got the equipment to do it. Happened in the UK last year, within the first two days 78% of the gas stations wer dry. They had to train the military, by that time they gave the 2247 gas drivers there demands. Here, the guys whom deliver gas- most are content with bein shafted.

05-02-2013, 04:39 PM
Im just telling you from my experience. Ive worked for only 1 company that was actually by the book so I know. But its very hard to find a "good" company like that.

really you havn't said anything about your experience with non-union. Your just telling me Im wrong, yet Im telling you about companies I have worked for. So no I am not wrong.

My experience with non-union? Well, all of it! I have never worked in a union shop. I have worked in warehouses, retail (Canadian Tire), and in the tech industry for a few diff companies. All followed the book more or less. Same with my wife's companies, and friends. The friends who got screwed for OT (like mentioned) went to the labour board and got it back.

To say they are all the same is wrong. Proof is in the pudding. If you worked for crappy companies, that sucks. Move on.

05-02-2013, 04:51 PM
I'm a painter and there are TONS of lazy union guys. There are also TONS of hard working guys. The problem is that, unlike a private company, the union doesn't get rid of lousy workers as easily. They want the union dues $$$. I'm not anti-union, but some are certainly run better than others.

05-02-2013, 05:36 PM
I bet they would be able to find other guys to do it. Maybe I am wrong...but where there is a will there is a way. And I feel like in this situation there maybe lots of guys out there that know how to drive a tanker...but either don't do it anymore or just don't.

05-02-2013, 06:06 PM
My experience with non-union? Well, all of it! I have never worked in a union shop. I have worked in warehouses, retail (Canadian Tire), and in the tech industry for a few diff companies. All followed the book more or less. Same with my wife's companies, and friends. The friends who got screwed for OT (like mentioned) went to the labour board and got it back.

To say they are all the same is wrong. Proof is in the pudding. If you worked for crappy companies, that sucks. Move on.

Yes i shouldnt have said all companies. Also i didnt mention that im talking more trades jobs, personally electrical. As i said i have worked for one non union company thats by the book. It was good untill they ran out of work. And right now im working on getting in the union but i refuse to be one of those typical trades union workers. No offence to anyone.

05-02-2013, 07:57 PM
Morning chant - we will RISE up against those trying to SHAFT us

05-02-2013, 08:49 PM
Lol nice!
I would love to the skull cracking too, just be careful there are connections to people and organizations that are brothers. Just saying.
I also agree, there are great non union companies for many trades. However as a trade, having a set of standards to abide by, and compensation. It makes the industry stronger. There will always be the guys who try and take advantage.
The only issue with this trade is, you can't say "hey, I am going to go to school to be an elevator mechanic". This does not exist unless you are already in the trade. So the labor available is limited, and school (outside of the union) is even more rare.

Props to the other trades on here, union or not.

The Wolf
05-02-2013, 09:14 PM
Carpenter here, non-union.

I'm very happy to be working at a non-union company. I have to listen to the union guys brag about their awesome wages at trade school. Only to find out they only get like 20 hours of work a week LOL.

05-02-2013, 09:44 PM
I've worked for an elevator company for 4-5 years now. In operations, supporting the elevator mechanics who are on strike.

a) they have mostly a grade 12 education - many cannot spell.. but they do know elevators/escalators!
b) they go to night school for 4 years while on the job
c) when starting out, they make $25 / hour
d) on average, the typical mechanic makes $45 / hour.. a top 'troubleshooter' makes double!
e) they make ALOT of overtime, I'd wager a route/maintenance mechanic who offers to work 'on call' overnight can pull in 20 hours of OT per week easily
f) a regular route mechanic likely makes 5 hours a week in overtime

Here's my understanding of what is in contention and why they chose to strike:

a) seniority rights
b) less overtime hours in general
c) mechanics having GPS tracking in their company paid vehicles (removed)

05-03-2013, 01:12 AM
Soo these are ppl that mostly have a Gr12 education making a 6 figure salary & wanna tell the company what they can or cannot put into company vehicles??? GTFO....the punk-asses outside my work were talking all sorts of smack bout they gonna hit my car when I leave...I drove nice and slow while I was leaving and they didn't do shit...nuttin but union bitches..

05-03-2013, 02:05 AM
First off, coming from a trade union IBEW 353, trade unions are not like public sector unions so get that put of your head. If I'm shit at my job I will get laid off the same day, make no mistake. There is less job security, hell no job security in my union. I've seen public sector employee and other low skilled union environments and I want to fire them all like they have some right to work. You earn your work/wage through your skill set and your abilities. Some teacher needing a union is BS, a single employer union is not what the idea was. Trade unions were built on multi employers to make conditions and standards equal for everyone. Anyone who is skilled and able will have no problem finding a job/career union or non-union.

I still feel regardless the Elevator Local 50, is way to closed off. That's another topic for another thread. I had a reference for another elevator mechanic to get into troubleshooting, took many many control courses, got my electrical license in the mean time, competed at Skills Ontario twice finished in top 10, then top 5, and was told I was basically not getting in after standing in line for 10 hours in the cold. I've seen the most complicated machines and an elevator is not magical in it's operation.

Elevators while are not complex machines the union was smart and cornered the market. I now do just as much complicated life threatening stuff at work now to keep the power on and still the public doesn't care. People just bitch when the power goes out like they have some right to it, they could care less my life is on the line. There are more injuries and unsafe practices with electrical then any other trade and simply because most people including most electricians don't fully understand how it works.

05-03-2013, 03:24 AM
I'd just like to comment as it was me making the comparison between public sector and unions. ONLY because the public sector unions are the ones that ruin it for the rest. They make them all seem greedy. I should have been more clear about what unions I was talking about. Most of which being public sector or individual company unions. Although you can toss auto workers in there as well. I'm also not a fan of mixed job unions. I forget the specific union but there is no reason why a paramedic and a garbage collector should be in the same union.

As for the skilled trade unions creating equality across the board, that is another story as it is well justified. You don't often hear of many educated trades ( like electrical) going on strike.
Although I am sure there are things within your own union that you would want to change.

I do however have a problem with job sites being strictly union environments. If I choose to not join the union in my field( which i have) Why should I not be allowed on certain job sites because of that. I do believe in equality. But I also believe in the best man for the job.

PUBLIC sector unions have become very fascist. It has become one leader for all rather then one representative. ( eg. The teachers who wanted to coach football but their union threatened them with public notices about the " scabs")

05-03-2013, 07:00 AM
A lot of good points. Sorry, you are off on your number for wages, neither number is accurate
No, an elevator is not magic, but it does require training to properly wire and diagnose, many electricians come across to our trade and become fantastic with troubleshooting, they are usually very well educated. There are many people who come across from other trades, the companies usually try and utilize your skills and put you somewhere that you can use them.

This is actually the best time to apply, it is so busy in the city.
I do understand your points though and can't argue, but keep in mind we do all of electrical, mechanical, plc and plumbing. There is always something to learn, and elevators tend to have systems that overlap a lot. That is the only reason for training, it can look like q problem is solved, but you may also have disabled the door locks. True story, electrician got a massive fine and lost his license.

05-03-2013, 01:33 PM
A lot of good points. Sorry, you are off on your number for wages, neither number is accurate
No, an elevator is not magic, but it does require training to properly wire and diagnose, many electricians come across to our trade and become fantastic with troubleshooting, they are usually very well educated. There are many people who come across from other trades, the companies usually try and utilize your skills and put you somewhere that you can use them.

This is actually the best time to apply, it is so busy in the city.
I do understand your points though and can't argue, but keep in mind we do all of electrical, mechanical, plc and plumbing. There is always something to learn, and elevators tend to have systems that overlap a lot. That is the only reason for training, it can look like q problem is solved, but you may also have disabled the door locks. True story, electrician got a massive fine and lost his license.

That can be said for a lot of different professions...you want an example of a profession where systems overlap a ton, and you have to constantly be learning and keeping up to date?
IT systems management. Computers are used in everything, and they interface with industrial machinery in a plethora of different ways. And having to learn the nuances of each can be quite tedious if not impossible.

Yet there is no union for IT guys to my knowledge

05-03-2013, 01:58 PM
Never said anywhere it couldn't. I also would never touch your work as I know there is special training and education required for you to do the work you do. That is my point, no matter what your trade/skill is, you can't assume you know it. It is also illegal to touch an elevator or any of it's components as other trades have gone in and in an attempt to "fix it", ended up killing people and causing injury. As knowledgeable as someone is, they should not assume they can do another skilled individuals work because of similarities.

I am not attacking other trades, I respect all of them. I am simply pointing out the dangers in assuming it nothing special so no training is needed.

05-03-2013, 02:24 PM
Never said anywhere it couldn't. I also would never touch your work as I know there is special training and education required for you to do the work you do. That is my point, no matter what your trade/skill is, you can't assume you know it. It is also illegal to touch an elevator or any of it's components as other trades have gone in and in an attempt to "fix it", ended up killing people and causing injury. As knowledgeable as someone is, they should not assume they can do another skilled individuals work because of similarities.

I am not attacking other trades, I respect all of them. I am simply pointing out the dangers in assuming it nothing special so no training is needed.


05-03-2013, 08:46 PM
Well, as of monday us interior systems mechanics (steel framing, drywall, layout and insulation) is on strike in the residential sector, which means me. The insulators are not happy with getting almost no rases in nine years. I dont support it personally, I think if they want more money they should actually learn the trade instead of sticking to piece work insulation. Lol, they aren't even allowed to touch any steel or board.

05-03-2013, 10:12 PM
Sorry to hear about the strike man, no one wins in a work stoppage.

05-04-2013, 08:30 PM
Well, as of monday us interior systems mechanics (steel framing, drywall, layout and insulation) is on strike in the residential sector, which means me. The insulators are not happy with getting almost no rases in nine years. I dont support it personally, I think if they want more money they should actually learn the trade instead of sticking to piece work insulation. Lol, they aren't even allowed to touch any steel or board.

Need some work Al? I'm thinking of renevating a wall in my condo, could use some input also. Message me if your interested.


05-09-2013, 10:22 AM
just found out yesterday that because of these unions striking my condo closing date is predicted to be 46 days delayed. I have already been waiting 3 years for this condo whats another 46 days right. FML!!!!!!!!! My work is moving buildings as well and now that is delayed as well. WHAT A MASSIVE **** UP!!! all my plans have gone to shit and I am very pissed!!!

05-09-2013, 11:29 AM
just found out yesterday that because of these unions striking my condo closing date is predicted to be 46 days delayed. I have already been waiting 3 years for this condo whats another 46 days right. FML!!!!!!!!! My work is moving buildings as well and now that is delayed as well. WHAT A MASSIVE **** UP!!! all my plans have gone to shit and I am very pissed!!!

first world problems

05-09-2013, 01:17 PM
I saw these guys picketing yesterday in Scarborough.

Kind of makes me glad I moved out of a condo a couple years ago lol

05-09-2013, 04:52 PM
Our elevators in my apartment brake weekly,

not sure if its "I wanna guarantee me overtime" or "this i my new mercedes" lol

Strikes are easy to fix.

Fire the strikers and hire people who want to work. Problems.Solved.

05-09-2013, 05:27 PM
Our elevators in my apartment brake weekly,

not sure if its "I wanna guarantee me overtime" or "this i my new mercedes" lol

Strikes are easy to fix.

Fire the strikers and hire people who want to work. Problems.Solved.

lol should be the way it works but with unions now that is difficult :/

05-09-2013, 06:48 PM
Just saw these guys picketing earlier this morning on bay st across from city hall.

05-09-2013, 10:51 PM
Our elevators in my apartment brake weekly,

not sure if its "I wanna guarantee me overtime" or "this i my new mercedes" lol

Strikes are easy to fix.

Fire the strikers and hire people who want to work. Problems.Solved.

lol should be the way it works but with unions now that is difficult :/

You don't even want to go there.

Just curious, what is your occupation?

05-10-2013, 12:03 AM
i used to work in the private sector and got a job in the union...im very very very happy what the union does....

05-10-2013, 01:49 AM
Our elevators in my apartment brake weekly,

not sure if its "I wanna guarantee me overtime" or "this i my new mercedes" lol

Strikes are easy to fix.

Fire the strikers and hire people who want to work. Problems.Solved.

You do realize that if you need to fire someone who is in a union, they're protected by that union. It's not "an easy fix". But apparently, you got an idea. Please share!

05-10-2013, 02:22 AM
Let's not even start with teachers and nurses lol.

Although I hate talking about union and nonunion jobs (comparisons and relevance, etc. - almost always leading to a slippery slope). I do believe every half decade or so most labour markets automatically trigger a 'checks and balances' of union/government and nonunion/private sector jobs whether caused by legislation or market demands and circumstance. This inherent review from the system, for the system, is vital to the system, in the capitalistic society we live in.

Therefore I have no stance on this subject. The market self-regulates and dictates it's dispositions.

I think in the end, if both parties view it as a necessary evil, for the betterment of society, with concessions and provisions. Proponents would realize these jobs are intertwined and heavily dependent on each other's successes and failures within the labour market, not the proportionally inverse relationship each interest would want you to believe.

--end rant

05-10-2013, 09:57 AM
You don't even want to go there.

Just curious, what is your occupation?

I work in Network Engineering,

If my work had a union, someone who can't actually do the job would have got it instead of me, because of seniority reasons, because I can do the job and the Manager knew that, I got the position instead.

When they asked the other candidate to "freshen up" his skills he said they were so outdated they would be useless. If there was a union there would be someone not qualified doing the job because he has 7 years on me in the company, and I have have already been there 7..

I am not a fan of unions in anyway, nut that's my 5cents.

Get rid of the unions, and if you want to strike, you can keep on walking to your car. Don't want the job? There are tonnes of other people who wouldn't mind your job, hell I wouldn't mind $50/hr with my grade 12.

I think its ridiculous they want the GPS taken out of a WORK vehicle.

05-10-2013, 10:09 AM


Had to snap a pic as its not online yet.

05-10-2013, 10:37 AM
He has been criminally charged, for mischief. He tampered with 2 elevators making them inoperable in the finch and Kipling.
He is a union member and supposedly it's related the strike.

That was supposed to be an edit on my last post. Sorry.

Edit 2***

Const. Wendy Drummond
"There are other investigations ongoing that are similar"

IMO actions like these ruin it for the good workers, and in this case the union. Unless the union is dispatching these people ( there is no speculation on that). So to the elevator guys, these people ( if there is more) just ruined your chances of fully succeeding.

05-10-2013, 11:15 AM
Unions had a place back in the turn of the 20th century, not so much today. Unions today make the market inefficient.

With that said, LCBO might go on strike before the May long weekend. Hurray for unions!

05-10-2013, 11:18 AM
You don't even want to go there.

Just curious, what is your occupation?

And I am a computer networks/system admin

05-10-2013, 11:21 AM
Unions had a place back in the turn of the 20th century, not so much today. Unions today make the market inefficient.

With that said, LCBO might go on strike before the May long weekend. Hurray for unions!

pretty sure there will be riots in the streets if this happens lol

05-10-2013, 11:25 AM
pretty sure there will be riots in the streets if this happens lol

Government will attempt to make them an essential service. Lol.

05-10-2013, 05:12 PM
I work in Network Engineering,

If my work had a union, someone who can't actually do the job would have got it instead of me, because of seniority reasons, because I can do the job and the Manager knew that, I got the position instead.

When they asked the other candidate to "freshen up" his skills he said they were so outdated they would be useless. If there was a union there would be someone not qualified doing the job because he has 7 years on me in the company, and I have have already been there 7..

I am not a fan of unions in anyway, nut that's my 5cents.

Get rid of the unions, and if you want to strike, you can keep on walking to your car. Don't want the job? There are tonnes of other people who wouldn't mind your job, hell I wouldn't mind $50/hr with my grade 12.

I think its ridiculous they want the GPS taken out of a WORK vehicle.

I have no idea what a network engineer is to be honest, sounds like some IT job.

I'm an electrician, I deal with everything electrical, literally.

Seniority is BS, I agree with you on that. Non the less, from what I gather you have a problem with the way unions are organized not unions in general.

My union offers no seniority and no job security. Only the best work the rest get laid off and sit on unemployment. That being said I'm a proud union member. I take additional courses all the time to stay on top of my game, I earned my $58.50/h

If you want $50/hr then you should have gotten a $50/h job simple as that.

Trade unions are not like unions for GM and the public sector, please try and be more specific about what you mean.

The way I see it most people have it shit and would rather tear down what I worked for then build themselves up.

05-10-2013, 05:23 PM
Network Engineering?

is that like Lava Life for nerds?

05-10-2013, 05:31 PM
Government will attempt to make them an essential service. Lol.

they ARE an essential service :P

05-10-2013, 05:33 PM
I work in Network Engineering,

If my work had a union, someone who can't actually do the job would have got it instead of me, because of seniority reasons, because I can do the job and the Manager knew that, I got the position instead.

When they asked the other candidate to "freshen up" his skills he said they were so outdated they would be useless. If there was a union there would be someone not qualified doing the job because he has 7 years on me in the company, and I have have already been there 7..

I am not a fan of unions in anyway, nut that's my 5cents.

Get rid of the unions, and if you want to strike, you can keep on walking to your car. Don't want the job? There are tonnes of other people who wouldn't mind your job, hell I wouldn't mind $50/hr with my grade 12.

I think its ridiculous they want the GPS taken out of a WORK vehicle.

I think you have a total misunderstanding how union membership works. Especially in the trades! In a situation such as you mention above, the higher sinority member would have to keep upgraded or upgrade himself or he would be 1. not offered the position or 2. Dismissed. Union trade positions and their training are not taken lightly.


05-10-2013, 07:36 PM
I have no idea what a network engineer is to be honest, sounds like some IT job.

I'm an electrician, I deal with everything electrical, literally.

Seniority is BS, I agree with you on that. Non the less, from what I gather you have a problem with the way unions are organized not unions in general.

My union offers no seniority and no job security. Only the best work the rest get laid off and sit on unemployment. That being said I'm a proud union member. I take additional courses all the time to stay on top of my game, I earned my $58.50/h

If you want $50/hr then you should have gotten a $50/h job simple as that.

Trade unions are not like unions for GM and the public sector, please try and be more specific about what you mean.

The way I see it most people have it shit and would rather tear down what I worked for then build themselves up.

I agree with you that you need Unions for skilled trades. Im working on getting into local 353. Way too many sketchy companies out there.

05-10-2013, 08:54 PM
Send me a PM and we will meet for coffee, I coached Justin and Zuhair through the application process.

05-11-2013, 10:03 PM
Completely agree with what is being said. We have in our trade continuing education. Failure to do so means your license is invalid and you have to start over. It is taken seriously.

The reason for seniority in this trade is because, we must learn construction, modernization, service and maintenance of elevated devices. A mechanic working years in construction and who may end up staying there for majority of their career will see more abuse to their body physically than someone who spends a majority in maintenance. Is it right for that mechanic to be terminated after gathering years of knowledge to pass on, and busting themselves up for the company? We do our diligence to lift smart and use as much equipment as possible. The truth is, meeting deadlines can have people trying to speed things up. Anyone who has a physically demanding job will know, you try, but your body will still feel the strains over time. It is the knowledge we want passed on.
Also, nicely done. If you want a higher paying job, find one. Lots of educated and skilled trades do very well and I have a ton of respect for them for what they know and can do.

05-11-2013, 11:06 PM
being a sales rep in and out of buildings downtown all day, i saw several elevators in the last that few days that were tampered with, there's NO way all these issues happened randomly..some of my customers disabled their key cards and added extra locks to their elevator rooms for protection. the worst one i saw was at toronto western, someone actually pried the up/down buttons right out haha

05-12-2013, 02:29 PM
you realize they have "trained" office staff to be working them. For the main issues, I would start asking those "mechanics" to show their ontario issued EDM-A license. The people out right now are either a "T" meaning, they shouldn't be touching anything to do with an elevator, or have no license. This is illegal.
Buttons do regularly get pushed in by people. My union does not tolerate tampering and anyone found doing so will have to deal with the charges. Elevators require maintenance and without it, they will break on their own, we don't need to tamper. The mechanisms go through massive amounts of wear and tear per day. The guys who know your buildings and how to fix them, are no longer fixing able to work on them. This is what happens when no one takes care of them. We are a very behind the scenes no glory trade. People do not see us often and all of sudden when we stop, you realize the services we were provided.
Also, the companies have been caught price fixing the market and lying to the customers about warranty fixes. NOT THE MECHANICS. There have been law suits against them for this. Feel free to look them up. The mechanics do the best they can to keep everything going, but some companies are simply forcing buildings to replace or fix parts rather than providing the mechanics with what they need.

05-12-2013, 07:58 PM
you realize they have "trained" office staff to be working them. For the main issues, I would start asking those "mechanics" to show their ontario issued EDM-A license. The people out right now are either a "T" meaning, they shouldn't be touching anything to do with an elevator, or have no license. This is illegal.
Buttons do regularly get pushed in by people. My union does not tolerate tampering and anyone found doing so will have to deal with the charges. Elevators require maintenance and without it, they will break on their own, we don't need to tamper. The mechanisms go through massive amounts of wear and tear per day. The guys who know your buildings and how to fix them, are no longer fixing able to work on them. This is what happens when no one takes care of them. We are a very behind the scenes no glory trade. People do not see us often and all of sudden when we stop, you realize the services we were provided.
Also, the companies have been caught price fixing the market and lying to the customers about warranty fixes. NOT THE MECHANICS. There have been law suits against them for this. Feel free to look them up. The mechanics do the best they can to keep everything going, but some companies are simply forcing buildings to replace or fix parts rather than providing the mechanics with what they need.


I feel you on that. Nobody "sees" how much work I do during the day, they just see that things are going smoothly.

07-18-2013, 10:01 PM
Out of mere curiosity, what does it take to qualify for a position with IUEC Locals? Should one aim for some form technical training before applying? & if qualified how difficult is it to get into the union? I hear nepotism plays a heavy role.

07-19-2013, 12:06 AM
So I am a forklift operator at Fisher And Ludlow (a nucor company) and we make various steel and aluminum safety grating. Anyway we are part of the steelworkers union (local 504) and I gotta say I am all for unions. They do help and when someone is doing a hard job and their contracts are not met then you should strike. No question. But then you also look at the people who use the union to do whatever they want with no reprocussions. Here you need to kill someone in order to get fired. But it also brings our business down and our profit margin as well because guys don't wanna show up, or do anything at all this that and everything else. I believe in unions. Just not to help the lazy man.