View Full Version : Mazda of Toronto Parts Experience (Nate)

08-21-2013, 10:53 AM
Let me start off by saying that in the 9 years that I have owned my Mazda3, I've always gone to MoT for all my parts and accessories. Sure the TM3 discount is great but the real reason that I kept going back was Joe Montano. I could trust Joe with all my OEM orders and for him to come through. He's like the Mike Holmes of Parts Service, he will "Make It Right" no matter what. We all know Joe left awhile ago but I've been still going back to MoT.

Then this experience happened. Last Friday, my car was broken into and the thieves smashed my rear window on the driver side. My plan of action was to order the OEM replacement glass from MoT and have Pedro/Speedee Autoglass do the replacement. I called MoT Saturday morning and talked to Nate. I asked him to put in the order for the glass and he told me its special order and that I had to prepay with my credit card. I said no problem. I mentioned I was a TM3 member so could he please apply the discount. Everything was good and Nate said it will be here on Tuesday morning for sure.

On Tuesday morning, I drive out to the dealership and as I'm half way there I decide to call just to make 100% sure its there as its quite the drive for me from Downtown Toronto. Nate answers the phone and I'm ask if my window is in yet. Nate goes "Ummmmmm...". He tells me that he forgot to put in the order on Saturday and that he will put in the order now for it to arrive on Wednesday morning. What? That's very unprofessional. I don't give him any attitude and said its no problem.

Today, I call in the morning to make sure its actually there before driving out. Nate says its here and we are all good. I get to MoT and pick up my window only to find out that Nate didn't apply the TM3 discount.

"You didn't tell me and now its too late. Next time." - Nate.

I was so disappointed and pissed. I just said "I told you everything on Saturday bro..." and walked away.

This experience wasted my time and money. I wasted 30 min on Tuesday and $20+ (no TM3 discount) today. Only to be told "Next time."

Honestly, I'm not sure if there will be a next time.


08-21-2013, 11:28 AM
After an experience like that I would never go back

08-21-2013, 11:29 AM
That's sad... I would have complained like crazy and stirred up a fuss. But that's my style when people don't hold up their word.

Just goes to show that good management is priceless... Screw MoT if they don't want to honor their discount.

They should be able to apply it at any time or atleast refund/credit you the funds... that is just laziness and Nate sounds like a tool.

08-21-2013, 11:53 AM
I would have escalated it as they can apply the discount at any time. What an effing tool! (Just read your comment pwdunmore and realized I said almost the exact same thing lol)

God I miss having Joe around. So much more dependable and reliable than anyone else in the dealer system.

08-21-2013, 12:27 PM
The thing that really got me was when he turned it back on me and said "You didn't tell me that you were a TM3 member yesterday." I would have accepted a "I made a mistake and since this is a special order, I can't reverse it."

Just really disappointed with MoT.

08-21-2013, 12:41 PM
The least they could've done is given you a credit for the discount you would've received...I usually don't like to fuss about little things but if that were to happen to me I would quickly find another dealership to take my business to

08-21-2013, 12:48 PM
wow... you have great temper ... I would have raised sh*t up :flaming but that's just me

but I don't understand why they can't apply that discount. I'm pretty sure he can adjust the price on a over-the-counter sale. Special order or not I don't think it should matter.

08-21-2013, 03:44 PM
I assume he's saying that because he put it through on the credit card but it is easy enough to refund the difference. Either way excuses rather than good customer service makes it difficult to go back after something like this happens.

08-21-2013, 03:52 PM
I assume he's saying that because he put it through on the credit card but it is easy enough to refund the difference. Either way excuses rather than good customer service makes it difficult to go back after something like this happens.

I agree, if they wanted to they would have found a way to get you that difference. A free quick wash, a credit, just something to show appreciation

08-21-2013, 04:18 PM
I assume he's saying that because he put it through on the credit card but it is easy enough to refund the difference. Either way excuses rather than good customer service makes it difficult to go back after something like this happens.

^ this, I'm in the retail parts service as well, special order discount is just an extra step...I would just simply give him the difference to make up for the mess, but again, if he doesn't give a rat's ass about his customers, what can you do? :s

08-21-2013, 07:14 PM
I called a week ago for a paint pen. Some guy (maybe Nate) said it will be in next day I called 10 times to the parts no answer kept going back to the girl & never got a call back from parts

08-22-2013, 12:27 AM
I see your crappy experience and I raise you mine:

Last week I called 3 times about getting a painted wing mirror cover:

1st time - he tells me he can see it, but he cant order it; call back tomorrow (as if someone else will be there...which they wont because he's the only one working the department - even the shop manager was away for a week)
2nd time - I call back and he tells me that it Cannot be ordered, I told him that I saw other people on TM3 were able to order it, are you sure? he tells me Yes you can only order the entire wing mirror assembly.
3rd time - I call back and say Gyro Mazda said they can order it can you try again. he then says "oh yeah, okay I can order it for you"

THEN (here's the kicker) I call on Friday and ask about order 2 front wheel bearings for my car gave him the VIN and everything. He said he had them in stock, so I asked if he could put two aside for me so I can pick them up first thing Saturday morning. I show up Saturday and I ask about my orders, he gives me the wing mirror cover then I ask for the bearings and he obviously did NOT put them asides because he's now asking for my car information. I offer my VIN but he says "no I dont need it", i said are you sure? i have to get this done today so it has to be the right part, he confirms that he doesn't need the VIN. he pulls out two new bearings, I ask him again if its the right part and he says "yes for sure", then he gives me the invoice and he doesn't charge the TM3 pricing. I ask him to give me the TM3 price and he just looks at me and says "you didn't tell me bro...". anyways he changes the bill and I pay and leave.

I get to my shop, an hour later the car is on the lift wheels off and my mechanic comes out looks at me and says "MAN...you got the wrong bearings!" the bearings were obviously smaller than the one that came out of my car. So at this point I have no way of getting back to MoT and I dont have the time to muck around and go back and forth so I have no choice but to buy the bearing from my mechanic (now I'm paying an additional $40+HST for non OEM parts).

I take the part back to MoT and the Parts manager is away, so I talk to Rick the service manager. He pulls up the part# based on my vin and the part# matches the invoice and the system. We go into the shop and one of the mechanics pull a bearing out of the trash bin and its actually teh same size as the one i bought. At this point I'm confused but I'm questioning whether my mechanic was pulling my chain, So I take the trash bearing with me and Rick makes the parts department return my 2 bearings that 'dont fit".

I go back to my mechanic and the trash bearing (which matched the new ones i bought from MoT) are obviously smaller than the ones my mechanic pulled off the car, I call Rick tell him the news and tell him that I will bring the bearings by asap so he can see whats going on because something is clearly wrong with either the system or the bearings they sold me.

Now its Monday, I go to MoT and unfortunately Rick is away for a week, but Steve the Shop manager is in. I explain to him that I bought 2 bearings from them on Saturday, the kid didn't use my VIN and the bearings were too small for my car, but apparently the system says that the Part# is correct. I pull out the Large bearing which came off my car and explain that the smaller one was from the trash bin in the shop upstairs but was the SAME size as the ones that were sold to me. He doesn't seem to want to do much, and just says "this means nothing to me...because I wasn't here and well you got your refund so..."

So i left feeling shitty about the situation because I feel like I'm being jerked around; I go back in to talk to him again and then he goes on to say that he checked my invoice and checked the system and the invoice was correct in that it charged the correct Part# and the kid knows where the parts are on the shelf. He says the scrap bearing means nothing to me because its garbage, I explain that the scrap bearing was the exact same size as the ones that were sold to me and the bigger one was off my car. He kept saying "well i dont see how that's possible, the invoice is correct and I dont have any 'smaller' bearings", at this point im getting kinda frustrated because I feel like he's calling me a liar. I maintain that I was given a smaller bearing, otherewise I would have used it on my car; It was cheaper AND it was OEM.

Fortunately the shop manager comes down and he chimes in that the smaller bearing was for a protege; and infact one of the mechanics were working on his protege over the weekend. I said "well is it possible that someone put the wrong parts in teh wrong spot on the shelf and he gave me the protege bearing instead of the proper size ones? or you dont have any protege bearings in stock now because your mechanic or someone else bought them after I had returned them?"
The parts manager still maintained that "he doesn't see that anything was wrong and that he doesn't see how it was possible that i was given the wrong part" I told him to check his inventory and/or sales to see if there were any protege bearings sold in the last couple days, he maintained he didnt think it was possible.

Anyways, I left feeling pretty crappy. Honestly it felt like he was calling me a liar even though I had the physical proof right infront of him, the only thing i was missing was Rick's testimony that HE was holding the new and trash bearings in his hands and they were the same size, which were both smaller than my actual bearing. Even after the Shop manager mentioned that the bearing was for a protege he still didn't admit that there was a potential that someone screwed up.

I've been going to MoT since I bought my car, bought all my parts there too. I've never had an issue with their service or people (Rick the service manager is a great guy and has always taken care of me when I had an issue) but this time I feel pretty irritated at the whole situation. I didn't appreciate that the parts department couldn't admit that it was even POSSIBLE that their noob employee who obviously doesn't know his stuff (yet) could have made a mistake and beyond that to imply that I'm lying and say "I don't see how it's 'possible'". after being out $40+hst & 3 trips to MoT when I don't live close, All I wanted was an explanation of what happened or why it happened. I ended up asking for atleast a car was or something to cover my extra cost and time, and he said "well I cant give you $40 out of the register but if its a matter of making you happy I can talk to Rick about it for sure, But I don't see how its possible that you got the wrong part"

Anyways, I've been debating over the past week whether I'll ever go back. Frankly, Gyro mazda is literally 5mins away from my work and I would be able to get all my service done while I'm at work and take full advantage of their shuttle. whereas MoT is about 30mins away from my house (i live downtown) and they wont shuttle me ANYWHERE helpful, so I'm always just sitting around their waiting room when I get service done. My only hesitation in leaving is that Rick and the service department has never wronged me (yet), although I see they've changed a lot of the staff there too...

08-22-2013, 11:08 AM
UPDATE: Nate apparently ordered the OEM glass holder parts for me that I didn't need. He didn't ask me if I needed/wanted to order it, but I was charged/received because according to his expertise, I required them.

Another $10+HST gone.

On a positive note, Pedro/Speedee Autoglass came to my work and replaced the rear glass. They were fast and cheap.

08-22-2013, 11:29 AM
Is theo still there?

08-22-2013, 11:30 AM
That's brutal Rob and Jayson.

I might be placing an order so I'll let you guys know how it goes.

08-22-2013, 11:48 AM
OP: If I were you, the 2nd call I would have gave him the whole talk again about the discount. So often people forget. Anytime I call in for something anywhere more than once I question everything about the last conversation. Its aggravating having to repeat yourself, but its best to be proactive and save time and money later on.

Still he should have gave it to you for two reasons 1. It should have rang a bell that oh yeah he mentioned that before so its my bad I forgot. 2. I created an inconvenience for the customer by forgetting to place the order.

If you pushed hard enough you probably could have got it

08-22-2013, 12:12 PM
Sucks to hear about what happened Rob. You're extremely patient broo. Theo is now at Budd's Mazda.

I was contacted to come back but in the same position that I left. If it was for my old parts manager's role then I would return.

It's sad to see the collapse of my customer base that I had built for them.


08-22-2013, 12:30 PM
If you pushed hard enough you probably could have got it

Agree with everything you said. I didn't want to fight over $20 given that I have a lot of personal issues going on right now in my life. Pick your battles I guess.

08-22-2013, 01:25 PM
I took my car in for service at MoT a few weeks ago. After 1.5 hours of waiting they told me they were unable to lift my car because of the MZ skirt package.

What took you 1.5 hours to tell me that? I was in for an oil change and I was the only person in the waiting room. I have never gone back and will never go back based on that experience.

I just take it right to westowne now and there is never a problem there.

Sorry to hear about this man. It sucks when an employee representing a business fails like that. I could share so many horror stories from Nextmod as well but alas, no point.

08-22-2013, 01:36 PM
Is theo still there?

No.... He went to budd's Mazda

Edit: Joe answered the question where theo went

08-22-2013, 03:55 PM
Sorry to hear about this man. It sucks when an employee representing a business fails like that. I could share so many horror stories


All of our sponsors have some great people working there, but unfortunately there are a few people that give them a bad name.

A member a while back told me to always remember this "Just because your TM3, and they are a sponsor, doesn't mean they are looking out for you"

Sorry to hear about your bad experience

08-22-2013, 04:22 PM
Sucks to hear about what happened Rob. You're extremely patient broo. Theo is now at Budd's Mazda.

I was contacted to come back but in the same position that I left. If it was for my old parts manager's role then I would return.

It's sad to see the collapse of my customer base that I had built for them.


Yup. Going downhill with these reviews. I don't think I will buy from MOT parts anymore since the level of service you provided can't be maintained.

So you used to be parts manager then they brought someone else to replace you? No wonder you left.

08-22-2013, 04:53 PM
I could share so many horror stories from Nextmod as well but alas, no point.

Off topic but that interests me as I rarely hear of unhappy people and only had one bad experience myself which was just a mistake on their part.

08-22-2013, 05:01 PM
this sucks, as i need to get some parts, and this was my go to place
hearing all these stories now makes me want to go elsewhere
Joe and Theo need to come back.

08-23-2013, 07:48 AM

Yup. Going downhill with these reviews. I don't think I will buy from MOT parts anymore since the level of service you provided can't be maintained.

So you used to be parts manager then they brought someone else to replace you? No wonder you left.
Yup, at least Jeff is still there. He's the last glimmer of hope left there.

08-23-2013, 09:37 AM
Off topic but that interests me as I rarely hear of unhappy people and only had one bad experience myself which was just a mistake on their part.

If you would really like the details, feel free to shoot me a PM. Coles notes: The most disorganized shop I have ever purchased from in my life. As a result, I had two bad experiences. Do not get me wrong though, they are all really nice guys and I think they do the best they can, but I felt if I wasn't in the "in" crowd, you get shit service.

Sorry OP...carry on.

08-23-2013, 11:26 AM
this sucks, as i need to get some parts, and this was my go to place
hearing all these stories now makes me want to go elsewhere
Joe and Theo need to come back.


I need to change my pads and rotors, hopefully Nate is okay with me.

08-24-2013, 12:34 AM
In my experience even with the discount it wasn't worth the hassle, because they gave me the wrong parts I couldn't even take advantage of the discount and had to buy my mechanics aftermarket parts

08-24-2013, 12:39 AM
I picked up some in-stock items today. Strut bearings and rear trail arm bushings. Everything went smooth.

I dealt with Steve who, was a bit short with a customer on the phone but it seemed like the person had no idea what they wanted, nor what their name or email address was lol. He was okay with me for the most part.

He applied the discount with me mentioning TM3 and didn't even think twice.

Still too bad you guys had a bad experience. :(

08-24-2013, 09:34 AM
Is there an email (or TM3 contact) for someone to deal with from parts (in place of Joe)?

08-24-2013, 10:39 AM
Is there an email (or TM3 contact) for someone to deal with from parts (in place of Joe)?

Nope. No one there in parts currently deals with the forum aspect.

08-24-2013, 08:34 PM
When dealing with the younger guy who works there, I was told he is unable to apply the tm3 discount and needs another more senior person to do it. I now go to Prima Mazda for my parts needs. They give a larger discount, and know what they are doing. I may sound like a Prima rep lately, but it's just because I am very happy with their service.
Prima Mazda!

08-24-2013, 10:26 PM
When dealing with the younger guy who works there, I was told he is unable to apply the tm3 discount and needs another more senior person to do it. I now go to Prima Mazda for my parts needs. They give a larger discount, and know what they are doing. I may sound like a Prima rep lately, but it's just because I am very happy with their service.
Prima Mazda!

+1 for Prima as well...I didn't get any parts from them but I take my car there for service and am very happy with them...Also they have no problems applying discounts