View Full Version : Stupid lady hit my bumper

05-21-2004, 02:38 PM
I was waiting at a red light and the chick from behind me slammed into my bumper. I was so pissed, I was only 2 blocks away from home, total damage: 2 small dents, her license plate nuts imprinted into the bumper and now my bumper feels loose. Anyways, I reported to collision centre, and dropped by my dealership to get estimate. They told to send it to a bodyshop that they deal with, now the thing is I want a whole new bumper, but they said the most they\'ll do is body fill it and replaced the fasteners on the bumper. How would you feel if you knew your car is not perfect anymore because some broad hit you and they won\'t replace the whole bumper. My car was only 2 weeks old.

M Cube
05-21-2004, 03:10 PM
I feel sorry for you man.....
I remember last time I got rear ended I was @ a red light also.........I was waiting 2nd in line with a Ford Windstar behind me.......the car in front of me stalled when the light turns green, then Bam the f**king guy behind me slammed into me.......
I know how you feel man, and that was me first car back in 93......:(

Now getting back to your concerns.........
I suggested that you take your car to your own mechanic to see if there\'s any internal damage (take the bumper apart and see if any mounts are broken) to determine how bad the injury is and if the bumper really need to be replace.....

Do you want to go thru insurance....??
If yes......then you have to stick with what the insurance decides
If no.......then you might got a chance of having that lady pay for replacing the bumper

Of course the above are all base on my personal opinions
And I have to agree there\'s alot of stupid drivers that makes me wonder how did they get their linsense in the first place :sarc

Good luck buddy......

05-24-2004, 11:56 AM
Yeah I hate this kind of thing...

I\'d definatley get a quote for the entire bumper, call the woman and tell her the cost... see if she\'ll cover it cash [ in the long run it\'s cheaper, cuz her rates will go up ] if it\'s insurance, you xan argue... I mean, you pay such high primiums, you should be able to get what you want done, otherwise, switch insurance companies. This isn\'t your fault, don\'t settle for shit.

05-24-2004, 07:11 PM
That really sucks... out of curiosity, have you gotten teh quote back yet? I\'m interested to see how much repairs are.

05-24-2004, 07:56 PM
Last week I was driving on the 410 and this dump truck just getting on the highway cut me off doing 80, when I was doing 110, anyway a bolder flew from the truck and SHAMCK!!!! a nice chip in the windshield which instantly spread 3 ways, each way about 4 inches. The car is no more than 3 weeks old. I called mazda and they want $700 for a windshield (that With labour) but damn thats alot of money. Flippin truck, the thing is you cant do anything about, that truck just cost me $700.

Sedan GT W/GFX & Rear Lip Spoiler (Titanium)

05-24-2004, 10:27 PM
I think Apple Autoglass has a windshield called \"Titanium\" something. It\'s guranteed for life not to crack (if it does they replace it for free). Are those windshields compatable with the Mazda3 with the rain sensors on it?

If they are, that\'s a pretty sweet deal. But I don\'t know how the rainsenors will act with a new glass windshield.

05-24-2004, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by M34ME

Last week I was driving on the 410 and this dump truck just getting on the highway cut me off doing 80, when I was doing 110, anyway a bolder flew from the truck and SHAMCK!!!! a nice chip in the windshield which instantly spread 3 ways, each way about 4 inches. The car is no more than 3 weeks old. I called mazda and they want $700 for a windshield (that With labour) but damn thats alot of money. Flippin truck, the thing is you cant do anything about, that truck just cost me $700.

I know I can\'t really compare with that, but I wish I could kill that truck that put those 3 chips in my hood. Other than those 3 chips, my pain job is totally flawless.