View Full Version : ORDERED :)

06-03-2004, 01:16 AM
Markham Mazda, SIX potential buyers enter, FOUR orders finalized. From 6pm to 10pm! Dealing with the owner of the dealership, however I pushed my order to credit to Jason Chen.

Here\'s my car breakdown;

Sport GT 5-MT, A/C, Moonroof
$21,738 (Dealer Net -- invoice cost?)

Winning Blue Metallic Paint
$86 (invoice)


Freight/PDE, Air, Gas
$1,100 (standard)

Admin fees total
$288 (189 admin, 99 protector plus)

Wheel Locks

92 Buick Trade In (Has obvious problems)


$26,018.05 (includes additional $20 license transfer fee)

It\'s not a WOW deal for me but they really would not budge on the stated markup of $500. What the heck, ordered anyway. Can\'t wait anymore. :)

ETA is end of the month. On the boat now they said (as I stated earlier today, prior to actually ordering).

QUESTION -- does anyone know the formula used to calculate the cost of borrowing? I keep calculating like $40 less than what is stated on the yellow Vehicle Purchase Agreement.

BTW - $600 graduate rebate should be okay, both my father\'s as well as my own name is going to be on the ownership.

Now I can sleep... :zzz

06-03-2004, 10:03 AM
Now I can sleep... :zzz

No my friend, no you will feel the pain of waiting! 6 weeks for mine. Very painful!

06-03-2004, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by wtom

QUESTION -- does anyone know the formula used to calculate the cost of borrowing? I keep calculating like $40 less than what is stated on the yellow Vehicle Purchase Agreement.

it\'s a pain in the ass...

you take the principal, multiply by your rate (4.9% ? ) and then multiply by 5, and thats the COST, you then add that to your principal and voila... it\'s messed up though, it\'s more deep than that because your first payment is 70% interest... so on $20,000 interest at 4.9% over 5 years is like $4900 so for the first monthly payment... 70% of that payment will be taken from the $4900, and 30% will eb taken from the $20,000...

Talk about getting bent over eh?

You should get them to throw in some goodies like a cargo tray for brining them 4 sales.

Cheers man!

06-03-2004, 02:06 PM
Yeah I meant sleep so I don\'t have to worry about the car for now. Hibernate for three weeks (car is on the boat they tell me, even the day before when I went in for a second test drive).

I couldn\'t figure out the equation either even from Internet but seems the online finance calculators are all the same, they all give me the same monthly payment amount as the invoice I have states.

I\'m financing over 36 months @ 2.9%. Cost of borrowing is still $953!!!!! :(

06-03-2004, 09:10 PM
car\'s on the boat?

Note: Japan to Canada via Boat: 30 Days

Vancouver to Toronto via Train: 7 days

Toronto to Dealer: 2 days MAX

If your car is on the boat, it could take up to 5 weeks depending on where in the Pacific Ocean the boat is. Obviously if it\'s more than 1/2 way here (which i hope it is!) then you\'re looking at 3-4 weeks.

My mom works in shipping and transportation for a Logistics company. She tole me these times when I was waiting for my car... Just thought I\'d share.

06-04-2004, 09:52 AM
Thanks Xenon! Yes the car is 100% FOB :D j/k!

In that case I hope it\'s over half way across the Pacific!

I went in Tuesday night for my second test drive and my sales person checked his books and said the car I\'m interested in, with all the options, is on the boat; three weeks.

Wednesday night during the order process, the owner, whom we were all dealing with together, told us three weeks (most of the cars we were each interested in was on that boat).

In the finance manager\'s \"office\" I triple checked with him how long it will be; he states, on the boat, three weeks.

So Markham Mazda has a one-up on the line now... if not three weeks, I\'ll be bitching.

Also you can see why I keep stating ETA is end of this month... give myself one more week of expectancy. Keep the disappointment at the minimal.

06-04-2004, 11:48 AM
Good thing you didn\'t opt for leather because you wait time would be much, much longer.

06-04-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

Good thing you didn\'t opt for leather because you wait time would be much, much longer.

With the power of the Internet and this forum (maybe a bit also credit to M3F) I finalized my decision on NO leather. :)

It\'d be a temperature pain in the butt too for summer/winter riding.

06-08-2004, 06:40 AM
I just checked out the price for heated seats at Concept Automotive (or something like that...formerly The Auto Trim Shop). It\'s going to cost me $280 per seat and what\'s nice is that the switch is a 3 position switch (high, low, off) instead of simply on and off.

06-08-2004, 06:35 PM
I\'d only consider leather if heated seats were in the package...

06-08-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

I just checked out the price for heated seats at Concept Automotive (or something like that...formerly The Auto Trim Shop). It\'s going to cost me $280 per seat and what\'s nice is that the switch is a 3 position switch (high, low, off) instead of simply on and off.

I miss heated seats. My Jetta had them, [ Levels 1 - 5 no less! On/Off is for Honda :o ] and I\'m a little disspointed they weren\'t in this car. That being said, I\'m not $600.00 dissapointed either. If I had leather, it may be a different story.

06-10-2004, 08:37 AM
I ordered mine in March and it still hasn\'t arrived yet, i think the dealer was jerking me around, they said that they put in an order every month, so I said you must have ordered in Apr, the guys said it was ordered in May. It didn\'t make sense to me. Finally they have given me a VIN # and said that it is on the boat. I read the purchase agreement and I can opt out after 90 days of not receiving my car. A friend told me that at Brampton Mazda they have tons of 3\'s on the lot. But I don\'t know if they will have what I ordered. Judging from everyone\'s comments it is worth the wait, but it\'s killing me. I want to be able to make the next meet as well.:D

06-10-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by jimdragon8

I ordered mine in March and it still hasn\'t arrived yet, i think the dealer was jerking me around, they said that they put in an order every month, so I said you must have ordered in Apr, the guys said it was ordered in May. It didn\'t make sense to me. Finally they have given me a VIN # and said that it is on the boat. I read the purchase agreement and I can opt out after 90 days of not receiving my car. A friend told me that at Brampton Mazda they have tons of 3\'s on the lot. But I don\'t know if they will have what I ordered. Judging from everyone\'s comments it is worth the wait, but it\'s killing me. I want to be able to make the next meet as well.:D

MARCH?? Holy smokes!!

What options did you get? You must have gotten leather if you\'re still waiting. Where did you order it?

06-10-2004, 02:17 PM
Yup, that sucks. Sometimes you\'re at the mercy of the dealership since they can only place their monthly order during a certain week of the month for example. Let\'s say you sign your papers just after they had placed their order you\'re going to have to wait until their next order the month following.

06-11-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

Yup, that sucks. Sometimes you\'re at the mercy of the dealership since they can only place their monthly order during a certain week of the month for example. Let\'s say you sign your papers just after they had placed their order you\'re going to have to wait until their next order the month following.

What??????? Dang, lucky I took the one on the boat... at least they SAY it\'s on the boat.

What ever happened to the On-Demand world that Microsoft advertised about. Bunch of BS heads.

06-11-2004, 01:02 PM
Remember...it\'s Micro$oft.


06-15-2004, 02:47 PM
I called my salesperson and GOT THE VIN#!!!!! Car has arrived in Vancouver!!! Now for another two weeks (that\'s what the sales as well as some people in M3F.com say) before I can go in to pick it up. Aghhhhhhh the excitement!!!

06-15-2004, 10:55 PM
LOLZ ... if it\'s another 2 full weeks, then you\'re probably not gonna get it in time for the next meet. If that\'s the case and you still want to go, email me.

06-16-2004, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Soulcrusher

LOLZ ... if it\'s another 2 full weeks, then you\'re probably not gonna get it in time for the next meet. If that\'s the case and you still want to go, email me.

I\'m still scratching my head... car is in BC, inspect cargo, load cars onto train, chugga chugga through the moutains, the prairies, drop off some here, load some there, enter Ontario ... should be ONE week. I\'ll be calling next week Wednesday for sure. It\'d be awesome if I can have the car before the 26th!

Thanks again Soulcrusher, I\'ll definitely want to go again and this time I\'ll hopefully not be in such a rush.

06-16-2004, 03:35 PM
Hey, if I decide to go, I can certainly give you a lift.

Oh, BTW, I\'m part of the group wtom bought with...except mine was actually on the lot and I\'ve been driving my new 3 for eight whole days now. So just saying hi, everyone!

06-16-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Grifter

Hey, if I decide to go, I can certainly give you a lift.

Oh, BTW, I\'m part of the group wtom bought with...except mine was actually on the lot and I\'ve been driving my new 3 for eight whole days now. So just saying hi, everyone!

If I were you I\'d start driving around wtom\'s house in your new car or calling him from inside your car, you know, make him really jealous and anxious for his new car to arrive.:p

06-16-2004, 10:55 PM
Good for you, Grifter. If wtom was not so picky, he\'d probably be driving one now, too. j/k wtom. It\'ll be worth the wait for you. Once you get it, you should drive around and start honking your horn like crazy. Just stick a China flag out of one window and a Euro soccer flag out of the other. Confuse the shit out of everyone, :p

Hey, at least you\'ll get a lot of looks coming your way.

06-17-2004, 12:09 PM
Grifter finally joined and posted! Welcome here buddy! Sure thing, that\'s IF you go. Have you checked out where it is and the time?

Actually I don\'t think you know where I live exactly, do you?

Yeah I was really picky... they had everything I wanted but in white, silver, gray, black, and orange on the lot! But I chose to wait a month for the blue. It must be my favourite colour (looks at golf shirt; blue... glasses frame; blue... travel mug; blue... Toronto Maple Leafs; blue...) :D

China flag? No no no... that\'ll get me attention that I do NOT want. :)

fat mike
06-21-2004, 02:11 AM
Haha I know all about waiting. I had to wait 12 weeks for my 3. But it was defintly worth it:)

06-21-2004, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by fat mike

Haha I know all about waiting. I had to wait 12 weeks for my 3. But it was defintly worth it:)

Holy crap ANOTHER titanium gray! LOL

Welcome to the board fat mike! When did you place the order for your 3, and what build date is it?

fat mike
06-21-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by wtom

Originally posted by fat mike

Haha I know all about waiting. I had to wait 12 weeks for my 3. But it was defintly worth it:)

Holy crap ANOTHER titanium gray! LOL

Welcome to the board fat mike! When did you place the order for your 3, and what build date is it?

Thanks I am glad I found this board. I ordered my 3 in febuary and not too long ago it arrived. I believe mine is a march production run but to be honest I have never acctually looked at the build date lol

06-21-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by fat mike

Thanks I am glad I found this board. I ordered my 3 in febuary and not too long ago it arrived. I believe mine is a march production run but to be honest I have never acctually looked at the build date lol

Yep definitely loving this board although I\'ve recently posted a bit more over on Mazda3Forums.com :p

WOW, Ordered in Feb, arrive in June?!?!?! I\'d flip the dealership or kick them the finger... I mean... you know what I mean... :)

That must have been an agonizing wait... I think I\'ll shaddup about my wait then...

fat mike
06-21-2004, 06:09 PM
Yeah it is a long long story wiht my dealership but in the end I am never going back to them, and I have found a new delaership thats just as close and they are great they treat me like a god. So it all worked out with lessons learned :)

06-21-2004, 09:18 PM
Congrats, fat mike. Nice handle, by the way :D

So another Titanium Grey. That seems to be the most popular colour now. Although I still think it\'s one of the best colours, I\'m glad I didn\'t get this colour.

06-21-2004, 10:37 PM
My philosophy is, I get what I like and if everyone else happens to get it too, so be it. I\'m not going to get something else just because everyone else has what I like.

Besides, my Titanium Grey is still going to be a bit different...that\'s what mods are for :D :D

06-21-2004, 11:16 PM
Hey, I get you ... in fact, if I wasn\'t in such a hurry to get my Mazda3, I would have a Titanium Grey right now, too. :)

It\'s just that I\'m surprised how much I\'ve grown to really like the silver Mazda3. If you count all types of cars on the road, there\'s gotta be a gazillion silver cars out there! But I find that a lot of the other types of silver are kinda dullish, but with the Sunlight Silver it just seems to sparkle ... maybe I\'m biased now that I have one. :p

06-21-2004, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Grifter

Besides, my Titanium Grey is still going to be a bit different...that\'s what mods are for :D :D

So ****hands rubbing****, what kind of mods you planning? :D

06-23-2004, 04:06 PM
See my sig ;)

So far it\'s the almighty tissue box (Puff\'s, two-ply in a cube box) and I already have the air freshener (Pee-Wee, green apple) but I need to wait for the new car smell to go away (should be any day now). Those are some serious mods right there!! ;) ;)

I\'m going to take it slowly with the performance stuff or rims, I\'m planning to drive it stock for a while. I don\'t want to run out of things to do (and I\'m not planning to mod a lot, so it would be VERY easy for me to run out of things to do) and then be bored with the car. I guess first up might be the Bosal/Mazdaspeed exhaust.

06-23-2004, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Grifter
but I need to wait for the new car smell to go away (should be any day now). Those are some serious mods right there!! ;) ;)

My car is now a month and a bit old.... still smells like a new car.

06-23-2004, 10:33 PM
LOLZ - love your sig, Grifter. And yeah, that new car smell lasted well over a month. I was quite surprised by that. I gotta get an air freshener one day. And yeah, I gotta add that all important tissue box :p With my last car, I had a tissue box ever since I bought it. For some reason, I haven\'t put one in the 3 yet. Not sure where to put it and a tissue box eventually starts breaking up and looking ugly.

Just had an idea ... I think I\'ll get a small box (cube size) and stick it in the glove compartment.

06-24-2004, 09:12 AM
I\'ve got mine in the storage space in the centre, which is why I had to get the cube box. If I got the brick box, I\'d have to put it in sideways and it\'d be tough to get the tissues out and that\'d be a problem. A runny nose waits for no one! I\'ve got Swiffers (actually, a cheap knock off of Swiffers) in the glove and although it\'s huge, I doubt both boxes would fit :D :D :D

06-24-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Xenon

My car is now a month and a bit old.... still smells like a new car.

Do you have any air fresheners in your car since you picked it up?

I have a feeling throwing in a freshener during the first month of a brand new car is redundant. http://www.mazda3forums.com/images2/smilies/nag.gif

06-24-2004, 08:17 PM
no air fresheners. My car smell is \"au naturale\".

07-09-2004, 12:58 PM
Wow, look at that. I ordered my car June 22nd from Avante and still waiting. I called them up around the 2 week mark and they said it arrived on the lot. They weren\'t totally sure so they told me that they would call me the next day to confirm. Well, sure enough. My car did not come in on that truck. Here I was thinking I could pick up my car in 2 days but to no avail. Now it\'s almost three weeks and I was talking to the dealership yesterday and it\'s stuck in Vancouver and supposedly once it\'s on the train it will take another 2 weeks. I guess i\'ll have to settle with it being a Christmas gift. :(

07-09-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Snipes

Wow, look at that. I ordered my car June 22nd from Avante and still waiting. I called them up around the 2 week mark and they said it arrived on the lot. They weren\'t totally sure so they told me that they would call me the next day to confirm. Well, sure enough. My car did not come in on that truck. Here I was thinking I could pick up my car in 2 days but to no avail. Now it\'s almost three weeks and I was talking to the dealership yesterday and it\'s stuck in Vancouver and supposedly once it\'s on the train it will take another 2 weeks. I guess i\'ll have to settle with it being a Christmas gift. :(

That makes three of us now whom ordered a car that was already in transit but somehow, unluckiness be riding above us, our cars get left behind because of the cargo train shortage (damn monopoly of CN Rail).

What sucks is the dealerships won\'t budge on compensating because it is not their fault we don\'t have our cars yet.

07-09-2004, 02:45 PM
Oh they\'ll budge, trust me. That kind of gives me some negotiation power now that they gave up my hopes. I\'ll be talking to them when it comes in and I will get Rust proof but they will pay for the sound proof and possibly some free oil changes. What can they do. They have a car on their lot that is so customed that nobody else will buy it and for them to move it they\'ll have to be flexible. You don\'t know unless you ask.

12-21-2004, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

I just checked out the price for heated seats at Concept Automotive (or something like that...formerly The Auto Trim Shop). It\'s going to cost me $280 per seat and what\'s nice is that the switch is a 3 position switch (high, low, off) instead of simply on and off.

Bluntman, did u end up going for the heated seats? How do u like them? Do you have their contact number? Thanks!

12-21-2004, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by zRqTz

Originally posted by bluntman

I just checked out the price for heated seats at Concept Automotive (or something like that...formerly The Auto Trim Shop). It\'s going to cost me $280 per seat and what\'s nice is that the switch is a 3 position switch (high, low, off) instead of simply on and off.

Bluntman, did u end up going for the heated seats? How do u like them? Do you have their contact number? Thanks!

No I didn\'t end up getting them this time around, my wallet got a little distracted. Another forum member was surprised by their girlfriend and had seat heaters installed on his car. IIRC, he posted photos of the switches (mounted on the seats themselves). I\'m jealous!

The place used to be called The Auto Trim Shop, but now they go by Concepts on Wheels (http://www.conceptsonwheels.com/home.asp).