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07-01-2004, 06:40 PM
finally i ordered my 3 last saturday
but....bad news, i won\'t be able to get the colour i want (WHITE)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i was told to pick my 2nd choice or colour
i picked the red
hope they can locate one this time

anyway, still excited about the new car
great board guys!!!!

07-01-2004, 09:21 PM
Welcome! White is so pimp http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v253/miggiddy/Gif/pimp.gif Why can\'t they get white for you?

07-01-2004, 09:50 PM
coz they can\'t locate one for me...

07-01-2004, 10:49 PM
Can\'t they order one from Japan, if there isn\'t one on a boat? Altho, it would take a long time to get here. I haven\'t seen too many white 3s on the road, surprised they can\'t locate one in the province.

07-02-2004, 08:11 AM
I believe white is the rarest colour choice among all of the colours.

07-02-2004, 08:18 AM
I dont like white cars. Too boring, but the 3 in white has got to be one of the only cars that it looks good in :)

Nice choice!


07-02-2004, 10:59 AM
the car is sexy in itself
no matter what colour it is

07-02-2004, 01:19 PM
We definitely need either a red, white or indigo in our club (rather than grey). When you got your car, make sure you come to the meet!! :D

07-02-2004, 05:50 PM
Side Note: If anyone is looking for a Mazda3 Sport GT in Winning Mica Blue, Loaded except Sunroof and Leather, Contact Markham Mazda. They have one just sitting on the lot. It\'s been there for the last 3 weeks.

07-04-2004, 08:38 PM
i think white is mint.
go figure, the rarest colour is the one that is included with the price of the car, all other colours are $105.

07-04-2004, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Black3

i think white is mint.
go figure, the rarest colour is the one that is included with the price of the car, all other colours are $105.

The white paint is neither metalic or mica. That is why you don\'t incur the $105 charge.

07-13-2004, 11:43 AM
Some dealers I heard wave the $105 charge for certain colors. My brother just purchsed an orange 6 sport and the salesman waived the charge.

07-13-2004, 12:26 PM
I also agree that white is a sweet looking colour and I haven\'t seen on the road to date. I have owned 2 white cars in the past though and have found that the colour white tends to rust faster then any other colour out there. Just a little heads up. Mine isn\'t in yet but when it does come in it\'ll be Indigo Blue and i\'ll be at the meet hopefully representing all other Indigo Blue cars.

07-13-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Newlook

We definitely need either a red, white or indigo in our club (rather than grey). When you got your car, make sure you come to the meet!! :D

umm...i have an indigo blue 3. i guess i\'m not part of the club :sarc hahahhaha :D

07-13-2004, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by MajesticBlueN

Originally posted by Newlook

We definitely need either a red, white or indigo in our club (rather than grey). When you got your car, make sure you come to the meet!! :D

umm...i have an indigo blue 3. i guess i\'m not part of the club :sarc hahahhaha :D

He was refering to those who show up at the meets. We have never had a red, indigo or white Mazda3 at any of our meets yet.

07-13-2004, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Xenon

Originally posted by MajesticBlueN

Originally posted by Newlook

We definitely need either a red, white or indigo in our club (rather than grey).

umm...i have an indigo blue 3. i guess i\'m not part of the club :sarc hahahhaha :D

He was refering to those who show up at the meets. We have never had a red, indigo or white Mazda3 at any of our meets yet.

so, to be in this club, you need to show up at the meets? what about those that can\'t :hoho

07-13-2004, 09:31 PM
We highly encourage participation in our meets. They are not a drag whatsoever. Every meet that we have has had a great turn out and there is always plenty to discuss. It\'s also nice to put a face to the handles that you find on our site.

Participation in meets are not mandatory, but in the future, there may be only certain things that you can only get at meets (ie. the T-Shirts and Stickers). We are also considering a minimum meet requirement to be able to take advantages of our affiliate program we are setting up.

If you cannot make the meets, it\'s totally understandable. There are exceptions to every rule. If your post per day count is comendable and you actively participate in the forums and occasional event/meet, that will be more than sufficient.

I am currently creating an \"Active Members\" list using the preliminary requirements laid out in the TM3 Affiliations topic. This list will be given to any affiliates we gain. Only people on that list will be eligable for discounts and group buys that may be set up at different establishments and dealerships.

07-13-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by Xenon

We highly encourage participation in our meets. They are not a drag whatsoever. Every meet that we have has had a great turn out and there is always plenty to discuss. It\'s also nice to put a face to the handles that you find on our site.

never said meets were a drag. i\'ve been an active member on www.torontomaxima.com (TMEC) since its inception and on www.maxima.org when i got the max back in 2001.

you\'re right, it is nice to put a face to a name and develop a camraderie, but it shouldn\'t come at the expense of exclusivity...which brings me to the next quote

Participation in meets are not mandatory, but in the future, there may be only certain things that you can only get at meets (ie. the T-Shirts and Stickers). We are also considering a minimum meet requirement to be able to take advantages of our affiliate program we are setting up.

that\'s all well and good - those who want the t-shirts and stickers will show up to the meets for them...but to make meets a requirement and having attendance taken is something out of highschool. if membership is a requirement for the affiliate program, a fee and membership identifier (usually a card) was done fairly well on www.dscr.net back when i used to read it in 99/2000 and also on www.toronto-subaru-club.com before their \"board of directors\" was folded. In short, a large majority of TSC members felt that the \"exclusivity\" associated with special memberships was detracting from the real meaning of a car forum/club - to share ideas and information; also, any dealer/retailer specials were made available to all registered members since the retailers now bought ad space on the forum\'s front page.

If you cannot make the meets, it\'s totally understandable. There are exceptions to every rule. If your post per day count is comendable and you actively participate in the forums and occasional event/meet, that will be more than sufficient.

anyone\'s post per day count can be boosted by post whoring. there are members who will visit the site for technical info, for info on local parts/mods, and who contribute with posts that are few and far between but are of great use to other members - these members would and should benefit from \"dealer specials\".

i\'m not speaking about myself with regards to meet attendence. On TMEC, there were users who were married with kids that had other things to do on weekends when meets were scheduled. are we going to alienate those similar members on TM3 because they can\'t make ANY meet due to other obligations but yet they\'ll read and post when the kids are in bed and they have a little quiet time to themselves?

what other sites have done is make Donations an option. the money used from donations entitled the donor to associated perks. thus, rather than feeling like the person had to \"oblige\" to anything by meeting a minimum post count, or attendance, the person ended up feeling good about donating to a community that they benefitted from. for instance, i\'d donate $20 to a car club/site that i\'ve benefitted from, or has provided me with useful info, faster than i\'d pay $5 for a membership. i\'m sure there are others who feel the same. this helps alleviate the problem of \"exclusivity\" that other non-paying members might feel.

I am currently creating an \"Active Members\" list using the preliminary requirements laid out in the TM3 Affiliations topic. This list will be given to any affiliates we gain. Only people on that list will be eligable for discounts and group buys that may be set up at different establishments and dealerships.

see above. don\'t take my post as a rebuttal, i am just voicing some constructive criticism.


07-14-2004, 04:56 PM
Everything from the Active Members list, to afilliates is all preliminary. We don\'t have any set rules as of yet, and we won\'t be implementing any until All members are consulted and the topic has been presented for a thorough debate.

We generally discuss these things in more detail at meets, since talking is easier than posting on forums. Hence my emphasis on attendence.

07-14-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Xenon

Hence my emphasis on attendence.

Bueller, Bueller.....anyone, anyone :p

07-14-2004, 11:35 PM
hey hey, play nice :p

You know what, this car club is all about fun and the Mazda3. They go hand in hand. I peronally don\'t hold anything against anyone who doesn\'t come to the meets or doesn\'t participate.

All of this stuff about active members and member lists is because of the affiliates. Some potentials are asking for protocols like this to be implemented so that they themselves don\'t get jipped. That\'s all.

I just think it\'s sort of a shame when we have 124 members but only about 30 or so actually participate. I\'m just trying to get everyone out there. I\'m anxious to meet new people with the outstanding taste of cars that we all share.

07-15-2004, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Xenon

I just think it\'s sort of a shame when we have 124 members but only about 30 or so actually participate. I\'m just trying to get everyone out there. I\'m anxious to meet new people with the outstanding taste of cars that we all share.

At least that\'s 124 of us who actually value our car as opposed to all of those other people out there who see this car as just \"another car to drive.\"

07-18-2004, 12:46 AM
I have no idea why white is rare. I guess people just don\'t like the colour (?).

I think perhaps to the majority of people the extra $105 is nothing if it means getting a metalic paint.

07-18-2004, 10:58 PM
actually i think it\'s so rare that mazda actually can\'t locate one easily and now they stop producing the \'04 model, so they can\'t order one from japan now
that\'s exactly my case
but i have seen more and more white, hatch and seden, on the road these days
maybe i have just paid more and more attention to them than b4 coz i envy them so much

and so i have chosen another colour, which is RED
it\'s arriving in about 3 weeks
that\'s what i was told last friday

07-19-2004, 09:27 PM
I like the red. If I had baught a GT sedan, it would have been in red.