View Full Version : Random power cut out-stuttering?

03-05-2014, 08:02 AM
2008.5 MS3 - stock - 133K km well maintained and not driven terribly hard.
The last few weeks I've noticed that at times, when it's been a stupid cold as it has been, that while she warms up she stutters a little bit during easy acceleration. No big deal I thought.
Yesterday was the first time I've driven her on the highway for a few hours. At consistent highway speeds (70-100km/hr) she will randomly "stutter" for want of a better word. The power cuts out very briefly but very noticeably. It's like the brakes are applied very quickly making the car just drop off speed. Again, its very brief but on ice covered roads it is serious enough that I was concerned it may throw the car into a little slide.
I've searched around various forums, here and mazdaspeedforum.org and I can't seem to find anything that really fits.
Any ideas? Fuel pump maybe?

Mr Wilson
03-05-2014, 08:09 AM
Do you have an AP? Can you post a log?

Is it stuttering under accelerative throttle or when you are just cruising?

03-05-2014, 08:16 AM
No AP but I suspect it would be a very good investment.
It's only stuttering while cruising. I played around a bit with WOT in various gears and couldn't make it happen.

03-05-2014, 09:43 AM
Sounds to me like a MAF sensor issue. Pull it out, inspect and clean, and check your air filter (be it stock or SRI/CAI) while you're at it. Failing that, check your plugs.

03-05-2014, 11:11 AM
check your battery posts too

03-05-2014, 11:44 AM
Were you under higher loads when the stutterings happened? If so it could be fp.

03-05-2014, 12:16 PM
Just the opposite…under WOT in any gear I couldn't get it to repeat. It was only under sedate cruising (2-3K rpm) that it occurred. Sometimes a stutter every 30 seconds or so, then I'd go 15 minutes normally, then another series of stutters 5 to 30 seconds apart.

03-05-2014, 01:02 PM
Just the opposite…under WOT in any gear I couldn't get it to repeat. It was only under sedate cruising (2-3K rpm) that it occurred. Sometimes a stutter every 30 seconds or so, then I'd go 15 minutes normally, then another series of stutters 5 to 30 seconds apart.

Could be numerous things, plugs, coils, loose connections whatever. I suggest you take it in and have it diagnosed before something happens....I'm assuming you've gotten no CELs either, since you haven't mentioned anything.


03-06-2014, 09:22 AM
I had a CEL back in January that was read when I had brakes done…P0401-EGR valve. I was told by the shop that in winter it's not uncommon to get this CEL due to the cold, snow and ice that we drive through. They reset it and nothing since.

02-20-2017, 12:34 PM
Have you ever resolved this problem? I've got the same thing. It's not like its just a loss of power, but like a quick buck or studder. I get it throughout the RPM's on Accel and decel randomly. I've changed the plugs, coils, fuel injectors cleaned the MAF. Still the same.

02-21-2017, 02:38 PM
Solved IT. couldn't believe it. Stupid Crank position sensor. Looks like the Crankshaft has been slowly cutting into it with debris or something. No codes or anything, just the symptoms described before.