View Full Version : Moose vs. car

07-18-2004, 08:08 PM
Just came back from the North... Been there for a week, drove all the way to Thunder Bay, put 4099km total on the rental :p Then got this from my email when I came back...

Moose vs. Car (http://mirrors.meepzorp.com/moose-vs-car/)

07-18-2004, 09:19 PM
freaking how did that happen? did it fall from the sky or something?

or it hit the front and flew nearly over the car? Looks like he was parked in a lot somewhere though...

07-18-2004, 09:22 PM
WTF? If that is a real accident, I sure hope whoever was in that car was ok, altho I don\'t know how one could survive.

07-18-2004, 10:37 PM
a moose is bloody tall when it stands up. the front of the car will knock out the feet, leaving the body of the moose to \"fly\" into the windshield/passenger compartment and, being over a few hundred pounds, cause some serious damage.

07-19-2004, 09:28 AM
Knowing a little about Moose, that moose is only like 2 years old and is just a calf. Life expectancy is 25-30 years. Imagine that was full grown with antlers!
This accident happened back in May of 04 and the lady lived. She got out of the car and was covered in Moose guts but still alive.

07-19-2004, 10:05 AM
Were there 2 vehicles (including a Greyhound bus) hit a moose on two separate dates few weeks ago near Wawa?

My colleague hit a deer in the butt on HWY25 in Milton in dawn, caused $5000 damage to his Focus. Luckily the white tail didn\'t crash into the compartment.

Night danger...

07-19-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Newlook

My colleague hit a deer in the butt on HWY25 in Milton in dawn, caused $5000 damage to his Focus.

That is a sh!tty experience... :D

07-19-2004, 12:27 PM
I was driving my friend\'s Civic, we were in the South Dakota, driving on a two-way highway thru some heavily forested area at night. Coming around a bend we see a deer on the right side of the road, I didn\'t have much time to react, so steered into the oncoming traffic lane (no other cars on the road at the time) and that\'s when the deer decided to jump in front of the car. Fortunately I didn\'t hit the brakes, otherwise the deer would have had more time to get in front of the car. We would have taken out it\'s legs and have it crash into the windshield. Instead his head hit the hood just over the passenger side front light, his hind legs swung around and dented the quarterpanel really good (door was jammed and openned less than quarter the way. Stopped the car, no deer to be found, mind you were weren\'t going to spend too much time looking. When we got to the motel I checked out the car under the lights and there was fur on the bumper, no blood. Needless to say I was paranoid for the rest of the trip to Vancouver.

07-19-2004, 09:37 PM
I just pray to God that a moose... or any animal... infact, ANYTHING never hits my car.

07-20-2004, 06:40 PM
take it from a claims adjuster, hit the animal rather than swerve to avoid. could prove costly either way however insurance would see an animal hit as a comprehensive claim opposed to a single vehicle loss where you swerve to avoid an animal and hit a tree, that case it would be a collision loss.
I have seen many animal hit claims, the wierdest being an owl hit