View Full Version : '04 Mazda3 sudden steering yank/jerk while on on/off ramps

05-08-2014, 05:54 AM
Hi guys. Not a regular to these forums as the M3 is my wife's car, but I am a regular on other car forums for my own vehicle; so I'm aware of the rules and how things generally work. I've done my share of searching before this posting, but haven't found any definitive answers to my specific situation yet. So, here goes...

My wife's 2004 M3 (2.3L) has about 255,000 (highway) kilometers on it and has been our highway warrior for the last 6 years or so that we've owned it. My wife works about 100km out of town, hence all the mileage. I'm a bit of a "car guy" and like to maintain and repair myself, so I can assure you that this car has been maintained very well and runs great to this day. Except for the issue that I'm about to describe, which I experienced myself the other day when I had driven her car for the first time in a very long time.

What I experienced was that on gradual, long, higher speed turns (think highway on/off ramps), the steering would suddenly jerk in the direction I was already turning... almost as if the car was turning over on under-inflated tires. I "experimented" with this a number of times and was able to get the car to do this almost every time I was on an on/off ramp, and it scared the crap out of me every time. Now, it wasn't yanking me off the road or anything, but in adverse conditions (snow, ice), it could definitely be dangerous. Plus the potential of the symptoms getting worse also worried me.

Without having the time right now to get the car jacked up and have a look at all the suspension components myself, I dropped by a mechanic that I've used in the past and ran these symptoms by him. He said it's quite possible (and common) that the electric power steering assist was malfunctioning, and that in his experience this was often quite an expensive fix. He nor I had the time for him to drive it or to formally inpect the car, but his suggestion is what I'd like to inquire here about.

Does anyone here have experience with the steering assist malfunctioning? Is it a part that can be replaced, or does the whole steering rack need to be replaced?

Do you think this could be suspension component-related rather than this steering assist? I did just change over her winter wheels/tires and didn't notice anything in terms of play in the wheel bearings or anything, but I also wasn't aware of this problem at that time.

Any help, suggestions, experiences would be greatly appreciated! Cheers!

05-08-2014, 05:59 AM
Why can't I edit my message?

EDIT: I should add that the "jerk" seemed to happen at about the same amount of lateral force every time I made it happen, if that makes any sense. Depending on speed and how aggressive the turning was, the "jerk" would happen at about the same lateral "G-force" every time. It seemed to be almost predictable after testing it a number of times...

05-08-2014, 11:39 AM
Never had a problem myself, but it does sound like a power assist issue. I would also suggest strongly you get the ball joints checked pronto.


05-10-2014, 12:58 PM
Wheel nuts are torqued properly?

05-22-2015, 02:36 PM
My car did something similar, only on left turns. It turns out to be the front lower control arms. Replaced them and issue is gone.

I know this is an old thread, but it may help others with similar problem.