View Full Version : 4 Car Collision With my 3

08-03-2004, 05:58 PM
Well my M3 is in the shop after a rough hit. I was going in to work, I stopped at the lights behind the first car at the lights. For only about 10 seconds waiting for the light to turn green.. BANG!! I got a serious whiplash and the car turn off on impact (safty feature?). I thought the gas tank exploded so I checked to see if all my parts where there.. and it was. Apparently when i got out of the car, the Mini van behind me was hit from someone else behind her. These 2 old people in a volkswagen golf were still frozen in the car that was demolished leaking rad fluid but there were totally fine just in shock. I went to the women behind me and check if she was ok and she was shookin up hands shaking so I called 911. Police and ambulance arrived in 5 minutes. The guy in front of me got a tiny scratch he could even yous touch up paint on his nothing major.my front of the car looked fine no scratches.. the back on the other hand a different story. Well all in all I got no fault oviouslly and the estimated damage is about 8 grand.. im now getting physio theropy, 2 months off work, and a settlement amount of money. Im feeling not to bad but I have achs everynow and then.
I called my insurance to make sure my rates wont go up and of course they said im not at fault so nothing will change. Good!

Here are some pics...


08-03-2004, 06:17 PM
It\'s good to see that you\'re relatively OK. As for the physio, I\'d definitely go. Hopefully it will ward off any aches or pains that might show up as your grow older. Did your airbags blow? BTW, your link doesn\'t seem to work. It links to a page entitled \"http://pic from the accident\".

08-03-2004, 06:26 PM
go to physio man..while its still free in some places

08-03-2004, 06:58 PM
opps i ment i am going to physio/ chropractor. nope the air bag did not go off.

08-03-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by eric0088

go to physio man..while its still free in some places

Link fixed.

08-03-2004, 07:46 PM
hope everything\'s ok with yourself. the car can be fixed and/or replaced so it\'s good to know that you walked out relatively alright.

the reason why your car shut off was probably due to the a switch tripping in the back after the rear impact. it cuts off the fuel pump to prevent a fire in the event the gas tank ruptures.

08-03-2004, 08:18 PM
From those pix, the damage doesn\'t look too bad...rather superficial, nothing structural.

08-03-2004, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

From those pix, the damage doesn\'t look too bad...rather superficial, nothing structural.

That is exactly what I thought myself until they pointed out the bend in the frame near the window, and in the trunk its actually stressed from the inside floor.. kinda sunk down a bit.

08-03-2004, 08:57 PM
Sorry to hear about the accident, but glad you\'re okay! And the physio definitely does wonders...take good care of yourself now to get over any ill effects from the accident, and you won\'t have problems later on.

08-03-2004, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Grifter

Sorry to hear about the accident, but glad you\'re okay! And the physio definitely does wonders...take good care of yourself now to get over any ill effects from the accident, and you won\'t have problems later on.

Thanks man I hope all work out for the better..

08-04-2004, 10:01 AM
At least your okay that\'s the important thing. Your airbags didn\'t deploy because the 3 is equipped with 5 mph bumpers. They would have deployed in a higher speed frontal collision.

08-04-2004, 01:01 PM
Glad to hear that you\'re sorta okay. Sorry to hear about the car tho. So 2 months for you. How long for your car?

08-04-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by miggiddy

Glad to hear that you\'re sorta okay. Sorry to hear about the car tho. So 2 months for you. How long for your car?

Well in 6 more days it should be ready =)

The great thing about this place is that they allow you to come and see the progress.. so ill prob take more pics =)

08-04-2004, 07:25 PM
:\'( Waaaaaaaaa....

That\'s the saddest sight I have seen in a while. I\'m very sorry to hear about your accident. I am thankful that you are OK though.

Take it easy, and make a strong recovery!

08-11-2004, 08:16 PM
Link Broken or do I have to register?

08-11-2004, 08:47 PM
the board may have been down at the time you clicked on the link. Try again.