View Full Version : Doom 3 anyone?

08-05-2004, 09:51 PM
I was able to pick up a copy today at Staples/Business Depot for $59.99. All I can say is, it looks incredible, but for a game with so many dark areas, it sure is a system hog. I have p4 3.0c with 1GHz of RAM and a Radeon 9500. Far Cry runs fine on my machine at 1024x768 but Doom 3 just doesn\'t seem to run as smoothly (it\'s playable though). I don\'t think I\'ll be upgrading my video card just yet (I\'ve seen Doom 3 run on a Radeon 9800 Pro and it looked to be running at the same frame rate as mine).

Oh well, back to Mars!

08-05-2004, 09:54 PM
1. I only have a 2.4 GHz

2. I only have 512 MB of ram

3. I only have a 64 MB GeForce4 MX 440

4. I don\'t have $59.99+tax

I\'ll wait till the price goes down a bit first.

08-06-2004, 12:14 AM
Sadly I have a p4 1.6, 512 Mb ram, and ati 9700 pro. I can run far cry ok. Man if Doom3 is having a ruff time on your computer I can\'t begin to imagine how it would be on mine. But I\'m really waiting for Half-life2, for sure an upgrade will be need for that.

08-06-2004, 09:12 AM
I wish I had the money to upgrade, but also since Intel (and several other high rollers) has decided to change around the internal achitecture of desktop computers I\'m going to have to swap out quite a few components. I just bought a pair of Geil PC4000 (DDR2) sticks of memory less than two months ago and now they\'ve moved onto to DDR3. Let\'s not even talk about the new sockets (775 I think) on the new motherboards (925/915 chipsets), the possible use of PCI-E/X video cards instead of AGP and the new form-factor of the motherboards, cases and power supplies (I believe). Hmm, the things we have to put up with to have some entertainment.

08-06-2004, 10:10 AM
That\'s the exact reason why I\'m delaying....well that and money. I don\'t feel like shelling out any more cash for a new high end video card. So I may end up going the, what I hope to be a cheaper route and get a board that has agp on it still. Damn technology and it\'s advancement :)

08-06-2004, 10:30 AM
You think you guys have it bad? I\'m still on a P3 at home! :)

Let\'s see how much I remember about the power specs;

P3 933GHz
1280MB of SDRAM (2 x 512 and 1 x 256)
ASUS Ti-4800 ... errr... 128MB video RAM I think?

I can\'t even play Need For Rice Underground at 1024 with max details smoothly. :(

Actually I did try the demo of Doom 3 way back when. Holy crap it was choppy. Looks like an amazing game though. I know it\'ll scare me once in a while.

I just gave up shelling out cash on computers, especially after I finished university. What a waste... :p

08-06-2004, 11:52 AM
I\'ve looked around the \'net and noticed the prices of video cards that run well with Doom 3 are in the $600 to $700 range. D\'oh!

08-06-2004, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by wtom

You think you guys have it bad? I\'m still on a P3 at home! :)

my PC is a P2-400 with 512MB of RAM. and it still does everything i ask of it. it\'s due for a replacement soon with a dual P3-1GHz i have sitting in the basement (not for games).

i don\'t bother playing video games on a PC, that\'s what the XBOX is for (the glorified PC that it is :p )

08-06-2004, 10:38 PM
I agree, but you just can\'t play an FPS properly with a gamepad. It\'s just...unnatural. :D

Are you on X-Box Live? I have an account but I don\'t go online much, many just downloads.

08-10-2004, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by bluntman

I agree, but you just can\'t play an FPS properly with a gamepad. It\'s just...unnatural. :D

Are you on X-Box Live? I have an account but I don\'t go online much, many just downloads.

blunt, i hardly play FPS...mostly stick to driving, fighting and sports. However, Halo and Medal of Honor kicks arse on the X-Box. :D i haven\'t been on X-Box Live since i got it ...something about locking ;)

08-10-2004, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by MajesticBlueN

blunt, i hardly play FPS...mostly stick to driving, fighting and sports. However, Halo and Medal of Honor kicks arse on the X-Box. :D i haven\'t been on X-Box Live since i got it ...something about locking ;)

Tsk, tsk, tsk! ;)

Dr Butcher
08-10-2004, 11:27 AM
Ahhh other xbox livers!

I haven\'t really played all that much recently due to a lack of AAA titles. The new Rainbow Six game was just released and I\'ll probably check that out over the next week or so.

At first I couldn\'t get the hang of first person shooters on the PC because I\'ve been playing on Live with the gamepad for so long it was like second nature. Slowly I\'ve been getting better. I still prefer the gampad however. :D

FPS\'s are my forte but I have quite a few racing games as well.

Add me to your friend lists if you\'d like, my gamertag is the same as my screen name: Dr Butcher.

08-10-2004, 04:49 PM
Pandora Tomorrow is supposed to be quite good online. I haven\'t played it online or even single player (eventhough I have it) but apparently it\'s two on two, two spies versus two security guards. Those playing the guards are in first person perspective, those playing the spies are in third. The guards have to catch the spies while the spies have an objective in the level and must try not to get caught by the spies. I heard that the best part of online play is when a spies sneaks up behind a guard, puts them in a headlock and then the player playing the spy can talk to the player playing the guard before he knocks him unconscious. Now imagine all of this in a darkend \"arena\". To me the \"creep factor\" is right off of the scale, that\'s probably why I won\'t play this online. :sarc

Dr Butcher
08-10-2004, 05:32 PM
I have Pandora Tomorrow and it is really good online. It can be really frustrating to start until you learn the maps a bit. Some maps are really small and can be tough as a spy. The best part about being a spy is using alarm triggers to set off false alarms and confuse the hell out of the mercs. Also using the spy cameras to gas mercs is really rewarding. Camp out near an objective, set of an alarm trigger then gas him as the merc runs by. Sweet.....

There are some really good players out there though. I have been killed a few times from spies dropping on me and breaking my neck. I just don\'t have enough time to dedicate to a game to match skills with the elite guys out there.

08-10-2004, 08:03 PM
Is it true about being able to talk to the guard just before you break his neck?

Dr Butcher
08-11-2004, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by bluntman

Is it true about being able to talk to the guard just before you break his neck?

Yeah, I believe you have to press the white button when you talk to him though, otherwise your teammate will wonder what the hell you\'re talking about. :) I don\'t have the skills to take out a merc up close, I always get spotted and shot long before I can do any real damage.

08-27-2004, 11:51 AM
I had Doom3 Before it came out and to answer the question, you will need atleast second to best videocard out there now to play it they way its ment to. That sucks because second to best is still around 600! lol.

MY Specs Built by me:

Asus P4C800-E Deluxe
Pentium4 3.4
1Gig OCZ 3500 Dual Channel DDR Performance Memory
Raid Stripe 0+1 SATA 160 GIG
SB Audigy 2
ATI Radeon X800PRO 256DDR3
TV Tuner

Preaty fast.

My system currently laughs at Doom3 =)

Mind you I upgrade my parts every 6 months or so so that I dont have to fork out 2000-3000 in 3 years for a new PC.


08-27-2004, 12:29 PM
a64 3200+
1GB OCZ 3200 EL

doom3 - AMAZING gfx.. i put everything to highest and omg it was just incredible.. 2fps tho.. heh.. then i used the suggested settings 640x480.. WTF? ok fine.. so i played a bit.. was not impressed with the game tho - what you can\'t carry a flashlight AND a gun at the same time? oh ok.. run around let everyone know you\'re there (flashlight) but not be able to defend yourself.. uh huh.. makes sense.. anwyay.. glad i just \'borrowed\' the game.. far cry is still much better :D

08-27-2004, 01:35 PM
I went out and splurged on a BFG 6800 Ultra OC. This will be the second time I\'ve dropped a load of money just to play one game, the first one was for Halo on the XBox. What a huge difference the BFG is against my trusted Sapphire Radeon 9500pro (flashed to a 9700pro). Halo for the PC now plays so well with the BFG, especially during melees with so many other Covenant on screen at one time. I can now play all my games at my native resolution of 1280x1024 without a hit in performance (Doom3 or Far Cry) with all of the goodies turned on.

08-27-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

I went out and splurged on a BFG 6800 Ultra OC. This will be the second time I\'ve dropped a load of money just to play one game, the first one was for Halo on the XBox. What a huge difference the BFG is against my trusted Sapphire Radeon 9500pro (flashed to a 9700pro). Halo for the PC now plays so well with the BFG, especially during melees with so many other Covenant on screen at one time. I can now play all my games at my native resolution of 1280x1024 without a hit in performance (Doom3 or Far Cry) with all of the goodies turned on.

Big difference ah! I had the GF TI200 before the ATI X800Pro, and that couldnt cut it.

08-29-2004, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by majic

a64 3200+
1GB OCZ 3200 EL

lol, our computers are twins
cept my cpu was uhhh... \'forced\' to go run at 3200+ speeds