View Full Version : Cruise Guidlines

08-08-2004, 03:38 AM
Driving to a destination as a large group of enthusiasts can be a challenge...

Torontomazda3 endorses safe driving in all our events. We are careful to plan trips that adhere to proper safe driving guidelines and the enjoyment of our trips. We encourage all our members to drive safely. Members are responsible for their own road safety on trips by obeying the driving laws of our province or the region we take our trips in.

Below you will find a set of guidelines called Road Rules that we recommend for our outings and day trips, since traveling as large groups of enthusiasts to a destination can be a challenge.


One of the most enjoyable aspects of belonging to Torontomazda3 is driving together in a group or caravan. The following is a simple set of Rules and Guidelines that will ENSURE a FUN and SAFE TOUR.

A caravan of 20 Mazda 3s can stretch over 2 kilometers of highway. If the group is too large, divide into 2 or more groups of 10 or less if possible, each with a Head or Lead car and a Tail that have FRS RADIO radios. All other cars with FRS RADIOs should be interspersed within the group. At no time should any Mazda 3 pass the whole group to reposition to a forward position. This is a caravan NOT a RACE to see who can drive the fastest.

The group will travel in the middle lane or the RIGHT lane on a freeway or highway so as not to obstruct the flow of traffic.

Use the 3-SECOND RULE to maintain adequate separation and the 4-SECOND RULE when conditions indicate caution. For the 3-SECOND RULE, note a point on the road ahead. When the car in front of you passes it, begin counting “one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three.

Drive with your RUNNING LIGHTS on for safety and identification.

When traveling though congested areas, parts of the group may become separated. The Lead car, through radio communication, can elect to slow down to let the group catch up, use the BREADCRUMB technique where the last car in the main group stops and waits for the trailing group to reach that point, or stop and pull off the road to regroup.

When parking in business parking lots, pull to the FARTHEST open spot and park HEAD IN in order to get the caravan safely off the highway.


It is very difficult to keep a caravan together in heavy traffic, congested areas, and on major highways. Plan to regroup when that part of the trip is over.

Be aware of the NO ZONE, the large areas of restricted visibility around large trucks, semi-tractor trailers and buses.

Pass only when legal and safe. Do not pass on double yellow lines or curves.

If a member of the group wants to pass you, let them.


Stay within the posted speed limits.

The Lead car will set the pace for the caravan but it is each driver's responsibility to keep the car behind him or her in sight.


You are strongly encouraged to purchase a FRS RADIO. This keeps you in touch with the lead car and is a fun way to communicate during the drive.

The Club generally uses CH 3 for communication. If you want to chat, go to channel 4, for example.


Use common sense, be COURTEOUS and follow the law.

Arrive at the starting point on time, with a full tank of gas.

Be ready to leave on time. Listen carefully at the Driver's Meeting to the description of the route and safety precautions.

Advise the Event Coordinator if you are going to meet the group along the route or leave before the end of the tour.

Always drive within your personal limitations. You will be provided with directions, rest stops and destinations, should you have to leave the group.

If you need to pull over and do not have a radio, do so and turn on your flashers, the Tail or Sweep car will stop behind you.


The Event Coordinator is most often, but not always, the Lead car.

Hand out written driving directions and have a short Driver's Meeting to explain the route and go over safety precautions.

If there are more than 20 cars on the event, try and break up into two or more groups.

Have one or more additional drivers know the route.

Allow for frequent rest stops and avoid rest areas or stops which require the caravan to cross oncoming traffic. Be aware of changing weather and road conditions and provide for extra stops if necessary.

The Tail or Sweep car must stay in frequent contact with the Lead car in congested areas and let the Lead know when all cars have cleared a controlled intersection, as well as advice the Lead if the pace is too fast or too slow.

Be courteous, respectful, and most of all, have a good, SAFE, time.

*Thanks to TOProtege for these guidelines*

06-09-2011, 10:08 AM
Since this is a great guide for cruises, I would like everyone to take a quick read of the details and familiarize themselves with some of the safe ways to drive in a convoy.

08-25-2013, 10:11 PM
gmrs radios sold at canadian tire work aswell?

08-25-2013, 10:19 PM
^ as long as they can go on the frs channels and you are on the same band/channel, they'll work

09-09-2013, 11:30 PM
Curious how 20 mazdas can stretch over 2km of highway

unless they're each 100 metres apart, which really isn't a cruise

09-09-2013, 11:44 PM
Curious how 20 mazdas can stretch over 2km of highway

unless they're each 100 metres apart, which really isn't a cruise


09-10-2013, 01:26 AM
A caravan of 20 Mazda 3s can stretch over 2 kilometers of highway.


09-10-2013, 08:35 AM
I didn't read the full text but I see it now.

This is used as a guideline. Take it with a grain of salt.

We like to have some order on the roads in a convoy so if the trolls want to point out any mistakes, they are more than welcome to adjust the content to better suite the club...

09-18-2013, 11:00 AM
does anyone have a set of frs radios that i can test my radios against?
they say they work with frs. just not wanting to buy another set of radios.