View Full Version : Meeting of the Mazdas Discussion
08-12-2004, 01:54 PM
The Meeting of the Mazdas have been brought to my attention. I would like to keep one thread (the original one that is now locked) for administrative purposes such as attendence lists and announcements.
I have created this thread for replies to the original thread.
YP5 Toronto
08-12-2004, 03:37 PM
I would like to personally invite you all to this event. I have had the fortunate chance of meeting a couple of you at some of the TOP meets and would like to get to know more of you.
Looking forward to this event and to your participation.
Jason Laxamana
Toronto Protege Club
08-12-2004, 03:41 PM
Hey Jason, I think I saw your car at the Brullen event back in June...wicked looking car, especially the wheels.
You guys wanted a longer cruise? This event better grab your attention and get you revving your engines for one awesome cruise from Toronto to Hamilton!
This looks to be a lot more fun/interesting! I AM tempted!
08-12-2004, 05:49 PM
Hmmm... that\'s not a bad idea.... we should set one up... where\'s a good meeting spot? It\'s gotta be in the morning tho. Roll in is at 11 AM.
Somewhere close to a highway. we can do Courtney Park or Kennedy Commons... or both...
Eastside Premeet at Kennedy Commons for 9 AM.... they cruise to a westside premeet at Courtney Park at 10 AM... we all roll together for 11 AM in Hamilton?
YP5 Toronto
08-18-2004, 12:59 AM
The Toronto Protegé Club (<a href=\"\" target=\'_blank\'></a>) would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us at the Meeting of the Mazdas Annual Part 2 (MOM2). This event was organized by the Miataphiles last year and was a huge success. There were approximately 100 cars in attendance last year from various GTA Mazda Clubs. This year, it’s our turn and we have special surprises in store. We are expecting almost twice the numbers this year and we hope that you can join us and help this event to continue to grow each year.
We would appreciate if one or more of the Officers / Admins on your board would take the lead for keeping an updated list of your attendees in this thread. Any further questions can be directed to me at and I will answer them promptly. Please mention \"Meeting of the Mazdas\" in the subject line so the email doesn\'t get filtered as trash.
For ongoing updates please refer to this website address for the most up to date information:
Where: Valens Conservation Area
When: Sunday September 12th, 2004
Time: 11am – 5:00pm
11am – 12pm – Roll-in
12pm – 2:30pm – People’s choice judging takes place
2:30pm – 3:30pm – Tallying of the votes
3:30pm – 4pm – Award presentations
5:00pm – Roll-out
Protege (sedan)
Miata (1gen)
Miata (2gen)
RX7 (1gen/2gen)
RX7 (3gen)
Other (MPV/929/323/etc)
Categories can be expanded based on confirmed participation
* plus a couple of surprise awards
We are in the midst of securing a variety of dealers, vendors and retailers for a variety of fun prizes and giveaways. If your club has any contacts or sponsors that you would like to follow up on, please email us. If your club would like to help out by donating your time in gathering prizes and giveaways please let us know. This post will be updated as we secure more sponsors.
This year we have decided to have a potluck lunch. There will also be Charcoal BBQs available for your grilling needs. We ask that each club do their part to pitch in and that members each contribute some food and / or drinks for the potluck, as well as any other materials (plates, cups, utensils, BBQ equipment,...) that your club members will need.
Again, we ask that the officers / admin on your board co-ordinate a list of who is bringing what food, AS WELL AS making sure that all other materials that you guys will need that day, are covered.
The BBQ\'s will be on a \"first-come first-served\" basis. We ask that everyone share BBQ time with each other in a fair manner.
* Please arrange your own pre-meets and plan out your best routes. It would be a good idea to make small packs within your groups as it is a rather long drive and smaller groups can stick together more easily.
** Leave yourselves enough time to get there. It can be a fairly long drive and is quite easy to get lost. Judging will start promptly at 12:00am.
We have sites GP#1 & GP#2 booked for the day
Things to remember:
1) This is a FAMILY event, so behave accordingly
2) Once your car is in the area, it would be preferred that you keep your car parked until after the voting ends.
3) Everyone will be parked in their respective categories (all Protege5s together, Miatas together, etc ...)
4) Bring a pen with you. There will be sheets provided to list your mods and stick on your dash to help people in judging
5) No alcohol allowed in the park
6) Please respect the grounds and clean up after yourselves. The park was more than happy to have us back this year due to everyone\'s responsible behavior last year. We are confident that everyone will help to have us invited back again next year.
7) Feel free to bring Frisbees, footballs, or any other outdoor activities you would like to do that day
A Few pic\'s from Last Year
YP5 Toronto
08-18-2004, 01:00 AM
ADMIN/MOD can you please cut and paste the newly updated thread above to the locked thread?
Thanks in advance.
Please see the updated original post. We are already looking at 75+ cars and we expect to double that by the time the date rolls around.
Is there ANYONE even moderately interested to attend MOM2004??? Seems like no one is interested... :(
I\'m 90% sure I\'m gonna go to this thing... but it will definitely suck if it\'s just Xenon and myself there representing
08-18-2004, 04:02 PM
I hopefully will be going. It\'d be great if we could meet up locally first.. I\'m sure I\'d get lost or something getting there :P
08-18-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by wtom
Is there ANYONE even moderately interested to attend MOM2004??? Seems like no one is interested... :(
I\'m 90% sure I\'m gonna go to this thing... but it will definitely suck if it\'s just Xenon and myself there representing
Sorry wtom, I am interested but have a baseball tourney to attend on that day.
08-18-2004, 07:57 PM
So are we going to do it as one of our meets?
We need to organize what food and stuff to bring... how many of us will be going?
08-18-2004, 09:13 PM
YP5 Toronto: Locked thread updated.
TM3 Members: I would like a our list of people going to be FINAL by September 9, 2004. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don\'t let this turn into another DarKnights. I was the only one there and it sucked.... Althought it was nice being the only one of the 2 Mazda3\'s there, I would like some company this time :sarc
Newlook, wtom: you interested in going? I\'ll add you to the list if you are.
08-18-2004, 09:16 PM
By the way, I\'m going to get a banner made that says \"Toronto Mazda3 Car Club\".
It would be nice for the MOM and DarKnights... I have hook ups so it shouldn\'t be too pricy. I\'ll use some of the money in our Decal slush fund to help pay for it.
Originally posted by Xenon
Newlook, wtom: you interested in going? I\'ll add you to the list if you are.
You know what? Count me in for Meeting of the Mazdas 2004! I\'m not sure if my gf will go with me but count me 100% for sure!
Food-wise... what do you guys/gals want to grill? I personally love grilled burgers and chicken wings! Someone will need to lug a cooler full of pop, water, ice, and ... oh sorry, no alcohol. :)
What can I personally do for those of you on this board who will be at MOM for the full day? How about an after party at Xenon\'s place? haha j/k... but seriously, I\'ll go buy a case of beer and treat each and every one of you who will be at MOM, a bottle (or two). How does this sound to get more ppl to represent at MOM2004? My personal treat... and I don\'t even drink alcohol... heh heh
BTW, Xenon, I will handle the east-end pre-meet if no one else is really wanting to do it. Just as you stated, 9am at Kennedy Commons. 9:15am is cut off time and we zoom zoom over to the west side to meet up with your group, and from there... the cruise we\'ve all been waiting for! :)
08-19-2004, 10:48 AM
WOOT WOOT! Lets go... as far as I can see I am comming to MOM. This shall be my first TM3 meet as well! :D
PS Lemme know if you guys need anything brought.
Sweet! Thx John! Well it\'s pot-luck so first we gotta find out how many of us are going and from there we can figure how much food each of us gotta bring.
The alcohol hit I spoke about, that\'s outside of MOM since we cannot bring alcohol to the park.
08-19-2004, 05:56 PM
nice, I\'ll add you two to the list....
wtom is bringing beer...
I guess I\'ll bring a case of ships or something :p... and the banner
I can talk to my parents about an afterparty... I\'m serious... if you people are interested, we can invade my street with 3\'s
08-20-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Xenon
I guess I\'ll bring a case of ships or something :p... and the banner
Chips you mean??
I\'ll try to make it there... but don\'t count me in yet.
08-20-2004, 10:37 PM
ya... chips... oops
08-22-2004, 12:31 AM
Guys! good to see some interest starting for this meet! Depending on the number of you, I don\'t think there would be any problem meeting up with any of our area meets if you don\'t want to drive down on your own. details will be on our board.... if you want, I\"ll post links to the appropriate threads so you can keep an eye on that.
Im considering going, I still haven\'t been to any meets yet.
What are the numbers so far? and what\'s the plan for this potluck thing. Just curious what people are planning on bringing. Sounds weird a car meet with a HUGE potluck. You just know theres going to be loads of pop and chips. :p
08-22-2004, 10:02 AM
well numbers can never be known. We usually only have about 5-7 people confirm they are going to car meets but 20 show up.
As for pot luck, if you confirm you are going, then I\'ll add your name to the list (found in the related locked thread) and what you are bringing. If you can\'t confirm that you are coming, but show up anyways, I can only hope that you look at the confirmed list and bring something that no one else already plans to bring.
08-23-2004, 06:43 PM
in addition to my previous post...
It would be much appreciated if people do CONFIRM whether or not they are going. It will save me, and the organizers of MOM a lot of work.
08-23-2004, 08:37 PM
I want to go. I don\'t know what i will bring for the potluck. Excuse my \"newguy\" question but what goes on at such a big meet. I am proud of my car but i haven\'t done any mods so i\'m not looking to enter it into and contests.
Is this just like the club meets and simply a place to hang with fellow owners?
08-23-2004, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by teambedlam
I want to go. I don\'t know what i will bring for the potluck. Excuse my \"newguy\" question but what goes on at such a big meet. I am proud of my car but i haven\'t done any mods so i\'m not looking to enter it into and contests.
Is this just like the club meets and simply a place to hang with fellow owners?
None of our meets, including DarKnights, ever required Mods. At the moment I\'d have to say that about 80% of our members that have shown up to meets have not done any MAJOR modifications to their car. No body kits turbos or anything like that. Simple Tinits, maybe painting of calipers and/or engine covers. All simple Do it yourself stuff.
I think the most major mod I have seen at meets is HID swap for the headlights and some people have gotten new rims & rubber.
08-28-2004, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by Xenon None of our meets, including DarKnights, ever required Mods. At the moment I\'d have to say that about 80% of our members that have shown up to meets have not done any MAJOR modifications to their car. No body kits turbos or anything like that. Simple Tinits, maybe painting of calipers and/or engine covers. All simple Do it yourself stuff. I think the most major mod I have seen at meets is HID swap for the headlights and some people have gotten new rims & rubber.
Thanks for the info. I noticed that at the meet today. I got some ideas for my car today. :) Now to find the cash.
Anyways i am planning on mounting a video camera from work, in my car. I should be able to get some lovely video of us cruising to MOM. And perhaps a nice timelapse of people looking at our cars.
08-30-2004, 08:25 PM
*cough* is my list right? or do we only have 4 people coming to MOM.... I would like to know what sort of number I\'m looking at... I have to let the Co-Ordinator know.
08-30-2004, 08:40 PM
5, if you adding me:)
08-30-2004, 09:08 PM
6 for me being 90% sure. I don\'t know what to bring, I was just planning on picking up subway for myself or something. :`\\
08-30-2004, 09:17 PM
i am 100% going to MOM. As for food. I will bring Burgers and Buns. And my colman stove (in case BBQ space is at a premium.)
08-30-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by teambedlam
i am 100% going to MOM. As for food. I will bring Burgers and Buns. And my colman stove (in case BBQ space is at a premium.)
I\'ll bring condiments. And a box of chips.
08-30-2004, 11:26 PM
I can bring whatever, and requests?
08-31-2004, 10:22 AM
Count me in too.
My \"beer\" reward is still valid so for those Toronto Mazda3 members who take part in Meeting of Mazdas, you get a bottle of ice cold (or two depending how many of us \"register\" with Xenon\'s master list and show up). :)
Xenon, I guess you can just put me down for BEER and we\'ll have to figure out where to go AFTER MOM to enjoy... I don\'t want to get kicked out of the meet for bringing a cooler full of alcohol.
List of what to bring (off top of my head);
List moved here (
08-31-2004, 10:51 AM
You guys can count me in too.
08-31-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by wtom
List of what to bring (off top of my head);
Paper plates
styrofoam cups
Plastic utensils
Skewers for ki-bobs
Paper towels
Water (everyone should bring their own 2L of water at least)
BBQ grill utensils (brush, tongs, spatula, knife)
*below not needed if teambedlam has his coleman stove*
Newspaper/fuel for starting up the fire to heat up the coal
Honey (for the meat)
Hot sauce
Steak sauce
Burgers (meat and veggie)
Hot Dog buns
Beef ribs
Chicken wings
Bell peppers, mushrooms, chinese beef/fish balls, etc. for ki-bobs
Steaks (beef/chicken/pork)
And all car care products for your car!!!
Jebus... sounds like a feast...
BTW, I have copied this list onto the Locked Thread. I will add names beside stuff that has already been spoken for.
Originally posted by Xenon
Jebus... sounds like a feast...
Had some pics of my past BBQ\'s so just opened up the pics to see what was in them exactly. :)
I still might have missed some items that we\'ll need.
08-31-2004, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by wtomI still might have missed some items that we\'ll need.
What about all the stuff needed for the pig roast? :)
Originally posted by teambedlam
Originally posted by wtomI still might have missed some items that we\'ll need.
What about all the stuff needed for the pig roast? :)
Make it a fish roast cuz I\'m bringing my fishing gear, just in case! :D
09-01-2004, 11:50 AM
I can get the GF to cook.... Some Potato or macarroni salad? Which ones? Maybe some cookies, or other desserts? Lemme know whats good to bring
I like potato salad but macaroni salad is good too! Heck, bring all three (both salads plus the gf) :p
09-01-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by midnightfxgt
I can get the GF to cook.... Some Potato or macarroni salad? Which ones? Maybe some cookies, or other desserts? Lemme know whats good to bring
That sounds good, but just be careful with anything like mayo... it will be baking in the sun all day. Be sure to bring a cooler to keep it cold.
09-01-2004, 01:02 PM
Good point Xenon! Hmmm any other requests? Maybe I will stay away from potato salad. yes wtom, the GF is commin! :p
Originally posted by midnightfxgt
Good point Xenon! Hmmm any other requests? Maybe I will stay away from potato salad. yes wtom, the GF is commin! :p
I think both salads is good enough, just make enough for 10 to 15 of us ... should be ok. I\'ll eat it!
I\'ll be bringing a cooler with ice packs so don\'t worry about the maya or other food going bad. Just don\'t expect me to keep everyone\'s food cool! :)
If your gf is into cars, great! My gf would probably be boerd for most of the day. Not sure if she\'s interested to come tho. Would be nice to have a couple of the female 3 owners at MOM... *cough* Zoom Zoom Girl *cough* super_vixen *cough* Mazda Kitten *cough* (hairball).
09-02-2004, 11:16 AM
LOL, well she doesnt know much about them, but doesnt mind chillin at meets. i dragged her to a lotta Probe ones, and I mean this one is in a nice park, and a BBQ thing, so its more than a parkinglot meet.
I shall make the salads then, I think I will have a cooler as well. :)
Originally posted by midnightfxgt
LOL, well she doesnt know much about them, but doesnt mind chillin at meets. i dragged her to a lotta Probe ones, and I mean this one is in a nice park, and a BBQ thing, so its more than a parkinglot meet.
I shall make the salads then, I think I will have a cooler as well. :)
I think most gf\'s will not b*tch and whine... plus it\'ll be great for photo ops too! \"Honey can you take a pic of me standing beside this RX7?\" j/k :)
09-02-2004, 10:22 PM
I won\'t be bringing a GF to the meet. Mind you i\'ll certainly be on the look out for someone who wants to fill the vacancy.
09-02-2004, 10:53 PM
Hey Xenon
I am interested but my car is not show worthy.. It has had some beats in the first mth of ownership and is missing a side mirror BUT i would love to go.. Plus its my 25th B-day so this might be kinda fun...
Please e-mail me and let me know what is going on :D
09-02-2004, 10:55 PM
Hey Wtom I promise I wont wine if I attend hehe.
Heya Electra-fire, whoa what happened to your car? Missing a side mirror and took some bumps in the front? You musta really caused somebody to break out in road rage. :)
Don\'t worry, I\'ll just be sure to bring a lot of <insert your favourite candies> for you to sit quietly and happily with. :D J/K!!!!
Thx to be the sport and taking part in this car club as well as your huge interest to join us at MOM! You get beer courtesy of me (no joke).
Don\'t worry about the car, I think a few of our boys might find some time on their hands to help you out with some fixer-upper?
REMINDER TO ALL: Don\'t forget the pre-meet for MOM is MANDATORY. East side pre-meet 9am Kennedy Commons (Kennedy/401) and at 9:15am we cruise over to the West side pre-meet of 10am at AMC Courtney Park (Hurontario St/north a block or two of the 401). Don\'t miss your pre-meet! ... or else no beer! :p j/k
09-04-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Electra-fire
Hey Xenon
I am interested but my car is not show worthy.. It has had some beats in the first mth of ownership and is missing a side mirror BUT i would love to go.. Plus its my 25th B-day so this might be kinda fun...
Please e-mail me and let me know what is going on :D
By all means, you are more than welcome to come. If you can somehow arrange a way to get to yourt respective regional pre-meet (Eastside or Westside), then I would be more than happy to take you in my car, and if you are going to the Eastside pre-meet, I can arrange for one of our members to allow you to tag along.
The only thing is that security into MOM will only allow Mazdas into our area, so unless you drive your 3, you will have to come with someone else in the club.
But (and this is for ALL members), feel free to bring friends etc in your car. I do believe price for admission into the conservation area is on a per car basis.
09-05-2004, 12:36 AM
I\'m in for MOM.
Thanks, david3, there is no \"park fee\" required. I read the wrong posting (the original one) and it still had the fees listed. I checked the official web site and there is no mention of fees;
09-05-2004, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by wtom
1) There will be a fee to get in to the Conservation Area. $7.50/car including the driver, additional $2.50/person, to a maximum of $15.00 per car. (this is set by the Park, it is not a fee for the event)
I don\'t see that in the \'updated\' location post.. does this still apply or what?
fat mike
09-06-2004, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by david3
Originally posted by wtom
1) There will be a fee to get in to the Conservation Area. $7.50/car including the driver, additional $2.50/person, to a maximum of $15.00 per car. (this is set by the Park, it is not a fee for the event)
I don\'t see that in the \'updated\' location post.. does this still apply or what?
New Location ( this has the new location witch is Valens Conservation Witch is my neck of the woods :) I will be attending to represent Torontomazda3! and my place of work Xtreme Inc. i look very foward to meeting all of you!
09-06-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by david3
Originally posted by wtom
1) There will be a fee to get in to the Conservation Area. $7.50/car including the driver, additional $2.50/person, to a maximum of $15.00 per car. (this is set by the Park, it is not a fee for the event)
I don\'t see that in the \'updated\' location post.. does this still apply or what?
As far as I Know, this fee does apply.
09-06-2004, 05:29 PM
I\'m gonna bring cash just in case. Hopefully by MOM time i can get all the squished bugs off my grill that i picked up driving to and from Ottawa this weekend.
09-07-2004, 06:48 PM
Hey everyone. Just a friendly reminder about this Sunday (12th), the MEETING OF THE MAZDAs at Valens Conservation area. The turnout is looking very good and we hope that you all will be able to join us.
If you have not already done so, please ad your name to an attendee list. It looks like you all have done a lot of planning for your own meets. Of course you are welcome to come down with us too if you want. If you would like more information on our pre-meets, please feel free to email me at
Again, we ask for your support in helping with the Pot-luck lunch. Anything that you can bring to share with your fellow Mazda enthusiasts would be greatly appreciated.
For more details please visit
Below is the final awards list
Protege (sedan) – Sponsored by Vibrant
Protege5 – Sponsored by Lockdown Enterprises
Miata (1gen) - Sponsored by Lockdown Enterprises
Miata (2gen) - Sponsored by Lockdown Enterprises
MX3 – Sponsored by
MX6 – Sponsor being finalised
RX7 – Sponsored by Clarion Canada
RX8 – Sponsored by EssentialSPEED
Mazda3/Mazda6 – Sponsored by Dave Wood Mazda
Other (MPV, B-Series, 929, 626, 323, etc) – Sponsored by Underground-Highway
Best of Show – Sponsored by Performance Auto and Sound
There will also be various miscellaneous “surprise†awards and prizes available throughout the day. We would like to thank all of the sponsors below for the generous contributions.
Dave Wood Mazda
Vibrant Performance
Lockdown Enterprises
Kieswetter Mazda of Kitchener
Team GarageWorks
Glad to see so much interest in this event, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Im in for MOM, just had to confirm my availability. Was planning on looking into bringing up one of those huge trays of chicken fried rice. :D
Feeds alot and most people will eat it, if not all.
09-07-2004, 08:00 PM
so how many peeple will come, so I can ready for drinks, water and pops or beer (but I think MOM won\'t allow):D
09-07-2004, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by billyfo
so how many peeple will come, so I can ready for drinks, water and pops or beer (but I think MOM won\'t allow):D
Check the Meet of the Mazdas 2004 Thread. It is locked, but a list of attendees is still on display for all to see.
YP5 Toronto
09-08-2004, 12:25 AM
[Duplicate Message: Member tiwing has posted this exact same message on the previous page.]
Moderator (Xenon) Action:
Message removed to save space.
09-08-2004, 11:19 AM
Can you guys take my name off the list? I won\'t be able to go now, some a$$ hit my car and it\'s now in the shop and it won\'t be ready in time. I\'m really pissed now, my baby has it\'s first damage and I really wanted to go to this meet :(
Originally posted by swales
Can you guys take my name off the list? I won\'t be able to go now, some a$$ hit my car and it\'s now in the shop and it won\'t be ready in time. I\'m really pissed now, my baby has it\'s first damage and I really wanted to go to this meet :(
Holy crap, my sympathies! Does any other make of car get as many (or so it seems) other idiot drivers hitting their cars? Seems to me the Mazda3 is the prime target on every idiot driver\'s hit-list. :(
09-08-2004, 07:00 PM
Hi all, just wanted to confirm that there IS a charge to get into the park. It\'s charged by the park and we (TOProtege) have no say in it...
The conservation area will be charging $7.50 CDN / car (including driver) + $2.50 CDN / extra person to a max of $15 CDN / car.
Sorry for any confusion.
09-09-2004, 01:31 PM
XENON im in
bubba1983, I sent you a msg at but they\'re down... please let us know if you are coming to MOM (there will be others there for Mazda3 but coming from the west so you guys just be sure to find the Mazda3 area (we will have a huge banner)). Also, would you be able to bring chicken wings (we have between 10 and 15 ppl). Thx!
09-09-2004, 05:09 PM
jus checked out the thread so i guess i\'ll jus show up and meet inside then? me a spot, lol...chicken many? im not good with estimations...i hope all goes well as i have never been to any sort of car event where my car has been put together with others...getting kinda nervous....not the biggest people person here, LOL.....
Originally posted by bubba1983
jus checked out the thread so i guess i\'ll jus show up and meet inside then? me a spot, lol...chicken many? im not good with estimations...i hope all goes well as i have never been to any sort of car event where my car has been put together with others...getting kinda nervous....not the biggest people person here, LOL.....
SA-WEET!!!!! Add one more to our list of attendees to Meeting of Mazdas! Maybe you can talk with MAZDA3_MIKE since he\'s coming from the west too I believe?
Wings... errr... how many can we each eat? I\'d say grab 3 or 4 dozen for BBQ-ing...
See you there man! You get free beer courtesy of myself, AFTER the event.
09-09-2004, 05:24 PM
:-O shhh, don\'t say those magic words.....i\'ll drink you out of house and home, hahaha...where is MAZDA3_MIKE located at?
LOL I didn\'t say unlimited beer! :)
I believe MAZDA3_MIKE is coming from Fort Erie... near Niagara Falls.
09-09-2004, 05:39 PM
intresting...can\'t find his username on teh forum tho....i\'m gonna be cruising down with fat mike...i been talking to him on msn and we\'re gonna cruise together...
Originally posted by bubba1983
intresting...can\'t find his username on teh forum tho....i\'m gonna be cruising down with fat mike...i been talking to him on msn and we\'re gonna cruise together...
Nice! Hopefully MAZDA3_MIKE can contact you guys to get in on the cruise as well if anything. Better to go in together than alone :p
09-09-2004, 05:46 PM
i hear ya on that one...go in alone, be all looserish, lol
09-09-2004, 05:48 PM
oh ya, BTW...what flavour wings??
Hey add me to the list, I must have not been noticed because I am the last post on page 3.
Or you all hate me! :p
09-09-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by methodyst
Hey add me to the list, I must have not been noticed because I am the last post on page 3.
Or you all hate me! :p
You have been added to the list now :)
09-09-2004, 09:37 PM
My dad recently signed up for Bell\'s Digital bundle at the CNE. With the bundle we got two new FRS Radios made by Ekko or something. They are FRS radios nevertheless. I also have an extra one (I bought a pair, but I myself only use one). This means I have THREE (3) spare FRS Radios available for use.
I will loan one of these three FRS radios to anyone who requires it. Simply show up at the Westide Pre-meet (Remember Eastside Pre-meet cruises to the westside pre-meet) and ask for one. If you are worried that they may be taken by then, feel free to PM me or email me at to reserve a Radio.
FRS Radios will be extremely usefull when on cruises. At the pre-meet cruise to Meet #3, every car had a radio, and it was much easier to keep everyone together, and everyone knows what is happening.
Having an FRS Radio at MOM and especially during the cruises is HIGHLY recommended
09-09-2004, 09:52 PM
Just in case people are travelling to MOM by themselves... here is the rough location of Valens Conservation: (Map is also posted in locked MOM thread)
With that in view, I would like to propose a route to MOM from the Westide Pre-meet:
From AMC Courtney Park:
South on Hwy 10/Hurontario St. to Hwy 401 West
Hwy 401 West to Hwy 6 South
Hwy 6 South to Reg. Rd 97.
I think this is the most direct and shortest route, although it is still quite the drive.
I also want a sense of team-ship (is that a word?) when cruising to MOM, so I have decided to offer stickers at a discounted price of one for $7 (no change) but a pair for $10 (save $4). I don\'t have many left... maybe 6 or 7 of them. So if you want to reserve them ahead of time, PM me, or email This offer is valid only while quantities last and only at the Westside Pre-Meet. So be sure to purchase them from be prior to leaving on the cruise.
09-09-2004, 10:34 PM
(Sorry for the post after post after post thing, but there\'s a lot to be said :sarc )
A reminder to ALL members that Meet of the Mazdas 2004 is a POT LUCK Meaning if you are planning on coming, you are asked to bring some food with you.
We do have a list of things that need to be brought, and things like food and chips we could always use more of, heck even another portable BBQ would be handy.
By the looks of what people are planning on bringing, most members that are bringing food are spending in excess of $10.
IF you do NOT bring food... we ask that you bring $10 in the absence of your food. This money will be used for keeping the TM3 site online and for promotional use (our banner alone cost $230. Thanks to all those who bought stickers, the banner wouldn\'t be with us if you hadn\'t).
also want a sense of team-ship
Isn\'t 10+ Mazda 3\'s \"team-ship\" already? :D
09-09-2004, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by methodyst
also want a sense of team-ship
Isn\'t 10+ Mazda 3\'s \"team-ship\" already? :D
Well it would just be nice if most or all of our cars had stickers on it. You don\'t have to buy them, but I think it would be cool.
That way people who walk by our cars can see that our members have pride in their club.
fat mike
09-09-2004, 11:00 PM
make sure I am on the list guys. my company is supplying some giveaways for that day as well. :)
When we do our line-up at MOM we should put one on each end that has the decals. With the banner in center, it will close off our area. IMO
09-09-2004, 11:08 PM
well... I was thinking of organizing the cars by colour. we\'ll just put all the Ti Grays together all the Silvers together etc.
This is easily done when we roll out of AMC Courtney park. we all stick together in a line.
And if at all possible I want the cars to be arranged so that.
All the cars on the left of the banner turn their cars diagonally towards the banner, wheels one steering wheel rotation to the left
All the cars on the right of the banner turn their cars diagonally towards the banner, turn their wheels one wheel rotation to the right
09-09-2004, 11:58 PM
And of course me the lone Red M3 In the middle under the banner Right :)
09-09-2004, 11:59 PM
Sure, whatever. :p
Regarding FRS radios; I have one available to loan out as well. It\'ll most likely go to the first person that asks for it at the EAST end pre-meet (no PM requests please).
bubba1983... Not sure what is available in the grocery stores but top few flavours I can think of; BBQ, honey garlic, spicy/hot, and shake-and-bake... oh wait, that\'s not a flavour.
I like the colour grouping idea also. Photos from other car club meets usually show the cars grouped by colour. And definitely, we should leave the WEST end pre-meet lined up by colour.
We\'re gonna make this an awesome meet, guys and gals (any word on attending, ladies?)!
09-10-2004, 07:44 AM
if MAZDA3_MIKE could get ahold of me somehow..maybe you would be intrested in cruising up to MOM wiht me and fatmike...we\'re both from kitchener and jus let us know....
09-10-2004, 07:49 AM
post after post....sorry guys....there might be a good chance that me and fat mike may team up with you guys on teh cruise down if you go the 401/highway 6 route...we could jus wait on teh shoulder of the road and hop in, in a respective spot......
09-10-2004, 08:45 AM
yet again anothoer, when you say chicken u mean the ones that aren\'t cooked...or the ones that are cooked where you would say toss them in the oven and warm them up??? i jus want to be sure...
He could of said that in one. HES TRYING TO BOOST HIS POST #\'s
HAHA j/k :p Is it time to go to MOM yet???
09-10-2004, 10:50 AM
not exactly...i\'m jus really forgetful....
09-10-2004, 04:13 PM
I SHOULD have an extra for the meet. First one who wants it at the meet just ask ;)
09-10-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Xenon
IF you do NOT bring food... we ask that you bring $10 in the absence of your food.
I\'m bring food just for myself and won\'t have anything else, does that count? :P Guess I gotta wash the car soon now.
09-10-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by david3
Originally posted by Xenon
IF you do NOT bring food... we ask that you bring $10 in the absence of your food.
I\'m bring food just for myself and won\'t have anything else, does that count? :P Guess I gotta wash the car soon now.
I guess it can count. Just don\'t eat anyone elses food then :p
09-10-2004, 07:57 PM
RX-8 parks in the garage with a Mazda6.
They come out with a new-born... the Mazda3...
MPV and Tribute are there for the baby\'s first wash, and become god parents.
3 goes crusing and meets the Miata. They become great friends.
Meet of the Mazdas 2004. Every Mazda\'s Getting Together. Sunday, September 12, 2004. Zoom Zoom.
09-10-2004, 09:09 PM
OK I am bringing Potato Salad, and a bunch of Oatmeal Choc chip cookies. :)
Is anyone bringing plates etc?
09-10-2004, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by midnightfxgt
OK I am bringing Potato Salad, and a bunch of Oatmeal Choc chip cookies. :)
Is anyone bringing plates etc?
I have plates.
Originally posted by bubba1983
yet again anothoer, when you say chicken u mean the ones that aren\'t cooked...or the ones that are cooked where you would say toss them in the oven and warm them up??? i jus want to be sure...
Errr, for BBQ it would have to be the raw wings... but I doubt they\'d come in any flavours so you may need to do some preparations... ie. grab some shake and bake and just let the wings sit in the powder over night to soak up the spices. You alright (read \"have time\") to do all this?
09-11-2004, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by wtom
Originally posted by bubba1983
yet again anothoer, when you say chicken u mean the ones that aren\'t cooked...or the ones that are cooked where you would say toss them in the oven and warm them up??? i jus want to be sure...
Errr, for BBQ it would have to be the raw wings... but I doubt they\'d come in any flavours so you may need to do some preparations... ie. grab some shake and bake and just let the wings sit in the powder over night to soak up the spices. You alright (read \"have time\") to do all this?
just buy the frozen PC ones or something, those can be BBQ\'d
09-11-2004, 02:19 AM
Reminder to Everyone Going to MOM
The Locked Meet of the Mazdas 2004 Thread ( has been updated. Please be sure to review this entire thread, especially the last three posts before Sunday.
See you all there.
09-11-2004, 05:14 AM
i can\'t do the raw wings thing, sorry....i can either do the frozen pc ones....orsomething else, but for now i\'ll check the frozen pc ones...
09-11-2004, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by bubba1983
i can\'t do the raw wings thing, sorry....i can either do the frozen pc ones....orsomething else, but for now i\'ll check the frozen pc ones...
Just to be safe... don\'t get Suicide wings or anything :p Hot or mild....
Hopefully everyone who is bringing food is okay with their items? Those not on Xenon\'s food-bringer list ( ) don\'t forget your $10 to help with the purchases.
We have fourteen (14) on the list as of today, Saturday, September 10th. So please bring enough of your food items to feed ten to fifteen tummies. We\'re there for a good five hours at the minimum.
Also, please bring some toys if you have; football, baseball and glove, frisbee, etc.
Don\'t forget bottle(s) of water, and your camera too!
Eighteen hours to go, woo hoo!!! :)
09-11-2004, 09:04 PM
i\'m beat...ugh, i jus spend liek 7 hours cleaning that damn car....time for a nice cold brew.....
Yah im screwed, I didn\'t clean the car today!
09-11-2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by methodyst
Yah im screwed, I didn\'t clean the car today!
wake up dearly and just do a quick wash... or bring it to a touchless car wash.
I think the drive from Sauga to Valens will dirty our cars either way. I\'m just gonna bring a few cotton rags, hopefully can find myself a spray bottle, put in some water... damn, this is gonna suck. Dirty/Dusty car for MOM. :(
And RJ3 isn\'t going now!!!! I need his bottle of rim cleaner! Cuz my Simple Green can\'t simply just spray on and wipe off, it\'s gotta be rinsed off after wiping. :(
For those of you coming from other locations (ie. NOT joining the West end pre-meet, leaving AMC Courtney Park at 10:15am) and would like to cruise into Valens together, please find a safe shoulder location on Hwy 6 SOUTH of the 401. Keep your FRS radio on Channel 3 and listen for \"TM3\" calls.
Be at the above location (where ever you find safest) by 10:35am latest! Those of us coming from the GTA should reach Hwy 6 from the 401 at around 10:40am (it\'s 42km to Hwy 6 from Hurontario Street, Mississauga).
Once you see our line up driving up, we won\'t be stopping because of the number of cars and for safety reasons. Please prepare to join our line-up at the rear! If we are grouped by colour, please signal and merge in appropriately (by colour) when it is safe to do so (if at all; ie. if there is a second lane and no cars occupy it).
fat mike, bubba1983, and MAZDA3_MIKE should note this message. Thanks guys, and everyone else joining us from outside the GTA.
Anyone got room in a cooler?
I grabbed some honey lemon chicken breasts but it seems like I don\'t have a cooler no more.
09-12-2004, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by methodyst
Anyone got room in a cooler?
I grabbed some honey lemon chicken breasts but it seems like I don\'t have a cooler no more.
I got one, but it\'s full of pop. I\'ll see if I can sqeeze your stuff in.
Can\'t believe I\'m awake at 8:30am on a Sunday... :p
I\'m bringing a cooler with ice paks which will mostly be empty.
09-12-2004, 09:47 PM
What were the plaques for that were being handed out?
09-12-2004, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by bluntman
What were the plaques for that were being handed out?
The best (and 2nd runner up) MX-3, MX-6/Probe, Miata, RX-7, RX-8, Mazda 3/Mazda 6, Protege, Protege 5, and other Mazda.
The trophy is for The Best of Show.
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