View Full Version : donations = dealer affiliation membership?

08-20-2004, 12:43 AM
just noticed TM3 posted a thread on donations.

as i mentioned in a previous post, i will gladly donate to a site if it is mutually beneficial; i.e. information regarding installs, etc.

therefore, will donations result in dealer affiliation memberships? If so, TM3 will be receiving my donation.

08-20-2004, 10:36 PM
you talking about getting on the Active Member\'s list? because if that\'s what you are talking about... you\'re on the list already.

08-21-2004, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by Xenon

you talking about getting on the Active Member\'s list? because if that\'s what you are talking about... you\'re on the list already.

for real? i didn\'t get a PM about that.

looks like i\'m off to donate :D

08-23-2004, 10:16 AM
We could use a \"donation = dealer affiliation member\" but the price would have to be quite high, yet not higher than the discounts they can get. I\'m thinking $20 minimum donation equals immediate \"dealer affiliation membership,\" regardless of post numbers (okay fine, maybe 5 WORTHY posts minimum) and going to any actual meets.

08-23-2004, 03:37 PM
I don\'t like the idea that if you throw money at something, you get everything.

I\'ve set up the dealer affiliations in such a way that the people who make the club get rewarded for it. Even if it does mean $20.

I hope people understand what I\'m trying to say. It\'s great that people donate to the club, but I want our ACTIVE members, those who participate and make the club what it is to be rewarded for doing so.

I personally oppose the idea of donation = affiliation. That\'s not why I set up the Active Members list.

08-23-2004, 03:47 PM
i\'m playing devil\'s advocate:

wouldn\'t a donation be considered \"active\" since the person donating is assisting in keeping the site running.

no money, no site, no affiliation

08-23-2004, 06:41 PM
Money already comes in from sales of the decals. At the rate we are going, the decals alone can pay for the site.

I\'m also working on T-Shirts, and the $2 draw that wtom proposed is also being taken into consideration.

Granted it will be much appreciated if people make donations, but I don\'t really want to bring Affiliations into this. Also, if we do allow people who make donations (but don\'t post or attend meets) to be on the list, we must consult our affiliates for their approval, since it is them that requested the list and requested there be regulations to qualify to be listed.

08-25-2004, 06:43 PM
I think donations = dealer affiliations is not necessary at this point. Because if we can cover the costs of the club with small margins from stickers and the donations out of good will, we are ok. If we make it mandatory for people to pay to get a membership and to have a discount, Xenon is saying that they can just pay, but not really be active in the club. By keeping it the way that Xenon has already set, it promotes club members to be more active within TM3 and I think everyone will enjoy it more.

I think donation = dealer affiliation would be like a last effort if we\'re struggling to keep the club running with no funds.