View Full Version : New Pics - Lake Side!

08-22-2004, 03:53 PM
Hey all, went up to Collingwood area yesterday (Sat. 21st) and got some pics while stopping by the beaches. Linky in my sig... Look for the pics in the top-left drop-down menu titled Aug 21st (of course, feel free to browse all pics).

Had some funky fuel economy the last two fill-ups;

Thur. Aug 19th
Travelled 421.4km since previous fill-up, all city roads
Pumped in 43.995L (pump auto-stop)
10.44L/100km (OUCH)

Sat. Aug 21st (after the trip up north)
Travelled 463km since Aug 19th fill-up, mostly highway
Pumped in 35.244L (pump auto-stop three times heheh)
7.61L/100km (SWEET)

Highway driving sure is a lot better... wish I worked on the otherside of the city now... heheheh

08-25-2004, 06:26 PM
Nice pics, Is that at Wasaga Beach?

08-26-2004, 09:32 AM
Hey TM3, welcome back (?)

I\'m not 100% sure if that area is also considered Wasaga but it\'s the southern beaches of that area (Nottawasaga Bay).

Just tried taking some night photos last night, uploaded to my car pic album (link in sig). Look for the \"Aug 25\" captions.

08-29-2004, 01:52 PM
Moved to Pics and Vids