View Full Version : Mosport GP with Apex Driver Training

08-23-2014, 03:30 AM
Recently I had the chance to get back out to Mosport GP with Apex Driver Training (http://apexdriving.ca/) for a day of lapping.

Apex runs a great event with 3 run groups (Advanced, Intermediate, and Novice) with the day broken down as described on their website (http://apexdriving.ca/apex-driver-training-schedule/a-day-at-the-track/). For those that have not been on Mosport GP before but have track experience, it would be beneficial to get the 2 coached sessions (intermediate); paying the $50 extra guarantees you an instructor for 2 morning sessions, otherwise, it's if they have an instructor available to sit with you.

It's been a while since I've posted any videos or pics from track events as there really wasn't anything to post with all the little issues that cropped up the past few track events that totally ruined any fun I was having. This day started off on the wrong foot with a popped off TMIC coupler ....


but once that was fixed, it was nothing but fun the rest of the day mixing it up with cars way above my pay grade :)



I started using Harry's Lap Timer for Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.harrys.laptimerpro) to record video and data simultaneously as the developer of the previous app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.adyno.alaprecorderhd) I used went AWOL and the previous app has not been updated since 2011 (which, for me, caused issues with Android 4+).

Harry's Lap Timer wasn't without its own issues as the app froze when trying to stop the video/session which corrupted the original video. I was able to repair the video but the audio is out to lunch and the GPS time/video sync needed to be tweaked to get things back in sync.

Here's an overlay video from one of the afternoon sessions... since the audio was off by a lot, I used some random free YouTube song so, if you don't like the song, just mute the audio and enjoy the video :)


I'd definitely go to another Apex Driving day...well worth the money (Mosport GP is more expensive now compared to previous years so bank on at least $500 entry fee) and, for me, way more enjoyable than TMP.

08-23-2014, 11:54 AM
Love how some of the more exotic cars had to let you pass

08-23-2014, 12:05 PM
nice vid.

why is it all exotic cars? i always get a good chuckle when skill dictates over money on the track.

btw, nice time.

08-23-2014, 12:10 PM
Because the weekend track guys with the beat up civics can't afford $500 entry fee

08-23-2014, 12:13 PM
And mbnto forgot to mention he's a baller. He feeds his dogs quail

They eat better than most humans including mbnto

08-23-2014, 12:26 PM
Apex Driver Training Intermediate and Advanced customers are mainly Pfaff customers (McLaren, Porsche, Audi, etc)....however, Apex is open to all makes.

It was a tad embarrassing, though, that the busted looking Mazda busted in the 1st session of the day :facepalm

08-23-2014, 05:15 PM
I saw 1.1-1.2g! :whoa Thanks for posting this...Need more seat time Apex will definitely be on the list

08-25-2014, 02:45 AM
Was able to overlay a few more videos... each had audio issues (either way off or no audio at all) so a classical song was added for a couple and one was left with no audio.

This one has a RSX-S and a MP4-12C, both of which started off 4 or 5 cars ahead of me, that I was able to catch up to. The 12C left me like I was standing still up the back straight but did let me pass (she backed off while I inched by...)


This one has an S4 and a Porsche 928 (no audio)


And a cool down lap during the session to bring the oil temps down from 250F to around 220-230F


Not all exotic car drivers were slow ....there were some high dollar cars passing me (they were doing sub 1:35 easy) in the morning sessions... including the Pfaff GT3 Cup driver Chris Green in Pfaff Tuning's manual 991 GT3 alternative (https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/1540517_931107993571315_2076879738489762328_o.jpg)