View Full Version : Tires on the GT w/ GFX

MAZDA Kitten
09-01-2004, 09:06 AM
Sorry for all these questions but another thing I noticed with GT\'s with the 17\'s.
Some came with Toyo\'s Proxes and some came with Goodyear RS-A\'s (??). Just curious what you guys got on your 17\'s?

What are the chaces that my car will have the Toyo\'s (Would prefer those over the Goodyear)

(next GTG I owe you guys a beer with all these questions LOL)

09-01-2004, 09:33 AM
The cars with 17\" rims come with the Goodyear RSA tires while the cars with 16\" (and 15\"?) rims come with Toyo tires. Things may change for the 2005 model year, who knows.

The Toyo tires are still just mid level tires, nothing special, similar to the Goodyear tires.

Moved to Wheels / Tires Section

MAZDA Kitten
09-01-2004, 09:42 AM
I swear on my car that I\'ve been seeing 17\'s with Toyo Proxes 4 on them and some cars (mostly in the show rooms) Ive seen with the Goodyears.

09-01-2004, 10:29 AM
Bluntman is right.... and keep in mind the RSAs suck. I am not impressed AT ALL by them. Taking off quickly results in wheel spin, with little effort. Next summer I will look into better tires.


09-01-2004, 11:55 AM
the RSA\'s are \"High Performance, All Season Tires\"... so they say

That should speak for itself... If they are high performance, they are not all season... if they are all season, they can\'t be high performance.

So which one is it? Lets just say I\'m in no rush to buy snow tires.

Dr Butcher
09-01-2004, 01:35 PM
The Toyo A18\'s are no great hell either. They feel pretty hard and even though my 15\'s had plenty of sidewall they didn\'t ride much smoother than the 17\'s I just put on. My brother\'s Matrix came with 16\" RSA\'s and when he put them in the buy and sell he had guys banging down the door looking to buy them.

09-01-2004, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Xenon

the RSA\'s are \"High Performance, All Season Tires\"... so they say

That should speak for itself... If they are high performance, they are not all season... if they are all season, they can\'t be high performance.

So which one is it? Lets just say I\'m in no rush to buy snow tires.

i agree, \"no season\" tires are a misnomer... they can claim \"high performance all season\" tires, but there will be compromises either way. however, Toyo has the Proxes 4 that have impressed people who have pushed it to the limit in the dry and wet. we\'ll see how they do in the snow this winter.

i\'d get rid of the RS-As as fast as you can if you really want to experience the capabilities of the 3 chassis. the RS-Ass are frighteningly inadequate for this type of car and are just an example of manufacturers cutting corners to save on costs (and the RS-Ass aren\'t a cheap tire to begin with). in fact, most OEM tires are garbage - best example is the Bridgestone Potenza RE92 that came OEM on impreza\'s, protege sedans, maximas...those tires were death traps in the rain and snow and poor in the dry.

makes you wonder, why would manufacturers skimp on the 4 things that connect you to the road?!

09-01-2004, 08:37 PM
there is a discussion in M3F.com, some said different shippment will have different tires, earlier cars, 1st or 2nd batch, had GoodYear like mine, later shippment had Toyos. But it may only happen in US cars.

09-02-2004, 08:18 AM
Every car manufacturer does this. With Honda they had crappy Firestone tires because they had a deal with Bridgestone/Firestone at that time.

09-02-2004, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by billyfo

there is a discussion in M3F.com, some said different shippment will have different tires, earlier cars, 1st or 2nd batch, had GoodYear like mine, later shippment had Toyos. But it may only happen in US cars.

It must have been a US thing. Mine was FOB late June or early July, and I have the RS-Ass :). Still have to look into:

Toyo T1S
Kuhmo MX
Yoko ES100
Falken Aziens

For summer tires. I previously had Kuhmo 712s and they were great in rain and snow. Driving a 250HP Probe they served me well :)

09-02-2004, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by midnightfxgt

It must have been a US thing. Mine was FOB late June or early July, and I have the RS-Ass :). Still have to look into:

Toyo T1S
Kuhmo MX
Yoko ES100
Falken Aziens

For summer tires. I previously had Kuhmo 712s and they were great in rain and snow. Driving a 250HP Probe they served me well :)

LOL you picked up the RS-Ass reference :D

all those tires you listed are pretty damn good (i have the T1-S) and i would\'ve gone with any of them.

09-02-2004, 12:05 PM
I\'m thinking Toyo or Dunlop when i get my new rubber...

But I\'m going to drive the hell out of the RS-A\'s first.

09-02-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Xenon

But I\'m going to drive the hell out of the RS-A\'s first.

Let\'s go drifting some time, Xenon :)

09-02-2004, 05:49 PM
Oh... btw, I picked up my first nail. Rear right tire... dead centre of the tire.

Westowne patched it up for me when I had my oil change done.... Just another excuse to change the tires... :sarc

MAZDA Kitten
09-03-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by billyfo

there is a discussion in M3F.com, some said different shippment will have different tires, earlier cars, 1st or 2nd batch, had GoodYear like mine, later shippment had Toyos. But it may only happen in US cars.

Well Mountain Mazda in Hamilton has a few 3\'s with the 17\'s that have Toyo\'s. So obviously its not just limited to the US