View Full Version : This car gives me bad luck!

09-09-2004, 10:14 AM
I don\'t know if its a fluke, bad timing or what...but since getting this car less than a month ago, I have nothing but bad luck!

In the past week alone, I have had about 5 confrontations with other drivers/pedestrians. Here are some examples:

1. while at the mall last week, I was backing into a spot, and some idiot with a Jetta decided that instead of waiting his turn (he was behind me), he\'d try and get AROUND BEHIND ME!!! HELLO! I\'M BACKING UP! He came out of nowhere (I had the first spot in a row and he came around the corner while I was backing up). So he starts to honk at me like I\'m doing something wrong. Then I\'m sitting in my car cursing at him...instead of going off to park, he parks his car right in front of mine and waits there. I\'m in the car unstrapping my son and he comes over to me and starts telling me I should watch where I\'m going because I almost hit him. I wasn\'t about to be blamed for something which obviously wasn\'t my fault. I told him that perhaps he should slow down and pay attention to my reverse lights and wait his turn....I had the right of way. Of course, being Mr. Macho and perhaps knowing he was in the wrong says \"Well I don\'t want to argue\"...ya..F*$& off!

2. I had to go to Purolator on Friday to pick up a package. On my way there a lady ran a red and came within inches from my car. Not pleased. Then I parked in front of the store and left the rear window down slightly because I was leaving my son in there. I locked the car and ran in. I was gone about 45 seconds. My son was just fine, and its much harder to take him in and out (and it would take about 10 min longer to sign/pay and carry the package and him out). As I\'m getting to the door to leave the store, a lady is waiting there. She says \"is that your blue car\" I say yes, and then she proceeds to give me this lecture that I should never leave my child in a car and it \"only takes seconds\"..etc. etc. She would not shut up. First of all..he\'s a healthy 19 month old...the AC had just been on full blast...the window was down, and it was only 22 degrees out! Not to metion, even if he was a newborn, it would still take a LOT longer than \"seconds\" for a child to die inside a car. Science speaking of course. I told the lady right where to go and to mind her own business. If she wants to try taking car of a overly energetic child, she can have her hand at mine and we\'ll see what she thinks.

3. Today while driving to work, I was about 1.5 hours late, thanks to traffic/accidents. I decided to stop at Tim Hortons for a coffee. Im in the left turn lane, and I have to cross 2 lanes of traffic and then onto a side street to get into the drive thru. The drive thru is always backed out onto the side street, so sometimes there isn\'t much room to fit. The cars in the other lanes stopped and motioned for me to go thru, so I thanked them, and started to cross the 2 lanes. There was a pedestrian there, but he had stopped and I thought he was waiting. Then as I\'m getting across the 2nd lane, some little red car decides he doesn\'t want to wait and zips out from behind another and comes right at me...I\'m not sure he would ahve stopped in time, so I gunned it into the side street to avoid being hit. I guess Mr. Pedestrian had decided that he should walk across at this time, because I had to swerve to avoid hitting him, and the only place for me was in front of him (he had tons of room to walk around and should have been watching himself anyways)...so he comes over to my rear passenger side and starts pounding (like with fists) on my window and roof. I was so angry! So I cut him off...yes I was partially in the wrong...but seriously..grow up. HE then came over and starting pounding on my drivers window calling me an \"*******\" and telling me he was a pedestrian and had the right of way...well maybe next time you should look before you blindly cross a very busy intersection..especially when you stop like you\'re letting me thru!

UGH! I am so angry. I\'ve never had this bad of luck with a car before...I don\'t know how many times I\'ve either wanted to kill someone or cry my eyes out this past week.

09-09-2004, 10:26 AM
Had my car for a full week now...and I know what you mean. Sometimes I wish I didn\'t get Winning Blue because it generates too much attention. I could have taken Black Mica.

The only problem I\'ve had so far is with young punks/guys. I keep getting tailed gated...and its annoying because when I look in the rearview mirror they are inches away from my rear bumper. You can tell because you can\'t see their headlights anymore in your rearview mirror.

And its not like I\'m going slow either...I\'m usually going over a little bit over the speed limit.

Dr Butcher
09-09-2004, 10:39 AM
Man, that\'s a tough run for sure.

My brother had the same pedestrian thing happen to him. He lives down at Queen and Woodbine and has to get through some busy pedestrian intersections. One time he saw his spot and went for it. A guy who was part was across the opposite side of the road saw he was trying to be quick and get through before he lost his chance. The idiot ran across the road behind his car and kicked the rear quarter panel a couple of times. My bro was pissed and stopped the car. Meanwhile, his wife jumped out and freaked on the guy. My brother almost had to pull her off of him she was so mad. When did this trend start happening?

I think most of us have had the \'spot thief\' happen to us at one time or another. I don\'t know what these people are thinking. Obviously, you know where they\'re parked do they not worry about being keyed or worse?

The only thing that I have had happen to me close call wise so far is that the second day I drove the car I was driving along Sheppard around Markham Rd. just ahead of me is a huge RV driving on my right. I was gaining on him and just as I\'m about to pull along side of him he does a lane change. I swear he came within a foot of me. I had to brake so hard that I locked up one of the rear wheels. So much for no hard braking during the break in period. I did however find out that that the horn works well under prolonged use. :D

09-09-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by RedRaptor

The only problem I\'ve had so far is with young punks/guys. I keep getting tailed gated...and its annoying because when I look in the rearview mirror they are inches away from my rear bumper. You can tell because you can\'t see their headlights anymore in your rearview mirror.

I\'ve had more incidents of the above than I can count on both of my hands, no joke. Every time, I just downshift (slowing down with no brake lights) and USUALLY I find the a-hole behind me starts to keep his distance (three of those times were a-hole tax drivers).

I feel for you, super_vixen... no idea if it\'s the Blue colour or the car.

The other day over near Neilson and Finch in the east end of Scarborough, I was pulling out of a small street, turning left onto Neilson... I am guilty to inch up a bit and pull towards the left because by experience, you\'d think the far-left lane coming towards you is a left-turn lane (for that direction)... but oops, it wasn\'t...

Two cars were coming straight... in my direction... the second car was some ****ing a-hole who decided his horn was a set of drums and when he was close to my car, decides to MOTION that he wants to hit my car with his (turns his wheels slightly so his car jerks towards mine)!!!!!!! What a ****ing a-hole!!! Where the hell are the cops when you really wish they were around???

I did nothing tho cuz it\'s not my home area... no idea if these a-holes have guns or what not so I just went on my way... no retaliatory honk or finger... just cursing under my breath.

(keeping self from getting racial)

ZoomZoom Girl
09-09-2004, 11:15 AM
Well, my winning blue HB sure is generating tons of attention (admiring looks) here in Sudbury, mostly because there\'s only 2 of the same in this city so it is quite rare. However, I just returned from 3 weeks of holidays around the GTA and it\'s a whole other story down there! I went to ROM, Toronto Zoo, a few local shops on Queen Street West, the CNE then Niagara Falls. By far the worse road I have driven on was the QEW with people zipping in and out of traffic a la \"Fast and Furious\"....if I hadn\'t been driving I think I would have just shut my eyes for the duration of the trip! Crazy stuff. But from a personal perspective, even the people in the heart of Toronto told me how much they liked the car. Must be sheer luck that I don\'t live in the same city as you Heather, nor have to deal with a young child. Hang in there...I\'m sure it\'s not the car but rather the other idiot drivers/pedestrians in your home town.

09-09-2004, 11:35 AM
Hehehe MoozMooz Girl welcome back! Yes it\'s a totally different story for drivers in the city compared to quiet towns. I use to live in a quiet lil\' town and it sure was a heckuva lot different. Living in TO tho for 12 yrs... I\'ve become accustomed... sorta... but some drivers really do the stupidest/most ignorant things to cause road rage in others.

ZoomZoom Girl
09-09-2004, 12:30 PM
:sarc Thought you were going dyslectic on us there Warren. \"MoozMooz Girl\"...oh boy. Yes, this is one time I\'m glad to live in Sudbury, crappy roads and all. Mind you this town is notorious for spawning terrible drivers (I\'m shocked when I see someone actually use their signals) but the bad roads negate any \"Fast and Furious\" type maneuvers. The one really annoying thing is that I always park a mile from the door, in a bare area only to return with, inevitably, trucks and vans beside me! Very annoying, especially when there are tons of spots closer to the entrance. Guess that blue color just draws them in....

09-09-2004, 12:53 PM
Crappy luck.

I had an incident (not with me 3) but at a mall parking lot. A big SUV in front of me passes an open spot by at least 4 spots, so I signal to take it since they did not signal. As I\'m about to pull in front end first, I see them back up and cut me off (as I stopped wondering what the hell she was doing) So I\'m honking and she keeps going. I pull into another spot and walk up to this lady walking with her daughter. I said \"excuse me, but you took my spot, I was signalling for it because you passed without a signal\" she says \"what\'s your problem...blah blah blah\" I told her my problem was \"people like her teaching their children that it\'s okay to be rude to others and show no courtesy so long as they think they can get away with it, nice lesson you are teaching your daughter. Wait til she\'s older and is rude to you and you don\'t have to wonder where/who she learned it from\"

Now I park far away so I don\'t even have to worry about getting a close spot to the door. :D

09-09-2004, 01:20 PM
Sorry to hear about your experiences. Maybe, it\'s all related to the crappy weather we are experiencing.

09-09-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by ZoomZoom Girl

:sarc Thought you were going dyslectic on us there Warren. \"MoozMooz Girl\"...oh boy. Yes, this is one time I\'m glad to live in Sudbury, crappy roads and all. Mind you this town is notorious for spawning terrible drivers (I\'m shocked when I see someone actually use their signals) but the bad roads negate any \"Fast and Furious\" type maneuvers. The one really annoying thing is that I always park a mile from the door, in a bare area only to return with, inevitably, trucks and vans beside me! Very annoying, especially when there are tons of spots closer to the entrance. Guess that blue color just draws them in....

Hehehe yes Lrig MoozMooz :p

You must be returning to your car and like me every single time; do a walk-around check of the car before getting in and driving away! :)

09-09-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by miggiddy

I told her my problem was \"people like her teaching their children that it\'s okay to be rude to others and show no courtesy so long as they think they can get away with it, nice lesson you are teaching your daughter. Wait til she\'s older and is rude to you and you don\'t have to wonder where/who she learned it from\"

I\'ve seen quite a few of these types of \"parents\" too... makes me really not want to have kids because they will grow up in a very nasty and ugly society of rudeness and inconsideration. I don\'t want to put any of my own flesh and blood through that.

Hopefully karma never dies and she (the mother) get what she deserves for her rudeness in front of her daughter (hmm, ie. daughter runs away from home at early age) heheheh

09-09-2004, 04:57 PM
The way I see it its good luck. Think about it, in all incidents you and your car was not harmed. The Mazda3 gave you extra spidey (((sence)). Its more bad luck if you got hit not once but all the time. Just something to think about ;).

09-09-2004, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by profusion

The way I see it its good luck. Think about it, in all incidents you and your car was not harmed. The Mazda3 gave you extra spidey (((sence)). Its more bad luck if you got hit not once but all the time. Just something to think about ;).

No wonder you\'re named PROfusion and not CONfusion. :D

09-09-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by wtom

Originally posted by profusion

The way I see it its good luck. Think about it, in all incidents you and your car was not harmed. The Mazda3 gave you extra spidey (((sence)). Its more bad luck if you got hit not once but all the time. Just something to think about ;).

No wonder you\'re named PROfusion and not CONfusion. :D

And dont you forget it !! :p

09-09-2004, 10:01 PM
Everybody gets road rage once in a while. However, it\'s no good to stay so angry when the other idiot probably doesn\'t even realize what a retard he really is.

For myself, I start swearing and calling the other guy every name in the book. But once I\'m finished, I will always think back to some of the stuff a friend of mine says when he\'s pissed! Now, don\'t get me wrong, I don\'t actually wish any ill will towards morons who can\'t drive, but my buddy says the stupidest things sometimes:

\"I hope you eat shit and die\"
\"I hope you die and get pissed on\"
\"I hope you get T-boned by a van and fall off the bridge\"

He says a lot more, but thinking about this cools me right down and I quickly get over it and just start laughing again. You don\'t have to think like this but whatever picks you right back up, then that\'s what you should think about.

This may be a bit off topic, but there\'s a stand up comic named Russell Peters that did a show (about 40 minutes long) that\'s hilarious. Listening to his routine would definitely put anyone into a good mood.

09-23-2004, 08:44 PM
If a guy started banging on my car, I think I would honestly beat the shit out of him. Who cares if I get charged with assault. It cheaper to pay a damn fine then to fix a dent in my car. I had 1 lady come up to me and she started freakin out about how I can\'t pass her on a solid line even after she\'d only doing like 30 in a 50. I wish it was a guy cause I seriously would have just punished him.I\'m just affraid a guy will pull a gun, then i\'d be f*cked!.

09-25-2004, 11:53 AM
Man Sorry to hear about that SUPER V

09-27-2004, 10:51 AM
A guy cut me off on the highway a few days ago....normally if I honk a few times I feel better after. Gosh, I don\'t get any satisfaction from honking as my Mazda 3 horn just makes it even worse. :sarc

09-27-2004, 12:45 PM
It\'s other ignorant a-holes\' misconceptions. They see our car, think it\'s dinky with no power so they try to run us off the road. Little do they know how powerful we really are. Muahahaha :)

Originally posted by civiclad

A guy cut me off on the highway a few days ago....normally if I honk a few times I feel better after. Gosh, I don\'t get any satisfaction from honking as my Mazda 3 horn just makes it even worse. :sarc

Hey we were cruising onto the ramp of the 401 from Kennedy Commons on Saturday after our Meet#5 and some ass in a jeep cuts in front of one of us... I think it was myself? Now I\'m just thinking... next time that happens, a few of us 3\'s gang up on him and box him in! that or three of us drive behind him, side by side, and high beam the MoFo. :D