View Full Version : Still have brake dust

09-16-2004, 01:48 PM
I still have brake dust on the rear wheels, even after 3600km. There are some old posts on this topic, but can anyone tell me if the brake dust will go away on it’s own, or it’s a problem the dealer can/will fix?

Thanks a lot.

fat mike
09-16-2004, 02:07 PM
Dealer will prolly not fix it. in my case the brake dust didnt go away and by the looks of it unless i replace them wiht aftermarket pads the brake dust will always be there.

09-16-2004, 02:32 PM
I\'ve noticed a huge improvement since they machined my rear rotors and changed my rear brake pads. Less brake pad dust = less cleaning :) I was hoping they would change my rotors completely, but apparently the TSB suggests machine then replace if the grooves are really deep.

09-16-2004, 04:23 PM
My car is two weeks old. Lots of rear brakedust also. To keep the rims clean, you have to clean them twice a week. A little too much for my liking...that rear brake dust builds up fast!

09-16-2004, 06:15 PM
It helps if you wax your rims. I\'m at 10000km and the dust just keeps on coming. But ever since I waxed them, they\'re much easier to clean.

09-16-2004, 06:51 PM
I\'m just over 10000kms and the brake dust still keeps on coming. I try to clean my rims weekly, not sure what will happen during the winter. Guess steelies would be a good idea for the winter months as the brake dust would be well hidden :D

09-16-2004, 07:04 PM
Thanks for the replies, looks like I have to keep suffering too. I have never had brake dust in any other car before, so I am guessing the Mazda brakes will wear down fast. I have steelies, with wheel-covers, but dust builds up on the inside, and works its way out. I guess I could leave the wheel-covers off, but it wouldn’t look nice, and would have to keep spraying oil on the bolts, as I would expect them to rust fast.

Dr Butcher
09-17-2004, 12:33 PM
Fat mike\'s got it, unless you change the pads the dust will still show up. I changed to aftermarket 17\" rims and the dust doesn\'t show up as badly because they are a sliver grey colour. On the stock 15\" alloys it was terrible, I could drive for a day and it\'d be covered. Hell, when I picked the car up I guess the dealer sprayed the tire with armor all and I could see where the dust had stuck to the overspray on the rim when I pulled into the driveway. :sarc Unless you change the pads you\'ll have to live with it.

09-20-2004, 11:24 AM
I went in for an oil change the other day and I brought up the fact the my back breaks produce alot of break dust. They told me to bring it in in a couple of weeks and they would take a look at it. I was just wondering what causes the back breaks to produce alot of break dust and what do they do to fix the problem? Let me know what you have had fixed and if the problem has gone away.

Dr Butcher
09-20-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by mazda3ride
I was just wondering what causes the back breaks to produce alot of break dust and what do they do to fix the problem? Let me know what you have had fixed and if the problem has gone away.

I\'m assuming they use different compounds for the front and rear pads. The fronts are designed to do most of the stopping and therefore they are made from a compound that lasts longer and doesn\'t produce the same amount of dust. From what I have read, I think that changing the rear pads to a different compound can fix the dust problem.

This is just my opinion, someone please correct me if I\'ve stated something wrong.

09-21-2004, 08:08 AM
I think FLIPSPEED would know the answer to this as he works at Avante Mazda or maybe could shed some light on the situation.