View Full Version : Markham Mazda wants $500 now...

09-23-2004, 08:48 PM
These guys just won\'t give up...

My original story; http://www.torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=469

Part two; http://www.torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=575

Here\'s what I get via registered mail today;

(copy and paste URL to see their registered letter addressed to me personally, notice however the name on the address line is my Chinese name and the \"Dear\" line is to my English name... also notice NO SIGNATURE... boy they must really want my money FAST! Comments, as always, are welcome, please);

Original pic, of course, is in much better quality: http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid140/p3574af236bf2603f311e72021cd3a886/f6e7eab9.jpg.orig.jpg

Same pic but backside of envelope: http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid140/pc120ad52dc08dbddff5e6aa82273f77f/f6e7eabb.jpg.orig.jpg

No action from me... yet...

09-23-2004, 09:23 PM
I think you definitely need a lawyer to deal with them. Don\'t ignore them, cause they have more $ and time to deal with, if time goes by, bad stuff may happen to you, so get a lawyer fast.

Dr Butcher
09-23-2004, 10:19 PM
I would suggest going in and talking with them. At the very least it may buy you some time to seek some legal advice. The way I see it is they\'re trying to strong arm you and scare you into coughing up $500. If everything about the deal was on the up and up, I don\'t think you\'ll have much problem getting them off your back.

Bluntman suggested seeking some help from OMVIC, I\'d try and see what they have to say. Talk to the dealership first though. http://www.omvic.on.ca/complaint.htm

Make sure you document everything! If possible, tape conversations, and write any dates and conversation topics in a journal. Hang onto all correspondence you\'ve received from them.

09-23-2004, 11:06 PM

and/or Silverman Helps

09-24-2004, 10:45 AM
for sure the latter.. if it goes anywhere.. they\'ll get a bad rep and ppl will hear on tv!!

on a lighter note.. u have the same carpet as me :D :D :D:D

09-24-2004, 11:30 AM
Thanks guys for your responses. I went with the lawyer route and brought the letter into work today. Our department has two lawyers working for the company contract negotiations, etc. and one of them is a pretty nice guy so I asked him about my situation.

His reaction, in the office, not a soft voice but not loud either; this is ****ing bullshit! :)

He mentioned caveat emptor as well and \"too bad for them\" and said I have nothing to worry about. Even if it did go to court, it\'d be small claims and the judge would laugh at the issue.

I would like to go to Silverman helps but the last time I went to them (by fax and voice mail) regarding a thousand dollars that I \"lost\" to another bad industry, they never responded. It\'s been over half a year I\'d think... no response. :(

Dr Butcher
09-24-2004, 11:37 AM
If you don\'t mind me asking, how much did they give you for the trade-in anyway?

I can\'t believe a dealership is so hard up they can\'t eat $500 to make a sale.....

09-25-2004, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by Dr Butcher

If you don\'t mind me asking, how much did they give you for the trade-in anyway?

I can\'t believe a dealership is so hard up they can\'t eat $500 to make a sale.....

Hey Dr B... the 92 Buick? $1,150.00. My dad was okay with the price, wanted $2,000 but with the obvious non-functional A/C and bad calipers in rear, bad suspension, bad springs... the grand and some was good money. Selling it privately would have generated less cash.

I\'m not even gonna bother thinking why they can\'t eat $500 but for the time being, they will not be seeing any more of my money than what was on the signed invoice we finalized.