View Full Version : speakers

09-27-2004, 12:42 AM
I\'m interested in changing the stock speakers to Alpine all round. I don\'t need an amp or sub or anything.

Any idea where I could get this done and how much it would cost?

09-27-2004, 12:52 AM
its pretty easy to do it yourself, you just got to take off the 2 screws, and then take off tweeter place and then take off the door panel from there you just go to unplug the speakers prolly strip the wire and connect the new speakers negative to negative and positive to pos and then screw the speaker in and pop back in the plans and screw in the screws
if u wanna pay for this try any audio store, futureshop or bestbuy would do it for sure.

09-27-2004, 02:54 AM
What\'s a good place to buy the speakers? And how much should I expect to spend? I\'m thinking that speakers shouldn\'t cost too much.

The stock system sounds good enough, but I want a little more clarity and bass (no need for a sub), that\'s all.

09-27-2004, 08:45 AM
It\'s too bad you didn\'t ask about this at the meet. I changed all of the audio components in my car (except for the headunit) to Alpine. I have their Type X 6.5\" components in the front doors and their Type R coaxials in the rear doors (also a Type R 10\" sub in the trunk and two amps running everything). I bought the Type X speakers from Kromer Radio and the Type R speakers from Auto Sound Design (at Yonge and Steeles).

You can probably get by with using Type R speakers all around, so you might be looking at about $500 to $600 for speaker (I\'m just guessing). However, for clarity I would suggest getting a 4 channel amp since the factory headunit only pumps out about 20wpc.

09-27-2004, 09:28 PM
the price on the speakers depends if u want to hook up a 4 chan amp to it..cuz if u do wanna add a 4 chan amp you need speakers with a higher watts

09-28-2004, 01:52 AM
Would someone enlighten me on what the amp really does? From what I understand, it amplfies the signal generated by the head unit, but what\'s the point of such powerful amplification if I don\'t need to blast the speakers at high volume?

09-28-2004, 07:32 AM
Due to the added power the amp can provide a \"cleaner\" source for the speaker, and provide more power. Also with a lot of amps, you have crossovers built in which allows for tuning of the sound that you cant do otherwise.


09-28-2004, 08:04 AM
i myself have replaces the speakers in the doors with pioneer 6x8\'s...like...the first week i had teh car.....its very easy to install....no worries...id say the trickiest part was pryin the door panel off without breakin\' them clips, lol

09-29-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by bubba1983

i myself have replaces the speakers in the doors with pioneer 6x8\'s...like...the first week i had teh car.....its very easy to install....no worries...id say the trickiest part was pryin the door panel off without breakin\' them clips, lol

How do they sound compared to stock and how much did they cost you?

09-29-2004, 01:34 PM
my amp costed me 341 tax included (4 chan) but thats cuz my friend use to work at future shop the actual price of dat amp witout tax is 575

if your getting 6 X 8 the highest i\'ve seen them would probably be $200
a pair and those are for some good 6 X 8

09-29-2004, 02:06 PM
If you don\'t want to spend too much money buy yourself a good set of 6.5\" components for the front and a 2 or better yet 4 channel amp. Getting new speakers for the front will improve the soundstage where it counts the most, up front. Adding an amp will give you cleaner, louder music.

09-29-2004, 11:36 PM
I\'m thinking of buying 2 pairs (or maybe even just 1 pair) of these (http://www.crutchfield.com/S-F2fqQUi05Mz/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?s=0&c=10&g=52200&I=500SPS570A&o=p&a=0 &cc=01&avf=N&search=)...won\'t cost me too much. An amp\'s pushing the budget a bit though.

Also, where should I get the amp mounted should I decide to buy one? I don\'t want it moving around in the trunk nor do I want wires running everywhere.

09-30-2004, 02:44 AM
ok i gots a question ive been doing alot of research and i am buying all my audio stuff before i install it all... I got the p4004 rockford fossgate 4channel amp, im was really thinking of gettin components(6.5) in the front and back doors, but now im thinking of juss puttin components in the front and some good aftermarket 6X8\'s in the back...
what do u guys think?

another suggestion my buddy gave me was to leave the back speakers and bridge my 4 channel to a 2 and jus hook up the front 2 but i dont think the front speakers can handle it.

here are some info on the speakers
http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?sku_id=0665000FS10027689&catid=1104 3&logon=&langid=EN&dept=9&WLBS=fsweb17

http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?logon=&langid=EN&dept=9&WLBS=fsweb1 9&sku_id=0665000FS10027685&catid=11049&newdeptid =9

my amp
http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?logon=&langid=EN&dept=9&WLBS=fsweb1 9&sku_id=0665000FS10040349&catid=11032&newdeptid =9

09-30-2004, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by autoexe

I\'m thinking of buying 2 pairs (or maybe even just 1 pair) of these (http://www.crutchfield.com/S-F2fqQUi05Mz/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?s=0&c=10&g=52200&I=500SPS570A&o=p&a=0 &cc=01&avf=N&search=)...won\'t cost me too much. An amp\'s pushing the budget a bit though.

Also, where should I get the amp mounted should I decide to buy one? I don\'t want it moving around in the trunk nor do I want wires running everywhere.

Give those speakers a listen before you decide to buy. I haven\'t heard many good things about their S-Type speakers. If you are dead set on getting Alpine speakers you may want to at the very least get their R-Type speakers. Many people have had great success with the speakers that MazdaTree pointed out above, the Infinity series components. It seems like everyone and their uncle has those speakers and is very happy with them.

I\'ve mounted my amps on the back of the rear seats, one on each \"half\". Others have mounted their amps in the plastic \"undertray\" underneath the carpetted false floor in the trunk of the hatch. However, if you push your amps too much you\'ll have to make sure you have proper ventilation as the amps may overheat and temporarily shut down.

09-30-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by autoexe

Originally posted by bubba1983

i myself have replaces the speakers in the doors with pioneer 6x8\'s...like...the first week i had teh car.....its very easy to install....no worries...id say the trickiest part was pryin the door panel off without breakin\' them clips, lol

How do they sound compared to stock and how much did they cost you?

at higher volumes they sound great, because you don\'t get the speaker distortion, being the stock speakers are like a paper cone compared to injection molded rubber....
i bought mine at best buy, they had a sale going on at the time, buy one, get 2nd half price...so the first pair cost like $140...and 2nd pair was like $70.....im not that big of an audiophile....so thats why i jus picked up pioneers....for some reason, i enjoy pioneer products....i used to have a pioneer deck in my fathers car, but alas, it was stolen a month after i had it..