View Full Version : Suggestion to add to our meets

09-30-2004, 11:54 PM
How about for every meet, we have a main conversation topic, or two? ie. for the upcoming Meet #6 we can host one main conversation regarding Winter Tires. Maybe a second topic of something else if desired (ie. Throttle Body Grounding mod).

Or just have a Questions and Answers period... of like half an hour.

It\\\'s another way to get everyone together during the meets.

Group Photo is a must for every meet... ie. if attendance is greater than 10 ppl.

Is anyone looking for air fresheners of the gel type that I had sold to Miggidy some time back? Maybe we can do raffles for three of them at the next meet if there is enough interest to do something like that... ie. everyone throw in $2 and we draw three winners who win one air freshener each. All money will go towards the club of course.

Actual product may have a different style of label.

Post a reply and give your say! Thanks!

10-01-2004, 08:31 AM
nice.. i like the idea of Q&A or similar especially beneficial for new owners or pple like me (future owners) who want to learn about the car and everything that has to do with it but cannot yet put it into practice

or maybe everyone can put in a topic into a jar and then draw randomly.. and discuss.. stuff like that

10-01-2004, 08:54 AM
I\'ll bring the guitar and we can all sing Kumbaya!

Seriously though, that\'s a great idea.

10-02-2004, 12:29 AM
sounds good to me...

10-04-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

I\'ll bring the guitar and we can all sing Kumbaya!

Seriously though, that\'s a great idea.

Don\'t forget the flowers to pass out to each member now ;)

Wtom- you some sort of underground dealer for these air fresheners?

good idea

10-04-2004, 04:14 PM
He\'s the pimp of air fresheners.

Dr Butcher
10-04-2004, 05:02 PM
[Jmaican accent] Yeah mon! I want my car to smell like Herb![/Jamaican Accent]