View Full Version : Orillia Mazda

10-03-2004, 10:35 PM
Greetings everyone!

Although not a 3 owner, just wanted to give props to Orillia Mazda for their straightforward sales dept.

On behalf of a coworker looking to buy a new 3, I called almost all dealers in Ontario looking for an \'04 Ti Gray 3 GT with GFX & 4AT. Turns out that this combo is in particularly short supply and that the dealers know it. Not surprisingly, the immediate GTA dealers were not willing to deal much below msrp.

Getting somewhat discouraged, I spoke with Jack Hart @ Orillia Mazda and closed a deal for what my coworker was looking for. Jack was honest over the phone and made sure the drive was worth it. FWIW, Orillia Mazda is only about an hour and change north of the GTA.

Anyways, props to Jack and Orillia Mazda for a painless transaction. If you\'re tired of the cutthroat nonsense of more local dealers and looking for a 3 (or any other Mazda), give Jack a call.

11-23-2004, 11:12 AM
Even though this is an old thread, I too would like to share my gratitude for the pleasant day I had at Orillia Mazda. This was the best experience I have had at a dealership and it was so good I felt compelled to write Mazda Canada and cc. the owner of Mazda Orillia. Terrific guys, just unfortunate they couldn\'t match the steal of a deal I got privately, but realistically no dealership in their right mind would.


08-07-2005, 07:42 PM
I concur...

This is my sixth Mazda so far and my 3rd from Orillia Mazda. Great dealership..See Jack Hart...quality guy.


Danny Angelucci from Prima Mazda.

These would be the only 2 guys I\'ll ever buy another Mazda from.

Both top notch in every regard.