View Full Version : Sedan GS - Titanium Grey

10-06-2004, 09:58 AM
Does anyone have a Titanium Grey Sedan GS? I\'d just like to see a picture of the front and back of the car...the dealer didn\'t have one and they did find me one but before I 100% say I want that colour, I want to see how the grill and tails look with it...I\'m pretty sure it will look great (I\'ve always liked the grey)...

I\'ve seen the GT with GFX package and they look great but they have clear tails and the sport grill...

10-06-2004, 11:08 AM
Oh no, not another Titanium Grey!

Don\'t you know that everytime a Titanium Grey leaves a Mazda lot an angel looses its wings. :D

Just kidding.

Follow the link in the first post of this (http://www.torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=648) thread - you may have to sign up with ImageStation in order to view them (it seems mandatory with membership in this forum). In the first photo, in the foreground beside the Winning Blue hatch are two GX/GX Titanium Grey sedans. You\'ll get the black grill with chrome accent and the red tail lights.

Welcome to the forums BTW.

Dr Butcher
10-06-2004, 11:44 AM
Don\'t listen to Bluntman, he\'s mad crazy yo!

Everyone knows Titanium GS sedans are where it\'s at. ;)

Yeah, check my sig, it\'s with imagestation. Also check this out: http://www.msprotege.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72745&page=5 Post #65, I\'m Dr n00b.

EDIT: I noticed I don\'t have any really good shots of the grille, meh, sue me. :)

10-06-2004, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Dr Butcher

Don\'t listen to Bluntman, he\'s mad crazy yo!

Hmm, I\'m going to have to pull out my English/Urban dictionary for that... :sarc

BTW, the forum has officially changed it\'s name from Toronto Mazda 3 to:

Titanium Mississauga 3. :D

10-06-2004, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by JOnstar

Does anyone have a Titanium Grey Sedan GS? I\'d just like to see a picture of the front and back of the car...the dealer didn\'t have one and they did find me one but before I 100% say I want that colour, I want to see how the grill and tails look with it...I\'m pretty sure it will look great (I\'ve always liked the grey)...

I\'ve seen the GT with GFX package and they look great but they have clear tails and the sport grill...

depends where you are, i went to the oakville stealership and ALL they had was silvers and TiGreys.. so u might wnat to check them out in person.. pictures do NOT do justice to some cars/colours..

10-06-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by majic

depends where you are, i went to the oakville stealership and ALL they had was silvers and TiGreys.. so u might wnat to check them out in person.. pictures do NOT do justice to some cars/colours..

That\'s true, I first wanted to get either a silver or a (gasp!) Titanium Grey, but on a visit to my dealership I had noticed that a Titanium Grey that they had on the lot looked more light bluish at a certain angle. After that I came to my senses and ordered a Sunset Orange Mica.

Dr Butcher
10-06-2004, 12:45 PM
The sunset is nice, I really like that colour on the Murano. When I was looking at the 3, I wondered if the Sunset was more of a fad than anything else. I figured I\'d love it one day and get tired of it down the road... Plus I\'m a sheep, I like what everyone else has! :p

ROH Fury- check
H2 Antenna- check

*Tries to anticipate Bluntman\'s next move*

The man does have style.... :D

10-06-2004, 01:55 PM
I think I\'ll \"sticky\" this post. :D

I\'m thinking of this next...

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7925968565&catego ry=33646

Dr Butcher
10-06-2004, 03:02 PM
Hmmm, I think I\'ll pass on that one. At the moment I\'ve blown my appearance mod budget on my tires and rims. I\'m now switching over to practical items for the car, stuff like this:


Then I\'ll look into a practical alarm, followed by practical stereo mods in the spring. :D

10-06-2004, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Dr Butcher

Hmmm, I think I\'ll pass on that one. At the moment I\'ve blown my appearance mod budget on my tires and rims. I\'m now switching over to practical items for the car, stuff like this:


Then I\'ll look into a practical alarm, followed by practical stereo mods in the spring. :D

Have that too, well, the OEM version. Just kidding on the hood scoop BTW. :p