View Full Version : Whos BBSed?
Dang it\'s been a while... a LONG while... Saphress brought up the BBS thing in another msg and I just had to post here... prooving how much of a geek I am yet again. :p
I started with 1200 baud modem, then jumped to 14.4, and finally a 56k woohoo! I was a post whore on one or two, a file leetcher on another, a file distributor for another... wow no wonder I did bad in high school. :D
Legend Of the Red Dragon... the one game I enjoyed playing.
I tried putting up a board of my own... \"The Empire\"... which came after I had my then nickname \"The Emperor\" or \"The Emp\" ... hahaha... funny indeed.
Thanks, Saphress to jog my mind on this... :p
10-07-2004, 11:19 AM
Did the BBS thing here too. Started with 2400 baud, 14.4k, 33.6k, 56k.
Went on local BBSes to get shareware games like Commander Keen, Jill of the Jungle, Raptor, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem and etc. Never was into the ANSI graphics games though.
Remember using modem to get .MOD files back in the day. It took forever with the 2400.
The \"good old days\"...
Dr Butcher
10-07-2004, 11:19 AM
You just \'aint l337 if you don\'t know what a SYSOP was, if you never banked minutes, if you never thought that .gifs of naked women was the greatest technology ever invented. Ok, too much info..... I started out with a 2400 baud, jumped to a 9600, skipped 14.4 all together and moved up to the 56k.
Hmm, looking back no wonder the chicks weren\'t lining up at my door. :D
*Adjusts his pocket protector*
10-07-2004, 12:11 PM
damn.. my first modem was a 14.4K.. then 56K and now cable.. yay.. i guess i\'m a n00b.. never really BBS\'d but got into the newsgroups pretty quickly - the modern BBS?.. lol..
Damn, understanding exactly everything you guys wrote... I\'m a 633k. :)
10-07-2004, 12:44 PM
Man.... (laugh) I started with a 2400.......... I think by the time I was 13 I was hardcore nerd rippin up the message boards .... and by 15-16 I co-sysop\'d a board called Death\'s Valley.... used crazy cheats on LORD... (I miss that game)...
10-07-2004, 03:34 PM
*cough, cough* Sapphress is a geek *cough, cough*
:D j/k :D
My only BBS experience was with CRS Online and my 2400 baud modem on my 486. :(
Strike that, you\'re all 6EEK5. :p
10-07-2004, 06:38 PM
wasn\'t into all that, but i had one NASTY FAST 33.6 modem on my ULTRA FAST FOR ITS TIME at times 10-15k sec...NO LIES> it only for a couple seconds of still DID IT>...i want to frame it!
10-07-2004, 06:46 PM
Hey!!! I\'m the first to admit I was a geek :P.... Dang... if only I could know that much as to what I knew then (getting around the DOS... and hacking into other BBS\'s).... frig... I\'d be a millionare now. Crap... if I didn\'t start looking at guys..... I\'d be a Billie Gates! :D
10-07-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Dr Butcher You just \'aint l337 if you don\'t know what a SYSOP was, if you never banked minutes, if you never thought that .gifs of naked women was the greatest technology ever invented. Ok, too much info..... I started out with a 2400 baud, jumped to a 9600, skipped 14.4 all together and moved up to the 56k. Hmm, looking back no wonder the chicks weren\'t lining up at my door. :D *Adjusts his pocket protector*
ok so i was a SYSOP at one point.... forget gifs...... naked ASCII art was where it was at....started with a 150 bps acoustic coupler modem. then a whopping 300... then a lightspeed 1200.....4800, 9600 the jumped to 14.4, 28.8 then broadband in 96\' and now Rogers Extreme baby. so in old school numbering my rogers modem is 5.0000000e06 bps
Who else here knows what a blue box is and who Captain Crunch is?
10-07-2004, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Saphress
Hey!!! I\'m the first to admit I was a geek :P.... Dang... if only I could know that much as to what I knew then (getting around the DOS... and hacking into other BBS\'s).... frig... I\'d be a millionare now. Crap... if I didn\'t start looking at guys..... I\'d be a Billie Gates! :D
And ill be second to admiting Im a geek =)
I hade 14.4 and had my own BBS (Bulletin Board System) for those who dont know. I called it Dimensions it was manily a FTP with of course my custom BBS design interface lol.
Of cousre things change now I man my ship myself once again with latest in communication, Internet! host my own sites off my own personal server thanks to rogers and there extreme edition. 650k download 80k upload Thanks Bill Gates for win2k3 Ent Serv :hoho
10-08-2004, 02:57 PM
I guess I should also come fourth and confess.. I too BBS\'ed back in the day :)
Started with a 2400, then got a 14.4, then another 14.4 (with new computer), then somehow landed another 14.4 (they\'re still in boxes in the closet!). Got a 28.8 USR DSVD, flashed it to a whopping 33.6. Got a P2-300 w/56k modem. At that point my ISP dinged me for \"over-using unlimited time\" and wanted to start billing me at like $100 a month, so I switched to Rogers Cable. Got a whole 1 months use out of the 56k modem! :P
When I hear the connection sound of a modem I still feel somewhat warm and fuzzy (is that maybe the ultimate 633k statetement?). Used to do a fair bit of file leeching, co-sysop\'d for a while and spent way too much time in the message boards (got into the whole offline reader thing), and playing LORD. My favorite files (next to the grainy EGA nude gifs) were .Mod and .S3m files and the 3d gpx demos. Games back in the day involved the Hugo trillogy, Commander Keen, Jones in the Fast Lane, Sim City, and the few other Sierra games out at the time. Even spent some time in \"the Draw\" playing with ANSI art. I\'ve still got my whole .mod/.s3m files sitting on a stack of about 15 floppies and the funny thing is that Winamp does a great job of playing them. If anyone wants I can post them in my webspace-- they weren\'t half bad :P
good times.. good times :)
10-08-2004, 05:24 PM
That\'s too funny:D
At this moment, I really should be making an appointment with a co-worker to install some software on her PC, but this topic seemed to good to pass up.
Are there really that many nerds out there on this forum ? Phew ! I don\'t feel so geekyish now.
So ya, back in the day when I first bought my brand spanking new Apple IIe, BBSing was considered revolutionary before mainstream World Wide Webbing became popular and It was fun, I always thought.
Ah, the sweet memories of binary code.
OOPS, sorry, had a drug induced flashback there for a moment.
I think I\'ll leave 5 mins early from work now. ( ooooo, 5 mins, I\'m such a rebel ):D
10-08-2004, 07:21 PM
Great, the Mazda3 is an official Geek-mobile. :D
10-08-2004, 08:22 PM
you mean mazda11 :D
10-08-2004, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by majic
you mean mazda11 :D
Yay for binary ;)
You know, its funny how a paradigm shift changes everything. Back when I used to BBS it was \"geeky\" -- spending that much time on the computer as a teenager seemed rediculous (I didn\'t spend *that much* time). Now look at the net -- most people I know spend hurrendous <sp?> amounts of time online-- much more than I did BBSing, and now its not just acceptable, but \"cool\". \'If you\'re not on ICQ/MSN, then you need to get with the program\', is the way of today.
And the meek (er.. geek) shall rule the world ;) The Mazda11 is just the first of many steps in my quest for global domination! <evil laughter>
10-08-2004, 11:52 PM
lol.. i have this T-shirt :D (
\"There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don\'t\"
g33|<s r0XoR
10-10-2004, 01:52 AM
(laugh)... \"10\"
Maaaaaaan... all those games bring back so many memories.... There was one that wasn\'t mentioned though...... did anyone play Day of the Tenticle?!?!?!?
10-10-2004, 10:41 AM
Yes...with \"Bernard\". Its one of my favourite games of all time...all 20-27 3.5\" floppies of it IIRC.
I played all the LucasArts games. My favourite would have to be Monkey Island series (my favourite) GuyBrush Threepwood and LeChuck.
jog down memory lane...
10-10-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Saphress
(laugh)... \"10\"
Maaaaaaan... all those games bring back so many memories.... There was one that wasn\'t mentioned though...... did anyone play Day of the Tenticle?!?!?!?
I remember that game.. all the stores had the intro running in a loop when it first came out. Too bad I never actually got to play it :sarc
I wish I had time to game these days.. got a new computer back in April and done no game playing *sigh*
10-10-2004, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Saphress (laugh)... \"10\" Maaaaaaan... all those games bring back so many memories.... There was one that wasn\'t mentioned though...... did anyone play Day of the Tenticle?!?!?!?
that was an awesome game. That is the best reason to install a c64 emulator. it rocked.
ohh anyone remember leisure suit larry?
fat mike
10-10-2004, 04:59 PM
I did that as well back in the day. i remeber to the Internet with all of 3 pages to load up. my only regret is not registring domain names ie, ect could have made a killing selling them to the actual companies. Oh well live and learn i guess:p
10-10-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by fat mike I did that as well back in the day. i remeber to the Internet with all of 3 pages to load up. my only regret is not registring domain names ie, ect could have made a killing selling them to the actual companies. Oh well live and learn i guess:p
Kinda like back in the late 70\'s when people said. Why should i invest in this Microsft or this Apple company? No one will ever need more then 640k of memory.....
fat mike
10-12-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by teambedlam
Originally posted by fat mike I did that as well back in the day. i remeber to the Internet with all of 3 pages to load up. my only regret is not registring domain names ie, ect could have made a killing selling them to the actual companies. Oh well live and learn i guess:p
Kinda like back in the late 70\'s when people said. Why should i invest in this Microsft or this Apple company? No one will ever need more then 640k of memory.....
Exactly! Oh well :p
10-12-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Saphress
(laugh)... \"10\"
Maaaaaaan... all those games bring back so many memories.... There was one that wasn\'t mentioned though...... did anyone play Day of the Tenticle?!?!?!?
Hahah that game was hilarious! I never new about that game until I went to Barbados for vactation at my cuz place. He showed me that game and it was a joke! the blond chick was so dumb. The aliens remind me of the ones on The Simpsions. Man those games where cool I whish they made more like that. =(
Lisure suit larry was funny too. I thnk they made new versions of it again.
10-16-2004, 08:27 PM
Here\'s something for all the geeks in the house...
Which file extension are you? (
10-16-2004, 08:38 PM
i am an .mpg :D
\"You are .mpg You live life like it was a movie. Constantly in motion, you bring pleasure to many, but are often hidden away.\"
apparently i also fit the description of OS/2 warp OS :D
10-16-2004, 08:45 PM
10-17-2004, 02:33 AM
this is so true. My last employer is still trying to figure out everything i used to do for them
10-19-2004, 01:06 PM
Yep thats me version 8.68a Build 5612. Gotta patch coming soon though thats supposed to fix my \"don\'t have a car\" issue. :p
my modem history: 1200, 2400, 9600, 14.4 V/F/D, 33.6 DSVD V/F/D (still in use) Speedstream 5200 (DSL) All modems are still in their original boxes or installed in my computers.:D
Up until a month ago I was still using a 33.6 modem for internet and it was the best. Solid performance and reliability not like DSL. Always on does not necessarily mean always working.:(
I was a major BBS junkie even after I got the internet in \'95 cause that\'s where the action was. ANSI graphics were a luxury cuz most were using VT100 with 8N1 with sixteen shades of gray (Titanium Grey included!). I remember choosing the protocol for downloads (zmodem, kermit,...) and reading WE Compute for a list of most of the BBS\' in the GTA. And rushing to all the BBS\' on my birthday cause of the relaxed Download/Upload restrictions. Those were the good ole days.:)
Any talk of starting a TM3 BBS (not on internet of course) cause I will be so there.:)
Hugo\'s house of horrors was da bomb. I am still a huge fan of older games and regularly visit Home of the Underdogs ( cause it has all the older games for download (abandonware).:D
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