View Full Version : Gen3 - Rust already...?

04-29-2015, 10:19 AM
So I was browsing the other Mazda3 forums and came across a thread about rust found between the trunk liner and the rear window. Looks like there are quite a few people who are having the same problems so I went outside to take a look at my car and there it is... rust forming on my 8 months old car... Seems to be an issue for the sedans only. I'd recommend Gen3 owners go and check their cars. I already called the dealer and bringing it in later in the afternoon. Took some quick pics at work but the quality isn't the best as it was sunny out and couldn't tell if they were good or not until I went back in.



04-29-2015, 01:04 PM
Mazda at it again.. Sorry to hear, hope it gets sorted..

04-29-2015, 01:11 PM
I had rust showing up on mine too...different spot though. Mine were on the spot welds near the license plate lights. I noticed them when I had the trunk open one day. Took it into the dealer and they applied some paint over it to "seal" it and told me to keep an eye on it....

I'll upload pictures later tonight. Anyone else have this issue?

04-29-2015, 02:21 PM
I just found some on the same spot, Cyclic. But mine is a gen 2.

04-29-2015, 02:31 PM
Yeah, the rust is appearing at the welds. Just got back from the shop now. They took pictures and will send it to Mazda. They told me it will take a week to hear back from them.

04-29-2015, 02:40 PM
not the license plate lights, but I just opened my trunk and found little circles of rust between the trunk liner and rear window just like Cyclic . Really not to happy about it tbh. Going to have a talk with the guys up front as soon as I can.

04-29-2015, 02:55 PM
Wow 3rd gen rusting already not good. Mazda didn't change

04-29-2015, 03:24 PM
Updated first post with better pics. No signs of it at the welds near my license plate lights either. Good ole Mazda. In Rust We Trust...

04-29-2015, 03:29 PM
correction, I do have rust above my license plate, kinda smack in the middle beneath the lights.


04-29-2015, 03:32 PM
wow this is unbelievable, I just bought my 2015 Mazda 3 last month... there's no way to prevent this from happening? I wonder what the dealership will do about this

04-29-2015, 03:40 PM
heres some photos:



and I also found some in the engine bay, below my cold air intake:

04-29-2015, 03:44 PM
Just wondering if all these cars that have rusting are the GT models and were they made/imported from Japan?

04-29-2015, 03:50 PM
Just wondering if all these cars that have rusting are the GT models and were they made/imported from Japan?

so far its looking like the cars from Japan are the ones with the issues. Iv checked a couple GS and GX models from Mexico and there was no signs of rust anywhere

04-29-2015, 03:51 PM
so far its looking like the cars from Japan are the ones with the issues. Iv checked a couple GS and GX models from Mexico and there was no signs of rust anywhere

Wow.. just our luck eh? You would have thought the ones from Japan wouldn't have the issue...

04-29-2015, 03:55 PM
Rust proof your car ever year it does wonders

04-29-2015, 03:56 PM
Rust proof your car ever year it does wonders

Krowning it?

04-29-2015, 03:58 PM
wow this is unbelievable, I just bought my 2015 Mazda 3 last month... there's no way to prevent this from happening? I wonder what the dealership will do about this

I guess the only way would be to keep it parked in garage and dry it off after every rain fall lol

Just wondering if all these cars that have rusting are the GT models and were they made/imported from Japan?

Mine's a GT from Japan but I don't think there's relevance here. Doesn't Japan also have cold winters with snow? My car was not driven at all this whole winter but parked outside. 7800km after 8 months. 20143GTowner man you're in worse shape than I am but I haven't looked in the engine bay yet. We'll see what Mazda has to say... Maybe I made the wrong choice over the BRZ/WRX lol

04-29-2015, 04:01 PM
Krowning it?
Yes but I prefer rust proof it creeps really good and u can get it pretty much in any area that u need

04-29-2015, 04:02 PM
Rust proof your car ever year it does wonders

My car was rust proofed a month after getting it with Corrosion Free so that's probably why I don't see rust anywhere else. Not like they are gonna spray it onto your paint to prevent what's happening here...

04-29-2015, 04:02 PM
Seconded on whoever said rust proof, it does help.

But holy moly, that is SOON. I didn't have it on my gen 1 until about 3 years later.

I really hoped Mazda had changed.

04-29-2015, 04:04 PM
Seconded on whoever said rust proof, it does help.

But holy moly, that is SOON. I didn't have it on my gen 1 until about 3 years later.

I really hoped Mazda had changed.
Yes I agree that actually sucks I'd be so mad this should not happpen my buddy just bought the same car as yours I'm going to have to warn him

04-29-2015, 04:05 PM
Rust proof your car ever year it does wonders

devoncsmith16 I agree but these cars aren't even a year old yet...that's the bigger issue!

04-29-2015, 04:07 PM
devoncsmith16 I agree but these cars aren't even a year old yet...that's the bigger issue!
Yes I agree with you also

04-29-2015, 05:33 PM
Could it be rail dust? But I'm not an expert at the rusting area.

04-29-2015, 05:42 PM
Those looks like rail dust. clay it and apply some polish on it, work it in with microfiber towel.. it will probably come right out. I get shit tons of these yellow dots on my car after every winter. My detailer friend does it for me every year.

04-29-2015, 05:47 PM
Lol no it's not rail dust... Unless all those specks of rail dust has a mind of it's own and decided to form multiple small communities in the same locations on everyone's cars.

04-29-2015, 06:00 PM

04-29-2015, 06:30 PM


Rust proof your car ever year it does wonders

I rust proofed mine as soon as I bought it and I still have the rust appearing...

It does help and I'm sure prevents the rust some what...but a few of us still have it appearing.

04-29-2015, 06:34 PM
Cyclic I just looked at mine and I also have it on the rear trunk/rear window area on every weld point...what dealership did you go to? I'm going to notify the dealer I go to regularly about this. As mentioned before I went to Dave Wood (Now called New Roads) in Newmarket...but let's just say I won't be returning there for numerous complications with service there and damage to my car...long story. That could be a whole other thread with pictures! I'll notify Avante about this when I'm there next...Newmarket saw the rust near my plate lights and just put paint over it and told me to "monitor" it. Anyways pictures of my rust below. RUST GTFO.

http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p601/_tylerking_/image12.jpg (http://s1158.photobucket.com/user/_tylerking_/media/image12.jpg.html)
http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p601/_tylerking_/image23.jpg (http://s1158.photobucket.com/user/_tylerking_/media/image23.jpg.html)

Here's the pictures from the rust I mentioned in my earlier post on my car.

http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p601/_tylerking_/image22.jpg (http://s1158.photobucket.com/user/_tylerking_/media/image22.jpg.html)http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p601/_tylerking_/image11.jpg (http://s1158.photobucket.com/user/_tylerking_/media/image11.jpg.html)

04-29-2015, 06:44 PM
What's the next step?

04-29-2015, 06:50 PM
What's the next step?
tcnumba10 read my post below...as mentioned I'm going to notify Avante about this when I'm there next and see what happens. Probably the same as Cyclic said they will take pictures and send it to Mazda. Then it's a waiting game.

04-29-2015, 06:55 PM
tcnumba10 read my post below...as mentioned I'm going to notify Avante about this when I'm there next and see what happens. Probably the same as Cyclic said they will take pictures and send it to Mazda. Then it's a waiting game.

Sounds good, I'll be watching this thread closely. Hope for the best.

04-29-2015, 07:26 PM
cwp_hatch oh man... that doesn't look good at all. Is that cracked paint under the trunk where the license plate is? I went to Mountain Mazda. I'm extremely disappointed now.

tcnumba10 next step is wait for Mazda to get back to me. I'm not the only one who has brought this issue up with Mazda. How they deal with this will determine if I'll ever buy another Mazda again...

04-29-2015, 07:39 PM
Funny thing is when I bought my Gen3, I received a loyalty discount for already owning a Mazda. From the shape my Gen1 is in right now with the rust and rust that's already forming on my Gen3, they better give me a free car as a loyalty discount for my next purchase.

04-29-2015, 07:57 PM
I thought mazda took care of the rust problem :/

04-29-2015, 08:00 PM
Cyclic I wouldn't say cracked. But it's "wrinkled" or just creased? Not sure it's kinda odd. Is yours like that at all in that area?

04-29-2015, 08:01 PM
I thought mazda took care of the rust problem :/

Apparently not.... -_-

04-29-2015, 09:05 PM
Cyclic I wouldn't say cracked. But it's "wrinkled" or just creased? Not sure it's kinda odd. Is yours like that at all in that area?
cwp_hatch Mine's not like that. Just flat paint. Is it the same on both sides for you?

04-29-2015, 09:13 PM
cwp_hatch Mine's not like that. Just flat paint. Is it the same on both sides for you?
Cyclic the pictures I uploaded are of each side. The other side has it slightly. Not sure If I should be concerned about that or not...it seems like it's just in the metal. Not too sure why it looks so wrinkled lol and not flat...

Cyclic im not sure if were talking about the same area in the picture if your specifically talking about below the rust area then no thats not cracked paint. Its just dirt on my paint colour. Im talking about above the rust spots can you see the wrinkles in the metal? Just want to clarify ha.

04-29-2015, 09:28 PM
The first picture of your license plate area. Up and to the right of that weld rust, not the lower part of the picture which I thought to be just dirty lol. I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same thing. That wrinkle. Can't tell from the angle of the left side but I only see it for the right side.

04-29-2015, 10:49 PM
Oh this is not good at all! I owned a 2004 MZ3 and had to get rid of it before the rust got really bad. I have recommended a couple of my friends to get the Gen3, one gas a GT the other a GS, I'll have them check.

04-29-2015, 11:22 PM
Time to scrap it.

04-29-2015, 11:27 PM
What's the next step?

I would suggest everyone with a 3rd Gen inspect their cars closely and anyone who finds the same as shown in the pics above, take lots of pics, also with a date stamp on them.

I have to say I'm completely disappointed in Mazda. From the look of those pics the rust is occurring at stamp/weld points and the paint/corrosion inhibitors don't look very thick or of good quality....disgusting really. If a good percentage of stamp points on the panels are like that, its bad news. Lets hope not though, for everyone's sake.


04-30-2015, 02:30 AM
Awesome :bang Going to take a look at my Gen 3 tomorrow. Min is also a GT from Japan. Out of curiosity, what colour is everyone's car that is having the rust issue. I thought I read something recently that mentioned they were finding a bit of rust mainly on the pearl white gen 3's.

04-30-2015, 06:44 AM
Those looks like rail dust. clay it and apply some polish on it, work it in with microfiber towel.. it will probably come right out. I get shit tons of these yellow dots on my car after every winter. My detailer friend does it for me every year.

Yeah it looks like rail dust to me. Everyone needs to stop freaking out, jesus.

Rust proof your car ever year it does wonders
Rust proofing won't do anything to stop this, except make your car so dirty you can't see it.

04-30-2015, 07:54 AM
Yeah it looks like rail dust to me. Everyone needs to stop freaking out, jesus.

I disagree with it being rail dust. Mostly because its occurring on the stamp/weld points only. I had a CWP hatch prior to this car and yes, there was rail dust on it. However the rail dust was tiny dots literally all over. Rather then at numerous spots of the same thing (weld points).

Cyclic yes we are talking about the same area then. I'm not 100% sure why it's like that. Just how the metal is in that area.

04-30-2015, 07:59 AM
its not rail dust/fallout. It has been confirmed as rust by members of my dealer. My car does have fallout over the exterior panels, but working as a detailer for three years out of highschool I know what it looks like and how to get rid of it. Pics do not do it justice so if you don't have it in front of you it would be difficult to tell the difference. Of course you could notice how its forming on the spot welds and other common areas for rust... Also the fact that every effected car to date has the rust in the exact same spots. Fall out/rail dust is a result of random debree from the road, brake dust, and other factors it would be just illogical to claim that a random pattern has found its way on the majority of 3'rd gen GTs... it defeats the definition of random

04-30-2015, 08:24 AM
Like I said before...If it's rail dust, it's a new species of rail dust with an intelligent mind and choosing to land only on the weld points. If the dealer and shop that's providing the estimate and sending pics to Mazda can't tell the difference between rust and rail dust... well then I have nothing to say. Lets use some common sense here people.

04-30-2015, 10:29 AM
Some spots look like rail dust.

Others are most certainly the beginnings of minor surface rust.

04-30-2015, 07:53 PM
I'm in the same boat. Area beside the rear-view camera is rusting. After so many years, they can't make a car that does not rust after a year?
How do they not improve on their manufacturing process (w/ respect to rusting) after decades. My 2006 didn't rust like this.

Did they send the factory back through time?

If you want to let Mazda Canada know of your dismay
http://www.mazda.ca/MciWeb/displayPage.action?pageParameter=insidemazdaContac t

04-30-2015, 09:15 PM
For ppl who have rust on their 2014/2015 Mazda 3GT, did you rust proof the car already?

04-30-2015, 10:29 PM
For ppl who have rust on their 2014/2015 Mazda 3GT, did you rust proof the car already?

that spot with the rust, it really doesn't matter because rust proofing will not get there.

That being said, I rust proofed the car and washed it once a week during winter, which is why I am infuriated.

04-30-2015, 11:13 PM
For ppl who have rust on their 2014/2015 Mazda 3GT, did you rust proof the car already?

Rust proofed mine in October while it was still warm and it's considered one of the best times to rust proof. Used my other car as a beater and didn't drive the new one all winter but it is parked outside since I don't have a garage. This is just sad lol. Before buying the new car, my friend and I would always trash Mazda about their rust issues since he also owns a rust bucket of a Mazda 6. I figured well one generation has passed, they must have improved and fix their rust issues right? Lets give Mazda another chance. Lesson learned. My confidence in Mazda is probably forever lost.

I take damn good care of my car. Wash, clay, seal, wax and then washed biweekly. Made sure it never saw a salty road and it still rusted lol... Such a damn shame. I really love this car too. It's too bad they overlooked their biggest weakness and complaints that people have about their cars.

04-30-2015, 11:47 PM
Rust proofed mine in October while it was still warm and it's considered one of the best times to rust proof. Used my other car as a beater and didn't drive the new one all winter but it is parked outside since I don't have a garage. This is just sad lol. Before buying the new car, my friend and I would always trash Mazda about their rust issues since he also owns a rust bucket of a Mazda 6. I figured well one generation has passed, they must have improved and fix their rust issues right? Lets give Mazda another chance. Lesson learned. My confidence in Mazda is probably forever lost.

I take damn good care of my car. Wash, clay, seal, wax and then washed biweekly. Made sure it never saw a salty road and it still rusted lol... Such a damn shame. I really love this car too. It's too bad they overlooked their biggest weakness and complaints that people have about their cars.

It's sad my S2000 doesn't rust after 3 winters but the Mazda does after 1

05-01-2015, 03:01 AM
Krowned mine at the beginning of october (or late September) and washed once a week in the winter as well. I have rust at all of the same spot welds that others have mentioned, and that was only after a quick glance at the trunk and by the camera. What a piss off. Picking up a mirror cover in Whitby tomorrow, going to get them to look at it.

05-01-2015, 10:39 AM
Any of these issues with hatches? Maybe I need to give the car a quick once-over.

05-01-2015, 11:11 AM
Any of these issues with hatches? Maybe I need to give the car a quick once-over.

Don't think I've heard anything from hatch owners. I think it's only isolated to sedans since water/moisture won't pool in that area for hatches.

05-04-2015, 09:01 PM
Krowned mine at the beginning of october (or late September) and washed once a week in the winter as well. I have rust at all of the same spot welds that others have mentioned, and that was only after a quick glance at the trunk and by the camera. What a piss off. Picking up a mirror cover in Whitby tomorrow, going to get them to look at it.

How'd it go at Whitby?

Side note: richardds here is the thread regarding the rust issue on 3rd gens.

05-04-2015, 09:48 PM
Spots of rust forming under my license plate - 2014 mazda 3. Rust proofed twice - washed 2-3 times weekly in the winter. Thanks for the tag cwp_hatch.

05-04-2015, 11:05 PM
Rust proofing isn't going to help rust that's coming up from under the paint. On a one-year old car that looks like a manufacturing defect. My car is a 2010 that is regularly winter driven and doesn't have rust around the tailgate like that.

05-05-2015, 12:15 AM
How'd it go at Whitby?

Side note: richardds here is the thread regarding the rust issue on 3rd gens.

Have to make an appointment with them so they can take a "ton" of photos of it to send to Mazda Canada. Going to make the appointment next week.

05-05-2015, 07:19 PM
Update: I was at Avante today and they made a note of it into their system...that was all. No photos were taken. I was told to keep an eye on it...same thing happened when I took it to Dave Wood.

05-05-2015, 07:55 PM
Update: I was at Avante today and they made a note of it into their system...that was all. No photos were taken. I was told to keep an eye on it...same thing happened when I took it to Dave Wood.

Wow... Keep an eye on it? Did they offer to fix it somehow tho? Any compensation?

05-05-2015, 07:58 PM
Wow... Keep an eye on it? Did they offer to fix it somehow tho? Any compensation?

As mentioned earlier, Newmarket put paint over the spot welds near the license plate lights and told me to "keep an eye on it". I now deal with Avante primarily and when I was there today I mentioned the spot welds in the trunk area/license plate area and told them what Newmarket did. They said they'd make a note of it and to keep an eye on it...to be honest I feel like it was kind of brushed off. I didn't push it on them as my car was there and just had both front struts and the gas tank replaced. I will mention it again at my next service...

05-05-2015, 08:14 PM
As mentioned earlier, Newmarket put paint over the spot welds near the license plate lights and told me to "keep an eye on it". I now deal with Avante primarily and when I was there today I mentioned the spot welds in the trunk area/license plate area and told them what Newmarket did. They said they'd make a note of it and to keep an eye on it...to be honest I feel like it was kind of brushed off. I didn't push it on them as my car was there and just had both front struts and the gas tank replaced. I will mention it again at my next service...

Gas tank replaced?

05-05-2015, 08:16 PM
Gas tank replaced?

Yup. Whenever I would fill the tank it would make an odd "gurgling/popping" sound to best describe it...only on a full tank at idle/acceleration. Mazda said to replace the tank...seems to be gone now.

05-05-2015, 09:18 PM
And the front struts?

05-05-2015, 10:28 PM
And the front struts?

Clunking noise every-time I would go in/out of entrances into parking lots or hit a bump a certain way. They replaced my strut bearings, control arm bushing...then finally just replaced the whole strut because neither of those worked. Unfortunately it has still done it after replacing both struts. The dealer is going to follow up with Mazda because they are unsure what else it could be. Anyone here have any idea...?

05-05-2015, 10:32 PM
Clunking noise every-time I would go in/out of entrances into parking lots or hit a bump a certain way. They replaced my strut bearings, control arm bushing...then finally just replaced the whole strut because neither of those worked. Unfortunately it has still done it after replacing both struts. The dealer is going to follow up with Mazda because they are unsure what else it could be. Anyone here have any idea...?
Could the dealer hear the noise? Or is it just you telling them to replace parts? Im just curious how it works! :)

05-05-2015, 10:39 PM
Could the dealer hear the noise? Or is it just you telling them to replace parts? Im just curious how it works! :)


05-06-2015, 09:11 AM
Could the dealer hear the noise? Or is it just you telling them to replace parts? Im just curious how it works! :)

The dealer has to hear the noise also...you can't just walk in and say replace this, this and this (Although that'd be nice). They come for a ride along (if need be) and confirm what you're saying is wrong then diagnose it from there.



05-06-2015, 07:11 PM
I've looked extensively now over these problem areas and so far no sign of rust on my '15gt(Japan built obviously) with one BC winter on it so far. I'll be checking lots from now on.

05-07-2015, 01:09 PM
cwp_hatch lol don't take that "keep an eye on it" BS man. Go back and demand a resolution. It's rust, not the common cold. Rust doesn't magically gets better and disappears after a week or two. It only gets worse.

05-07-2015, 02:00 PM
cwp_hatch lol don't take that "keep an eye on it" BS man. Go back and demand a resolution. It's rust, not the common cold. Rust doesn't magically gets better and disappears after a week or two. It only gets worse.

Did the dealership do anything for you? Damn this was my main issues with Mazdas thought it wasn't going to be an issue anymore...

05-07-2015, 02:40 PM
Did the dealership do anything for you? Damn this was my main issues with Mazdas thought it wasn't going to be an issue anymore...

Read my comments earlier in this thread. You will find your answer.

05-07-2015, 09:10 PM
Wow, that really blows...I was convinced Mazda had the rust issues fixed.

05-08-2015, 11:30 PM
M3R and some other forums have users commenting about rust on door hinges as well so gen 3 owners should check there too. Reading further suggests that it's only with sedans at this point - white and titanium are the most mentioned colors..

05-09-2015, 05:18 PM
M3R and some other forums have users commenting about rust on door hinges as well so gen 3 owners should check there too. Reading further suggests that it's only with sedans at this point - white and titanium are the most mentioned colors..

Thanks for the update.

05-11-2015, 04:59 PM
UPDATE: my car is being sent to a body shop in the area as of June 8'th. They are going to fix the rust and repaint the affected areas. Being done through warrenty.

05-11-2015, 05:53 PM
UPDATE: my car is being sent to a body shop in the area as of June 8'th. They are going to fix the rust and repaint the affected areas. Being done through warrenty.

What dealer did you take it too? I need to have my car looked at again...I don't know why they just put paint over mine and that was it...not acceptable. Especially after knowing Mazda is covering yours to get fixed. Mine should be too. Thanks for the update!

05-11-2015, 09:15 PM
Do you guys have any assurance that they're doing anything to 'fix' it beyond a pure repaint? This looks like a design flaw as much as a paint issue, and if they're just grinding down the rust and slapping new paint on it, it might not even last as long as the factory paint. There's gotta be water getting in somewhere or a contamination or something. Like the rear bumper rubbing against the quarter panel and holding water and dirt in the first gens.

05-11-2015, 10:34 PM
Do you guys have any assurance that they're doing anything to 'fix' it beyond a pure repaint? This looks like a design flaw as much as a paint issue, and if they're just grinding down the rust and slapping new paint on it, it might not even last as long as the factory paint. There's gotta be water getting in somewhere or a contamination or something. Like the rear bumper rubbing against the quarter panel and holding water and dirt in the first gens.

The only thing that was mentioned to me was that the spot welds inside the trunk/rear window area didn't have as much paint as others (from factory) and that it allowed water to pool in these areas and eventually create rust...other the. That nothing has been said by a dealer. Not to mention no pictures of my car were ever sent to Mazda. I'm going to Avante this Thursday and will be mentioning it to them again and asking them to send pictures.

05-12-2015, 11:45 AM
Same issue with my 14 GS Japan built Titanium. Planning on visiting a dealer to take pics and sent it off to corporate.

05-12-2015, 12:12 PM
Update: Spoke with Avante and one of the service advisors said that there is something coming down the pipeline from Mazda regarding this issue. They didn't want to quote it directly, but customers who have the rust issue will be notified and dealt with once Mazda tells the dealers what to do. That's what I was just told when I called about my car again...they are going to take pictures of mine Thursday also. So it looks like Mazda is preparing to do something regarding this issue.

05-12-2015, 01:05 PM
Update: Spoke with Avante and one of the service advisors said that there is something coming down the pipeline from Mazda regarding this issue. They didn't want to quote it directly, but customers who have the rust issue will be notified and dealt with once Mazda tells the dealers what to do. That's what I was just told when I called about my car again...they are going to take pictures of mine Thursday also. So it looks like Mazda is preparing to do something regarding this issue.

Good stuff dude! Haven't heard back from my dealer yet. They told me it should take a week to get an answer from Mazda. I should have heard back from them but I'll wait until 2 weeks has passed so they have less of an excuse when I berate them about it. One can only hope it's something along the lines of lifetime rust warranty for those areas lol

05-19-2015, 11:45 AM
I found the same rusting on my Gen3 Mazda 3 from Japan. I brought my vehicle in to Avante 2 weeks ago for yearly maintenance and notified them of the rust. Avante called me last week notifying me that Mazda Canada has approved the repairs to the trunk & rear view camera section. It will take 3 days of repairs in Avante's shop. They will not be providing any rental car coverage. I'll be bringing my car in next Monday for this work and I'll provide an update when I bring it in.

05-19-2015, 08:22 PM
I found the same rusting on my Gen3 Mazda 3 from Japan. I brought my vehicle in to Avante 2 weeks ago for yearly maintenance and notified them of the rust. Avante called me last week notifying me that Mazda Canada has approved the repairs to the trunk & rear view camera section. It will take 3 days of repairs in Avante's shop. They will not be providing any rental car coverage. I'll be bringing my car in next Monday for this work and I'll provide an update when I bring it in.

Wow..so you buy a new car and a few months later defective rust and you either borrow a car or are of pocket for a rental...niiiice! The "made in Japan" quality moniker is losing it's luster quickly :(

05-21-2015, 10:11 PM
I found the same rusting on my Gen3 Mazda 3 from Japan. I brought my vehicle in to Avante 2 weeks ago for yearly maintenance and notified them of the rust. Avante called me last week notifying me that Mazda Canada has approved the repairs to the trunk & rear view camera section. It will take 3 days of repairs in Avante's shop. They will not be providing any rental car coverage. I'll be bringing my car in next Monday for this work and I'll provide an update when I bring it in.

No rental car from Mazda Canada? Wow, that's some horrible customer service. At VW, they give you a loaner just for an oil change.
I am going guess that this is a Mazda-Canada policy, or lack of thereof.

At Amazon, my exchange period was over by 2 months, and they still let me exchange a defective product. Shipping all paid by Amazon.

05-22-2015, 11:22 AM
No rental car from Mazda Canada? Wow, that's some horrible customer service. At VW, they give you a loaner just for an oil change.
I am going guess that this is a Mazda-Canada policy, or lack of thereof.

At Amazon, my exchange period was over by 2 months, and they still let me exchange a defective product. Shipping all paid by Amazon.

when I had my GTI..i didn't get loaners for service..didn't even get it when they had to replace my entire transmission that took 3 days

05-22-2015, 12:10 PM
No rental car from Mazda Canada? Wow, that's some horrible customer service. At VW, they give you a loaner just for an oil change.
I am going guess that this is a Mazda-Canada policy, or lack of thereof.

At Amazon, my exchange period was over by 2 months, and they still let me exchange a defective product. Shipping all paid by Amazon.

Its at the dealership's discretion, not Mazda Canada's.

In fact, I've seen dealers charge mazda for things/services that weren't even provided to the customer, so it really wouldn't surprise me if they were just pocketing the "allowance"... not sure how the process works though.

05-23-2015, 10:57 AM
I do find this a little alarming, I got my Japanese built 2014 last March so had it for 14 months now... It's Meteor Grey and so far looks like I'm safe, not seeing any rust. But I'll be watching closely, also thinking of running a little grease over those areas just to be safe.....

05-24-2015, 03:41 PM
when I had my GTI..i didn't get loaners for service..didn't even get it when they had to replace my entire transmission that took 3 days

Interesting, my friend w/ GTI got a loaner when he did his service. Let me bug him on Monday.
At Honda, I was able to rent a loaner for $20.00 a day. (This was in the US)

05-24-2015, 05:33 PM
Also have a sedan but will check out if I have any rust at the back and will post any photos if any rust occurs. Luckily this is a lease but almost planned on financing but was new to Mazda.

05-24-2015, 07:47 PM
Just checked and I don't have any rust right now. Probably it is too early to tell as I got this car this month. Color is black.

06-01-2015, 05:52 PM
checked my gfs 2014 white sedan.. no signs of rust, (Built in mexico)

06-01-2015, 06:05 PM
Btw how do you check to see if it's built in Japan or Mexico?

06-01-2015, 06:29 PM
Does your car have a new car smell, or does it smell like delicious tacos? That would be a dead giveaway. Otherwise probably the stickers on the inside of the drivers door, and if that fails too, the VIN.

06-01-2015, 06:30 PM
If your vin starts with a J its from japan

06-01-2015, 06:30 PM
Checked mine by looking at the drivers side door and it's made in mexico.

06-03-2015, 07:38 AM
Quick question for you guys. I leased 2015 gs for 3 years. Am I on the hook for rust when I return it? (Say, the rust spots expand quiet a bit in 3 years..). Rust on a 1 year car is quiet rediculous.

06-03-2015, 09:32 AM
Quick question for you guys. I leased 2015 gs for 3 years. Am I on the hook for rust when I return it? (Say, the rust spots expand quiet a bit in 3 years..). Rust on a 1 year car is quiet rediculous.

I think the safest thing you can do is keep written and photo documentation of any rust you do see over the period of your lease and keep the dealership informed. That way if/when you return the lease you have proof that you have not been just letting it rust away carelessly.

06-03-2015, 01:02 PM
I think the safest thing you can do is keep written and photo documentation of any rust you do see over the period of your lease and keep the dealership informed. That way if/when you return the lease you have proof that you have not been just letting it rust away carelessly.

That's true

06-04-2015, 07:14 AM
Quick question for you guys. I leased 2015 gs for 3 years. Am I on the hook for rust when I return it? (Say, the rust spots expand quiet a bit in 3 years..). Rust on a 1 year car is quiet rediculous.

Why would you be on the hook for it? The car is under warranty lol

06-06-2015, 06:01 PM
Sedan owners. Open your trunk and check the welds right below the rear shield.
You may see rust. The below picture is the welds at the the top of the trunk


06-06-2015, 06:02 PM
Checked and no rust. Is it only sedans made in Japan that's having this current problem? Any mazda 3 sedans made in Mexico that have rust problems?

06-18-2015, 09:43 AM
Got my car back yesterday and the repairs looked good. Not sure if it was perfect since I don't remember what it looked like from factory. There are 1 or 2 weld points where the 'ring' was outlined and not flush paint like some other parts. Guess I'll have to keep an eye out and see. Was a bit annoyed at myself for forgetting to tell the shop not to wash my car lol

06-20-2015, 05:43 PM
That kinda scares me hearing this "rust" issues especially on the 3rd gen oh btw mine m3 sedan still looking good with little rust on it :p will be monitoring this page 2 more years before I purchased a new car lol.

06-23-2015, 12:03 PM
Well this sucks. What are we talking about here mainly white mazdas and mainly sedans? Mazda should be taking care of this, there is no way a brand new car should start rusting like that they better do something about it and fast.

06-23-2015, 01:32 PM
Also I've seen quite a bit of rust build up around the rear plate on a 2013 CX-5 GS model too. I don't know the history of the vehicle so I cannot confim how well the car was kept, but it was odd for a car just around 2 years old.

08-18-2015, 11:45 AM
this is what kills me about mazda. Pretty much everything is great except for the rust. Like WTF, why don't they explore options with other manufacturers to fix their rust issues. We are a mazda family (we have 2nd gen 3, 6 and an RX-8) and I was thinking of purchasing the new speed 3 when it launches, but seeing the rust appear once again may put me off.

08-18-2015, 12:02 PM
this is what kills me about mazda. Pretty much everything is great except for the rust. Like WTF, why don't they explore options with other manufacturers to fix their rust issues. We are a mazda family (we have 2nd gen 3, 6 and an RX-8) and I was thinking of purchasing the new speed 3 when it launches, but seeing the rust appear once again may put me off.

I've wondered the same. They spend alot of energy designing a 'drivers car' and make an awesome product, yet don't seem to put much effort into the rusting issue...Its a shame. Rustproofing can help add some years but still...I'm just dumbfounded.

09-05-2015, 12:45 PM
I'm sorry that this is still plaguing your cars, I thought that they for sure had this sorted based on what I've seen and heard :(.

I'll be watching this thread.

09-10-2015, 09:34 PM
Hey guys,

Any news/updates on the rust problem? I am about to get 2015 M3 hatch GS. Worried about rust quite a bit. Love the way the car looks/drives, but I am going to keep whatever car I am going to purchase for at least five years, so all the news that Mazda still hasn't fixed their biggest problem is a deal breaker for me.

Mty Mous
09-11-2015, 09:22 AM
I haven't kept up with the whole thread, but my impression was that the Sedans were the ones experiencing the rust issues... I could be wrong tho.

09-11-2015, 11:46 AM
Do you guys think it comes down to where its being built or where the materials are from?

Pablo Vasquez
09-11-2015, 12:59 PM
Hey guys,

Any news/updates on the rust problem? I am about to get 2015 M3 hatch GS. Worried about rust quite a bit. Love the way the car looks/drives, but I am going to keep whatever car I am going to purchase for at least five years, so all the news that Mazda still hasn't fixed their biggest problem is a deal breaker for me.

I haven't kept up with the whole thread, but my impression was that the Sedans were the ones experiencing the rust issues... I could be wrong tho.

So far yes, it's seems like a design flaw predominantly in the trunk door for sedans. Quick and easy fix though.

09-11-2015, 06:43 PM
So far yes, it's seems like a design flaw predominantly in the trunk door for sedans. Quick and easy fix though.
It's not really 'easy'. I have to take time off work, rent a car to get this taken care of by warrant.
I'm sure it will happen again next year. The problem lies with a design law in the plastic sealer/liner of the trunk.

09-12-2015, 12:15 PM
What you saying is that it is more of a design flaw that is fixable, than it is problem in metal itself? I am ok with that, as long as the car doesn't rust out in 5+ years of driving. I will need to sell it.

09-12-2015, 12:36 PM
I'd recommend buying the hatch, :D.

09-12-2015, 02:30 PM
They covered the repairs on the rust back in April. No relevant information was given to me regarding cause and fixes. I guess I'll see if it happens again next year. Other than that, such a great car. I get compliments all the time.

10-06-2015, 08:15 PM
So after a few months with the car, no rust spotted which I'm really glad and hope it doesn't crawl out at all. Will update later.

04-09-2016, 06:53 PM
Here's a site thats mentions the recall. Apparently there isnt thick enough paint on some of those spots.


Captain Mazda
04-13-2016, 01:22 PM
Wow 3rd gen rusting already not good. Mazda didn't change

Not surprising, considering how cheap the 3rd gen build is.

08-19-2016, 10:04 AM
I'm in the same boat. Area beside the rear-view camera is rusting. After so many years, they can't make a car that does not rust after a year?
How do they not improve on their manufacturing process (w/ respect to rusting) after decades. My 2006 didn't rust like this.

Did they send the factory back through time?

If you want to let Mazda Canada know of your dismay
http://www.mazda.ca/MciWeb/displayPage.action?pageParameter=insidemazdaContac t

Jesus how cheap are these cars. That's pathetic. I'm starting to think I should have gone with the Golf.
This car better drive amazingly. I'm already missing my bmw.

06-26-2017, 02:32 PM
So I noticed rust on my gf's Mazda3. Hers is a sedan, manufactured in Mexico. Just wanted to share and remind people to check their cars.
It was only a small spot but thankfully Mazda took care of it under warranty.

Sucks there is still a rust issue, hopefully its only related to the trunk.



Captain Mazda
06-26-2017, 09:26 PM
Wow, those pics look like they could be from a Protege. Makes me really reconsider buying another Mazda in the future.

06-30-2017, 11:46 AM
So I noticed rust on my gf's Mazda3. Hers is a sedan, manufactured in Mexico. Just wanted to share and remind people to check their cars.
It was only a small spot but thankfully Mazda took care of it under warranty.

Sucks there is still a rust issue, hopefully its only related to the trunk.



Had the same area covered on my car under warranty.

07-04-2017, 02:54 PM
I also have a 2015 GT Sedan (Japanese built) and live in Ottawa. About six months ago I had rust issues coming out of the spot welds on the trunk lip area and it was taken care of by Mazda under the warranty. However, since then, more rust has appeared in three places: two near the trunk/plate lights and a rust spot on the rear passenger door interior. See the photos I have attached.

I actually leased this car and have one more year to go. I love this car and was actually going to buy it out at the end of the lease. But I will have to reconsider. Given that a rust spot is appearing inside the door, I suspect that the rust issue is not isolated to the trunk area. :flaming

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/4b3sbkkAml2PHc-3XI2NywaeI5tx7461e4xDKbq0AD4sdZIoRel04my7gA3i9qfdZ lcY_D6CCfsvdh_0gviZ8oHCx5k4cLQC2Rt6=w1551-h1244

10-12-2017, 02:39 PM
Hey all,

I have a 2014 Mazda 3 sport soul red and made in Japan,

I just bought it CPO certified and a month later have noticed some rust bubbling on the front wheel arches by the front bumper cover,

Looks like it wont be covered under warranty despite me just buying the car, really kicking my self for not inspecting that part closer and having any faith in Mazda products improving rust protection since my 2004 Mazda 3,

Does anyone else have any rust here? can this part have a long lasting repair? as of now its not very bad, and can the dealership help me?
Mazda Canada emailed me back and basically said I was SOL and gave me some wrong warranty dates

I just sprayed some corrosion free on the spot since

03-13-2018, 12:05 PM
Friendly Mazda rust tip: Remove the rear license plate bolts and get some vaseline or grease in the threaded holes, which Mazda appears to drill into the sheetmetal with no corrosion protection. At least on my daughter's 2016 Sport.

It remains to be seen if the newer Mazdas are as rust-prone as a couple generations ago. I suspect not. Some of the photos appearing in this forum appear to be "normal" surface rust caused by untreated paint nicks or environmental contamination like rail dust. I've owned Nissans and Hondas which did the same thing. Just give the car a little TLC using WD40, rubbing alcohol, touchup paint, wax, etc. and you'll be fine.

Bubbling paint is another matter. That goes deeper, and is usually the result of sloppy accident repairs or a factory defect in the primer. Spraying gunk on top of it does nothing. You need to sand it down to clean metal, then prime and paint.

To complete my rant, you definitely want to get the car oil sprayed if you drive in road salt and plan to keep it more than 5 years. If you don't like the grimy mess, limit it to the inner fenders, dog legs, rockers, subframes, and brake & fuel lines where it does the most good. Or use linseed oil thinned with solvent, which creeps everywhere before turning into a thin waxy film. Very good stuff. Avoid the rubberized black goo, unless you're starting with a very clean new car. It has a habit of hiding the problem, until one day it starts peeling off to reveal a rusty horror show underneath.

03-18-2018, 11:49 PM
I replaced my winter steelies with the OEM wheels and tires and tires today and I've noticed that there are a couple of rust spots along the suspension, bolts, and exhaust. There's also rust on the threads for the license plate bolts which I fixed by cleaning and painting it when I detailed my car before winter. There were also surface rusts along the bottom part of the doors which were thankfully removed by claying. I still wash my car at home on a weekly basis, along with a coat of wax every 2 weeks . Yes, I put my car on jack stands and also clean the underchassis but the rusting is still unavoidable.

My brother's 2010 BMW X3's underchassis that never had any rust protection nor any meticulous detaling looks a lot better than my car, LOL.

03-21-2018, 06:40 PM
These cars are rust buckets I know its not a 3rd gen but I had a 2013 gs sky and it also had rust issues I actually got rid of it because of that. I bought a 2011 2.5 that had been rust proofed yearly it makes a huge difference no rust at all on my 2011 which has more km than my 2013 had. my 2013 had 87,000km the 2011 has 151,000 rust proof your cars its worth it especailly in salty brine Ontario.

03-21-2018, 09:18 PM
These cars are rust buckets I know its not a 3rd gen but I had a 2013 gs sky and it also had rust issues I actually got rid of it because of that. I bought a 2011 2.5 that had been rust proofed yearly it makes a huge difference no rust at all on my 2011 which has more km than my 2013 had. my 2013 had 87,000km the 2011 has 151,000 rust proof your cars its worth it especailly in salty brine Ontario.

If these things are going to be driven in the winter, and one plans on keeping it for a while, I think its paramount they are Krowned. Even if bought used, it'll help slow the rust down.


03-23-2018, 11:20 PM
Just going to put my input in. I spray my car myself in the spring and fall when switching my tires over. 2 cans in the spring and 4 in the fall. 240k on my gen one and no rust. I buy the cans from TSC on sale so this costs me around $30 a year for both sprays. Just a tip if you want to save money.

03-29-2018, 05:40 PM
My brother's 2010 BMW X3's underchassis that never had any rust protection nor any meticulous detaling looks a lot better than my car, LOL.

BMW, Volvo and VW/Audi use a higher quality steel than anything else out there. The undercarriage of my six-year-old S80 still looks brand new.

03-30-2018, 04:30 PM
Anyone else are having issues with rust bubbles? They are all over the roof of my 2015. And those aren’t rock chips. I can post pictures later. I also noticed bubbling around the top of the back license plate... this is pretty shitty... seems like they haven’t quite fixed the rust issue and it honestly turns me off from Mazda.... :’(

04-13-2018, 09:23 AM
Anyone else are having issues with rust bubbles? They are all over the roof of my 2015. And those aren’t rock chips. I can post pictures later. I also noticed bubbling around the top of the back license plate... this is pretty shitty... seems like they haven’t quite fixed the rust issue and it honestly turns me off from Mazda.... :’(

I have those on my 2011 2.5 I actually just noticed them and the previous owner went crazy with the rust proofing small tiny rust bubbles all over the roof. that's a shame that your car has them and is only 3 years old. I wonder what causes it.

06-17-2018, 08:58 AM
I've dealt with these on all three Mazda 3's that I've owned since 2005. Doesn't sound like it's gotten any better in newer generations. :(

07-17-2018, 10:38 AM
Older seem to have the same issue. Rear wheelwells where the rear bumper end. Not sure if 2014 + will be the same.
Its the way the metal is bent to form a space that can hold debris (sand, grit and salt)..your little rust cesspool.
Ive been having Krown spray my 2012 every year and so far only unattended hood chips have shown a spot of rust.
Yes im lazy....

06-10-2019, 05:29 PM
BMW, Volvo and VW/Audi use a higher quality steel than anything else out there. The undercarriage of my six-year-old S80 still looks brand new.

I didn't have any rust at all on my 2010 with over 120,000km, not even if I climbed under the thing. Maybe I sold it in time? I drove it all winter. I think it's luck of the draw more than anything, it's clear some of this steel is either poorly galvanized or contaminated. Most people are reporting rust bubbling up under the paint, that's perforation, no oil spray is going to help with that (and since cars are galvanized, it's debatable if oil is really that effective newer cars). Personally, I'd call noticeable body rust on a car under 10 years old to be totally unacceptable. This thread really makes me think twice about buying another Mazda, because the type of rust you guys are describing is not something you can do much to prevent.

06-27-2019, 05:09 PM
i got a 2018 GT Hatch this year, and i already noticed what looked like rust where the rear plate is screwed in. Took it to Krown rustproofing straight away.

Captain Mazda
06-28-2019, 10:05 AM
Mine is still 100% rust-free; 8 years old and driven every winter. Krowned every year since 2013. A lot of it has to do with good practices and maintenance habits.

06-28-2019, 11:47 AM
Mine is still 100% rust-free; 8 years old and driven every winter. Krowned every year since 2013. A lot of it has to do with good practices and maintenance habits.

same here ...Krowned since 2013 and winter driven ... Still get some nuts and bolts that are rusted ...but its just surface rust and thats it

08-05-2019, 08:17 PM
Luck has it... I too have a Japanese built 3 (only the GT is assembled there so I'm told) which has identical rust issues as to what's being posted. There's brake dust rust or rail dust rust alllll over the body but the trunk itself holy shit.

A bunch of rust spots above and around the license plate which are actually bubbling.

Also have rust around the trunk seal as well.
Mines a 2017 Mazda3 GT beginning with JM1BN1W33H...

Have pics but not sure how to post them from my phone.

I guess the only way would be to keep it parked in garage and dry it off after every rain fall lol

Mine's a GT from Japan but I don't think there's relevance here. Doesn't Japan also have cold winters with snow? My car was not driven at all this whole winter but parked outside. 7800km after 8 months. 20143GTowner man you're in worse shape than I am but I haven't looked in the engine bay yet. We'll see what Mazda has to say... Maybe I made the wrong choice over the BRZ/WRX lol