View Full Version : PhotoBlocker Spray

10-15-2004, 01:11 AM
Anyone here planning on getting that stff that prevents cops from taking pics of your plates??

Looks like it really works! But i hear if you get caught, you can get like CRAZY @$$ fines and up to like a month in jail and have your licence suspended for like 6 months!! (or at least i think hat\'s what they said on the news)

10-15-2004, 01:15 AM
just drive smart, and it will work better than spray... and no jail time.

10-15-2004, 01:24 AM
CFTO (Channel 8) did a special on it with Pat Foran: Consumer Report, about 2 days ago. They did some tests with it. Applied 3 coats of it on a license plate and continously took photos of the car & plate as it drove by. The conclusion is that it works 50% of the time as on some photos you can see the plate clearly and others you can\'t see it at all.

The PhotoSpray blocker is available at a store in the GTA called \"Spy Tech\", I have no idea where it is but they were interviwing the salesman there. They go for $35-$40 a bottle which is good for an application of 2 cars at 3 coats a piece.

The redlight cameras in the GTA can be blocked while the cameras on the 407 cannot since they use different technology.

The fine if you get caught using it is $1000 & possible jail time but getting caught with it is a little hard to believe. When was the last time a cop pulled you over and examined what you have on your plate?

My take on it? It works 50%, which is good enough, you take your chances instead of being caught 100%. But it all starts with the driver...running redlights isn\'t very smart to start with.

When Daulton McG introduces photo radar cameras, then I will try the product for sure.

10-15-2004, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by RedRaptor
When Daulton McG introduces photo radar cameras, then I will try the product for sure.

He has already done so..... there are 10 cameras throughout TO on rotation through over 38 dangerous intersections. They have been active for about 2 months now.

So far, Toronto, Peel Waterloo and Hamilton regions have participated.

More interesting info on redlight camera stuff can be found in Toronto Saturday Star Article (http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&call_pageid=971358637177&c=Article&c id=1097273433100).

10-15-2004, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by Xenon

He has already done so..... there are 32 cameras through the GTA on rotation through over 50 dangerous intersections. They have been active for about 2 months now.

Are you thinking Photo radar? or Red light camera?


10-15-2004, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by firstmazda

Originally posted by Xenon

He has already done so..... there are 10 cameras throughout TO on rotation through over 38 dangerous intersections. They have been active for about 2 months now.

Are you thinking Photo radar? or Red light camera?


Red light cameras... read my updated post. Check out that TO Star Article.

10-15-2004, 02:09 AM
Yeah, I go with RedRaptor on that one, I don\'t plan on running any reds but when photo radar comes about, I\'d be more interested in using it.

A co-worker of mine got a red light infraction notice early this year, what was stupid what in the series of photos (3 i think) i OBVIOUSLY shows he was making a RIGHT TURN!!!


10-15-2004, 02:34 AM
Speaking of photo radar I heard from a buddy of mine who\'s friend got a ticket in the mail many years ago showing his plate and the speed. The guy sent the MTO a picture of the money. :D

10-15-2004, 02:37 AM
haha I heard that story... then the police sent him a picture of handcuffs :p

Moderator Edit: Moved to General Lounge.

10-15-2004, 03:15 AM
im pastin this from an email called red light cameras are up

Just a quick heads up that the new Red Light Camera\'s are up and

Below are the intersections that have them installed.

Take a look below for any intersections that may be on your path to
or from work and take it easy. If it takes a picture of you in
violation you could get a $190.00 fine in the mail.

ALbion Rd & Finch Ave
Finch Ave & Kipling Ave
Dixon Rd & Islington Ave
Dixon Rd & Martin Grove Rd
Eglinton Ave & Martin Grove Rd
The Queensway & Royal York Rd
Finch Ave & Weston Rd
Finch Ave & Jane St
Dufferin St & Steeles Ave
Allen Rd & Sheppard Ave
Bathurst St & Finch Ave
Bridgeland Ave & Dufferin St
Weston Rd & Lawrence Ave
Dundas St & Keele St
Dufferin St & Eglinton Ave
Dufferin St & St Clair Ave
Yonge St & Eglinton Ave
Yonge St & York Mills Rd
Dufferin St & Bloor St
Bloor St & Bathurst St
University Ave & Gerrard St
Yonge St Steeles Ave
Yonge St Finch Ave
Finch Ave & Don Mills Rd
Eglinton Ave E & Don Mills Rd
Eglinton Ave E & Laird Dr
Yonge St & Wellesley St
Lakeshore Blvd E/B & Yonge St
Yonge St & Richmond St
York St & Lakeshore Blvd
University Ave & Gerrard St
Danforth Ave & Broadview Ave
St Clair & Victoria Park Ave
Lawrence Ave & Victoria Park Ave
Eglinton Ave & Pharmacy Ave
Eglinton Ave & Markham Rd
Lawrence Ave & Warden Ave
Ellesmere Rd & Brimley Rd
Ellesmere Rd & Markham Rd
Lawrence Ave & Markham Rd
Steeles Ave & Warden Ave
Brimley Rd & Huntingwood Dr
Kingston Rd & Morningside Ave
McCowan & Lawrence Ave

Derry Rd & Hurontario (Hwy 10)
Derry Rd & Dixie Rd
Dundas & Dixie Rd

Bovaird & Dixie Rd
Goreway & Steeles Ave
Dixie & Steeles Ave

10-15-2004, 04:23 AM
MazdaTree, thanks for that.. I\'ll keep an eye out. Some of those have been functioning for years though-- like the one at Yonge & Steeles.

10-15-2004, 09:24 AM
somehwere i read that if you take your plate and print it out on a good ink jet or a laser, it will be that much harder to get a pci (no reflection) but i dunno how it works in practice..

red light cams are good.. once i got \"flashed\" twice b/c i came to an abrupt stop at the intersection and triggered the cam. i was shitting my pants b/c i didn\'t wnat to get a ticket for something i didn\'t really do..

photo radars.. omg.. what a cash grab.. and if mcguilty ;) thinks otherwise.. he\'s just trying to fool himself.. i\'d much rather get a photoradar ticket than get clocked by a cop and see the points drop..

question about photo radar.. if u are the only owner.. and the only driver on yoru insurance.. can they just give you the points directly or does a cop have to be present for that?

10-15-2004, 11:33 AM
What if u lent the car to someone and THEY got the red light or the radar? waht happens? how do they prove it\'s you? or how do WE fight that?

10-15-2004, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Xenon

Originally posted by RedRaptor
When Daulton McG introduces photo radar cameras, then I will try the product for sure.

He has already done so..... there are 10 cameras throughout TO on rotation through over 38 dangerous intersections. They have been active for about 2 months now.

So far, Toronto, Peel Waterloo and Hamilton regions have participated.

More interesting info on redlight camera stuff can be found in Toronto Saturday Star Article (http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&call_pageid=971358637177&c=Article&c id=1097273433100).

I believe you are talking about red light cameras (used to catch red light runners) while I am talking about photo radar cameras (used to catch people speeding). Red light cameras have been in use for a while. While photo radar was introduced by the Harris government before and McG and the Libs might bring it back.

10-15-2004, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by Xenon

He has already done so..... there are 10 cameras throughout TO on rotation through over 38 dangerous intersections. They have been active for about 2 months now.

So far, Toronto, Peel Waterloo and Hamilton regions have participated.

More interesting info on redlight camera stuff can be found in Toronto Saturday Star Article (http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&call_pageid=971358637177&c=Article&c id=1097273433100).

Isn\'t there at least one in Halton Region? I think Dundas and Trafalgar has one.

10-15-2004, 12:25 PM
FYI, Spy Tech is at 2028 Yonge Street.

10-15-2004, 03:05 PM
Best advise is to obey the law. Plus it will save you $$$$.

MazdaTree, thanks for the listing of Red Light cameras.

10-15-2004, 10:43 PM
The toronto, peel cameras are listed online (it\'s easy to find).

If anyone wants the hamilton ones I can post them.