View Full Version : New Affiliation Coming Soon...

10-18-2004, 10:43 PM
We have a new affiliation coming.....

Winter Tires... HID Kits... and More in the Spring....

Details to be announced in the TM3 Affiliations List (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=313) At 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, on Tuesday, October 19th...

10-19-2004, 01:22 PM
The new affiliate has now been listed in the TM3 Affiliates List.

10-20-2004, 04:10 PM
Our new affiliate will be attending meet #6.

Details about the affiliation can be found in the TM3 Affiliation List Thread (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=313).

10-20-2004, 06:28 PM
hey xenon.. maybe you can get some info on this..

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Technical details of failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 13): 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn\'t have a yahoo.com account (e-spec04@yahoo.com) [-15] - mta139.mail.sc5.yahoo.com

was trying to e-mail our new affiliate but no dice.. maybe he\'ll respond here..

my e-mail to him.. that bounced

Hello Ed,

this is majic from toronto mazda3 club.. i saw this thread
where you have listed 4 sets of winter tires. my questions are..

do you have the Hankook W300 in 205/55/16?
if so how much (with the steelies 5x114.3) for a set of 4?
also if you do have them, would they be available for pick up asap, or
would they have to be ordered?
what is the estimated wait time?
do you accept visa/amex/mc/debit/cash?
where abouts are you located?

sorry for the bombardment with questions. I will post the responses on
the board for the rest of the members to benefit. thank you,


10-20-2004, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by majic

hey xenon.. maybe you can get some info on this..

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Technical details of failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 13): 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn\'t have a yahoo.com account (e-spec04@yahoo.com) [-15] - mta139.mail.sc5.yahoo.com

was trying to e-mail our new affiliate but no dice.. maybe he\'ll respond here..

my e-mail to him.. that bounced

Hello Ed,

this is majic from toronto mazda3 club.. i saw this thread
where you have listed 4 sets of winter tires. my questions are..

do you have the Hankook W300 in 205/55/16?
if so how much (with the steelies 5x114.3) for a set of 4?
also if you do have them, would they be available for pick up asap, or
would they have to be ordered?
what is the estimated wait time?
do you accept visa/amex/mc/debit/cash?
where abouts are you located?

sorry for the bombardment with questions. I will post the responses on
the board for the rest of the members to benefit. thank you,


My apologies... his email is e_spec04@yahoo.com not with a dash.

In response to your email, we have 16\" Hankook W604\'s in our affiliateship. These 604\'s are of better quality than the 300\'s you requested in your email. Also please note that the affiliations is effective as of October 30th. He still has to setup pricing and prepare for our affiliation before he can give us his special pricing.

10-20-2004, 07:36 PM
yeah.. i thought so.. sent him an e-mail soon after this reply..

These 604\'s are of better quality than the 300\'s you requested in your email

better quality is subjective.. the 300s have more sipes and are H/V rated vs the Q rated 604s.. that\'s 210/240kph vs 160.. not that i need to drive that fast but it suggests MUCH MUCH softer tire (from talking to tiretrends guys) thus it will wear out faster.. in other words the w300s are better for me :p

10-20-2004, 08:18 PM
Well we agreed on the 604\'s... whether or not he will grant you affiliate pricing on the 300\'s is up to his discression.

10-21-2004, 10:04 AM
looks like another nice tire at a wicked price :D

hay Maciej
i do have the W300 in 205/55-16 with steels as well but the price will be different
it will be $645 a set tax in. Usually it only take us 2 days to get the order ready.
So if u want it first, i can order for u tomorrow and i might able to have them by tomorrow or firday. Once i got it i can even ship it to your door.
right now i am only taking cash.
our shop is not ready to open yet so just call us at 647-831-6228
so please tell ur friend or people at the from about us and if u have any more quesitons just keep email me or call me~~ i will answer all of them since we are the affiliation supplier for the TM3 club so we do what ever we could~~
wait for your order..