View Full Version : MP3 Player Question

10-19-2004, 12:09 AM
Hey everyone, I am new to posting, sorry if I am asking about something already covered...but...

I am interested in installing a hard drive based mp3 player. Something along the lines of the phatnoise players mentioned in the link below.
Has anyone installed a unit in their Mazda 3? If so, what did you buy and how much did it cost?

10-19-2004, 01:51 AM
You have to be careful with that...

That is a Mazda USA article.... for 2005, the Mazda\'s in the US get a totally different radio system than the canadian 3\'s. On the outside, it looks the same, but on the inside, the components are different.

Mazda USA redid the American radio to incorporate Phatbox and Sirius Sattilite Radio. Ours have no such modifications. Compatability may be an issue. You may want to email Mazda Canada to see whether or not PhatBox can be installed in our radio system.

10-19-2004, 08:20 AM
Well, I just went over the the PhatNoise website (http://www.phatnoise.com) and found out that the PhatBox for a Ford starts at $799USD. Mmmm, I\'ll pass.