View Full Version : Extra Notches on HVAC?

11-12-2004, 09:02 PM
I\'ve been trying to look for the answer for this question throughout this forum, but i couldn\'t seem to find it, so here goes. Has anyone noticed that there are extra notches between the selector that directs the airflow? I mean the one you turn to select air to the feet/face, face only, feet/windshield, windshield only, feet only, etc. What do those notches IN BETWEEN these selections do? I\'ve read the manual once before, but i got confused...:( Well I go to York, what can i say?:hoho


11-12-2004, 09:44 PM
The owner\'s manual is pretty vague on the subject as well, all it says is \"If you want to slightly adjust the airflow amount, set the mode selector dial at l\"

Rrright. I guess it means some vague setting in between the two adjacent settings.

11-13-2004, 04:10 AM
I had tried it out a few times and it appears to cut the air flow by half.

11-14-2004, 08:13 PM
I use the | all the time.... To my understanding (and feel by hand), if you select in between \"face only\" and \"face/feet\", you get more airflow to your face than the \"face/feet\" option.

Assume \"face/feet\" gives 50% face and 50% feet, the \"|\" between \"face only\" and \"face/feet\" would give 75% face and 25% feet..... just for example.... actual airflow amount unknown.

Got the idea?