View Full Version : No respect for people like this...
The girl (whom I had the below convo with) along with her bf are both VISA students. They both drive Civics... girl\'s is stock but she wants to mod (I\'m talking TURBO here)... the bf\'s is tuned to like 240hp and goes tracking ... and taunts WRX\'s, STI\'s, z350\'s, etc. ...
Yesterday she was asking me to go race her at the track... I\'m like... NO...
They both rent out a house I believe... living together, just the two of them...
After the below convo, I just lost all respect for her.
wtom says:
you at home? day off?
?? says:
wtom says:
oh ic ic... your bf?
?? says:
in the other room and playing Need 4 speed
wtom says:
what the... when does he work?
?? says:
day off with me......
?? says:
in the same school and class
wtom says:
what the... then how do you guys make money to pay for everything?
?? says:
?? says:
visa student.....dun remember?????????
11-16-2004, 01:01 PM
+1 respect for people who are handed things and play it off like it ain\'t no thing.
11-16-2004, 01:45 PM
Well, you can\'t blame them too much, that\'s the way that they were brough up. Give them time, they\'ll soon realize the value of money and how hard their parents had to work in order to give them the life that they are now enjoying.
God, do I feel old. :(
Can the realization that a life like that is NOT the way to go and we should feel OBLIGATED to take responsibility of our own goals in life (as opposed to having the finances handed down like a baby bottle), be one of the BIG factors in determine who is actually MATURE?
Otherwise, in my eyes, being bottle fed like that just shows how big of a baby some people are.
I just can\'t get my mind out of this kind of lifestyle that some people take for granted. This is how a kid and a young teen lives! Jebus...
As for being old, back to the maturity thing; some of us just realize this kind of independance earlier than others, and I would respect MORE, those of us who realize it earlier as opposed to those who anxiously wait for their parents\' next big bank transfer.
My parents sometimes offer me money to help pay for x but I will say no thanks. I know it\'s weird but I WANT to handle my own finances. If I fail, then I learn WHY I fail and build up my finances all over again. It\'s happened... I was 21... I\'ve learnt my lesson...
... or have I? Now I\'m modding my car... Noooooooooooooooooooo :)
EDIT: BTW, feel free to rebute against me; seriously! It only helps me understand both sides better. I mean, I can say I leech of my parents; I\'m living under their shelter expenses, food expenses (for the two or three times that I do eat dinner at home), water, heat, energy...
11-16-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by wtom
EDIT: BTW, feel free to rebute against me; seriously! It only helps me understand both sides better. I mean, I can say I leech of my parents; I\'m living under their shelter expenses, food expenses (for the two or three times that I do eat dinner at home), water, heat, energy...
Now, now!!!
Here\'s an old adage I found,
Be and continue poor, young man, while others around you grow
rich by fraud and disloyalty; be without place or power, while
others beg their way upward; bear the pain of disappointed
hopes, while others gain the accomplishment of theirs by
flattery; forego the gracious pressure of the hand for which
others cringe and crawl. Wrap yourself in your own virtue, and
seek a friend and your daily bread. If you have in such a
course grown gray with unblemished honor, bless God, and die.
11-16-2004, 05:26 PM
No offense, but what you are saying makes no sense. So you would give a girl
respect because she takes her hot car to the track? But you wouldn\'t respect the
same girl if she just drove her hot car normally for everyday use?
I don\'t understand why you would be annoyed by a girl that drives a high end car
but they don\'t know much about the car. Where in the car contact does it state the
owner of a car has to \"know anything about the car\"? This makes no sense.
With all due respect, I would see why you have would have no problem with mommy
and daddy buying their son and daughter a car. But your \"within reasonable limits\"
is subjective. Why is it that you didn\'t ask for a low end Civic or a Toyota Echo
instead of a Mazda3? Isn\'t having a car to drive \"within reasonable limits\" to most
people? Why would you need a Mazda3 fully loaded hatchback? See how \"within reasonable limits\"
is SUBJECTIVE to most people?
For the record, there is nothing wrong with the TTC. What exactly are your compliants
about it? You pay $2.25 CDN for a ride to pretty much anywhere in the GTA. I don\'t
know about you but what do you expect for $2.25 a ride?
This has nothing to do with being a VISA student. Not all VISA students are this way.
If you think you haven\'t had an easy, then let me be the first one to tell you that
you have had it easy. Honestly, you are old enough to manage your time while studying
and having fun at the sametime. Thats something I learned to do in UofT Engineering
very well. What do you study anyways that would require you to be at the books 24/7
and not be able to hold a steady parttime job? Seems like you\'re using the \"I am a
student\" line for justification. Use it all you want, but one day you\'ll realize
you can\'t hide behind it forever.
Incase you didn\'t know, the mods on cars don\'t even cost a fraction of what the
actual car costs. I know because I bought my own car with my own money and I have
bought mods for it. My parents offered to put down the downpayment for me or pay off
my school loans so that I could save up money. But I said NO, I want to pay
my OSAP back first myself and then buy my own car. Thats my own choice of course
and I don\'t regret it one bit, because through that experience I understand how
to take care of myself by managing my own money.
The bottom is, what bothers me is you have no point in your post. You are quick to
\"stone\" a girl who doesn\'t know how powerful her car is, but you would worship a
girl if she knew her car specs and took it to the track. Let me ask you this, do you
know anything about interior design? What if your mommy and daddy brought in this
famous interior designer and remodeled your room. But you, being not familar with
just how \"nice\" your room looks, don\'t really give a second thought on what was done.
Its no different than a girl who wants a car to drive but her dad insisted she get an
Audi S4 instead of an A4.
Your friend who wants a 50k is no different than you. She isn\'t buying the car herself
but instead of your 40k budget, she has a 50k budget. So WHY are you judging her?
Can\'t you see that 50k to her parents might be like 40k to your parents? When its all
said and done, mommy and daddy bought you both the car.
Umm... I think I\'m gonna stop starting threads that are known to cause fights... any know any security guards who are free to attend our Meet #7 in case this topic opens up that day? :D
Man, why am I always the one to start sh*t... :p
11-16-2004, 07:10 PM
There is nothing \"heated\", so don\'t cry about it. We are simply exchanging opinions. But honestly re-read your post again and you would realized that you have failed to respond to my key points. Not only do you not answer my questions but then you claim that I have a problem with \"people who give respect to ppl who enjoy their cars\". Did I say that? I aked, why would you give a girl more respect because they \"enjoy\" their cars.
Then you go on to make the assumption that I think I\'m \"better\" than people who didn\'t buy their own Mazda3.
This a joke and rather childish, sorry but I have nothing to add to my point since you have made all the assumptions for me and put words in my mouth.
11-16-2004, 07:44 PM
Shame on you!!! :D
11-16-2004, 09:27 PM
Sigh... Some of us are born more \"with more resources\" than others. Most of our parents have, at some point in their lives, made enormous sacrifices for the sake of our well-being. They have all worked hard so that their children could have very comfortable lives. I have no problem with that. I have a problem when that child decides that they are better than another.
Airman Jack
11-17-2004, 09:45 AM
I\'m with autoexe on this one!! speaking of which.... who lives downtown and would want to grab a beer after meet 7 after ditching the cars/girlfriends? :p
12-03-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by wtom
The girl (whom I had the below convo with) along with her bf are both VISA students. They both drive Civics... girl\'s is stock but she wants to mod (I\'m talking TURBO here)... the bf\'s is tuned to like 240hp and goes tracking ... and taunts WRX\'s, STI\'s, z350\'s, etc. ...
Yesterday she was asking me to go race her at the track... I\'m like... NO...
They both rent out a house I believe... living together, just the two of them...
After the below convo, I just lost all respect for her.
wtom says:
you at home? day off?
?? says:
wtom says:
oh ic ic... your bf?
?? says:
in the other room and playing Need 4 speed
wtom says:
what the... when does he work?
?? says:
day off with me......
?? says:
in the same school and class
wtom says:
what the... then how do you guys make money to pay for everything?
?? says:
?? says:
visa student.....dun remember?????????
Back to the original post:
I understand that spending excessive amounts of money on ones car when it isn\'t your own is irresponsible. But as for working, there are strict rules for VISA students where they are not allowed to work unless it is school related such as on Campus jobs or Internships. It is a study VISA and not a Work VISA.
12-03-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by keving
Sigh... Some of us are born more \"with more resources\" than others. Most of our parents have, at some point in their lives, made enormous sacrifices for the sake of our well-being. They have all worked hard so that their children could have very comfortable lives. I have no problem with that. I have a problem when that child decides that they are better than another.
Yes sir!!!
Nothing wrong with a parent helping a child...The problem is when the child doesn\'t appreciate the help he/she gets...
When I was 20 I made a mistake and got a girl pregnant...We married and had the child and my parent\'s offered to watch the boy while we worked...They helped with diapers and many other things...Could I have said \"N0\"...Yea, but why...We needed the help and we both really appreciated...Without the help I\'m sure we would have survived, but it would have been very difficult...This way we had some extra cash around to enjoy life and to actually relax a bit....
So you guys that are saying you didn\'t money from mom and dad, don\'t act so high and mighty...If my dad came up to me today and said \"Here\'s 25 grand to help pay off your house\" I sure as hell wouldn\'t say no...I\'d take it, because only a fool turns down cash...The difference is how you behave with that cash...
I would agree that a lot of kids who are handed things end up being big babies, but that isn\'t just because they were handed stuff....They were never taught to appreciate those things they received...
Right now I have two boys and I\'d bend over backwards to help them...They are my kids and I want them to be happy and successful...The trick is to always have them appreciate the help...
12-12-2004, 09:06 PM
I agree with the above, But at the same time I couldnt take money from my parents, probably cause they are not rich themselves, if they were then I probably would take money fromt them but they\'re not so I wont. But yeah there is nothing wrong with taking money from your parents, but as was mentioned make sure you appreciate it. My buddy get everything handed to him. Has a 2005 Cadalac XLR convertible probably around 100 g\'s and a 2002 firebird t-top, goes away on vacations about 3 times a year and is in University. He\'s still pretty level headed and nice, but doesnt appreciate his things as much as I do my things, and his are alot nicer. I think theres a difference when you work for what you have. Just my oppinion.
12-12-2004, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by AfterBurner
Back to the original post:
I understand that spending excessive amounts of money on ones car when it isn\'t your own is irresponsible. But as for working, there are strict rules for VISA students where they are not allowed to work unless it is school related such as on Campus jobs or Internships. It is a study VISA and not a Work VISA.
This is a point I was about to bring up. For the record, I\'m one of the visa students you\'re talking about. I currently drive a 2004 Mazda 3 GT w/ GFX package w/o leather. Now....did I pay for this, my parents covered the downpayment and insurance paid the rest of the payment. Did I pay for my previous car (91 Honda Accord), I did not, so technically, my parents paid for the entire downpayment and will help make most of my monthly payments as well .
Now....would I have liked to pay for my own car....hell yeah. Do I like the fact that my parents are paying for my car (and basically my life, since I can\'t afford rent or tuition), no I don\'t. I currently have two jobs to try and help out with things (they are both on campus because immigration rules state I can\'t get a job offcampus). So I make maybe 600 dollars a month from those TWO jobs. Swell, I can pay for my car payment, but not insurance or anything else. Maybe if I worked Fulltime I could make my payments, but unfortunately I do need to concentrate on school.
Now, my parents already have issues with me having two jobs. Why? well, they dish out $1200 dollars per course and would like me to worry about the courses and not trying to help out with the bills. I appreciate that a lot and when I\'m done with school, I won\'t be forgetting all their love and generosity, OSAP would be helpful for tuition, but of course we\'re international and I don\'t qualify for any other aid, so it\'s either my parents pay, or I don\'t go to school.
K.....should I have bought such a nice car (fully loaded Mazda 3)....maybe not. But here\'s the deal. I\'ve been brought up to keep cars for more than a few years. I would still be driving my 91 Accord with 308,000 km\'s if it weren\'t for the accident. I\'ll probably drive my mazda until it dies or I\'m in a position to replace it myself. I to was looking at cheaper and older cars but I tell you, after driving my Honda for 5 years, maintenance on older cars is not cheap. Not only that, there\'s the hastle of taking the car in and all that. It was my parents idea to get a new car so I could have less to worry about.
K.....should I have said no to them when they offered to by me a car and told me to find something I wouldn\'t mind driving for the next 10 to 15 years. I suppose I could have and said I\'d like to take the bus (if I lived in TO I might have, but here in St. Catharines we don\'t have very good transit). My parents know what they\'re doing when they offer to pay for something, if they can\'t afford it, they don\'t offer. I would be stupid to say no and frankly my parents would probably think it was dumb as well. I appreciate what they\'ve done for me and like I said, I will help them when I\'m able as much as I can.
It\'s sad that a lot of VISA students don\'t appreciate the help they receive, but don\'t think that we\'re all that way. For most of us, if there was another way to make money, I\'m sure we\'d all do it. But we don\'t have that luxury (yes, I use the term luxury).
Anyways....I\'ll stop my rant. I just get heated because I tend to have to defend my situation a lot to people because I don\'t have the money-making opportunities that they have. Just remember that there are never tons of jobs on campuses and there are many, many international students vying for those jobs. I have one of the best jobs on campus, but I\'m limited to a maximum of 10 hours a week, because there are many other people working that job.
Another thing is that the Canadian government limits VISA students from working more than 20 hours a week during any given school year. The only difference is during the summer, but job availability, and job hours are still limited. Just make sure you know a students entire situation before labeling them as lazy and unappreciative.
12-13-2004, 12:03 AM
boy, im sure i dont want to be a VISA student. but i like to be a MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS perhaps.....:)
12-13-2004, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by aabase
boy, im sure i dont want to be a VISA student. but i like to be a MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS perhaps.....:)
Uhmmm... nice try to lighten things up.
I just wish you came up with something funny. hehehe :D
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