View Full Version : Brake Pedal Noise

10-21-2016, 01:17 PM
So I noticed this after doing my brakes but haven't had time to inquire.

Whenever I depress the brakes fully and bring it back up, I heard this sort of metal noise sorta like a spring when releasing. The brakes work fine and stop adequately. I should mention that when I was changing my rear pads, I had to bleed the left brakes because I couldn't compress the piston with my needle nose plyers (ended up borrowing the piston tool to help). Just throwing that thought out there. Any thoughts?

10-21-2016, 02:05 PM
Sounds like something is sticking and is released by the wheel spinning. I get that noise if the pad sticks to the rotor. I'd check for that first.

11-17-2016, 05:01 PM
thank you dubcee, bleed is the same as flush? Would this be the best thing to try before checking calipers? After they replaced my front pads and rotors, they should have noticed any issue with those calipers then correct? If it ended up being a caliper issue it should only be related to the rear calipers right?