View Full Version : Fuel Range, 2016 Mazda 3

12-03-2016, 11:55 AM
Hey guys, so I have just completed a full tank and with a mix of city/hwy 70/30 I was able to get around 550KM a tank, that does not seem that great.
Certainly not the average I was told to expect....thats 11L/100KM.
Anyone else have an average they would share>>???

12-03-2016, 11:58 AM
That's like driving my Mazda 3 gx 2011 lol I get the same

12-03-2016, 05:11 PM
Assuming you're not going to the point the gas light is on, so probably around 40 litres..


Divide top and bottom by 5.5
7.3/100km, which is what you should expect for mostly city driving.

Even if you used every drop of that 50L tank and stranded on the side of the road it would be 50/5.5 = 9.1. Not 11. I doubt this is your situation. You're likely between 7.3 and 8. Which is the city expectation.


12-03-2016, 05:37 PM
Just use Fuelly and be done with the calculations.

No guessing! Enter distance travelled with quantity of fuel added, price and optional notes.

12-05-2016, 12:55 PM
Hey guys, so I have just completed a full tank and with a mix of city/hwy 70/30 I was able to get around 550KM a tank, that does not seem that great.
Certainly not the average I was told to expect....thats 11L/100KM.
Anyone else have an average they would share>>???

Your maths is wrong. You divide litres by kms travelled, not the other way around.

Also, what size engine?

Finally, individual driving habits and the area in which you drive have so much variations that it is fairly pointless to compare to anyone else. The only thing you could compare is a cruise-control set highway drive.

Learn to calculate correctly, write out the numbers after each fill-up (or use the fuelly app) and over time you'll see.

In my experience, it has quite good fuel economy. Highway rated mileage is achievable, city - heck no, not with living in the heart of the city (Toronto) with stop-and-go traffic.

12-05-2016, 01:45 PM
When I picked up my new 2016 Mazda 3 GS Auto in spring, I wanted to know how much KM I can get until low fuel light comes on.
I can't remember the exact distance but it was somewhere between 550~600KM. I can't remember at what point low fuel light came on...?

With my previous vehicle, 2005 Civic 4AT, low fuel light would come on after using up just about 40L of gas which resulted in anywhere from 480km(hard driving) to 550KM on easy driving. After retiring the Civic after 10.5 years of driving... it still returned just over 500KM with 40L of gas.

With this 2016 Mazda 3, I don't know how estimate Km is calculated but... when I fill it up to top, sometimes I shows 700KM range, sometimes around 600KM range. But in reality... I think I average around 550+km. Information according to car tells me... my over all average is 7.2L/100KM.

Either way, I like to drive until low fuel light shows up once every few months, just to see what my real world numbers are.

12-05-2016, 01:51 PM
By the way,

(L fueled) divide by (KM driven) times 100 = L/100KM.

ex, (40L / 550KM) x 100 = 7.3L/100KM

12-05-2016, 03:54 PM
I drive until low fuel light pretty much all the time. There is still a large reserve remaining, over 10L (25% of the tank capacity). I'll tell you this much, that I got 780 kms on the drive from Toronto to NYC, and could've pushed it to 800. But I was driving on the low fuel light for some time. My average consumption was 5.7 L / 100 kms at about 110 - 115 km/h.

12-06-2016, 02:31 PM
Yes my light was one, so I filled a exactly a dollar a litre and she took 34L. So is my reserve really 15L? Tank is 40L or 50L? I have the GX 6 speed Man....

12-06-2016, 03:42 PM
Tank is 50 litres.

34/5.5 = 6.18L/100km if you went 550km. Love Skyactive

12-06-2016, 04:21 PM
Yes my light was one, so I filled a exactly a dollar a litre and she took 34L. So is my reserve really 15L? Tank is 40L or 50L? I have the GX 6 speed Man....

The reserve is when you hit empty on the fuel gauge. Then there should be 10L left. When the light comes on it is just warning you that you are nearing the empty line.

12-29-2016, 04:31 PM
The SkyActive 2.0L is fantastic on fuel. My mother's gets 4-6L on the highway, depending on speed 100-130km/h while combined (mostly city for her) driving it's averaging 7L. Big difference compared to my '10 2.5 which is averaging 10L combined on winter fuel.