View Full Version : First real test on the KW19s

11-27-2004, 11:51 AM
Had to go to my Grandfather\'s funeral in Michigan on Thursday. On the drive down in Sarnia the roads were terrible. Blowing snow and black ice just for starters. Anyways I gotta say that the KW19\'s did the job and kept my 3 straight on the highway. I was going about 120 km/h. Meanwhile other morons were doing the same in their all seasons and some I passed by ended up in the ditch.

11-27-2004, 02:09 PM

Glad to hear the tires were worth the investment, and kept you safe. Sorry to hear about your grandfather.


11-27-2004, 08:25 PM
my condolences.

happy to hear about the kw19 since i invested on those as well.

12-04-2004, 12:35 AM
I finally got to test my Toyo SnowProxs today...drove up to Kingston to visit a friend at Queens. It was pretty snowy and slushy up there - much more so than Toronto. Also, on the way up at a service station there was a parking lot that was completely iced over - gave me the chance to test them a bit. They worked great! :)

12-04-2004, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by autoexe

They worked great! :)

oooooooooooh.. nice :sarc

umm thanks for your thorough review.. please skip most of the detail next time as vagueness portrays the most information.. bravo..

an example of a superb review:

i got injen cai... looks better than it sounds


12-04-2004, 01:09 AM
lol I wasn\'t really intending on writing a review...I just said I finally got the chance to test them and that they worked well.

- There\'s much less wheel hop on dry pavement compared to the Badyears
- Grips really well in wet and slushy conditions - much better than the Badyears in the rain
- Somewhat noisy driving on wet roads at highways speeds
- Pretty decent in ice too!