View Full Version : Rob C

04-09-2018, 10:54 PM
Hello everybody!!! I just purchased a 2011 speed 3!! I am so blown away by this vehicle!! Performance is unreal,sound system is great..there is nothing I do not like about this vehicle!! Possibly the best vehicle I have owned to date I hope it treats me well!!

04-10-2018, 05:36 PM
Welcome. The speed 3 is a fun car. Make sure to mod carefully.

Default User
04-11-2018, 06:28 PM
Welcome to the boards

Default User
04-11-2018, 06:28 PM
Welcome. The speed 3 is a fun car. Make sure to mod carefully.

Look who’s talking LOL

04-12-2018, 07:44 PM

04-13-2018, 09:59 PM
Mine is completely stock...don't intend to modify any time soon,but maybe at some point!

04-20-2018, 09:19 AM
Ah, those were the days. Before you read the forums, and fixed something small like the RMM. Then it's all downhill.

I said the same thing. And now I'm doing an engine build and turning it into a track car lol.

04-20-2018, 09:27 AM
If you were going to mod, and you don't want to do anything "too crazy" and which will still keep the car reliable (at least as reliable as an MS3 will be :)):

* HPFP upgrade
* Cobb AccessPort
* short ram intake + turbo inlet pipe
* rear motor mount

Get a conservative tune with the HPFP and intake, then be done. Change oil regularly with full synthetic (I like the Pennzoil Platinum 5w-30), and a good oil filter, and you're gold. If you want slightly nicer shifts, use the Ford XT-M5-QS fluid. I used Redline and it was OK, but I like the Ford better.

Leave everything else alone :) If the car has low KM, I would probably also recommend the EGR block off and delete to save the valves from getting build ups on them. My car was over 130k when I got it. I just recently tore the entire engine down. I had a cylinder 3 low compression, which a lot of people say is blown ringlands (which I suspect happens a lot on high boosted applications, etc). In my case, it was just the valves leaking due to them being really dirty. Not a big deal for a daily driver. You'd not even notice it.

Once you get much beyond the simple mods above, you start getting into the slippery slope :)

Or stay completely stock, and have fun! That's never terrible advice lol.

04-24-2018, 08:27 PM
Welcome aboard! Great for you finding the best car that suit your taste.

04-26-2018, 09:24 PM
Being the noon I am..I keep hearing a lot about the HPFP..which is what exactly? Lol

04-26-2018, 11:07 PM
Being the noon I am..I keep hearing a lot about the HPFP..which is what exactly? Lol

High Pressure Fuel Pump, or Cam Driven Fuel Pump. There is a fuel pump in the gas tank that pushes the fuel up to the engine, and then a fuel pump that is driven by the cam. The stock HPFP produces somewhere in the range of 1500-1600 psi peak, but in modified situations, this can lead to lean fuel situations (really bad for the engine, as it causes heat in the cylinders, detonation, etc). An upgraded HPFP results in upwards of 1800 psi, and can keep up with the fueling requirements needed when you start tuning the engine beyond stock.

It won't result in any more horsepower or torque from the engine (directly), but is more of an engine safety item that is typically one of the first things you should do prior to doing other engine upgrades so that you don't result in a lean fuel situation.

04-27-2018, 09:07 PM
Gotcha..thank you for the clarification..