View Full Version : Service/Repair Manuals on eBay

12-15-2004, 10:31 AM
Auction (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7941788338&catego ry=34226)

Apparently they are legitimate.

12-15-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by bluntman

Auction (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7941788338&catego ry=34226)

Apparently they are legitimate.

joe said it doesn\'t come on CD.

EDIT: unless someone scanned and PDF\'d the paper manual

12-15-2004, 11:12 AM
I remember that, but who knows, maybe the seller got his hands on a hardcopy and scanned it onto a CD.

12-15-2004, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by bluntman

I remember that, but who knows, maybe the seller got his hands on a hardcopy and scanned it onto a CD.

that\'s a helluva job! the one the techs use is HUGE!

12-15-2004, 11:25 AM
I guess that\'s why he\'s flooding eBay with auctions. :D

Can someone say \"labour of love\"? I call it obessive compulsive behaviour. :D

12-15-2004, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by bluntman

I guess that\'s why he\'s flooding eBay with auctions. :D

Can someone say \"labour of love\"? I call it obessive compulsive behaviour. :D

can someone say copyright violations :D let\'s see if mazda goes after him.

12-15-2004, 11:38 AM
\"(FULLY INDEXED and searchable)\" if true, implies that it\'s not PDF\'d b/c that would be a helluva MORE work to get OCR stuff done properly..

umm all we need is 1 copy right ;)

12-15-2004, 11:42 AM
umm all we need is 1 copy right

Yep and who\'s going to get it :p

12-15-2004, 12:07 PM
Well there\'s 380 members. We all pitch in and the make a \"off site\" backup copy and make sure everyone is backing up everyone else, just in case something happens to the original (it\'s like insurance) ;)

12-15-2004, 12:09 PM
can NEVER have too many backups.. look what happened to M3F..

12-15-2004, 02:29 PM
Watch this thread for a possible free copy...

Mazda3Forum thread (http://www.mazda3forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=153536#153536)

See, I\'m directing traffic towards M3F.com :p

12-15-2004, 02:37 PM
Bluntman, would you please stop posting links directing people off the TM3 site and to E-Bay instead. You\'re a mod for crying out loud. :p

12-15-2004, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by miggiddy

Bluntman, would you please stop posting links directing people off the TM3 site and to E-Bay instead. You\'re a mod for crying out loud. :p

it\'s ok.. maybe we can bring their server down with all the traffic :p

i went.. i saw.. i returned to TM3

12-15-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by MajesticBlueN
joe said it doesn\'t come on CD.
EDIT: unless someone scanned and PDF\'d the paper manual

I\'m sure the hard copies that the dealerships have originated from a soft copy.
Somebody must have typed it onto a file before it got published, right?
I think it\'s more likely that somebody leaked the soft copy...

12-15-2004, 10:33 PM
I\'m tempted to get one.

12-15-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by bluntman
I\'m tempted to get one.

I\'m tempted to get a copy from the guys at the other forum :p

12-16-2004, 07:33 AM
I\'m tempted to get a copy from anyone :p

12-17-2004, 12:23 AM
They say that to get rid of a tempation, you have to yield to it... ;)

Burn me a copy afterwards!

12-17-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by zRqTz

They say that to get rid of a tempation, you have to yield to it... ;)

Burn me a copy afterwards!

I have yielded to the temptation. I will let the forum know what I think when and if it arrives.
I am not a professional mechanic so please take that into account when I give you my opinion.

If it is any good, for the price, I would say just buy it. Please don\'t ask me to burn copies.

12-17-2004, 12:30 PM
if you look for the oter items the seller has, he has manuals for Nissans too...

12-17-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Xenon

if you look for the oter items the seller has, he has manuals for Nissans too...

Yes. I checked the seller\'s history. Out of over 100 sales, no customer registered a negative comment against him. and among the items he has sold are a number of different car manuals on CD (350z, SRT-4, Pickup trucks) as well as Nicotine patches and other things. There were several comments praising the quality of the automotive manuals. I will let you know my opinion when I get mine.

12-17-2004, 02:01 PM
I just hope the information in the manuals is accurate. They could be the best laid out manuals out there, but if they aren\'t accurate, they are useless.

12-17-2004, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Xenon

I just hope the information in the manuals is accurate. They could be the best laid out manuals out there, but if they aren\'t accurate, they are useless.

Agreed. I personally have no way to validate their accuracy.
I guess the question that comes to mind is where would inaccurate manuals come from?
The most likely source of these manuals is that they are copies of the Mazda originals.
If that is not true then they may very well be useless or worse than useless since you could damage your vehicle by using them.

12-22-2004, 09:01 PM
Well, here is the scoop on the eBay Mazda3 Service Manual CD that I purchased from eBay.

The Manual I received is definitely the European manual.

In North America, only the LF(2.0L) and L3V (2.3L VVT) engines are available.
I have the L3V in my car (2005 Mazda3 SPORT GT, 5 Door Hatchback).

In the manual that I received:
There is no section on Basic mantenance of the L3V engine (replacing oil, filters, etc. ).
There is no section on the OBD DTC codes for the L3V engine.
There is no troubleshooting section for the L3V engine.
There is no section on the TSBs for the L3V engine.
There is full coverage for the ZJ(1.3L) and Z6(1.6L) engines which are not available in North America
There is good coverage of the LF (2.0L) engine, but I do not know if this engine is
tuned identically in Europe as it is in North America.

Lighting and safety specs are different in Europe.
All references are to the \"bonnet\" instead of the hood, etc.

The only references to the L3V engine are in a separate L8/LF/L3/LV3(L) section.
This is the section on doing a major overhaul of the engine, not basic maintenance or troubleshooting. This is of limited usefulness without the missing sections.

Other parts of the manual probably apply to our vehicles. Suspension, braking, entertainment, etc., but who can tell when there might be some subtle difference.

In short I do not think the manual useful for North American cars.

I notified the vendor (president-choice) of the fact that the manual was European, and
did not cover the 2.3L engine, and he refunded my money within the hour. I found the
vendor pleasant, prompt, honourable and honest. If he were to get the right manual, I
would but from him again in an instant.

12-22-2004, 11:10 PM
thanks for update, Eric!

12-22-2004, 11:43 PM
Great review and info Eric. Does it by chance have a section on the electronics of the car and climate control? :D

12-23-2004, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by Melenium

Great review and info Eric. Does it by chance have a section on the electronics of the car and climate control? :D

It has sections on both the electronics (entertainment system) and Basic AC and Automatic Climate Control. Before you get too excited though, There is no detailed wiring
information that I have found yet, so if you were thinkng of using this info to install the
Ambient Temperature Sensor, I think you are out of luck.

This manual is geared to a service technician that is working on a car built at the factory
for a particular region. So, even though there is information on the Ambient Temperature Sensor, there is no information on adding this capability to a vehicle which does not already have the right electronics or wiring harness.

There is good information on disassembly of the dash for switching audio components or
doing basic maintenance on the AC system, but AC maint. requires many SSTs (special service tools).

12-23-2004, 07:20 AM
Well, it seems that I was somewhat wrong in my previous post. A little digging has found
a couple of wiring diagrams for the ACC system. They appear to be kind of low in detail,
but I am not much of an electronics guru, and certainly not an automotive electronics guru.

Here to the best of my ability Are the two
pages of wiring diagrams. For the Control System ACC and the Maunal AC. I hope these links work, I have never tired this with a bbs before.
If it does not, please let me know how to post pictures.

I am not planning to leave these pictures on my site indefinitely, so if you want them, grab them.



1 Ambient temperature sensor
2 Cabin temperature sensor
3 Evaporator temperature sensor
4 Solar radiation sensor
5 Magnetic clutch
6 Refrigerant pressure switch
7 Air mix actuator
8 Airflow mode actuator
9 Air intake actuator
10 Blower motor
11 Blower relay
12 Power MOS FET
13 Main fuse block
14 Climate control unit
15 A/C relay
16 TNS relay
17 Each switch



1 Blower relay
2 Blower motor
3 Resistor
4 Air intake actuator
5 Evaporator temperature sensor
6 A/C relay
7 Magnetic clutch
8 Refrigerant pressure switch
10 Fan switch
11 Climate control unit
12 TNS relay

12-23-2004, 10:56 AM

I was curious to know if the manual you have includes instructions for the removal of the factory exhaust manifold?

Im attempting to remove the exhaust manifold from a 2.3L Mazda3, but I am sure the instructions for a 2.0L Mazda3 are the same, being that they use the same exhaust components.

If the manual does include directions, can you please email me and let me know?


I have the manifold removed from the engine, but I cannot seem to get it to squeeze out of the engine bay. THe manifold is shaped in a way that it either hits the engine or the firewall as I pull it out. No matter what I move or remove from the engine, thinking Im clearing a path for the manifold, the manifold still hits stuff on its way out.


12-23-2004, 12:53 PM
nikolas, check your email for full-sized pics.

Exhaust Manifold Removal Note (http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/1/web/337000-337999/337094_57_full.jpg)

Exhaust Manifold Installation Note (http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/1/web/337000-337999/337094_58_full.jpg)

Exhaust System Diagram (http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/1/web/337000-337999/337094_59_full.jpg)

That\'s from the Mazda \"Workshop Manual\"

12-23-2004, 01:36 PM
Thanks for the Pics!

I sent you an email back.. requesting more pics from different sections of the manual.


12-23-2004, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by draxas_vp

Thanks for the Pics!

I sent you an email back.. requesting more pics from different sections of the manual.


check check and check ;)

all sections requested were sent, however there was one that had quite a bit of pics. let me know if you got that, if not, i\'ll have to split it up.

12-24-2004, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Melenium

Great review and info Eric. Does it by chance have a section on the electronics of the car and climate control? :D

Eric\'s done some great investigation into this, go to page 10 & 11 of this thread:


Since we have many engineers on this forum, maybe someone who has the expertise and is interested in this can investigate and possibly even test it.

12-24-2004, 02:38 PM
I just wanted to add another few bits of info to my review of the European Mazda3 Manual CD.

It is rather odd, but I can find no references to part numbers on the CD. I noticed in
MajesticBlueN\'s photographs of the paper manual that he has that there are part
numbers all over those pictures. There appear to be none on the CD. Does anyone else
have this CD? Perhaps I am missing something.

The other thing I have not been able to figure out is how to search the manual (short of
using Windows Search to search the directory structure. The manual was advertised as
being searchable.

12-24-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Eric

I just wanted to add another few bits of info to my review of the European Mazda3 Manual CD.

It is rather odd, but I can find no references to part numbers on the CD. I noticed in
MajesticBlueN\'s photographs of the paper manual that he has that there are part
numbers all over those pictures. There appear to be none on the CD. Does anyone else
have this CD? Perhaps I am missing something.

those aren\'t part numbers (i wish), they\'re torque specs for each bolt in the diagram

12-24-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by MajesticBlueN

those aren\'t part numbers (i wish), they\'re torque specs for each bolt in the diagram

Ahh, I see, those are in the CD manual as well. I suppose the part numbers are in a
seperate manual which is not on the CD.

01-13-2005, 03:49 PM
The manual is available for FREE now on the other Mazda3 forum. ;)

Hope I didn\'t break any rules

01-13-2005, 04:28 PM

I couldn\'t find the link to the cd in the other forum, can you send a link, or direct to a place in the thread?

01-13-2005, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by S.F.W.


I couldn\'t find the link to the cd in the other forum, can you send a link, or direct to a place in the thread?

ISO torrent (http://homepage.mac.com/paranoidbadger/files/mazdaiso.ISO.torrent)

01-13-2005, 05:45 PM
thank you, downloading with Azureus :D 70-80kb/s not too bad.